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Name: Group: TPR 3ESO

Unit x4.- Electronic circuits

1.- Introduction.

Electronics is the branch of physics that studies the flow of electrons in semi-conducting materials.
The behaviour of semi-conducting materials is halfway between conducting and insulating materials.
Under normal conditions, these materials do not conduct electricity (they are insulators). However, when
certain factors are changed (electric fields, magnetic fields, pressure, etc…) they become conductors. The
most common semi-conducting materials are silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge).

Electronic circuits are mainly used to control and distribute information.

They have been very important in the evolution of computing.

2.-Analogue electronics and digital electronics.

We can divide electronics into two main branches: analogue and digital.

Analogue electronics studies systems

where the variables (voltage, current) can
take on any values over time.
Examples: audio systems, vehicle odometers.

Digital electronics studies systems where the information is encoded in

two values (zero-one,
on-off, high-low) and a voltage range is assigned to each. Although every
system has its own logic levels, these are usually between 0 and 18 volts,
depending on the type of components used.

Digital electronics are based on binary numbers.

Examples: computers and telephone numbers.

3.-Electronic components

Component Nombre Picture Symbol

Resistor Resistencia


Potentiometer Potenciómetro

LDR (Light dependent


LED (Light emitting

Diodo LED

Resistors: limit the flow of electric current through a circuit. We can find out the value of a resistor from the
coloured rings on it. A resistor usually has four coloured bands.
Name: Group: TPR 3ESO

Buzzer: is a component that emits a buzzing sound when an electric current is applied to it. Buzzers have
polarity, so we must connect the red wire to the positive terminal of our circuit and the black wire to the

Potentiometer: It is a variable resistor; it is used to adjust the amount of resistance in a circuit. We can
change the value of the potentiometer from 0 to its maximum value by moving the switch up or down.

Maximum value of potentiometer Minimum value of potentiometer

LDR (Light dependent resistor): it is a variable resistor whose value depends on the amount of light that
falls on the component. The more light there is, the less resistance we have. Light ↑, R↓

More light, less resistance Less light, more resistance

LED(Light emitting diode): is a diode that can emit light.

A diode is an electronic component with two electrodes called the anode (+) and the cathode (-). These
electrodes allow the current to flow from anode to cathode, but not in the other direction.

Correct direction Wrong direction

4. Exercises in the computer lab
For all these exercises you need to paste the circuits and the answers in a Libreoffice writer document and
upload it to Aula Virtual with the name Electronic circuits + your names
1. Draw this circuit in the program Crocodile Clips. Move the potentiometer and explain what happens and

2. Draw these circuits in Crocodile Clips. What bulbs will turn on in each circuit?

3. Draw a circuit with an LED, a 9-volt battery and a 300-Ω resistor. What happens?
Now draw the same circuit without the resistor. What happens? Why?
Paste both circuits and the explanation.
Name: Group: TPR 3ESO

4. Draw this circuit in the program Crocodile Clips. Move the LDR and explain what happens and why.
Paste the circuits with the two situations: more or less light

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