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Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (2020) 13:694–703

Edge computing health model using P2P-based deep neural

Kyungyong Chung 1 & Hyun Yoo 2

Received: 29 October 2018 / Accepted: 5 March 2019 / Published online: 23 April 2019
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

Currently, significant amounts of IoT data are being collected as big data for deep neural network learning algorithms that are
used to extract meaningful information from big data and applied to various areas. However, a neural network’s over-fitting
problem and rising computational costs associated with high levels of time complexity are obstacles to deep learning computa-
tions. Because of these problems, response delays are prevalent in big data learning processes and data extraction processes that
use deep neural networks, which exponentially increase the cost of data extraction. Therefore, the amount of computation must be
controlled so that data processing models can be used practically, and various dedicated devices can be used to process big data,
including methods such as distributed processing methods. In general, a P2P method is a typical distributed processing method.
P2P is based on traffic distribution and cooperation, and edge computing is a method that increases efficiency by locally
processing large volumes of data produced and only transmitting essential information. If P2P method-based edge computing
techniques are used, an effective parallel processing model can be constructed, reducing the computing requirements of a central
server and the load of a network. In this paper, we propose an edge computing health model using P2P-based deep neural
networks. The proposed method is used to process health big data in edge computing. To construct the model, multiple edge
nodes are required, and the edge node modules are deployed at locations where health data are produced and directly connected to
the deep neural network model. At the edge nodes, a modularized deep neural network is constructed, thereby implementing a
parallel big data processing system. In addition, a single server is required for gathering the results of a neural network model, and
because the server only collects evaluation results and provides them to the users, the response time delay is improved. In this
paper, to evaluate an improved response time, a regular server model and an edge computing health model are constructed
separately, and positive numerical values are extracted from the experiments. The extraction results confirm that a combination of
parallel processing models and deep neural network techniques can be used to distribute and process computing operations of big
data size, ensuring an effective system for reducing response time delay.

Keywords Edge computing . Data mining . Blockchain . Deep neural network . Hybrid P2P networking

1 Introduction
This article is part of the Topical Collection: Special Issue on P2P
Computing for Intelligence of Things Because of the current environment of easy Internet access
Guest Editors: Sunmoon Jo, Jieun Lee, Jungsoo Han, and Supratip Ghose and wide spread use of IoT devices, IoT has been adopted in
various industries such as manufacturing, finance, medical,
* Hyun Yoo communication, and transportation [1]. Furthermore, daily
life-related health and life care systems are being adopted,
Kyungyong Chung and communication companies are expanding the relevant systems into 5G networks. In particular, health platforms
and smart homes that use IoT technology are being expanded
Division of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyonggi University,
154-42, Gwanggyosan-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
into personal health management and emergency response
Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do 16227, South Korea systems, including life care systems [2, 3]. Healthcare-based
Department of Computer Information Engineering, Sangji
personalized context awareness is highly useful in areas such
University, 83, Sangjidae-gil, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do 26339, South as adult disease risk management and chronic disease man-
Korea agement. The size of data produced in such healthcare IoT
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2020) 13:694–703 695

devices is increasing exponentially, and data acquired from goal without a central server. Therefore, data ownership is
individual users is also rapidly increasing. This phenomenon distributed and depending on the goal, tasks are performed
is also prevalent in other areas such as healthcare. Moreover, by the clients. Such a structure exhibits advantages such as a
the data produced is increasingly being wasted without being server does not need to be prepared and the network traffic is
processed appropriately. Consequently, various methods have distributed to respective clients. Therefore, the scalability is
been developed to effectively process the huge amount of data high in terms of the network structure and the size of tasks
that will continually increase in the future [4]. This study aims [10]. However, because it is difficult to add or change a
to improve data fitness and response speed while addressing function in a regular P2P network, various future uses and
conventional problems using deep neural network models and scalability must be considered in the design and fabrica-
edge computing based on healthcare-related heartrate sensor tion, which accordingly increases the complexity of the
data. Common big data processing methods include deep neu- structure. Furthermore, in actual use, data inconsistency
ral network models, which are used to process and extract between clients can occur because of real-time data chang-
meanings from a large amount of formal or informal data that es and network transmission time delays, which conse-
exceed the processing capacity of a conventional database. quently results in performance degradation. A typical ex-
However, highly complex machine learning incurs high com- ample is a BitTorrent file transmission system [2, 11]. In a
putation costs, and centralized data processing methods expo- basic P2P system known as pure P2P, because only client
nentially increase the network load. In contrast, an edge com- node systems exist purely and no server exists, a function
puting system locally processes the collected data and then that enables the respective search of client nodes must be
transmits the data [5, 6], thereby decreasing the computation implemented. To supplement this drawback, a hybrid P2P
load of the central cloud server. In such a method, it is not system records information of client nodes in a separate
necessary to transmit a majority of data through the network, index server and uses the information. Therefore, in a hy-
and consequently, it is useful in poor or disconnected network brid P2P system, data is sent and received through P2P and
environments or in situations where time delay is an important an index server is used to search and configure each node.
factor. Such information processing methods can be effective- For improvements in network performance, such a struc-
ly used through the construction of a system whereby simple ture is primarily used in the game structure whereby
controls such as temperature/humidity control and current sta- servers are used to connect the users directly, to create a
tus identification are performed using an edge computing room, and to search and join other users. P2P is classified
node device, and risk estimation or general management is as structured overlay and unstructured overlay according to
controlled at the center. Therefore, edge computing is useful the data transmission path. In the structure overlay method,
in smart factories and healthcare systems. An efficient com- the network connection structure is defined in advance, and
bined structure of deep neural networks and edge computing the network topology is clearly reflected. Therefore, data
facilitates fast and effective analysis of a large amount of big transmission is uninterrupted and traffic is efficient.
data. By using such a structure, highly satisfactory personal- However, because of the physical structure problem, flex-
ized information can be provided to the users, and the service ibility is low. In the unstructured overlay method, a net-
provider can increase the effectiveness of investment. Such a work is composed logically. Therefore, no specific net-
service is useful for analyzing the body and surrounding en- work topology is defined. When making a data request, a
vironments of normal people and chronic patients and estimat- more flexible search is facilitated by including the metada-
ing the health risks [7–9]. This contributes to the effective ta; however, structurally, broadcast, not routing, is used
treatment of diseases and the reduction of medical costs. when searching a node. Therefore, data loss often occurs
This study is organized as follows: Chapter 2 describes the during propagation when data is transmitted between re-
related researches of the blockchain P2P networking system spective nodes. Accordingly, message delivery is not guar-
and the machine learning model, Chapter 3 describes the pro- anteed, and when there are many nodes or in the case of
posed edge computing health model using P2P-based deep remote locations, network efficiency drops. To address
neural network, Chapter 4 describes the performance evalua- these problems, a super node is sometimes placed in the
tion, and Chapter 5 provides a conclusion. middle. A Blockchain system is a system that has the same
configuration as the P2P, which is a type of distributed
system, in which a terminal node processes and records
2 Related research transactions sequentially. Therefore, the system essentially
possesses characteristics that are similar to those of a P2P
2.1 Blockchain P2P networking system network. Bitcoin and Ethereum are categorized as pure
P2P and classified as unstructured overlay. In the case of
In principle, P2P(Peer-to-Peer) is a networking system in Hyperledger, the role of each node is set differently.
which all clients share data with each other to accomplish a Therefore, it can be classified as a hybrid P2P network.
696 Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2020) 13:694–703

For blockchain technology, it is important to ensure that converted to weights. In such a case, orphan blocks are
the modification of stored records is impossible at respec- included in the complexity. On the other hand, the disad-
tive nodes in the P2P structure. Figure 1 presents the pro- vantage of proof of work is overcome in the proof of stake
cess of blockchain P2P networking. However, in a typical by reaching a consensus according to the stake of tokens
blockchain system, it is unavoidable that respective nodes when creating blocks. As for Practical Byzantine Fault
create blocks simultaneously. Tolerance (PBFT), a leader is created among the nodes
However, in a typical blockchain system, it is unavoidable and the leader finalizes the blocks. Because the role of a
that respective nodes create blocks simultaneously. In this leader is important, acknowledgments that are fitting of a
state, the distribution ledger, i.e., the transaction processing leader must be received from the multiple linked nodes. In
values, do not match, and this is referred to as fork. When a addition, studies have been performed for various other
fork occurs, the consensus algorithm allows the distributed methods.
nodes to include records for the same transaction processing.
To this end, the consensus algorithm is constructed in various 2.2 Machine learning model
methods according to the platform type.
In the case of bitcoin, each node has a hierarchical rela- Machine learning is an algorithm that learns a series of
tionship and when a fork occurs, a separate block is newly previous data and analyzes the relationships among the
created based on the occurred location, and when the data to solve a problem. The basic structure of machine
blocks of fork occurrence are linked, a long chain formed learning comprises a stage that uses basic training data to
becomes the main chain. This operation is called Proof of develop a model suitable for application and a process that
Work. Sometimes, forks occur frequently because block applies the model to an actual environment in which train-
creation is particularly fast. In this case, it is difficult to ing of the data is performed and the process is repeated.
reach a consensus and orphan blocks occur, i.e., blocks are Therefore, even if a separate algorithm is not designed
thrown out. To address such a problem, Ethereum uses a according to the relevant circumstance, results can be ex-
heavy chain as a reference. To measure the weight of the tracted intelligently [12, 13]. Currently, there are many
chain, the complexity of the chain of linked blocks is studies on various machine learning methods. Machine
learning algorithms are primarily classified into supervised
learning and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning
constructs a relationship by inputting previous data and
the results of the data and then extracts a result from the
constructed algorithm when new data is inputted.
Unsupervised learning is a type of learning that determines
the relationship between the input data. By using a multi-
variate linear regression algorithm, a simple type of super-
vised learning calculates weights using a linear equation
through a single-layer neural network to estimate the result
[14, 15].
In reality, however, a multi-layer neural network is used
because the relationship between each data can be very com-
plex and does not always converge to a continuous one-
dimensional straight line. A multi-layer neural network con-
sists of input layers that accept input data, hidden layers that
store the related weights, and output layers that demonstrate
the output of resulting values, and the level of hidden layers
becomes deeper in accordance with the complexity of the
problem [16]. Figure 2 presents the structure of a machine
learning model.
In high-complexity machine learning models, the compu-
tation cost increases exponentially as the level of hidden layers
increases. As for big data processing, the rise in computation
cost owing to a rapid increase in data size presents a problem
in terms of practical use. This is resolved by enhancing the
hardware of the computing system to ensure a dedicated de-
Fig. 1 Process of blockchain P2P networking vice using a GPU or by developing software methods such as
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2020) 13:694–703 697

Fig. 2 Structure of machine

learning model

parallel data processing and parallel model processing temperature, and because a considerable amount of data is
[17–19]. Accordingly, the response speed steadily improves, produced, they can be appropriately used as basic data for deep
and positive performance improvements are observed in the neural networks in big data processing. In particular, a heartrate
areas of image processing, voice recognition, natural language sensor-based monitoring function measures heartrates and an-
processing, etc. alyzes the evaluated basic data while distinguishing between
an emergency situation and an exercise or usual stable heartrate
[10]. This study uses a heartrate sensor to obtain basic data for
3 Edge computing health model using qualitative and quantitative analysis to compare the data pro-
P2P-based deep neural network cessing models. The data collected for heartrate analysis in-
clude electric activity of the heart represented in a frequency
3.1 Health big data collection and preprocessing shape. There are various methods of determining normal or
abnormal heartrates by using the characteristics of frequency
5G generation mobile communication transmits data pro- waveforms, and the most common transform method analyzes
duced from IoT terminal devices at Gbps level speeds. At such the waveforms using Fourier transform algorithm. The Fourier
speeds, it is expected that there will be a rapid increase of basic transform is a typical application algorithm widely used in the
data produced from various devices. Home IoT systems can fields of signal processing, voice, video, and communication.
analyze the temperature, humidity, and levels of carbon diox- The Fourier transform is an operation that decomposes a do-
ide in limited environments. Such systems can also analyze main function of time into frequency components and is used
the movement of users [3, 5]. Furthermore, wearable devices to filter noises by controlling frequency bands.
have excellent user accessibility and can check the basic In particular, in this study, heartrate data is collected using a
health status of users such as heartrate, movement distance, Zigbee biosensor. The biosensor includes an ECG module and
and calorie consumption. Generally, in an IoT system, the is connected to a Cortex-M4 MCU. The heartrate frequencies
analysis of data generated by biosensors becomes fundamen- are collected through a Zigbee protocol (2.4 GHz) and trans-
tal, and as the precision of ambient sensors increases, the large mitted using IEEE 101073 [20, 21, 26]. The transmitted data
amount of real-time data produced must be analyzed quickly is stored in a local database. Furthermore, the collected fre-
with high reliability [14, 15]. Consequently, the importance of quency data is preprocessed using Fourier transform. For the
data learning models is growing. A learning model must be preprocessing data, a graph is generated using the appeared
able to evaluate the health status of users in real time by using waveforms. In this graph, noises are removed using a 35 Hz
live data transmitted from a biosensor. low band-pass filter and a 2 Hz high band-pass filter. The final
An ambient sensor primarily produces frequency data of remaining frequency wavelengths of 35 Hz and 2 Hz are clas-
simple periodicity. Typical simple periodic data include data sified into five bands and then stored. Data stored as the ap-
on user movement detection using infrared rays. Typically, peared frequency of the respective five bands is used in a
frequency data comprise body sensing data produced by a separately constructed deep neural network. In a deep neural
wearable device, which include heartrate and body temperature network, five input layers are created and matched with the
data. The typical risk factors are heartrate and body frequency of each section.
698 Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2020) 13:694–703

3.2 P2P-based deep neural network for distributed To apply the edge computing model, small scale data pro-
processing cessing systems separated from the server must be prepared,
and these systems must be located close to the data generating
A neural network system is a useful method of determining locations on the network. Therefore, a data processing struc-
the changing time point of ECG, which changes sensitively ture that considers the computing power of local node edge
according to the situation. The core elements of a deep neural systems is required. A more modularized and condensed sys-
network model include a training and inference process. The tem is constructed rather than using a general model for big
training process begins with data input to the first input layer data processing [20]. A deep neural network estimation model
of the neural network, and a feed forward process is performed is implemented by using a multi-layer perceptron structure,
to calculate the weight between the respective nodes. Using which is a common model. In general, a deep neural network
such a computation task, the hidden layers are passed through, system requires a weight that minimizes the error of the output
and the weights are calculated for up to the output layers [8, value compared to the actual value of the respective neural
21]. Following which, the task of adjusting the weight is per- network neurons, and to determine the accurate weight, a
formed using the back propagation stage according to the method of finding the minimum value of errors in the neurons
accuracy of the result. A deep learning system essentially uses is used. The most basic gradient descent method obtains the
big data in a relatively simple manner compared to other nu- minimum value of the errors using the slope of the function.
merical analytical methods, and it has been used in systems The error function is differentiated and using this, the error is
that classify specific shapes, including in image analysis and back propagated. Because this method recalculates all the data
handwriting recognition systems. On the other hand, the over- and nodes, the computation cost is large. However, because
fitting problem and the processing speed problem, which are gradient descent method is simple to implement, it is advanta-
caused by a rapid increase in computational cost because of geous in the condensed model. The structure of the condensed
the repetition of a feed forward process and a back propaga- and modularized deep neural network consists of the input
tion process, are the fundamental limitations of a neural net- layers, hidden layers, and output layers. The preprocessed data
work model. To address these limitations, distributed process- that is inputted from a biosensor consist of five frequency
ing systems have been developed using high-performance counts, and accordingly, the input layers of the neural network
hardware. A distributed deep learning system that uses a com- are composed of five neurons [14]. The hidden layers consist
mon neural network model utilizes data parallelism or model of two layers that have five hidden nodes, and the output layer
parallelism for distributed processing of big data. Data paral- consists of one output neuron for normality and abnormality
lelism includes a basic structure similar to the P2P network evaluation. To train the neural network, heartrate data of a
and input data is distributed and processed in multiple sys- basic tranquil state is required. The data collected after
tems. In every distributed system, the same neural network relaxing in a usual stable state is used, and the waveforms that
model is constructed, and distributed processing is performed have undergone preprocessing are sampled and learned.
for the collected data. In addition, the processed weights are Figure 4 presents the structure of a neural network system that
transmitted and exchanged with each other. Model parallelism was condensed and modularized for use in edge nodes.
is a method of distributing a neural network model and pro- The constructed deep neural network undergoes a process
cessing the data at multiple systems. The neural network mod- of data classification by transmitting classified data to the
el is distributed and deployed in modules, and the computation distributed nodes and a process of training by computing the
of data is performed at each system where it is deployed. A received data. Moreover, information related to the data that
partially processed module’s weight is mutually exchanged must be determined from the separated neural network nodes
with other distributed computers. can be used as feedback to the server by the finished system
It is useful when a neural network model is large. In general, and then collected and used. In this manner, the constructed
a large-sized deep learning model uses data parallelism or mod- edge computing neural network system can determine the
el parallelism, and sometimes uses both simultaneously. On the result by inferring new input data.
other hand, because of the parallel processing problem related
to distributed data and models, problems associated with data 3.3 Health big data processing model using edge
sharing, network load, and synchronization exist [19, 20]. In computing
this study, the parallel data processing method is implemented
by distributing the neural network model to edge nodes based Owing to the method of classifying various forms of collected
on an edge computing method, which can be used in a situation data, by processing some of the data locally and transmitting
where the network load and synchronization problems are min- the data, the edge computing model includes a function that
imized. Figure 3 presents a comparison of the data parallelism reduces the computational load of the cloud server or the cen-
system, model parallelism system, and edge computing health tral data center. Therefore, there is no need to transmit the data
model using a P2P-based deep neural network. through the network as soon as it is created, and to retain the
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2020) 13:694–703 699

Fig. 3 Comparison of parallel data/model parallelism system, edge computing health model using P2P-based deep neural network

processed data, a system must be constructed that transmits delays and other errors. In addition, this type of data process-
the data to a server in stages. Such a type of system deploy- ing can be used on a health platform that handles large
ment can produce efficient operations in situations involving amounts of data obtained from various ambient sensors [5].
frequent connection problems because of poor network envi- Therefore, edge computing system is useful in general neural
ronments or situations in which the time delay is an important network models in which the computational cost rapidly in-
factor. Above all, the edge computing system demonstrates an creases as the complexity of the model increases. However,
advantage that guarantees the basic operation of node devices neural network using distributed through a P2P model, al-
even in a situation involving network disconnection. Such a though there is an advantage in which the computational cost
form of data processing can be very useful in autonomous decreases in proportion to the distribution size, there is also a
vehicle systems vulnerable to situations such as network problem in which the network cost and time increase [21]. In
an edge computing model, the data generated is processed at
the generating area, and the transmission of data to a server is
minimized. Consequently, an edge computing model exhibits
the advantages of minimized server computation and network
transmission cost [2, 3]. Such a model becomes an efficient
model in terms of processing IoT data.
In this paper, the edge computing health model that uses a
P2P-based deep neural network consists of a central server
and distributed nodes. Each node is connected to an ambient
sensor device. In the software structure, the central server
replaces the cloud server used in real work environments
and supports real-time message communication with edge
nodes. At an edge node, the stream data obtained in real time
from an IoT sensor is preprocessed and the data is extracted
using deep neural network processing [22, 23]. The process-
ing system that has gone through the learning stage stores the
result in its own database in real time immediately after com-
Fig. 4 Structure of neural network system in edge nodes pletion and transmits it in real time. To maximize the
700 Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2020) 13:694–703

advantages of an edge system in the transmission processing transmits the data directly to the server. At the server, the data
operation, data communication between respective lower edge is inputted to the input layer of a deep neural network model in
systems is limited [24]. Therefore, each edge system is con- charge of each client, and the training and evaluation are then
nected to a single server, thereby maintaining minimal net- performed. In this manner, the computation cost of an edge
work, and transmits the final results. The structure of a single computing health model that uses a P2P-based deep neural
server model is presented in Fig. 5 for a performance compar- network is distributed, and the network cost is limited. In
ison of a distributed neural network model that applies edge contrast to the common parallel data processing methods, be-
computing. cause mutual network connections are not required, the edge
The single module of a constructed edge computing system computing nodes operate more efficiently than a single server
composes of a sensor data collection system, a preprocessing model.
system, DBMS(Database Management System), and a deep
neural network. These single module is installed on every
node in the same structure. The server includes a DBMS for 4 Performance evaluation
log data collection and a web view that displays the status. The
flow of data in the edge computing system begins with For performance evaluation of an edge computing health
heartrate data generated at an IoT node and the preprocessing model using a P2P-based deep neural network in the health
of collected data at respective nodes. The preprocessed data is platform [8, 20, 21], the edge computing type system is de-
sent to the input layer of a modularized neural network system ployed. The hardware of each edge node device consists of an
model within the same system. After going through the hidden Intel(R) i5–6600 3.30 GHz CPU with 8 GB memory. The
layers and the output layer, the processed result is transmitted software includes Java(TM) SE (build 1.8.0_111-b14) for op-
to the server using a standardized XML-based transmission eration, Apache Tomcat 9.0 for XML communication, and
protocol. The server stores the evaluation log composed in MySQL 5.7 for DBMS. The node systems consist of a total
XML. For performance comparison, a single neural network of four units and another unit for final data management. A
model transmits the collected big data to a single server, and to comparison of the single server model and the evaluation are
this end, single neural network model is constructed with mul- performed using the same system configuration. For the net-
tiple heartrate data, a collection of clients, and a single neural work, ipTIME N1e model and Realtek RTL8196C are used.
network processing server. In particular, a client system con- The maximum speed is 100 Mbps. The performance of the
sists of an ambient sensor data collection system and a pre- deep neural networks at each edge node system varies depend-
processing system, and the server consists of DBMS and mul- ing on the configuration of the learning rate and the frequency
tiple deep neural network systems. After preprocessing the of learning. Therefore, using a single module, the evaluation is
data generated from a sensor by using the Fourier transform performed for the learning rate and the learning frequency
algorithm, a client converts the data to XML data and required in the final system construction. To perform the

Fig. 5 Distributed neural network model using edge computing

Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2020) 13:694–703 701

evaluation, data collected from wearable sensors [22, 25, 26] Table 1 Results of performance evaluation
in actual environments was required, and the data was collect- System Response time Performance
ed while maintaining a peaceful condition for approximately delay improvement
1 h. Figure 6 illustrates the performance evaluation results
according to the learning rates. Server client model 1.17 s 19.4%
Edge computing health model 0.98 s
Through the evaluation process, it is found that the learning
is effective for more than 1000 times at a learning rate of
0.001. Therefore, each parallel processing system is config-
ured to collect the same heartrate data, and data learning is exponential increase in computing power in a conventional
configured to terminate identically after learning for 1000 server model.
times. The composed systems simultaneously commence
learning, and after the learning is complete, feedback for the
final status is provided. In addition, a separate standard system 5 Conclusions
is needed to make comparisons with usual health big data
processing models. The standard system consists of an iden- The distributed deep learning processing technique that pro-
tical type of hardware and software and a server-client model cesses big data in a single server model does not guarantee
is constructed. Using the same method of edge computing, performance that is proportional to computing power because
heartrate data is collected and stored on five separate clients, the cost of combining the distributed deep learning frame-
but there is a difference in which the stored data is sent to the works. The communication overhead of sharing the distribut-
server without a separate process. In a single big data process- ed data is also unavoidable in the distributed deep learning
ing server, the received sensor data is collected and processed. system, which is classified as parallel data processing and
In this manner, performance evaluation comparison is facili- parallel model processing methods. Fortunately, many IoT
tated between the edge computing health model that uses a services can be configured to process most data in environ-
P2P-based deep neural network and a single server model. ments close to the locations where data is produced and can
The results of performance evaluation are presented in facilitate an edge computing structure that has no problem in
Table 1. accomplishing the objective of the user. When data is pro-
Based on the experimental results, it was confirmed that the duced, the edge computing does not need to send the data
response speed improved by approximately 19.4% in the edge immediately. Only the result of data processing is sent to the
computing health model, which used a P2P-based deep neural server. In this study, the basic concepts of a P2P network and
network for performance improvements in a deep neural net- an edge computing model were used to improve the response
work, compared to the common server model. This result was speed of a deep learning framework. In the distributed edge
obtained because the response could be made immediately at nodes, a deep neural network was distributed and installed,
each edge computing node. The response speed did not de- and the installed neural network model was modularized so
crease in proportion to the number of nodes because of the that it can be easily transplanted while possessing the basic
effect of network delay that occurred because of XML data composition of a deep neural network model. Using the eval-
communication. Using this base data, it was verified that an uation model, the qualitative and quantitative analyses were
efficient response speed can be facilitated without an performed for the data processing characteristics of the model,

Fig. 6 Evaluation results according to learning rates

702 Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2020) 13:694–703

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high risk chronic disease based on PHR platform. Clust Comput jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2020) 13:694–703 703

Kyungyong Chung has received Hyun Yoo has received B.S. and
B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in M.S. degrees from the School of
2000, 2002, and 2005, respectively, Computer Information Engineering,
all from the Department of Computer Sangji University, South Korea in
Information Engineering, Inha 1999 and 2011, respectively. He is
University, South Korea. He has currently in the doctorate course of
worked for Software Technology the School of Computer Information
Leading Department, South Korea Engineering, Sangji University,
IT Industry Promotion Agency South Korea. He was worked
(KIPA). From 2006 to 2016, he for Fujitsu and XCE (SK). He has
was a professor in the School of been a researcher at Data Mining
Computer Information Engineering, Lab., Kyonggi University. His
Sangji University, South Korea. research interests include Data
Since 2017, he is currently a profes- Mining, Deep Learning, Artificial
sor in the Division of Computer Intelligent, Healthcare, Medical
Science and Engineering, Kyonggi University, South Korea. His research Decision System, Recommendation, and HCI.
interests include Data Mining, Artificial Intelligent, Healthcare,
Knowledge System, HCI, and Recommendation.

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