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Online learning for Kids

 Rijal Fahmi Khoirulloh 1303177005

 R. Intandinnari Mayuritasya 1303177010

1.1. Introduction
At the end of 2019, the world was shocked by an epidemic
caused by the corona virus and known as covid-19 (Corona Virus
Diseases-19). This virus was first discovered in Wuhan City of
China and spread very quickly throughout the world. On March 11,
2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared this epidemic
as a global pandemic. Country leaders around the world have
implemented social distancing policies to break the chain of
distribution of covid-19. Likewise in Indonesia which also enacts
social distancing in various fields of life including education. The
Indonesian government dismissed schools and moved the learning
process from home using online learning media. The
unpreparedness of school stakeholders in preparing for online
learning is a major factor for educational chaos in this pandemic
quarantine (Nuryana, Agus Nana, 2020). So it can have an impact
on kids education who need special treatment to carry out the
learning process.
According to data obtained from UNESCO, 39 countries have
implemented school closures with the number of students affected
reaching 421,388,462 children. UNESCO provides direct support to
countries, including solutions for inclusive distance learning.
UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay said in a statement that
UNESCO, together with each country, worked together to ensure
continuity in learning for all, especially children and youth who were
disadvantaged and sad because of the closure of the school (Rais,
Aslam, 2020).
The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture is ready with
all scenarios including the application of working together to
encourage online learning for students. This policy they made so
that students continue to learn at home. The Ministry is preparing a
number of supports to expedite the process. Furthermore also
develop a portal and android based distance learning application
called Rumah Belajar. Portal Rumah Belajar can be accessed at The government also cooperates with
several online learning platforms such as Smart Class, School,
Zenius, Teacher's Room, Quipper, Google Indonesia and Microsoft.
Each platform will provide facilities that are publicly accessible and
Many students and parents find it difficult to implement
programs from the government. Especially for kids with
kindergarten and elementary school education. With an age interval
of around 4-12 years. They complained that the work given by the
school was so heavy and difficult. Parents also feel overwhelmed in
helping their children. Kids do not understand the material well
because it is caused by a new system for them. Furthermore,
technical problems were also found such as limited infrastructure,
internal network limitations, lack of technological mastery and the
costs involved. The existence of this research will be useful to help
reveal the problems that occur and evaluate them with the best
solution. This problem needs to be resolved immediately because
education is a state asset that must continue even in this pandemic
1.2. Research Question:
1. How kids understanding about the lesson, when they do online
2. How is kids psychology for online learning system?
3. What kind of media that parent use to learn beside online
learning to increase education for their kids?
4. What is the role of teacher in online learning?
5. What is the role of parents in online learning?
1.3. Research Tools
1. Questionnaire survey data for parent.
2. Several papers and articles about parenting.
3. Several papers and articles about education.
2.1. Kid’s Understanding when Attending Online Learning
To know the effectiveness of online learning, we need to know
the understanding of children related to online learning. From the
questionnaire data obtained by authors of children aged 4-12 years
information was obtained that 66.67% of children could understand
the material provided. But the level of understanding of each child is
different. There are those who really understand and some who
understand but are not optimal. Some even find it difficult to
understand what is given
From the data it can also be seen that the smaller the child's
age, the more difficult the child is to understand the material
provided. That means age greatly influences the success of this
home study program. Of course age affects children's thinking
levels. The way of thinking of elementary school students will be
different from the way of thinking of kindergarten students. The
more mature the child will understand more. So different treatments
are needed for class or age level.
The most worrying impact that can occur in the world of
education is the long-term effects for students. Ideally students get
material and also character education. The material provided online
makes children's understanding of the material less than optimal. In
addition, experiences that must be obtained during school cannot
be obtained during online learning. Like the application of science in
the real world that can be optimized with practicum, case studies,
and also field activities. Students will automatically feel the delay in
the educational process that they live. This can cause the
development of their maturity is hampered in the future.
In face-to-face learning students can directly make active
communication with the teacher. This condition is difficult for
students to obtain if they study online. Active discussions held in
class can make students curious about the material provided. So
students become aware of the purpose or reason for learning. If this
condition is not obtained, it will disrupt the process of students
understanding the material. So it is clearly known that online
learning cannot replace learning directly through face to face.
Students' basic understanding really needs attention. Given
that kindergartens and elementary schools are the basic processes
that need to be carried out to reach further levels of education. If
students currently cannot understand the material well, it can have
an impact on their learning process at the next level.
In certain cases, children also get a task to do so that they
continue to learn even if they are not in school. But the atmosphere
at home is different from school. When doing face-to-face online, it
is very possible that children cannot focus on recognizing the
material. So it impacts their understanding. Anything can interfere
with the concentration of children's learning. Children lack the focus
of learning, so they cannot understand the material well. There are
several factors that can be applied to optimize the learning process
so students can better understand the material provided. The
following are ways that can be applied to children to optimize the
learning process.
1. Children May Not Multitasking
For many students, multitasking makes it difficult for them
to concentrate. Children need help to do work one by one. This
is better than doing several things at once. Reported by the
Oxford learning website, this activity will help focus the child's
mind on what's in front of him, rather than trying to think about
too many different things at once.
2. Activity Solving Tasks
Breaking down large tasks into smaller tasks can help
increase focus by making things easier to handle. Doing too
many tasks at once will cause boredom and children will quickly
experience disturbances. By breaking down their tasks, children
will have a clear idea of what needs to be done.
3. Placing Children in a Special Room
Irregular spaces can be a major cause of children unable
to concentrate. Need to ensure children to have special learning
spaces such as desks. This room must be clean and neat and
only contain the items he needs for the study session, such as
textbooks, notebooks, learning tools, and note-taking
4. Organize Notebooks
Organized notes are as important as organized learning
spaces. Children need to be helped to organize their notes so
that they are easy to find. Color coding each subject one good
way. Irregular and incomplete notes can be a trigger for not
focusing and causing children to become lazy learning.
Learning how to take effective learning notes can make a child
spend his time reviewing a topic, rather than finding missing
5. Children Need to Have Other Times
Many children do their best when they have a routine that
they can obey. Children need to make a daily schedule that
includes time for homework, study breaks, and other activities.
Sticking to this schedule will help get the child into a routine
where he is ready to sit and focus on schoolwork.
6. Planning a Rest Time
Doing school work for hours at a time without a break can
quickly cause student focus to decrease. Need to plan frequent
learning breaks for children to give them the opportunity to
eliminate extra energy, and help avoid frustration or feeling
overwhelmed. Children need to get up, move, and do
something different and not be too tiring after spending time
concentrating. They will benefit from taking time to rest and
recharge, especially during work time. Younger children can
take a snack or rest and play.
7. Children Need to Train Mindfulness
When the child is disturbed, it is necessary to encourage
him to rest 5 minutes. Rest can be used to sit quietly and give a
moment to him. Children need to use this time to think about
what distracts them and how to refocus on the task at hand.
8. Need to find something that kids like
The lack of focus can come from a lack of interest in the
content of the material. The solution is to connect learning with
something that interests the child. For example, if a child is
working on a book report but is having difficulty sitting down to
actually read, then it is necessary to try choosing a book about
the topic he is interested in.
9. Children Need to Practice Observing Something
Children can be disturbed by internal stimuli such as
physical sensations, memories and entertaining imaginations.
Children can play a game observing a number of things at
home, listen carefully to the lyrics of a song together, and do
some yoga poses.
2.2. Kid's Psychology
Online learning activities can clearly affect children's
psychology. From the questionnaire data obtained, it showed that
83.33% of children were not comfortable with the online learning
system. Moreover, the quarantine process due to covid-19 which
makes children must always be at home and can not play with other
friends. It makes the child more psychologically disturbed. So that
learning becomes less optimal and can have a negative impact in
the long run.
Continuous quarantine conditions will interfere with the
achievement of students' maturity in achieving their learning goals,
both academically and psychologically. Even more worrying is the
psychological impact. Students who have to postpone their learning
due to school closure are very likely to experience psychological
trauma that makes them motivated to learn. Likewise, the
cancellation of several important student programs and programs
such as competitions, study visits, and delayed fieldwork made
them disappointed because they felt they had prepared themselves
well in advance. In addition, students' insights about the corona
virus are still minimal which can make them have a higher level of
Social problems caused by co-19 are felt by the community,
especially students and students related to learning at home,
students complain that learning at home is filled with homework
given by each teacher too much. Another complaint is that many
online meetings are limited by Web networks, inadequate
technology, and signals. In addition, studying at home is also
ineffective because they learn by themselves, many parents who
cannot teach material in books can only guide their children.
In Indonesia, positive corona sufferers also continue to grow.
With this increase in the number of sufferers, it has a greater
negative effect on the education sector in it. To reduce the impact,
strategic steps are needed. This needs to be done by the
government quickly and precisely.
The first thing to do is provide education to students and
practitioners of education. This can be done with intensive
socialization by the health department about the corona virus itself,
both in terms of prevention and how to react. With this insight, it is
expected to reduce the effects of excessive worry which can have a
traumatic impact on students and of course their teacher.
The second step is the need to prepare a special team of
psychologists to help students collectively and individually,
especially for schools in areas affected by the virus. More
specifically for students who fail to implement programs that are
dreamed of and anticipated such as competition activities at the
international level or comparative studies abroad.
With this assistance, they are expected to ease their
psychological burden and strengthen their learning enthusiasm. The
government actually has prepared a team of psychologists to
provide assistance to residents in quarantine. However, given the
current distribution conditions, assistance needs to be expanded
again. At a minimum by giving an appeal to each school institution
to conduct socialization and assistance to anticipate more severe
impacts (Rajab, Muhammad, 2020).
It is important for parents to involve their children in
discussions related to coronavirus (Taylor, Janet, 2020). The role of
parents is needed in a situation like this. Children must be educated
about steps to prevent the spread of the virus, including by closing
schools to apply social distance. So that children's learning
activities are also not disrupted, schools and parents need to work
together to plan mature e-learning for their education at home.
2.3. Media that Can Use During Online Learning to Increase
Education For Kids
Many learning methods are applied in this pandemic situation.
Some use online face-to-face and some use an assignment system
for students. From the questionnaire data obtained, the media used
were very diverse. Some use drawing and craft media so they need
special help from parents. Applications What applications are
favorite media used by schools to conduct online learning. So that
communication between students and students is formed on this
social media.
Teachers must be proactive and creative in conducting
teaching and learning activities as effectively as face to face. Many
media can be used to optimize the learning process. The
government has also provided various platforms to support this
program. National TV has created a program to support the learning
process at home. This can also be optimal if there is a good
understanding from students and teachers. Another learning media
that can be used is a site or platform that can help students to
understand the material well. Among the official platforms
supported by the government are the Teacher's Room, Zenius,
Quiper, and the Learning House. To access the site requires a
stable, gedged or computer internet, and a good understanding of
The online learning process actually has good potential so that
it can run effectively. But it all requires good cooperation from the
government as a provider of infrastructure, teachers or schools, and
students' families. Because there are many media that can be used
to support and optimize the learning process. The family of students
and teachers also need to learn the technology used to avoid
technical interference that can interfere with the learning process.
2.4. The Role of Parents During Online Learning for Kids
We know that Covid-19 epidemic has no doubt brought a new
challenge to student communities in Indonesia and even the whole
world with the transition from offline to online learning. Moving from
offline school to a completely online learning environment changes
established routines of everyone at home. For the younger students
aspecially kids, parents adopting new roles to support their child’s
learning, on top of trying to juggle their own responsibilities. 
Online learning is no different than other types of schooling,
parents are mostly important for student academic success. For
some reason, parents think that the format of online learning
changes this fact, and that magically their child will receive
everything that’s educationally necessary via the Internet. Not true.
No matter the school format, the interaction and support of parents
is necessary for achievement, encouragement, and accountability.
No school can replace a parent’s role, nor should it.
First, the role of a parent and teacher are different. While a
teacher or instructor serves as a guiding force in subject matter, a
parent knows when to lean in and lean out of their student’s
experience. They are not meant to serve as the homeschooler in
conjunction with online course leaders. Instead, they offer support
to the learning structure, and reinforce the goals that can be
accomplished in and out of school with education. However, often,
a student, especially those at younger ages, can’t diagnosis issues
they are having in the online learning environment. Setting a
monitoring schedule or allowing check-ins can keep a parent up to
date and knowledgeable of when their input might be necessary. By
designating an area of the home for learning, parents can also keep
an eye on progress and learning styles. Noting behaviors,
opportunities and barriers, allow parents to adapt or adjust the
standard as necessary to create the ideal path for their child or
Second, Parents are role models for their kids. Educating in an
open environment like the home, children can watch behaviors in
their parents. If parents push online learners to remain committed
and work hard, parents must reflect this in their own behavior.
Children are apt to adopt behavior they feel beneficial. Setting a
similar pace and expectation in whatever a parent’s emphasis, to a
child’s learning pattern can build work styles and expectations for a
student to follow.
Third, Parents have a direct impact on the education their
students receive, especially in an online learning setting. Being a
coach at any age and reinforcing the value through hardships can
empower students and ensure that impact is positive. Finding the
balance as a parent, between instructor and fellow student, can be
difficult. But, those who can master the technique will see great
success from their rising stars.
2.5. The Role of Teacher During Online Learning for Kids
When we think about the role of the teacher in the learning
environment it could be suggested that the importance of the
teacher is growing. The educators afford should be more intensive
to adaptation of new learning environments should be an answer to
this question. But there are some issues adapt these new learning
environments. These issues of adapting to the environment are
related to understand the concept and the work process of these
The term e-learning has been widely used in education since
mid-1990s. Although there is no consensus among elearning
researchers on its definition, e-learning generally is regarded as
“the use of telecommunication technology to deliver information for
education and training” (Sun et al., 2008).
An online teacher needs to play the role of guiding students
through one or more online learning experiences. After all, different
online learners prefer different learning styles and modes. So,
online teachers need to change their mode of teaching accordingly
to provide personalized education. Such learning experiences are
usually designed and planned long before the course starts. This
way the teacher can devote more time to guiding the students and
less time to prepare lessons. The teacher makes sure to channelize
the focus of learners toward key concepts and ideas.
Online learners or student need to remain motivated
throughout their online course. Online learning is hard work
aspecially for kids. Studying online can feel isolating and
discouraging without a proper dose of motivation and
encouragement. Thus, an effective online teacher needs to make
good efforts to communicate specific encouraging messages to
individual learners.
Online teachers need to be good learners themselves. This is
because the online teaching techniques change pretty often. So,
they need to train themselves first before taking any online classes.
Thus, they need to be lifelong learners. They can model that
learning for their students in multiple ways in the virtual classroom.
The teacher can be an active participant in online discussions. They
need to share what they are learning about the subject. They might
also have to complete all or parts of some assignments, sharing
their work with the students. This clearly forms a healthy and
nurturing online learning community.
Teacher-to-student and student-to-student communication
play a vital role in an online learning environment. This session
usually stresses the importance of ongoing communication with the
instructor. It also provides tips for communicating effectively online.
In fact, the first activity in an online course is to demonstrate
communication with the teacher. It is required for online students to
email the teachers, share information about themselves and bring
questions forward. Usually, instructors make use of this activity to
guarantee that students know how to contact them to ask
questions. This helps in building an engaging community of the
online classroom.
Online students are taught that communication is the key to
student success.  The online teachers are trained in various
techniques for maintaining student engagement in the learning
process at all costs. Thus, teachers are trained to be effective
communicators. It is truly required since communication in an online
learning environment needs to be really effective and strategic to
bring out the best version of every student. Apart from the above
qualities, there are certain other roles an online teacher might have
to play. They need to be good collaborators. Online students need
to be given the opportunities to collaborate on assignments and
projects. The collaborative activities help online students strengthen
the online learning community. Also, online teachers need to be
creative and innovative. They need to come up with effective ideas
to facilitate online school students further. Online instructors make
sure to promote creativity in much the same way as classroom
teachers do. They offer their students different options when it
comes to assignments and projects and bringing fresh ideas to the
table. There are plenty of multi-media options at the time of
demonstrating knowledge.
Online teachers usually bring forth fun interactive
presentations for class projects. After all, the online teacher knows
that the engaged learner is the successful learner. Thus, being
highly valued for their subject areas, the virtual instructors need to
be valued for the fostering of the students. After all, they gather
skills needed for success in this new age of learning. Online
teachers need to be reliable and lead their students forward in life
towards college and career.
3.1. Conclusion
More than 50% of children can understand the material during
online learning. But the level of understanding of each child is
different. There are those who really understand well and some who
understand but are not optimal. Some even find it difficult to
understand what is given. The smaller the age of the child, the more
difficult the child can understand the material provided. That means
age greatly influences the success of this home study program. The
age of the child influences the level of thinking. So that different
treatments are needed for the level of class or age. There are
several ways that can be used to optimize student understanding
such as dividing the child's time to learn and play.
More than 80% of children are uncomfortable with online
learning systems. The social implementation distancing due to the
co-19 pandemic made children always at home and could not play
with other friends. It makes the child psychologically disturbed. So
learning becomes less optimal and can have a bad long-term
impact. Continued quarantine conditions will disrupt the
achievement of students' maturity in achieving their learning goals,
both academically and psychologically
The online learning process actually has good potential so that
it can run effectively. But it all requires good cooperation from the
government as an infrastructure provider, teacher or school, and
student families. Because there are many media that can be used
to support and optimize the learning process. The family of students
and teachers also need to learn the technology used to avoid
technical interference that can disrupt the learning process.
The role of the teacher in guiding their students is very
important, not only giving assignments, but also make them
understanding the material can increase their knowledge. The
following important roles that must be performed by a teacher, they
have to be motivator, proper guide, role model, co- learner, and
effective communicator for their student.
The role of a parents and teacher are different. While a
teacher or instructor serves as a guiding force in subject matter,
then the parents give them support to the learning structure, and
reinforce the goals that can be accomplished in and out of school
with education. Parents have a direct impact on their education
receive from schooling, especially in an online learning setting.
Being a coach for their children at any age and reinforcing the value
through hardships can empower children and ensure that impact is
positive for their success although, finding the balance as a parent,
between instructor and fellow student, can be difficult.
3.2. Reflection
This research is our first experience writing about education.
Especially discussing education in the pandemic era co-19 which
was done online from home. This is very challenging for us because
this is our first time writing i-search. We can learn new methods and
can learn about solving educational problems in conditions of a
global pandemic. We came to know that education is the main thing
for a country that needs to be maintained in any condition. Because
this is related to the future of a country.
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