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Write a report on family life in your country basd on your discussion with

your partner. Write four or five paragraphs, including an introduction and

conclusion. Include topic sentences and arrage your supporting
sentences in a logical order.
the families in the country are usually very large, the families are trained at a
very young age, in my family we are 5 and we are very close,
most families are united and in others not much problems are never lacking in
families but you always have to know how to solve it in the best way.
Family life is something we all have many concepts about.

Write to an old friend, relative or colleague who you haven`t seen for a
long time. Let them know what you`re doing now and what has happened
in your life since you were last in touch.
Hi Sam, we haven't seen each other in a long time. I want to tell you that I have
finished my career and now I am working. I also tell you that my son is already
very old and very calm.
Let's not lose communication, write me and tell me now that you are doing it.
you are already working?
I just need to finish English to get my degree and be able to complete my thesis
in order to get my degree and be able to present my work to work in the mine.
That is what I see most and I hope you accept me.
1.- In the picture number one we can see an elderly couple facing the sea,
possibly enjoying a trip and enjoying their love.
2.- In the picture number two we can see a premature baby hospitalized and
connected with probes and the hand that looks like a nurse, doctor or his
mother, lying in what appears to be a crib.
3.- In the picture number three we can see a lot of pollution on the seashore
with many birds.
1.- In the picture number one we can see an airport window and also a lady with
a black bag and a black jacket buying tickets and on the other side a young
man with a shirt and a jacket.
2.- In the picture number two we can see two people in what looks like a coffee.
The girl is dressed in a blouse, a dress, some heels and a headband in her hair.
the man is dressed in cream pants, a sweater and a pair of slippers
3.- In the picture number three We can see a couple arguing with a map in
hand. They are driving a yellow car. the man seems to be driving and the girl
with the map indicating.
4.- In the picture number four we can see a lady who seems to be the president
of some corporation and is giving a lecture has short hair and is dressed in a
sack and also wears a gold necklace.
Cycling in the city is one of the best solutions to combat pollution caused by all
motorized vehicles, it would be very good if most people took this option to
reduce pollution.
Some countries are already taking it as a solution.
There are few cities in Peru where they use bicycles, since most people use
motorized vehicles because they are faster to reach distant places.
in Trujillo they are just enabling the occasional route for cycling. and there are
already several people who use bicycles to transport.

Writing two

The issue of global iniquity and poverty in the developing world is really one of
the greatest challenges facing humanity today, at the same time as the impact
that people have on our environment, tens of years. Not only from our planet, I
invite myself. It magnifies my impact when addressing both problems in the
sane time.

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