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Hi, today with me is Wally Keijzer,

a social entrepreneur who started her own business with a healthcare platform.

Hi Wally, can you tell me what does your healthcare platform do?

Hello Mark, thank you for the invitation!

The healthcare platform is meant for elderly people,

not only elderly people that are tech savvy,

but that could be helpful as well,

but to support people age in place.

When people age

they want to maintain a sort of quality of life,

and how they can use that or

how they can do that is to search

for certain products and services that

they need to stay at home.

In the Netherlands we have to stay at home.

There's a lot of institutions that are going to be closed,

and the local municipalities search for solutions to support those people to age in place.

So your platform helps people to stay at home as long as possible,

and to find relevant products, services, local activities, but also contacts,

through social involvement.

How did you get this idea of this local platform for healthcare?

From the original idea,

which was just the first platform suggestion,

we have had a lot of interviews but also

focus groups and research like surveys

to get them involved and to make sure

that the client, the citizens, are back in the driver's seat again.

They want to stay involved.

Did you use any business model tools to come up with the idea?

Yes, we had the possibility to start

a living lab within the research,

and we did a lot of workshops.

One of the workshops was a business model workshop, and we discovered a whole different
kind of tool.

For instance, we started with

personas, we used as well the

freemium models but also licensed models (with fee) for the municipalities,

And we searched in the whole area if there were

good opportunities that we could work with the platform.

And I understood you also used the STOF model within those business model workshops?

Why did you choose this model?

Because it not only focuses on the service itself,

the service from 'Zo Dichtbij',

but also on the ecosystem,

so you have to take a look into the surroundings:

What about the rest of the stakeholders that are involved?

Yeah, so what kind of stakeholders are involved in your platform?

Who do you need to make this happen?

At this moment, we not only have SMI's (multinationals), but also the local government on

And our foundation 'Zo Dichtbij', that's a non-profit foundation,

because we focus on social innovation.

What would you say is the biggest challenge to bring this to the market?

To make this into reality?

First we need a lot of money into the foundation to make it work,

because that's the first step, but if we can find

enough because it's a social innovation that is something that matters,

then we would come up with the

social impact bond, to make sure that the municipality is involved at the same time,

and then they can facilitate

people to support a people aging place.

Right, and the social impact bond, how does that work exactly?
You have the costs, to reduce those costs from the government,

they can check if it is possible to save costs, so that the investor of the platform can get his
return on his investment as well.

Okay, thank you for a very interesting and insightful case,

and good luck working on the case assignment!

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