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Measurement of Variables

Total five variables have been considered in the current study. Out of these five, three are

independent, one mediating and one dependent variable. The independent variables such as

Value people, Develop people and Provides leadership are all dimensions of servant leadership,

while student self-efficacy has been taken as mediating variable; whereas teaching effectiveness

has been considered as dependent variable. Pure quantitative technique has been adopted to

collect data from students by using survey method. The instrument for overall servant leadership

and its dimension was adapted from the study of (Metzcar, 2008). Metzcar, developed Teacher

Leadership Assessment to measure the servant leadership behavior among teachers.

Teacher Leadership Assessment

The present study uses Teacher Leadership Assessment (TLA) formed by (Metzcar, 2008), to

assess independent variable servant leadership and its dimensions.

The TLA instrument consists of 35 items divided in three dimensions of SL, inquire participants

to respond to five-point Likert scale, the options are as: 1. Never, 2.Rarely, 3.Sometimes.4 Often

and 5.Almost always.

TLA was adapted from the work of (Laub, 1999), who used OLA (organizational leadership

assessment) to measure the organizational leadership and later the OLA was modified into TLA

to assess the teacher leadership inside classroom.OLA is considered to be the pioneer survey of

servant leadership and has got attention of many researchers in various sectors (Barbuto &

Wheeler, 2006; Van Dierendonck & Nuijten, 2011). As a result of synthesize literature review,

Parris & Peachy (2013)

noticed that OLA is considered to be the most popular and most cited servant leadership

instrument. (Metzcar, 2008) modified the original OLA to TLA to measure the leadership of

teacher inside classroom. He reported a high reliability value of overall servant leadership scale

as 0.96. A written permission through email was granted by Metzcar to use TLA in current

study. TLA questionnaire was circulated amongst student of various state universities of KPK.

So the TLA was used to collect data regarding teacher servant leadership style inside classroom.

Three dimensions such as (value people, develop people and provides leadership) of SL

consists of total 35 items. Value people dimension consists of 14 items, Develop people

dimension consists of 10 items and Provides leadership dimension consists of 11 items. Below

tables, from table 3.4to table 3.8 provides sample items description of all variables used in the

topic under-investigation. Student self-efficacy

Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MLSQ)

In order to measure the student self-efficacy, the present study adopted Motivated Strategies for

Learning Questionnaire (MLSQ) developed by Pintrich et al., (1991).

As the survey of MSLQ is placed on public site so the researcher ignored the right of permission

from original author to use it. Basically the MSLQ was developed with an intention to assess the

level of level of motivation and strategies for learning of students (Artino, 2005). The MSLQ

survey has been grouped into six components, which includes examination nervousness, task

values, awareness for external and internal objectives, self-belief for learning, efficacy for


The participants (students) were requested to respond to a 7 point likert scale which was

categorized from 1 (not at all true of me) to 7 (very true of me). The survey consists of total eight

items. Below table 3.5 shows the sample items of student self-efficacy scale.
Teaching effectiveness

Teaching effectiveness was measured through teaching evaluation survey designed by

(Onwuegbuzie, Witcher, Collins, Filer, Wiedmaier, & Moore, 2007). The survey asked

participants to score their opinion based on five-point Likert scale with 1 standing for “strongly

disagree” and 5 for “strongly agree”. The questionnaire consists of 18 items. Below table 3.6

shows a brief sample description of teaching effectiveness scale.

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