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Title of Paper:

A Unified BIM Adoption taxonomy: Conceptual development , empirical validation and application.

Authors :
Ahmed Louay Ahmed, Muhammad Kassem.

The aim in this paper is (1) to develop and validate a unified BIM Adoption Taxonomy; and (2)To
identify taxonomy’s constructs.

Investigations are done on the research questions (RQ1: What are the drivers and factors affecting BIM
adoption by organzations within the construction industry?, RQ2: What are the theories ,frameworks ,
and models adopted by scholars for examining BIM/innovation adoption and diffusion in construction?)
and are decomposed and various search items are derived using Boolean operators and then screening
of these search items is done to further refine the criteria. 34 out of 3110 papers are selected and
checked for different factors based on different theories adopted by scholars like Innovation diffusion
theory(IDT), Technology acceptance model (TAM), Institutional Theory(INT).

In results of the above ,the adoption taxonomy emerged , which has three levels covering drivers(BIM
characteristics, External environment characteristics and internal environment characteristics), factors
and determinants of BIM adoption. The testing of the validity and reliability of the taxonomy was
performed using confirmatory factor analysis.509 organizations are invited out of which 177 valid
responses are received of the questionnaire covering all constructs. All of the constructs are found
validated and reliable.

A successful application of the UBAT and the conceptual model was performed in the UK by
retrospectively analyzing the first three stages (Awareness, intention and decision) of the BIM adoption
process in architectural practices operating in the UK. The application helped identify the factors that
influence each of the three stages of the BIM adoption process.

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