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Name: Bilal Aamir

CMS: 19244

Subject: Business and Research Methods

Assignment no.4

Submitted on: 20-09-2019

Submitted to: Sir Muhammad Sarmad


To see the influence of work conditions, work overload and communication on Organizational


This study explains the influence of work conditions, communications and work overload on
organizational commitment. In the previous years we have seen that the companies are working
day and night on how to keep the employee stay at the organization. With the help of this study
on the employees (middle and lower management) of Pakistan Telecommunication Authority we
will work on providing the solution to the addressed problem. Work conditions, communication
and work overload all three are positively related to organizational commitment.

Keyword: Organizational Commitment, work conditions, Communication, Work Overload

1.1 Introduction

The workforce and the organization both depend on each other for the performance of the
organization and the profits. Commitments with the organizations reduce the intentions of the
employee to quit the organization (Pascal et al, 2011). The workforce with less commitment and
the job insecurity and the trust when combined negatively affects the performance of the
organization. The creativity of the organization depends on the commitment of the employee
with the organization. The leadership style has the positive effect on the organization. Various
past studies cover different aspects of leadership and its relationship with organizational
commitment. Swanepoel, Eramus, Van Wyk and Scheck (2000) describe the organizational
commitment is encouraged with the leadership style for the successful implementation of
business strategies to achieve the organizational goal. Work overload has been a problem for the
organizations for decades. Which results in poor profitability ratios. Western economies had
implemented the automated system in their industries to reduce the work overload which
resulted the product compatibility in the world. Unfortunately our country is still relying on the
unskilled labor and the use of the obsolete technologies and we are unable to compete in the
western markets as compare to India and China.
The work place conditions determine how the new employee will perform in an organization.
While discussing its importance for Pakistan, the study also gives a direction to the policy
makers to increase the commitment of their employees by changing the leadership style in the
organizations. Commitment smooth’s the process of achieving organizational goals and 146
objectives. Pakistan is a developing country and its organizations are facing a common problem
of high turnover in their organization. The reason is that the employee’s switches to other
organizations because of slightly better pay or additional benefits as compare to existing

The communication gap between the employees and the top management of the organization is
creating the hurdles for the operations and the management both. When the employees are
unable to connect with the top management it effects the daily based operations of the
organization. Leadership and its effectiveness are primary focus for profit organization to
achieve the organizational goals and to create organization commitment in their employees, for
their organizations. Many researchers and scholars presented different theories regarding the
leadership effectiveness and its relationship to organizational performance in early days (Blake
and McCanse, 1991). Researchers mainly focused on the narrow aspects of leadership style
including transactional leadership and transformational leadership (Burn, 1978; Bass, 1985).

The workplace conditions are must for a balance in an organization and its employees which
determines that what is the policy and trends in the organization. Most of the organizations fail
due to their poor HR practices and work conditions. The HR development and the workplace
conditions are interlinked as they help to promote the good norms in the organization. Various
past studies cover different aspects of leadership and its relationship with organizational
commitment. Swanepoel, Eramus, Van Wyk and Scheck (2000). While discussing its
importance for Pakistan, the study also gives a direction to the policy makers to increase the
commitment of their employees by changing the leadership style in the organizations.
Commitment smooth’s the process of achieving organizational goals. Pakistan is a developing
country and its organizations are facing a common problem of high turnover in their

The reason is that the employee’s switches to other organizations because of slightly better pay
or additional benefits as compare to existing organizations. The model of organization
commitment developed by the Mayer & Allen (1991) included three level of commitment;
affective, continuous and normative. Affective commitment shows the level of employee
attachment with the organization including beliefs, willingness and desire regarding
organizational goal achievements. Affective commitment of employees toward the organization
has three different shapes; one is identification, second is formation and third is maintaining.

Therefore Jaros et al. (1993) says that affective commitment of employee is a psychological
attachment with the organization. Affective commitment has close relationship with the
personal characteristics, age, gender, tenure, and organizational characteristics. Normative
commitment is referred to the loyalty to the employee with the organization and employee has
obliged feeling toward the organization.

2.1 Literature Review

2.1.1. Work Conditions

The definition of the commitment is as follows, there are various definition that had defined the
commitment over the passage of times. One of them is that when the person extraneous interest
exist at consistency line, it become commitment. (Becker, 1960), degree of attachment with the
organization is called commitment (Reilly and Chatman, 1986). Organizational commitment is
divided into two major parts in light of views; one is attitude and other is behavior. Employee
feeling and thinking about the organization refer to attitude commitment while pattern of
individuals is fixed into the organizations refer to behavioral commitment. Major three
dimensions of commitments are complaining, Identification and moral (Reilly and Chatman,
1986). The research of this paper is explained that what the relationship are between the
employee and the organization also what the commitment of organizations are, therefore the
organization commitment where the one batch of the employee have stronger commitment while
other batch of the employee have weaker commitment. Affective commitment shows the level of
employee attachment with the organization including beliefs, willingness and desire regarding
organizational goal achievements. Affective commitment also has three dimensions that are
given to it, these are one is identification, second is formation and third is maintaining. Therefore
Jaros et al. (1993) says that affective commitment of employee is a psychological attachment
with the organization.

Work conditions is the indirect variable to the direct variable organization commitment, you
could say that work condition is also called job satisfaction. When it comes to their relation or
hypothesis it is a positive relation. Many studies use different facets of satisfaction to predict
employee attributes such as performance, organizational commitment, and service quality
(Dienhart & Gregoire). As an attitude, differences between commitment and work conditions are
seen in several ways (Mowday, et al., 1982). Commitment is a more global response to an
organization and job satisfaction is more of a response to a specific job or various facets of the
job. So therefore commitments, commitment suggests more of an attachment to the employing
organization as opposed to specific tasks, environmental factors, and the location where the
duties are performed (Mowday, et al., 1982). “Although day-to-day events in the work place may
affect an employee’s level of job satisfaction, such transitory events should not cause an
employee to reevaluate seriously his or her attachment to the overall organization” (Mowday et
al., 1982, p.28).

H-1: Work conditions is positively related to the organizational commitment.

2.1.2. Communications

As we relate the next IV to DV, the communication plays the vital role in organizational
commitment. Well there are two types of commitment horizontal communication and vertical
communication, how these two types will correlate the direct variable. In this literature a
consensus has emerged that commitment is of central importance to a wide range of
organizational outcomes (Mathieu & Zajac, 1990; Randall, 1990). Although several authors have
argued that there are some important differences between commitment and identification. Others
have questioned the distinction between the two both conceptually (Miller, Allen, Casey, &
Johnson, 2000) and due to the considerable empirical overlap, you can say that it is a social
identity which have been proposed by commitment. Conversely, the work of Meyer and Allen
(1991) has suggested that the affective components of employees’ commitment. Indeed this
suggests that for all practical purposes the Group Processes & Intergroup Relations terms
identification and (affective) commitment could be used interchangeably, although we are aware
of the important differences between the two concepts historically and in relation to the
disciplines which they stem (Ashforth & Mael, 1989).

The communication shows that how they can correlate with one another as of this why it is
important because if it shows that employs are satisfy with the given organizations, how they are
participating. What are the feedback, are they comfortable? Thus, there is convergent evidence
that employees with low organizational commitment tend to leave the organization more quickly
as opposed to people with a high organizational commitment, and—to a lesser extent—that
committed employees are willing to invest more effort on behalf of their organization in
comparison with uncommitted employees. All of this speaks to the importance of both
identification and commitment for organizations, especially to the extent that questions of loyalty
are more important in professional contexts now than ever before (Albert, 1998).

H-2: Communication is positively related with the organizational Commitment.

2.1.3. Work Overload

Work overload possess a lot of problem in organization. The various pressures that impact the
performance and reactions of employees are called workload (Weiner, 1982). Further, the
workload is the individuals’ perception that the amount of work they have to do is beyond
normal (Cedoline, 1982). On the other hand, a workload that does not prevent an employee from
administering the system in a safe and effective way is considered acceptable (Jung & Jung,
2001). Responsibility load occurs when one is faced with too many work events to accomplish in
the time available (Kirmeyer & Dougherty, 1988). Accordingly, responsibility load is shaped. By
the employee’s title and work content. Tasks that require more knowledge, decision-making, and
skill carry a higher responsibility load (Brennan & Spencer, 2010). New administrative
candidates have very little decision-making responsibility, which benefits relatively fewer people
while they learn tasks that require limited skill and job components (Fried, Grant, Levi, Hadani,
& Slowik, 2007).

Work stress and work load are very similar in relation the IV and DV have a negative relation.
Stress is a reaction or internal condition that occurs toward anything that is perceived as a threat,
whether in a true or imaginary way, or a conscious or unconscious way (Steers, 1981). In
addition, stress is a dynamic condition where an individual is exposed to an opportunity,
pressure, or demand that is related to something that she/he deserves, and the result is accepted
as both uncertain and important. Some organizational and environmental factors in the
workplace such as a heavy workload (Nasurdin, Ramayah, & Kumaresan, 2005) cause work
stress. It has been observed that employees in the education sector have more workload and more
work stress (Tel & Köksalan, 2008) than employees working in other sectors (Chan, Lai, Ko, &
Boey, 2000). Thus, several studies have examined stress among the employees of the educational
sector (Boyle, Borg, Falzon, & Baglioni, 1995; Paulse, 2005)

H-3: Work overload is positively related to the organizational commitment.

3. Research Model

4. Research Methodology

There are two research methodologies Quantitative and Qualitative. The research methodology
that has been used in this study is quantitative research methodology.

4.1. Research Design

To conduct this research, I have used the quantitative research methodology. The data were
collected in the form of questionnaire from the middle and lower level management staff of
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority. I took permission from the Chairman of PTA and with
the consent and corporation of management and other employees I have collected the data from
the office. I made sure the questionnaires are filled correctly with the proper understanding of the
questions that are being asked by the employees.

4.2 Population

The selected population in this study belongs to telecommunication sector. As the population
was huge and it was impossible to collect data from the whole population at the initial stage. So,
I targeted the employees of PTA because it was easy for me to collect data from the employees
of PTA due to several references.

4.3 Sampling

This study uses convenience non-random sampling, because data is large and the whole
population cannot be approached so by using certain techniques the data is collected on
convenient basis. Only in data collection I used convenience not in approach.

5. Measures

On the instruments of the studies variables are elaborated where in five-point Likert scale from,
Strongly Disagree=1 to Strongly Agree=5, was applied to quantify the responses.

5.1. Work Conditions

Work Conditions is being measured through the questionnaire adopted and adapted from
Morgeson, Frederick P. (2006) where in 5 items etc. are utilize to measure the said variable. The
example of one item is “In terms of temperature and humidity the climate of work place is
5.2. Communication

Communication is being measured through the questionnaire adopted and adapted from Roberts,
Tom L., Paul H. Cheney, and Paul D. Sweeney (2004), where in 6 items etc. are utilize to
measure the said variable. The example of one item is “Chance is given to everyone to express
their opinion”
5.3. Work Overload

Work Overload is being measured through the questionnaire adopted and adapted from Ply, Janet
K., Jo Ellen Moore, and Clay K. Williams (2012), where in 5 items etc. are utilize to measure the
said variable. The example of one item is “I feel that I deal with number of requests, problems
and complaints are more than expected

5.4. Organizational Commitment

Organizational performance is being measured through the questionnaire adopted and adapted
from Thatcher, Jason Bennett, Lee P. Stepina, and Randall J. Boyle (2002), where in 9 items etc.
are utilize to measure the said variable. The example of one item is “I am willing to put in some
extra amount of effort beyond normally expected in order to help out this organization.”

6. Research Analysis

Following analysis is being conduct in this research:

 Descriptive analysis.
 Reliability analysis.
 Mean of the variables
 One-way ANOVA.
 Normality of data.
 Correlation analysis.
 Regression analysis.

6.1 Demographics

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Male 60 56.6 56.6 56.6

Female 46 43.4 43.4 100.0

Total 106 100.0 100.0  

The above table shows that among the sample of 106 people, total number of male respondents is
60 and 46female respondents in my study. That means 56% of the total sample represents male
respondents and 43.4% represents female employee in the respected company.

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
18-25 17 16.0 16.0 16.0

26-33 47 44.3 44.3 60.4

34-41 33 31.1 31.1 91.5

42-49 9 8.5 8.5 100.0

Total 106 100.0 100.0

In the above table, 16% respondents were of age ranging from 18 to 25 years, 44.3% respondents
were of age ranging from 26 to 34 years, 31.1% respondents were of age ranging from 35 to 44
years and 8.5% respondents were of age ranging 45 years and above.


  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Graduation 18 17.0 17.0 17.0

Masters 85 80.2 80.2 97.2

Other 3 2.8 2.8 100.0

Total 106 100.0 100.0  

From the sample of 106 respondents 17% respondents’ education level was graduation, 80.2%
respondents were master’s degree graduate and 2.8% respondents were other degree graduates.
  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Less than 1 year 5 4.7 4.7 4.7

1-5 years 48 45.3 45.3 50.0

6-10 years 37 34.9 34.9 84.9
11-15 years 16 15.1 15.1 100.0
Total 106 100.0 100.0  

The tenure/experience of the respondents is shown in the above table. 4.7% of respondents have
the experience of less than one year, 45.3% of respondents have the experience of 1 to 5 years,
34.9% of respondents have the experience of 6 to 10 years, 15.1%v of respondents have the
experience of 11 to 15 years .

Control Variables

Demographics WC
f statistics p value
Gender .000 . 986
Age 1.201 .313
Education 5.292 .006
Experience .250 .861

One Way ANOVA analysis are done to understand the nature of the control variable in this
research study. Normally the demographics are being controlled on the basis of one-way
ANOVA. Therefore, the significance and insignificance of the demographics is being checked.
And only those demographics are controlled whose value is less than 0.05. According to this
research study, age and education, are the demographics that need to be controlled because the P-
value of age and education is less than 0.05 i.e., .007 and .001 respectively.

Normality of data

Research Variable Skewness Kurtosis

WC -.454 -.827
COM -.932 .999
WO -5.168 45.107
OC 2.210 10.965

Above table shows the normality of data, in the study we have to make sure about the bell-
shaped curve that means we have to make sure that our data is normally distributed. Therefore,
we have to make sure that the skewness and kurtosis value should be within the range of -1 and
+1. If the values are within this range that means that the data is normally distributed.

Reliability of variables

Variable Name Mean Cronbach’s Alpha

WC 4.2717 0.54872
COM 4.1714 0.49159
WO 4.1627 1.57964
OC 3.9969 .83423

Reliability analysis refers to the fact that a scale check consistency of measures. In the above
table we check the reliability of independent variable and dependent variable by the values of
Cronbach Alpha. The minimum value of acceptance is 0.7 and maximum value of acceptance is
0.9 or above. The above table shows that the Cronbach alpha value of studied variables is not
reliable because the Cronbach alpha values are below than 0.7. The values of variables can be
less because the sample was too short due to that the Cronbach alpha values of variables is less
than 0.7.
Correlation Analysis

  1 2 3 4
1. WC 1                
2. COM .456** 1
3. WO .059 -.017 1
4. OC .153 .329** .1050 1

* p<.05, ** p<.01 *** p<.001

The Correlation Analysis in Table 4.2 discloses the direction of relationship (either

positive or negative) among variables. In this study, correlation analysis shows that all variables

are correlated, mostly positive correlated as prescribed in the hypothesis. It depicts that WC, CO,

FT and EP are positively associated with value of .287**, .193**, .224**, .102*

Regression analysis for determinants of Performance

Predictors Employee Performance

β R2

Step 1
Control Variables .012
Step 2
WC .----***
CO .-----**
FT -.------* .3455 .341
* p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001

The Table 4.3 represents significant positive relate

The Table above represents significant positive relationship of work conditions, communication

and work overload with Organizational commitment. Firstly, the influence of demographic

variables i.e. age and education are controlled and then regression analysis between concerned

variables is performed. Furthermore, the value of R2 = .012

6. Discussion

H1: Work condition is positively related to organization commitment. The work place
environment attracts the skilled workers towards the organization which results the positive
financial and operational performance. The lower staff is less committed towards their
organization because many organization do not provide with the facilities to survive in the work
place whereas top and middle management are more committed towards organization.

The hypothesis is accepted the work environment effects the employee performance as the
workplace environment is the factor which determines whether the employee will serve the
organization positively or negatively.

H2: Communication is positively related to organizational commitment. The communication gap

between the management is biggest failure for the organization as they create the downfall of the
organization. The hypothesis is accepted that the communication infrastructure is important for
the organization performance the stronger communication among the departments strong will be
the performance. The company increases its shareholders and the trust due to the strong
communication among the public by company top management.

When the company top management communicate with the employees regularly it helps them to
recognize their problems and the solution due to which the organizational commitment of the
employees increases and affects the performance.

H3: Work Overload is positively related with the organizational commitment. Work Overload is
a negative factor for the decline of the organizational performance even we increase the number
of employees and the workers until the labor rights are not protected, we cannot increase the
organizational commitment.

The work overload for the employees decreases their motivation towards the work. Here the
hypothesis is rejected due to the overload the firm faces the production and manufacturing

7. Conclusion

All three hypothesis were accepted meaning that the organization selected for research thinks
that all three of the variable were important for increasing organizational commitment among the
employees. Given that providing employees with clean and healthy environment increases
morale of the employees into staying in the organization. Communication may seem irrelevant to
some readers but it has a psychological effect on employees bad communication could leads
towards a mind stress and thus could leads towards a negativity in minds of employees towards
organization. Work overload and extreme work pressure will create a stress like environment and
could leads employees into leaving the organization.

7.1.1 Recommendation

 PTA could increase its employees morale by creation a healthy work environment to
increase organizational commitment among employees
 PTA should work on its communications skills to relieve its employees for mental stress
and minimize the communication gap
 Work division among employees should be efficient to keep all the hassles away
 PTA being a telecommunication authority should digitalize their inter department

7.1.2 Limitations

 Study was conducted only on one sector

 Sample size was limited
 Study was conduction only on telecommunication authority not on telecom companies
 Non serious behavior of the respondents
7.1.3 Future Research

 Only independent and dependent variables are used in the study’s model. Future
researchers could add mediator and moderator in the research model.
 The sample size for this study was small and i.e. only 106 and is limited to only one
organization, future researchers can extend the sample size. Future researchers can
expand the targeted sector as the target sector for this study was narrow.

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