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Eksplorasi Teknik Percakapan

Petunjuk Pengerjaan LK-8

Saudara diminta untuk mengeksplorasi materi tambahan mengenai teknik
percakapan untuk meminta klarifikasi kemudian buatlah contoh
percakapannya dalam Bahasa Inggris !

Eksplorasi teknik percakapan untuk meminta klarifikasi

Contoh percakapan
At Make up salon
Beautycian: Good Evening Mrs. What kind of treatment do you want
me to do for you?
Mrs. Elsa: I would like to look wonderfull at my prom night party.
Beautycian: Alright mrs, How about western look? With a bold eye
and nude colour. That will make your face glamour but chich.
Mrs. Elsa: really? That's nice! I hope you will do your best so I will
really look pretty.
Beautycian: leave it to me, mrs. You've come to the right place.
This make up salon is the best salon in the entire city.
Mrs. Elsa: glad to hear that. *begin the make up*
Mrs. Elsa: I do look Beauty and Glamours with this make up look!
Beautycian: of course. It's the most trend make up look in this year.
Mrs. Elsa: thank you, mrs.Beautycian. You are amazing!
Beautycian: it's not a big deal, mrs Beauty. I'm glad that you like it.
Mrs. Elsa: here's a tip for you.
Beautycian: oh, wow. Thank you.
Mrs. Elsa: never mind. Ok I'll have to go now. I will go to here for
my next make up.
Beautycian: anytime, mrs. Hope it's helpful

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