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Attachment theory:
Rambo was a commando and didn’t had any family. All he had
were his friends who died in the war. He was very closed to his friends and could go to
any extinct to protect them.

Episodic Memory:
Rambo fought in the Vietnam war and was taken as a prisoner of
war in Vietnam. Over there he was abused and tortured very brutally by the soldiers and
that memory was traumatized in his mind. He couldn’t focus on his work and life after
that because he got PTSD.

Implicit Memory:
Rambo was an exceptionally able commando. He prepared hard
and rehearsed to get familiar with his abilities. His battling strategies and quick
reasoning can help him bring down any military all alone.

Attachment Theory:
Scientist Ethan Powell who 4 years back vanished in the
jungles of Rwanda studying mountain gorillas. He was later founded to be living with the
Gorillas and got so attached to them that he was accepted as one of their own. And was
even killed the hunting peoples who came to jungles to protect them.

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