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Cumulative Test 1–5 A

1 Complete the sentences and questions. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Sandy _______________ (play) basketball with her friends last Saturday.
2 We _______________ (watch) a film on TV when we heard a noise.
3 If Martin _______________ (not know) about the party, will you tell him about it?

4 Ruth _______________ (study) hard next weekend because she wants to do well in the exam.
5 Your room is a mess, but we _______________ (help) you to tidy it.
6 I _______________ (be) really anxious when I was waiting for my exam results.
7 Davina and Harry ________________ (marry) at the end of this month – here’s the invitation.
8 Mum made breakfast for everyone while we _______________ (sleep).

9 Kelly _______________ (not forget) your birthday − she always remembers things like that.
10 You look really tired! I _______________ (carry) that bag for you.

Mark: ___ / 10

2 Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

Sam I don’t think we ___ eat in this restaurant – it looks dirty!
John I agree, and there aren’t ___ people inside.
Sam It isn’t ___ place in town, either.
John No. I think there are ___ restaurants than this near the river.
Sam But that’s quite far away, and we haven’t got ___ time.
John It’s OK. Mum says we ___ be home early because it’s the weekend.
Sam OK, but why don’t we walk ___ the city centre first and see if there’s anywhere nice to eat there?
John Good idea! It’s not as ___ as the river.
Sam Come on then! If we don’t hurry, ___ . I’m starving!
Me too − I’m
John ___ hungry to think!

1 a would b should c must

2 a many b much c some
3 a the cheap b the cheaper c the cheapest
4 a good b better c best
5 a a few b a little c a lot of
6 a needn’t b have to c mustn’t
7 a inside b down c through
8 a far b further c furthest
9 a I died b I die c I’ll die
10 a enough b too c more

Mark: ___ / 10

Solutions Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Tests 1 Cumulative Test 1–5 A

3 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Dave didn’t tell / give the truth about his exam results.
2 It was a terrible journey in bad weather, so we were proud / relieved when we got home.
3 I’ll probably / definitely give Mum a DVD for her birthday, but I’m not sure.
4 After the long walk, my grandmother was very tired / exhausted.

5 Maria cut her hand and it hurt / bled all over the floor.
6 Tom lives near a lake / hill so he goes fishing every day.
7 The writer won a prize for the character / script of his latest film at the film festival.
8 Elliot spends too much time playing video games – it causes / expresses concern for his parents.
9 Dad wants to be healthier, so he's going to give up / give off having sugar in his tea and coffee.

10 The computer company offered / joined Mum a job last week.

Mark: ___ / 10

4 Complete the sentences with the words below.

confusing cross icy shallow repetitive

1 I don’t like it when you're __________________ because you shout at me.

2 Lucy isn’t a strong swimmer so she only swims in __________________ water.

3 The directions to Megan's house are very __________________ − I don’t know where we are on this map!
4 The pavement is very __________________ because it was freezing cold last night.
5 Your job is very __________________ – don’t you get bored of doing the same thing all the time?

Mark: ___ / 5

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 We need to provide some __________________ (entertain) for the people at the party.

2 It was a very big volcanic __________________ (erupt), and it lasted for days.
3 Sam has no __________________ (motivate), so he never does his homework.
4 My name isn’t Eda – it’s Eva. You've __________________ (spell) it.

5 A burger with bananas – that’s __________________ (disgust)!

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Tests 2 Cumulative Test 1–5 A

Use of English
6 Read the dialogue and find ten mistakes (an unnecessary word, a word missing or an incorrect word).
Circle the mistakes and write the corrections.
Clare OK, let’s have a look at these photos then. How about these two? Both of photos ____________
show the class on the trip last year.
Ben I quite fancy using this photo. It’s got everyone in it. And it’s really nice with the Eiffel
Tower at the background. ____________
Clare To me, we all look as if we’re feeling boring. Look at our expressions! ____________
Ben I’d rather to use this photo of the class on the river Seine. ____________
Clare Yes, but it’s got the photographer’s finger on the bottom left corner! ____________
Ben Oh, what frustrating! ____________
Clare Though even we’re not all smiling in the first photo, I still think it’s the best picture. ____________
Ben I still not keen on it. We need something that’s going to make students want to ____________
go next year.
Clare Shall we settle to the photo of the boat trip then? I’ve got an app that can edit photos. ____________
I can work on it tonight and cut the corner off the picture.
Ben That sound great. Thanks for doing that! ____________

Mark: ___ / 10

7  10 Listen to five people talking about recent experiences. Match the speakers (1–5) with the
statements (A–F). There is one extra statement.
A Speaker ___ was in a dangerous situation.
B Speaker ___ is going to earn money from a sport.
C Speaker ___ listened to the advice of a family member.
D Speaker ___ was disappointed because he/she didn't see someone.

E Speaker ___ was happy to go home.

F Speaker ___ played a game in the water.

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Tests 3 Cumulative Test 1–5 A

8 Read the text. Match sentences A–G with gaps 1–5. There are two extra sentences.

Storm chasers
North America is famous for its wide open spaces, and this landscape can cause some very
exciting weather. In fact, the USA has more tornadoes than any other country – there are about
1,200 every year in a part of the country called 'Tornado Alley'. ___ It's also in this area that there
are hundreds of people studying the weather. They are just normal people, but their favourite
activity is following storms and getting as close as possible to a tornado! We call these people
'storm chasers', and it’s quite easy to become a storm chaser these days. All you need is a mobile
phone, a good car and GPS.
Gabe Matthews is a storm chaser, and he follows the weather as often as possible. ‘Seeing a
powerful tornado is an amazing experience,’ says Gabe, 'but it isn't easy to be in the right place at
the right time. ___ When we know that a big tornado is coming, we have to drive a long way.
Then we have to wait for ages before we see the weather changing. But when that starts to
happen, it’s so exciting.’

Many people become storm chasers because they like the danger. But Gabe is always very
careful. ___ 'Once I saw cars flying through the air,' says Gabe, 'and a big American truck! That
was really exciting, but we watched it from far enough away. You don’t want those cars to hit you!’
Another reason people chase storms is to film them. A news channel recently used one of Gabe’s
films. ‘That film was exciting because it was a strong storm and it caused a lot of damage. It was
great to get it on TV.’ ___ ‘My friends and I heard screams when we were filming. We followed
the sound and found some people inside a building. They couldn’t get out, so they were very
relieved when we rescued them. It was great to help people like that.’
Perhaps you have to be a little crazy to be a storm chaser. Certainly, some people say that storm
chasers just want to do something thrilling. ___ So actually, they often save lives.

A Once, Gabe had to go to hospital because he got too close.

B However, Gabe was even prouder of something else that he did.

C More people are interested in the weather in other countries.
D This is in the centre, from North Dakota in the north to Texas and Louisiana in the south.
E But they’re often the first on the scene, giving important information to the rescue services.
F He tries to get close to the centre of the tornado, but not too close.
G My friends and I need to do a lot of work to find a tornado and get to it.

Mark: ___ / 5

9 Something amazing happened to you this morning (e.g. you won a competition, you got good exam
results, you found some money, etc.). Write a forum post with the title The Best Day Ever. Follow the
instructions below.
• Say what you were doing this morning, before the event happened.
• Describe what happened.
• Say how it made you feel.
• Encourage other forum users to write about similar experiences.

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 70

Solutions Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Tests 4 Cumulative Test 1–5 A

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