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1) The nurse is teaching a client who has iron deficiency

anemia about foods she should include in her diet. The

nurse determines that the client understands the dietary
modifications if she selects which of the following from her
menu ?
a) Nuts and milk
b) Coffee and tea
c) Cooked rolled oats and fish
d) Oranges and dark green leafy vegetables
2) A nurse is planning to teach a client with malabsorption
syndrome about the necessity of following a low fat diet.
The nurse develops a list of high fat foods to avoid and
includes which food item on the list ?
a) Oranges
b) Broccoli
c) Cream cheese
d) Broiled haddock
3) The nurse instruct the client with renal failure who is
receiving hemodialysis about dietary modifications. The
nurse determines that the client understands these dietary
modifications if the client selects which item from the
dietary menu ?
a) Cream of wheat, blueberries, coffee
b) Sausage and eggs, banana, orange juice
c) Bacon, cantaloupe melon, tomato juice
d) Cured pork, grits, strawberries, orange juice
4) The nurse is conducting a dietary assessment on a client
who is on a vegan diet. The nurse provides dietary
teaching focusing on foods high in which vitamin that may
be lacking in a vegan diet ?
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B 12
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin E
5) A client with hypertension has been told to maintain a
diet low in sodium. A nurse who is teaching this client
about foods that are allowed includes which food item in a
list provided to the client ?
a) Tomato soup
b) Boiled shrimp
c) Instant oatmeal
d) Summer squash
6) A nurse is caring for a client with cirrhosis of the liver.
To minimize the effects of the disorder, the nurse teaches
the client about foods that are high in thiamine. The nurse
determines that the client has the best understanding of
the dietary measures to follow if the client states an
intention to increase the intake of ?
a) Pork
b) Milk
c) Chicken
d) Broccoli
7) The nurse is instructing a client with hypertension on
the importance of choosing foods low in sodium. The nurse
should teach the client to limit which of the following foods
a) Apples
b) Bananas
c) Smoked sausage
d) Steamed vegetables
8) A client who is recovering from a clear liquid diet to a
full liquid diet. The client is looking forward to the diet
change because he has been “bored” with the clear liquid
diet. The nurse would offer which full liquid item to the
client ?
a) Tea
b) Gelatin
c) Custard
d) Popsicle
9) The client is recovering from abdominal surgery and has a
large abdominal wound. A nurse encourages the client to eat
which food item that is naturally high in vitamin C to promote
wound healing ?
a) Milk
b) Oranges
c) Bananas
d) Chicken
10) A post operative client has been placed on a clear
liquid diet. The nurse provides the client with which item
that are allowed to be consumed on this diet. Select all that
a) Broth
b) Coffee
c) Gelatin
d) Pudding
e) Vegetable juice
f) Pureed vegetables

1) A client with COPD is admitted to the medical surgical

unit. To help this client maintain a patent airway and
achieve maximal gas exchange the nurse should
a)instruct the client to drink 2L of fluid daily
b)Maintain the client on bed rest
c)Administer anxiolytics as prescribed ,to control
d)Administer pain medication as prescribed
2) A client with end stage pulmonary hypertension tells
the physician he doesn’t want to be placed on a
ventilator .The physician enters to don’t resuscitate orders
into the hospital’s computer system.Which ethical
principle is the nurse upholding by supporting the clients
decision ?
a) Nonmaleficience
d) autonomy
3) A client has a sucking stab wound to the chest. Which
action should the nurse take first ?
a)Draw a blood for a haematocrit and hb level
b) apply a dressing over the wound and tape it on
three sides
c) prepare a chest tube insertion tray
d) prepare to start an IV line
4) A client is prescribed Rifampin (Rifadin) 600 mg p.o.
daily.Which statement about rifampin is true?
a) Its usually given alone
b) its exact mechanism of action is unknown
c) Its tuberculocidal, destroying the offending
d) it acts primarly against resting bacteria
5) Which performance improvement strategy helps
prevent adverse reaction to blood products?
a) confirming client identification with two
qualified health professionals
b) obtain baseline vital signs
c) instructing the client about the signs and
symptoms of a blood reaction
d) priming the blood administration tubing with
normal saline solution
6) A client is diagnosed with a chronic respiratory
disorders.After assessing the client’s knowledge of the
disorder,the nurse prepares a teaching plan. This teaching
plan is most likely to include which nursing diagnosis ?
a) anxiety
b) imbalanced nutrition: more than body
c) impaired swallowing
d) unilateral neglect
7) A young adult was told that he had a significant
reaction to the Mantoux test .The nurse explains that this
means he:-
a) has active tuberculosis
b) had active tuberculosis
c) has been exposed to tuberculosis
d) is immunocompromised
8) A client who underwent surgery 12 hours ago has
difficult breathing .He has petechieae over his chest and
complains of acute chest pain.What action should the
nurse take first ?
a) initiate oxygen therapy
b) administer a heparin bolus and begin an infusion
at 500 U / hour
c) administer analgesics as ordered
d) perform nasopharyngeal suctioning
9) A nurse is caring for a client who has a tracheostomy
and temp.103 0 F .which intervention will most likely
lower the client’s arterial blood oxygen saturation ?
a) endotracheal suctioning
b) encouragement of coughing
c) use of cooling blanket
d) incentive spirometry
10) The client determines that a mechanically ventilated
client requires restraints . Which restraint device is most
appropriate for this client ?
a) belt
b) elbow
c) limb
d) vest

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