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Hey there!

My name’s Sveta, and we’re

at English Sunday with Green Forest
The session will last till 12:30.
Regarding April fool’s day, that we
celebrated this week, we’re gonna
discuss 25 stupid, strange but
(hopefully) interesting Hypothetical

Have fun!
Short functional language list:
Expressing opinion Rephrasing

● It seems to me that… ● What I mean is...

● I (do) feel that… ● What I’m trying to say is...
● I’m absolutely convinced that… ● To put it another way,...
● Take it from me that… ● To put it simply, ...
● Well, if you ask me… ● In other words, ...
● As I see it…
● The way I see it, …
● Personally, I believe / suppose / feel ... Asking for clarification
Asking for opinion ● Could you please tell me ...?
● I just don’t see why/what/how ....
● What do you reckon?
● Are you saying that...?
● Would you go along with that?
● I didn’t quite get that.
● Do you see what I’m getting at?
● I beg your pardon? / Pardon?
● Do you know what I mean?
● What about...? Responding to what someone says
Agreeing ● Really?
● You’re kidding.
● That’s just what I was thinking.
● I guess.
● You’re dead right.
● Mmm. Yeah, I know what you mean.
● I totally agree. So, true.
● I see your point. Changing the topic
● Fair enough!
● I couldn’t agree more ● You know, that reminds me …
● Exactly! Absolutely! ● By the way …
● That’s exactly how I feel. ● I’ve just thought of something …
● I’d go along with that! ● Speaking about...
Finish the sentences:
“I really enjoy April fool’s day, because... ”

“I detest April fool’s day, I don’t
understand it at all... ”
1. What's a funny prank you've
played on someone?

Tell me the thing that made you

laugh most this week.
2. What's a silly nickname you have
or have had?
3. What's a ridiculous WIFI name
you've seen?

P.S. If none, have a look over here

4. What is the strangest question
you’ve been asked in a jobinterview?

P.S. YOu may see some exapmles here

Also, there are good answer suggestions
5. What is the worst advice that
you’ve ever taken?

P.S. Advice is an uncountable

singular noun
6. What did you last Google?

Do you remember any funny

suggestions it gave you?
7. Have you ever had an imaginary
8. Can You Describe Your Life With A
Six Word Sentence?
9. Who Would You Really Like To
Just Punch In The Face?
10. If you had to have an extra body
part, what would it be?
11. What's the worst gift you ever
12. How Would You Quickly
Dispose (=get rid of, eliminate) Of A
Dead Body In A Hotel Room?
13. You Have 150 hryvnias And
Five Minutes At The Grocery Store.
What Do You Buy?
14. Tomorrow Is The End Of
Humanity. What Destroys Us?
15. Name The Top Five Things To
Take With You During A Zombie
16. What book would you bring
to a deserted island?
17. When Was The Last Time You
Literally Stopped To Smell
18. How Many Times A Day Do You
Look In The Mirror?
19. If You Were Called On To Be A
Government Spy, Where Would You
Least Like To Serve? Where Would
You Most Like To Serve?
20. What's your favorite word?
Why? How often do you use it?
21. What's your favorite number?
22. What Songs Are Included On
The Soundtrack To Your Life?
23. Who would play you in a
24. What food do you avoid at all
25. What would you do in the
prisoner's dilemma?

P.S. Here and there are some explanations to

what the heck it is
If you made your way up to this slide, it means
you’re awesome at making choices, and you can cover
many more questions) These are taken from our previous topic of
hypothetical situations. Also, you may find 30 stupid questions
1. Let’s say you were the leader of your country, what would you change?
2. If your friend could not have a child, would you carry her child for her?
3. Supposing your spouse cheated on you, what would you do?
4. Let’s say you were given a choice to live as longas you want, how long would you like to live?
5. Let’s say you could change sexes for a day, would you? What would you do if you did swap?
6. Assume that you were given a choice to live as longas you like, how long would you like to live?
7. Let’s say you could change one thing about your life: what would it be and why?
8. What if you could relive any moment in your life which moment would it be and why?
9. If you could be a character from a movie, who wouldyou be and why ?
10. Imagine you could only see three people for the rest of your life, who would it be?
11. Supposing you had to lose an arm or a leg, which wouldyou choose. Why?
12. Let’s imagine you could be famous, but poor forever would you do it?
13. If you could know every language in the world, but you would never be able to use your native language again,
would you?
14. If you were to be killed, what part of your body would you donate and why?
15. Let’s say you could eat only one food for the rest of your what food would you choose and why?
16. What if your cell phone fell in the toilet, what would you do?
17. If you had a time machine, where would you go andwhy?
18. Supposing you had to choose between a wonderful romantic relationship that would end after only a year, ora
so-so relationship that would last your entire life, which one would you choose?
19. Let’s say you had to choose between love and no money or money and no love for the rest of your life, which
would you choose?
20. If you had to choose, would you give up your sight or your hearing?
21. Let’s suppose your partner was offered a job in anotherpart of the country, which was well paid, would you be
willing to change places?
22. If you were in the bank and somebody started to hold up the bank, what would you do? How would you react?

Thanks for being here today!

See you next time! Your Sveta

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