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Nama : Rida hudaebiyah

Nim : 11200360000116
1.Noun and verb of Affixes
 Goodness :Kebaikan
-Your Goodness i will never forget
 Difficultness:kesulitan
-My sister has difficultness time doing her job
 Punishment: hukuman
-I get a punishment because breaking a regulations
 Lifement:kehidupan
-happy to live a new lifement
 Creatist:Pencipta
-God(Allah)is a creatist from all this world
 Stealist:Pencuri
-I see some police is in pursuit a stealist
 Emphasize: Menekankan
-The mother Emphasizes The child’s not to go out of the house
 Minimize: Memperkecil
- I want to Minimize my badroom
 Stupidify : Kebodohan
-Laziness the base of stupidify
 Beautify: Kecantikan
-She has a natural beatutify
 Darken : Menggelapkan
-The cloth covering my eyes,darken my vision
 Seen
-The mountain seen very beautiful
2. Tenses: Simple, Continuous, Perfect
a. We have lived (B) in Seattle for five years ( present perfect tanses)
b. You will have finished your work by the time the movie wil start (C ), so you watch
it(future perfect tanses)
c. The book that I lent you having (A) a very good bibliography(present continuous tenses)
d. When he was (C) a little boy, Mark Twain would walked along the piers, watch the river
boats, swim and fish in the Mississippi, much like his famous character, Tom Sawyer
e. The colonist were looking ( C) for a climate, when they decided to settle the North
American continent instead of the South American continent.
f. The sky is so cloudy, it will be raining (B) When my friend arrives
g. The committee Has preserved (A)Gettysburg as a national historic monument because it
was the site of a major Civil War battle in which many lives were lost
h. Marry Anne is the only child in this rich family, and now all of the familly’s wealth are
belonging To her
i. After the police had tried unsuccessfully to determine to whom the car belonged, they
tow (C) it into the station
j. After the team of geologists had drawn diagrams in their notebooks and Written ( B)
explanations of the formations which they had observed, they returned to their campsite
to compare notes.

3. Reading comperhention

1. Why should Muslims read the Qur’an?

-Because,The qur’an is a guide to life,or direction for the right course,and the Qur’an is
the miracle of the prophet Muhammad saw from Allah SWT for the guidance of the life
of all people(muslim),Becouse it is our duty as muslim.And because actually reading the
Qur’an is sunnah,but learning the Qur’an is obligatory.
2. What do you know about the Sunnah?
- The Sunnah is prophet’s tradition either before being sent to become a prophet or after
become a prophet
3. What do you know about the Qur’an?
- The Qur’an is God’s words which were revealed to the prophet Muhammad Saw
4. Is there any difference between Sunnah and Hadis?
If “yes” what is the difference?
-Yes,There is,The different is that the hadis are more general in nature while the sunnah
is more specioic.Hadis is everything that was relied on by the prophet Muhammad SAW
without exception,while the sunnah is everything related to his deeds which have legal
conssequences and worship.
5. Mention the level of Hadis
The lavel of hadis is:
 Shahih hadis
 Hasan hadis
 Dhaif (weak)hadis

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