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1. Complete this unfinished sentence.

Developmental task are: tasks that arises at a certain period in life and ctivities that tests our
abilities and kills for us to grow and have progress.

TRAITS: In infancy and early childhood, the outstanding trait is when they are learning to distinguish
right from wrong, when they are developing their conscience and when they respond to human voice
and touch.

In middle childhood, it is the development of conscience, morality, and a scale of values.

In adolescence, it is the trait wherein they are achieving emotional independence of adults.
In early adulthood, learning to accept responsibility and to accept criticism is an outstanding trait for
me. In middle adulthood, it is the acceptance of the physiological changes of middle age.
And in later maturity, the outstanding trait for me is the process of adjusting to decreasing strength
and health.
DEVELOPMENAL TASK The tasks that are expected in infancy and early childhood are learning to walk,
talk, read, and take solid foods.

In middle childhood, learning to get along with age-mates and developing skills in reading, writing, and

In adolescence, achieving relations with both sexes.

In early adulthood, starting an occupation, assuming civic responsibility, and starting a family

In middle adulthood, accepting the physiological changes of middle age and adjusting to aging parent

And in later maturity, adjusting to decreasing strength, health, retirement, and reduced income are the
tasks that are expected in this stage.

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