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Unite 7

Exercise 1

2. The taste of our drinking water has been ruined due to additives, such as chlorine.

3. Mysterious new illnesses have been caused by agricultural pesticides.

4. Agriculture corps such as fruits and vegetables are being destroyed because of traffic

5. Extremely dangerous chemicals are being released by factories.

6. People’s health in many large cities has been damaged as a result of smog.

7. Bigger deserts and more droughts have been created because of reduced rainfall.

8. Forest and wildlife are being harmed through global warming.

Exercise 2

Verb                            Noun

contaminate                  contamination

contribute                     contribution

create                           creation

deplete                         depletion

destroy                         destruction

educate                        education

pollute                          pollution

protect                         protection

reduce                          reduction
threaten                        threat

Exercise 3

2. educational

3. destroyed

4. damaging

5. Poverty

Exercise 4

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*

1. True

2. The plastic used in credit cards is made from PVC. While PVC is being produced,
harmful chemicals are released which can cause cancer in humans.

3. It’s made from a biodegradable plastic.

4. True.

5. Only few banks and credit card companies offer PVC-free card

Exercise 5

1. e

2. f

3. d

4. b

5. a

6. c

1. overpopulation

2. overbuilding

3. overuse

4. overburdened

5. overflowing

6. overcrowding

Exercise 6

Possible answers:

1. A: …

B: One thing to do is to complain to

the Parks Department about it.

A: …

B: Another thing to do is to organize a public meeting to

protest the threat to public property.

2. A: …

B: One way to help is to educate young people about

its dangers.

3. A: …

B: The best thing to do is to report it to the local newspaper.

A: …

4. A: …

B: One thing to do is create more government-funded jobs.

5. A: …

B: One way to help is to create more public housing projects.

A: …

B: Another thing to do is to donate money to charities

that provide shelters and food.

Exercise 7

Possible answers:

2. … are being killed…to have more police to arrest the poachers.

3. …have been destroyed…to stop factories that pollute the air.

4. …is being contaminated…to create safe agricultural sprays.

5. …are being ruined…to enforce the law against selling drugs.

Exercise 8
*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*

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