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1. Intro...

Start with big long tense forte chords in brass as whole notes (with flutes
and mallets providing a counter rhythm)

1. Have high flutes spiral up into first chord

2. end this section with a fast violin descending spiraling lines ending in a
orch crescendo that moves into a march groove

2. A section

1. Diminished idea tonal, Low cellos playing a ostinato with french horns
providing 1st theme

2. 2nd theme after that that is short but modulates around but thirds still
horns carrying melody

3. end with opening big chords from intro

4. Have s flutes spiraling around while epic horns play

3. B Section

1. Whimsical Elfmanesque Theme and Instrumentation in 3/4

2. Return to second march like theme from A Section (could be in a different

key add male choir Brass cover melody

1. end with spiraling strings into big intro orchestral whole note


1. Use flute runs for fourishes

2. Use short 1 -2 measure melodic fragment and move them around to other keys

3. Use mixed meters

4. Tonic Minor Chord is cool as well as Dom7th #11 chord

5. Cresendo sweeps at end of phrases into next section


1. Spitfire Orch Drum Kit

2. Mallets

3. Celeste

4. Strings

5. Horns

6. Trombones

7. Flutes and Hollywoodwinds

8. Pizz Strings

9. Aggressive Cellos from Iceni

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