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In 1950, engineers from diverse fields traveled to Europe to an international convention about
the use of solar energy. Meanwhile, during the trip, the motor of the airplane in which they
were traveling failed because of overheating due to solar exposure.

(On the island)

Bryan: (Wakes up in a daze) what’s going on, where is everyone, is anyone alive? (Screaming and

Alice: Help, I'm trapped here! (She says in agony, under the wreckage of the plane)

Bryan: I'm coming, don't move

Alice: Hurry up, get the wreckage out!

Bryan: I can't, the wreckage is too heavy, (he tries to lift the wreckage, but doesn't succeed), I'm
going to look for more survivors to help you (he moves away), hold on!

(A wounded person is seen coming out of the sea)

Megan: Heey! Bryan, thank goodness you're alive is anyone else alive?

Bryan: Yes! Come quick, Alice is trapped (They both run quickly).

Alice: Help me, I can't feel my legs!

Megan: Come on Bryan

Bryan: It's hard, we need someone else

(After a few minutes someone appears from the trees)

Isabella: Hey are you alive, I thought I was the only survivor and I went out to check if there was
any town nearby. (She says surprised and a little relieved)

Bryan, Megan: Quick, run fast, we need your help.

(The 3 travelers lifted the wreckage of the plane and rescued Alice, who was unconscious)

Thanks to Alice, after 3 weeks of recovery, given her knowledge of Biotechnology applied to
health, each traveler was ready to try to escape from the island...

Isabella: Guys, we have been looking for civilization for 3 weeks now and there is nothing, we
will never escape from here.

Megan: At least there is food, but we have to try to escape somehow, maybe use some of the
remains of the plane.

Bryan: Good idea, I'll look for electronics that can be reused, although the last time I had a look,
the plane's radio was completely smashed.
Isabella: You know...we must organize ourselves better, Alice looks for food and medicinal
plants in the mornings, Megan together with Bryan try to collect useful parts and gather them in
a safe place.

Alice: And what are you going to do? (Angry and indignant), besides, why do all this, if we don't
have oil to run the plane.

Isabella: So, let's try to fix the radio to communicate with the outside.

Bryan: But we don't have power to turn it on Isabella.

Isabella: I will try to create a mechanism to use solar energy.

After 2 months of intense work, and many ideas thrown away, the 4 engineers managed to
repair the radio, but they only had enough power for one call...

Megan: Come on guys we have worked hard on this, days of effort, this is our chance. (Megan
tunes in to the frequency).

Alice: Yeah, this is great. Let's turn it on to test and see if it works.

(Radio noises turned on)

Megan: We did it! (Says excited) we were able to repair the radio.

Bryan: (speaking through the radio) Testing, Helloo!, can you hear me? Anybody from the air
station? We are survivors of the crash of Europe-bound flight 304 that occurred 3 months ago.

(On the radio, we hear sounds of interference and people).

Isabella: (turning on the radio) Thanks to the solar energy we were able to get to this.

After, the survivors communicated with the outside world, they were finally rescued. A year
after their rescue, the 4 engineers won an award for the best renewable energy innovation of
the year 1951.

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