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Frosh Fusion Counselor Community Agreement

As a Frosh Fusion Counselor, you are a representative of the University of Memphis at all times. Your behavior
impacts not only yourself, but also your peers, the new students, campus partners, the Memphis community
and the University community. You will make every effort to act in a safe and respectful manner which
includes, but is not limited, to the following community principles:

Fundamental Responsibilities:
▪ I will be organized, attentive, and prepared for meetings and sessions. As with any job, being on time is
always expected. Everyone should be responsible enough to be on time for sessions and meetings. (5
minutes early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.) If you must leave early due to
extenuating circumstances, or you know ahead of time that you will be late, please inform the advisor(s)
no later than 48 hours in advance.

▪ As a representative of the Student Leadership and Involvement office, I recognize myself as a role
model and am aware that I need to represent both the office and myself in the best way possible.
Positive role modeling is shown by first impressions, how I communicate with others, and my actions. I
will set a positive example by showing respect and consideration for all students, members of the
faculty, staff, and administration and their property.

▪ I will not consume, purchase, supply, obtain, etc. alcohol or any illegal substances at any time during
training sessions, retreats, meetings or programs sponsored by Frosh Fusion, including while on the job
during Frosh Fusion. I will not promote or encourage new students to use alcohol or any illegal
substance directly or indirectly. I understand the use of drugs may jeopardize not only my personal
safety but also the safety of my peers as well as my academic standing as a student at the University of

▪ If I am involved with a matter that involves discipline from any University department or office, including,
but not limited to the Residence Life, Campus Police, Academic Affairs, or Judicial Affairs, I must notify
Lucy ( or Brian Deal ( in the Student Leadership and
Involvement office within 24 hours following the incident.

▪ I will be aware that my behavior and use of language, on or off campus, may affect my ability to
effectively serve as a role model or resource. I will not use profanity, and I will be careful when using
acronyms/nicknames around families or new students who may not understand them. I will abide by the
University Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities as well as all University policies, procedures
and guidelines at all times.

▪ I am aware the virtual world, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, and TikTok is
increasingly used by students, staff, and employers. I recognize this is an opportunity for me to serve
as a positive role model in these online communities and educate fellow community members about
messages and images being shared online. Failure to serve as a positive role model in this way will
result in further consequences deemed appropriate by the advisors.

▪ I am aware of the risks associated with not appropriately complying with the health regulations put into
place to protect both myself and student participants from the Covid-19 virus. I will promote the usage
and compliance with these regulations and will make advisors aware if someone I am working with
refuses to do so.

Frosh Fusion Counselor Community Agreement 2021

Adapted from Washington University Community Agreement
Frosh Fusion Counselor Community Agreement

▪ I will respect the feelings and rights of individuals and represent the values of my institution; which
includes sensitivity to the uniqueness of each situation and individual. I will refer students to appropriate
resources or staff. I will not propagate or tolerate any incidents of prejudice or bias related to gender,
age, race, national origin, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion,
veteran status, genetic information or ability.

▪ As a counselor, you are considered a “Mandatory Reporter” for the University. University employees
called “Mandatory Reporters” are required to report sexual misconduct, relationship violence, stalking,
or retaliation to the university. Mandatory Reporters are not confidential university resources. This is not
meant to discourage participants or peers from sharing information with you, but to make you aware of
your responsibility in this role. Should you encounter a reportable act, it is imperative you contact Lucy
or Brian, the Office of Accountability, Outreach & Support, Office of Institutional Equity, or University
Police Services. More information is available online at

Responsibilities to Fellow Frosh Fusion Counselors:

▪ I will respect the sensitivity of information shared among the Frosh Fusion community. Also, I will
remember self-disclosure and risk-taking is not easy. Openness is good with my teammates. The more
I appropriately share, the more we build trust among team members. Other Frosh Fusion Counselors
will act as my sounding board and will help me through difficult times, and I will be ready to do the same
for them.

▪ I understand and agree to abide by the University hazing policy: any action taken or situation created
for the purpose of initiation into, admission into, affiliation with (or continued membership in), any group
or organization which is intended to produce physical discomfort, injury, mental discomfort,
embarrassment, or ridicule will not be tolerated.

▪ I will help to foster team spirit and cooperation. I will maximize each person’s talents through support
and encouragement and offer feedback in a constructive and professional manner.

▪ If conflict arises, I will do my best to resolve it appropriately. If I have a problem with another person, I
will tell them, and do my best to work it out without involving unnecessary people. If the conflict
escalates, or I feel that I cannot manage it myself, I will work with Katelyn and/or Brian to help resolve
this issue. I will not keep problems regarding the program until after the program has ended in August.
The quicker problems can get resolved and improved the better the outcome will be for the people and
relationships in the program.

▪ Reach out to Frosh Fusion Director, Brianna James at, or staff advisor, Lucy
Orr at, with any questions or concerns that may arise throughout the duration of
your term.

▪ Promote and comply with the safety regulations put into place to protect both yourself, your co-
counselors, and student participants from the Covid-19 virus.

Responsibilities / Requirements
▪ I will attend all scheduled meetings and the retreat in their entirety.
▪ I will attend Frosh Fusion in its entirety.

Frosh Fusion Counselor Community Agreement 2021

Adapted from Washington University Community Agreement
Frosh Fusion Counselor Community Agreement
▪ I will maintain a cumulative GPA of no less than 2.75.
▪ I will present a mid-semester grade check, by the beginning of April, to the advisor(s).
▪ I will maintain full-time student status (minimum of 12 credit hours).
▪ I will actively participate in recruitment efforts as deemed appropriate by advisor.
▪ I will not wear Greek paraphernalia to any Frosh Fusion related function or meeting and agree to sign a
disaffiliation agreement to adhere to these rules and conditions.
▪ I will continue to have a positive relationship with my students after Frosh Fusion and acknowledge that
engagement into the first semester is critical.
▪ I will fully comply with the health regulations put into place to protect both myself and student attendees
from the COVID-19 virus.
▪ I will actively promote the usage of social distancing and mask wearing to encourage safety amongst
student participants and my fellow counselors.

*Advisors reserve the right to terminate your role if you do not abide by these
rules and expectations.*

I have been given a digital copy of the Frosh Fusion Community Agreement from the Student
Leadership and Involvement Office. I understand a violation of the community agreement is serious and
will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Possible ramifications include but are not limited to a
meeting with a professional staff member, a request for a formal apology, or termination from this

I may also be referred to the following University departments for follow up: Office of Student Conduct,
Dean of Students, Office of Residential Life, Athletics, your academic dean’s office or any other
University administrator with a need to know. Your parent or legal guardian may also be notified of the

I understand the statements above and agree to abide by these terms.

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Frosh Fusion Counselor Community Agreement 2021

Adapted from Washington University Community Agreement
Frosh Fusion Counselor Community Agreement

Signature Date

Frosh Fusion Counselor Community Agreement 2021

Adapted from Washington University Community Agreement

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