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Kindergarten 3
4th Periodical Test
S.Y. 2020-2021

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Score:-------------

I. Connect the community helper to the tools he or she uses.

II. Where are the pets? Choose your answer from the box and write it in the blank.

in on under
behind in front of

1. The cat is sitting _______________ the table.

2. The goldfish is _____________ the fish tank.

3. The mouse is hiding _______________ the kettle.

4. The dolphin is ________________ the treasure chest

5. The boy is reading the book ____________ the tree.

III. Write the letter of the place in the community described by each sentence.

1. We go to this place when we are sick. ______________

2. Mother goes to this place to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. _______
3. I want to learn how to read and count numbers. _________
4. Letters are mailed in this place. __________
5. We go to this place to hear the word of God. __________



IV. Look at the calendar carefully. Answer the questions below and write your answer in the blank.
1. What month is shown in the calendar?


2. How many days are in January?


3. What day of the week is January 17?


4. What day of the week is January 28?


5. Color the numbers on the calendar.

Color weekends green and weekdays yellow.

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