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Management Information System

Homework # 2
Muhammad Kaab Zulfiquar BBA201095



1) Reduce costs and cycle times:

Business Method Through the elimination of inefficient processes and the

personnel who handle them, reengineering lowers costs and cycle times. Teams can
reorganize in a way that reduces the need for management layers, speeds up communication
flows, and gets rid of the mistakes and redundancy that come from switching tasks

2) Improve quality:

By decreasing task fragmentation and establishing distinct process

ownership, business process reengineering enhances quality. Employees take ownership of
their work and are able to gauge their performance based on rapid feedback.
CRM enables organizations to establish a relationship with their clients, which fosters loyalty
and client retention. CRM is a management method that boosts a company's profits since
customer loyalty and revenue are two factors that influence a company's revenue. CRM is not
just a technology; it is also a strategy, a business objective, and a process that an organization
must adopt across the board. It enables an organization to:

1. Identify types of customers

2. Treat each customer as an individual
3. Design individual customer marketing campaigns
4. Understand customer buying behaviors
The prospect of new competitors, supplier and consumer negotiating power, the threat of
replacements, and market competition make up the Porter's Five Forces. These are important
factors that influence the business environment in which an organization operates. By
implementing an efficient supply chain, the firm would benefit in the following ways:

1) Minimize the costs of operations and therefore lower the prices that are supplied to
customers. Efficiency will assist the business in keeping product costs under control in a market
where the customers are influential. In the end, both consumer value generation and supply chain
sustainability are improved.

2) Enhances competitiveness of the organization eliminates competition amongst

rivals. To eliminate rivals in the market, the supply chain must be competitive. The organisation
will become more competitive in the market as a result of increased efficiency. This approach
enables the organisation to be more competitive in the market against its rivals.

3) Efficient and effective SCM systems will lessen the potential of substitutes by
improving the flow of materials to customers. The threat of substitutes in the market will be
reduced when the company is able to produce the right products that are meeting the wants of the
customers. It also expedites the market's delivery of items. This implies that the supplier base
and power will be under control. For instance, the business can use its suppliers as a competitive
advantage in the market and have them compete against each other for incentives. Secondly, the
company might work with its suppliers and manage the cost factors.

4) Moreover, the efficient and effective supply chain will lead to achieving client
needs, diminishing customer's power. For instance, if the SCM is generating customer value, it
follows that customers will be happy with the goods, regulating their power.

5) The entry of the new entrants into the market can be limited by efficient and effective
supply chains. Production lines that are efficient and successful might restrict entry into the
market. For instance, the effectiveness of SCM contributes to the firm's competitiveness. Since
the company is a contender in the market, the impact of new entrants will be reduced over time.
1) SCM:
Products and services are provided by all businesses. SCM, or supply chain
management, is a software system that offers control of materials and products, and their related
data, as they move through the supply chain from supplier to customer for those who handle
physical inventories. Businesses are better able to coordinate processes, increase efficiencies, and
guarantee that customers receive the products they need by obtaining access to important data in
this process workflow.

2) CRM:
In some aspects, CRM software, also known as customer relationship
management software, can be seen as the "direct opposite" of SCM. It controls the customer
relationship cycle and offers crucial insights regarding how a company interacts with everyone
from follow-up leads to dedicated, regular clients. It is the ultimate sales and marketing tool and
turns many of the "soft touch" moments that occur in sales and marketing into usable data.

3) ERP:
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is intended to act as a comprehensive
business management solution. It is a collection of connected applications. Decision-makers at a
firm now have access to actionable data on a variety of tasks, such as product development,
sales, and customer service.
Due to its modular architecture, it can be anything or adopt a more minimalistic style.
Businesses can design an ERP specifically for their needs. A company's collaboration and
understanding across silos can be improved in addition to the benefits of large data that ERP
offers. End users now have access to shared places and information from previously separate

1. Chief Information Officer (CIO) makes sure that all IT applications are strategically in line

with the goals and objectives of the company by monitoring them all. Manager: responsible

for completing all IT projects on schedule and within budget ensuring that the strategic vision

of the organisation and the strategic vision of IT are compatible As a communicator,

establish and maintain great executive relationships.

2. Chief Knowledge Officer (CTO) carries out the organization's knowledge collection,

preservation, and dissemination functions.

3. Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) is in charge of making sure that data is used legally.

4. Chief Security Officer (CSO) is in charge of assuring the safety of IT systems.

5. Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is responsible for ensuring the IT's dependability,

accuracy, throughput, speed, and reliability.

1. Visitor metrics monitors the real website visitors, including recorded unique visitors,
identifiable visitors, session visitors, and unidentifiable visitors.

2. Exposure metrics monitors both site and page exposures to determine how many times a
specific web page has been viewed in a given amount of time by visitors.

3. Visit metrics monitors each visit to a website, taking note of its stickiness, raw visit depth,
and depth.

4. Hit metrics monitors how a visitor arrives to a website.

Metrics are measurements that assess outcomes in order to ascertain whether a project is
succeeding in its objectives. Critical success factors and key performance indicators are two
fundamental measurements.
CSFs are the essential actions businesses take to accomplish their goals and objectives
and put their strategies into action. These actions include developing high-quality products,
holding on to competitive advantages, and lowering product costs.
KPIs are the quantitative measurements a business employs to assess advancement
toward important success indicators.
KPIs are much more detailed than CSFs; examples include employee turnover rates, the
proportion of help desk calls handled within the first minute, and the quantity of returned goods.
Understanding the connection between major success elements and key performance indicators
is crucial. The success of a corporate plan depends on CSFs. KPIs use quantifiable measurements
to track the development of CSFs, and one CSF may have multiple KPIs. Naturally, both
categories will vary by business and sector. Imagine a CSF for a college that increased
graduation rates.

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