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Shasta County Deputy Sheriff's Association PORAC Affiliated June 24", 2024 Ie is the goal ofthe Shasta County Deputy Sherfs Assocation to inform the citizen of Shasta County the steps taken by our membership to resolve our organiational concerns with Sherif Magrin. The Deputy Sherif’ Association represents Deputy Sherif, Sheriff Sergeants, Correctional Deputies and Correctional Sergeants. The Deputy Sheri’ Association would be remiss tonot inform the public about the state of the Shasta County Sheifs Office under Sherif Magein's tenure. (On June 10%, 2021, members ofthe Shasta County Shei’ Office were informed Sherif Eric Magrini was resigning to take a postion asthe newly created Assistant County Executive Officer. sheriff ‘Magrn' resignation was made pubic a shor time later. Ince the public announcement of Shes ‘Magrn's departure from the Sherifs Office, several community members and county officials have ‘made public statements regarding a vote of ne confidence held by the Deputy Sheri’ Association ‘Untithis point, the Deputy Sherif’ Association elected to attempt to resolve our concerns with Sheriff “Magrin internally, and notin a public forum. In an effort to clear up any inaccurate information that ‘may be circulating, the Deputy Sheri’ Association would like to provide the citizens of Shasta County with factual information regarding our vote of no confidence in Sheriff Marini (on May 18, 2020, just over sx months aftr Sherif Magrni was appointed asthe Sherif of shasta County, the Deputy Sheriffs Associaton invited the Sherif to a General Membership meeting. The purpose ofthis meeting was an attempt to have an open dialogue to resol lsues stemming from Sheriff Magn’ lack of leadership, communication, and visio within the organization, aswell as his lack of ctection and support for our members. Sheriff Marini was provided witha ist of questions compiled by Deputy Sherif Association members ten days prior tothe meeting so that he could be fully prepared to answer our questions and address our concerns. [At the conclusion ofthe meeting, our membership was disatisied with his lack of preparation and ‘obvious dsmissal of our concerns. Sherif Magrini was told the membership was considering a vote of ‘0 confidence inhi, The membership ultimately decided to continue pursuing resolutions through ‘other avenues ‘From May 2020 to January 2021, morale within the Sheri’s Office continued to sharply decline due to 2 {ack ot communication, leadership, sion, dlrecon, and support from Sher Magrin. on anuary 27°, 2021, members ofthe Deputy Sheriff's Association overwhelmingly voted they had no confidence in Serf Magri ‘on February &, 2021, the Deputy Sheriffs Assocation hand delivered a letter to Sherif Magrni Informing hin the membership voted they had no confidence in him. The letter detailed the concerms four members regarding his lack of leadership. The letter requested regular meetings to occur which 1800 Park Marina Drive * Redding, California 96001 * (530) 245-1890 * Fax (530) 246-1651 Shasta County Deputy Sheriff's Association PORAC Affiliated Involved Sheriff Marini, the Undersheif, hs Captains, and Deputy Seif Assocation Members in an effort to resolve these issues. (on February 17,2024, members ofthe Deputy Sheriffs Assocation met with Sherif Magn an the LUndersherif cegarding the contents ofthe letter. Later that day, the Deputy Sheriff's Association was provided wit aleter from the Sheri’ Administration Association, which epresents Sheriff's LUeutenants and Captains. The Sherif’s Adminstration Assocation leter stated they held their own ‘ote of no confidence in Sheriff Magn. Addtionally, they requested Shasta County hire an Independent investigator to review the actions of Sheriff Magi. The Sheiffs Administration Assocation also provided a copy of thekletter to Sherif Magra, each Shasta County District Supervisor and Shasta County CEO Matt Pontes. In late February, the Deputy Sherifs Associaton wat informed Sheriff Magrni also requested that Shasta County conduct an independent investigation into the allegations made bythe Sheriffs ‘Adminstration Assocation, Sheriff Magrin informed the Deputy Sheriffs Aesociation he was not wiling ‘to continue to meet while the investigation was pending. Later, the Deputy Sherifs Assocation became aware that an independent investigation had in fact begun, Prior to any resolution ofthe Issues brought to Sheriff Marin’ attention he was selected asthe new ‘Assistant County Executive Officer. The Shasta County Deputy Sheriffs Association i disappointed with ‘the County's decision to select Erie Magrnias the new Assistant County Executive Officer based on his Inability o lead the Shasta County Sherifs Office forthe following reasons: Failure to regularly communicate with his administrative ad ine level tft Failure to support his stat. Fallure to provide direction and vision forthe Sherif’ Office. Failure to provide needed leadership. Deteriorated relationships with our lied agencies during Hs tenure a Sherif ‘The men and women ofthe Shasta County Deputy Sheriff's Assocation are dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing ofthe citizens of Shasta County. Athough we are disappointed we were unable to ‘resolve our concerns with Sheriff Magri, we ae looking forward toa change In leadership and wl ‘continue to serve our community with pride and excellence {Any further questions willbe directed to the Deputy Sherif’ Association PIO Jon Ruiz 1800 Park Marina Drive * Redding, California 96001 * (530) 245-1 246-1654

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