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The three major tasks in crafting a communication strategy are establishing a clear
communication goals that is setting the goals of the communication strategy,
definition of compelling messages that helps to go towards the goals that the
communication strategy will serve and outlining a cost-effective cost media mix that
engages the targeted audience in the best ways possible through this ensuring the
communication strategy is cost effective to the user.


The important legal aspects of marketing communication are being able to support
the claims that are made in the marketing through efficient claims. The ensuring that
the advertising claims are well credible as well. Then recognizing the marketing and
the sales messages through the set contractual obligations. Then the avoidance of
the use of the person`s image this is not good at all.


The types of the advertising are the display advertising, the native advertising, video
advertising and the mobile advertising as well. The advertising appeal are the
strategies that are used for the grabbing of attention of people thus helping to
persuade them in the buying as well as the purchase of the products. This approach
is for marketing and advertising as well.

The institutional advertising that is the marketing and the promotion of a company, a
firm or corporate institution rather than the product of the service that is produced.
The advocacy advertising is the use of marketing to help support the message of
cause that the company has decided to follow and take as well.

The types of advertising appeal are the personal appeal, social appeal, humor
appeal, fear and emotional appear as well. The advertising media are the radio
advertising, the television advertising as well as the print advertising as well.


Direct marketing is a type of marketing where there is direct communication to the

consumer rather than the use of a third party.
In contrast, advertising involves sending message to a mass population or
broadcasting it. The effective direct marketing helps in building long lasting
relationships with the customers. The heart of the direct marketing is mostly focused
on the customer database that contains or the customers details, contacts, histories,
purchase records and profiles as well. The data from this can range from the basic
demographics information to records of all customer details like the purchasing
records and even the behavioral data.

The forms of the direct marketing are the mail and direct mail that is the printed
materials that are addressed to the household, and the individuals as well. This
ranges from the simple letters and glossy catalogs and even the product samples as
well. The email that is the ability of been able to send the messages to different
customers and helping create direct marketing. The use of the search engine
marketing that is the search advertising that is done on the basic of the customers as
they search on the different search engine platforms. The direct response online,
that is the interactive and adaptable nature of the websites and the mobile apps that
helps the customers in going far beyond static media. The telephone that is through
the direct calls to the customers helping the business to easily communicate in the
best manner possible as well.


Personal selling
This is a process in direct selling where a seller tries to convince a customer into
buying a product. The seller uses his or her communication skills to persuade the
customer to buy the product by highlighting the various features of the product. This
is to show the customer that it could be of value. It also is an opportunity to
advertise new products to the customer. The highly trained sales professionals can
build relationships with and solving issues in ways that the impersonal media cannot
be able to match as well.


The trade promotions are mostly aimed at inducing the retailers and wholesalers
into selling the company products. The most common types of the trade promotions
are the trade allowances. The trade allowances are the discounts that are given to
the product prices that are sold to the retailers and wholesalers as well. The
intermediary can either pocket the savings to helping in increasing their profits
The other example of the trade promotions are the dealer contests, the bonus
programs and the product samples.

The social media has changed over time, and this is mostly attributed to the high fact
that social media has become an important aspect of advertising to people. This is
because companies can market their own products in the best manner possible. The
other important aspect about social media is that companies can connect to very
different people and market their products very easily. Everyone is using social
media in a platform this has enhanced the importance of social media to all


The role of public relations is the crisis management that is also dealing with any
cases of the emergency that might occur. The relationship management that is the
established of the strategies for building and maintaining relationships with the
important segment of the organization.
The image management that is working to present the company as a socially
responsible way.

The resources management those are the budget and the resources of the company
and the figures to make it well as well.


Gopro is the bestselling camera in the whole world. The company sales continue to
double and increase this is mostly because of its strong marketing strategy that the
company has developed the company has highly developed aggressive marketing
and the huge string use of the social media and well as their constant and high
advancements in the use of the consumer technology has been really helpful to the
company. The company has been well passionate about their branding and
marketing strategy this helping the company to become a success.

The Gopro company has a Global video company and having high customer
interaction levels. Through social media the customers can take their video using the
company cameras and posting the videos to the company social media pages. Then
the customers also share the videos to other people and their friends as well.
Through this they are then able to market their cameras to the whole market.

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