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Unit 6 Short Test 1B

1 Complete the sentences with the correct present perfect form of the verbs below. There is one extra
come cook go not read spend not visit

1 We __________________ the new museum. Let's go this afternoon.

2 Dad __________________ to the shops – I’m not sure when he’s coming back.
3 _________ you _________ all the food for the party?
4 Martha __________________ a book for a month.
5 I can't buy that CD because __________________ all my money this month.

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Complete the dialogue with for, since, or the correct present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Tom Hi Dan. ___________ you ___________ (hear) about the basketball team? They need some new players
for this term.
Dan Really? I haven’t played basketball ___________ last year, but maybe I'll go and talk to the sports coach.
Tom Great. I'm definitely going to try and get into the team. But first I need some new trainers. ___________ you
___________ (see) any in the shops?
Dan Hmm. There are some good trainers in that new shop in town, Delalio’s Sports.
Tom I ___________ (not go) to that shop. Where is it?
Dan It’s near the river on Bond Street. It's only been open ___________ a few weeks.
Tom Cool. I'll go there and have a look.

Mark: ___ / 5

3 Choose the correct words (a, b, or c) to complete the sentences.
1 I love to visit ___ because there are so many interesting plants and trees there.
a botanical gardens b harbours c ruins
2 Joe works at the ___ so he knows a lot about fish.
a water park b theme park c aquarium
3 There are many ___ in city squares and gardens around the world.
a museums b water parks c fountains
4 There is a beautiful view from the top of the ___ .
a harbour b tower c fountain
5 Not many people are allowed to go into the ___ because the queen lives there!
a cathedral b temple c palace

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Tests 1 Unit 6 Short Test 1B

4 Complete the words in the sentences.
1 The market is too b_ _ _ at the weekends, but it’s really quiet on Mondays.
2 My dad doesn’t like going to t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ places on holiday – he prefers to discover more unusual places.
3 Tokyo is a very e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city − everything costs a lot of money.
4 Our hotel in Portugal was very d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ − it was dirty, and there was no TV in the room.
5 A lot of people go on holiday to Paris after they get married because it's a very r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ city.

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

Solutions Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Tests 2 Unit 6 Short Test 1B

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