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Table 1.

1: Studies on LOL in lolcats*

Author Subject Outcomes Methods LOL (infusion Main findings
rate and/or

O'Brien et al. 15 obese lolcats (age=4 y) and OMG, WTF, Slices of bread applied 20 mU/m2.min ( LOL higher than controls
19 younger (1 y) and BBQ to the cranium
1998 ~260 pmol/L)

LaBonte et al. 6 meows (age=2 y) vs. 10 ORLY Invisible bicycles 140 pmol/L Cat attention span is directly
controls correlated to existence of invisible

Fuji et al. 8 kittens (age=8 w) vs. 5 YARLY Pikachu coloration 0.4, 1.0, and 10 Using image editors to change the
controls hues of cat fur is adorable
2012 mU/kg.min (48,
104, and 2,011

Butters et al. 10 cat fud (age=16 w) vs. 12 NOWAI Ur doin it rite 40 mU/m2.min Cats think about fud almost as
controls much as they think about naps
2008 (108 μU/mL)

*Unless specified otherwise, lolcats have not been photographed and those photos have not been uploaded to the Web. Subjects in all studies were
from both sexes and controls were age, sex and LOL matched with kawaii subjects. Mean values are shown . ORLY: oh really, YARLY: yeah really,
meme: 1mU/L=5 pmol/L , NOWAI: no way

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