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The pandemic has had a tremendous effect on various sectors, one of the less paid attention but very
crucial sectors are mental resilience. We all know that the economy and health has plummeted so far
that it has taken a huge slap on everyone's mental health. Let's just say the economy can heal, and
health can improve, but the mental is certainly different, who can guarantee that trauma can be healed
only by improving the economy and health.

We have to know that healthy is a state of health both physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially
which enables everyone to live productively socially and economically. from this definition, it shows that
a pandemic is the worst way to make people unhealthy because it attacks 4 aspects of health itself.

Beginning on 11 March 2020, Israel began enforcing social distancing and other rules to limit the spread
of infection. Starting 12 March 2020, the Israeli government announced that all schools and universities
in Israel are closed until Easter and students are taking online distance learning. Prime Minister
Netanyahu declared a state of national emergency on 19 March 2020 as a result of the coronavirus
pandemic occurring in Israel, saying that existing restrictions would henceforth be legally enforceable,
and violators would be fined. Israelis were not allowed to leave their homes unless necessary.

Although the policy goal is for the good, it cannot be denied that this policy has a major impact on the
mental resilience of the community, as a result of which anxiety has mounted in Israel.

But We all know, the big problem that affects mental resilience in Israel is not just the pandemic, there
are so many others. In this case, Israel mental health policy and services reflect the country and the
people they serve. Understanding the current problems and continuing issues of the country's mental
health services cannot be done without taking into account the political and social conditions of the
country as well as the historical and cultural background of its people.

But of course, this is not enough, the world has changed a lot since the last pandemic the world faced
(H1N1 Pandemic), society and the world's political situation has changed a lot. Even without a pandemic,
today's modern world has brought us to a crisis of mental resilience. Coupled with the pandemic,
discussion of mental resilience certainly requires innovative solutions that are even more extraordinary.

This gloomy period is a time when a public policy will go awry, even worse, become a conspiracy
everywhere. from here even innovation and research will be hampered by a lack of public trust. So what
we have to do now? the roles of government, media, health workers, researchers and educators are
very important, education and literacy need to be promoted. Mainstream media needs to reduce the
intensity of news which can have the impact of raising anxiety or other mental problems, the
government also needs to build communication and trust. This proves that this pandemic requires

This pandemic will end in a few years or even sooner than we thought if we were to act dynamically. but
the effect that is given will last extraordinarily long, but here is the hope that we want to convey, if we
can endure a difficult situation, then the mental endurance that is built up due to a lot of pressure, will
be extraordinary mental resilience in facing the future. like a sword the more it is spiced and beaten, the
sharper it gets

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