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Asked To Meet Most Requirements

Achieve S-1 degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering

Arranged by :

Muchammad Lextito Harnadi

D100 154 010







Asked To Meet Most Requirements

Achieve S-1 degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering

Title page
Arranged by :

Muchammad Lextito Harnadi

D100 154 010








Work Report
Reach to Meet Most Requirements Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering S-1

Arranged by :
Muchammad Lextito Harnadi
NIM: D100 154 010

Surakarta, October 2018

Supervisor Project Supervisor

Nurul Hidayati Indra Gunawan, ST

NIK. 729

Head of the Civil Engineering Program Faculty of Engineering
muhammadiyah Surakarta university

M. Solikhin, ST, MT, Ph.D

NIK. 792



Praise Allah SWT writer who has provided health and opportunity to the
author, so it can finalize this practice well, as a requirement of achieving
undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering S-1 Universitas Muhammadiyah
Surakarta. Work Report can be resolved after the authors do practical work for 2
months. Benefits in the can by the author are as follows:

1. Improve and complete the coursework in Civil Engineering

2. Can compare and apply theory in the can during lectures and to solve the
current problems in the field.
3. The author gained experience working in the real world of civil engineering.

With the completion of this practical work, the author would like to thank:

1. Mr. M. Solikin, ST, MT, Ph.D as the Head of the Civil Engineering Program
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
2. Mrs. Nurul Hidayati. as Advisor
3. Parents and families of all the authors who continue to give support to the
authors of this report
4. PP-KSO has provided an opportunity for authors to gain knowledge and
experience in the world of civil engineering work
5. Mr. Daniel Rinsani and Mr. Danang Wijanarko who have given us
permission to carry out practical work in the New Airport Infrastructure
Development Project in Kulon Progo.
6. Indra Gunawan as supervisor of practical work in the Terminal Area
Infrastructure Development Project New service in Kulon Progo.
7. Aziz Mas, Mas Juna, Ma'am Alki, Mas Akmal, Indra Sukma, Mas al, Pak
Asep, Mr. Tri, Pak Umar and all the staff and employees of PP-KSO who was
willing to share knowledge to the author.

8. Practical work comrade writer, Sofia Dwi Yani titis Asih Sukmawati
9. All my friends who have supported and helped resolve this practical work
There is no ivory that is not cracked, so did the writing of this report, the
authors believe that the practical work is far from perfect. Therefore, the authors
expect criticism and constructive suggestions to enhance this practical work
report. Lastly, the author hopes that this practical work can be useful for readers.


Surakarta, October 2018



Title page.................................................................................................................ii

ENDORSEMENT PAGE.......................................................................................iii



LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................................................viii

LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................ix

APPENDIX LIST....................................................................................................x

PART I.....................................................................................................................1


Project Overview..................................................................................................1


General Rear 1.1.1Latar................................................................................1

Rear 1.1.2Latar Project.................................................................................2


1.2.1 Project Objectives................................................................................3

1.2.2 Objectives Students..............................................................................4

1. Foundation.............................................................................................5

2. Pile Cap..................................................................................................6

3. Landing Runway Pavement...................................................................6

4. pavement Apron.....................................................................................6

5. Pavement Other Air Facility (Holding Bay, RESA, Taxiway, Stopway)


1.2.1. The main ingredient...........................................................................7

1. Cement...................................................................................................7

2. Iron.........................................................................................................7

3. Wiremesh...............................................................................................7

4. Steel.......................................................................................................8

5. Water......................................................................................................8

6. Sand.......................................................................................................8

7. soil Embankment...................................................................................8

8. Split........................................................................................................8

1.2.2. Supporting facilities...........................................................................8

1. Directors Keet........................................................................................8

2. Field office.............................................................................................9

3. Barak Workers.......................................................................................9

4. access road.............................................................................................9

5. batching Plant........................................................................................9

CHAPTER II..........................................................................................................11

1.1. Definition of Management......................................................................11

2.2 Project organization.................................................................................12

2.2.1 Elements Project Manager...............................................................12

2.2.2 Working Relationships Between Elements Project.........................19

2.2.3 The Contractor Organization.................................................................22

2.3 Auction....................................................................................................23

2.4 Project control.........................................................................................24

2.4.1 Quality control.................................................................................24

2.4.2 time control......................................................................................25

2.4.3 Cost control......................................................................................27

3.3.1. Soil improvement.............................................................................44 Soil compaction Rapid Method Impulse Compaction (RIC). . .44

1. Work implementation......................................................................44 Soil compaction by Dynamic Compaction Method..................46


3.3.2. barrow..............................................................................................47

1.3. Terminal Area Borepile.......................................................................49

CHAPTER IV Discussion ..................................................................

4.1 General description .....................................................................

4.2 Problems administration ......................................................

4.3 DESCRIPTION OF khusu ......................................................................

4.4 Quality control issues ..................... borepile job.

CHAPTER V Conclusion ..................................................................... ..

5.1 Conclusion ..................................................................... ..

Figure II.1 Employment Relations Between Elements Project..............................20
Figure II.2 Organizational Structure Contractors................................................24
Figure III.3 Impulse Rapid Compaction Equipment..............................................28
Figure III.4 loader..................................................................................................28
Figure III.5Alat Setting GNSS...............................................................................29
Figure III.6 Bulldozer............................................................................................29
Figure III.7 SPT Test Equipment...........................................................................30
Figure III.8 CPT Test Equipment..........................................................................30
Figure III.9 RIC Work Flow Chart........................................................................38
Figure III.10 Service Crane...................................................................................31
Figure III.11 Drilling Machines............................................................................31
Figure III.12 Drilling Machines............................................................................32
Figure III.13 Auger and Cleaning Bucket.............................................................32
Figure III.14 Casing..............................................................................................32
Figure III.15 tremie................................................................................................33
Figure III.16 Drilling and Clearing Bucket...........................................................33
Figure III.17 Vibro Hammer..................................................................................33
Figure III.18 Theodolite.........................................................................................34
Figure III.19 Dump Truck......................................................................................34
Figure III.20 Truck Mixer......................................................................................34
Figure III.21 Flow Chart Pile Bored Piling Works................................................47
Figure IV.22 Data New Airport Terminal Area Borelog Kulon Progo.................49
Figure 2. Sieve Analysis Test Results....................................................................51
Figure 3. Graph Potential granular soil liquefaction in> 95%...............................52
Figure 4. Factors variation of cyclic shear stress reduction based on the depth....53




1.1 Background

General Rear 1.1.1Latar

Science is an effort to discover and increase human understanding of the
various aspects of reality that occurs in human nature. Someone who is
knowledgeable it is necessary to have knowledge. Science is a knowledge which
is arranged in applying. Science is the result obtained from the process of thinking
about the experience of being the object of study and can be recognized / to be
According to Aristotle the science is 2:
1. Theoretical Studies: investigations aimed at gaining knowledge of
2. Practical science: investigations aimed at explaining actions based
on knowledge.
While knowledge is information that can be to obtain the understanding,
learning and experience. Knowledge is the result of interpretation by the human
senses: senses of vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Knowledge can be
derived from scientific knowledge and knowledge by experience.

Students are the highest level in the world of learning. Students should be
prepared toenter the working world after the through multiple levels of learning in
school. Before implementing the science and knowledge gained during the school
day, of course, the school has a responsibility before removing the student would
have to be accompanied by guidance that science and knowledge in the field could
be relevant to that school, along with the development of science be it technology,
information and methods in the occupied areas. Civil Engineering Study Program

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta His students require to do the course "Job"
as outlined in the two compulsory credits students who have taken before students
graduate. In order to prepare and to increase the knowledge and the knowledge of
students in the world field. Practical work can be done in the field or in the office,
but related to the occupied areas, it is associated with the world of construction,
for example for practical work in the field: highway construction, building
construction, construction of airports, etc. For the office
for example, can do in the office Consultant and Owner. Haranpan course study
program with students doing this activity is to provide useful knowledge in
preparation to enter the workforce with a competitive future in terms of career

Rear 1.1.2Latar Project

On this occasion, the students had the opportunity to conduct "Job" on
development projects New Yogyakarta International Airport.
The increasing mobility of people who move from one place to another,
either by moving the domicile or only for implementing a purpose, from year to
year has increased. Not kentinggalan Indonesia is famous for island countries
certainly transporttasi mode air is one of the easiest and fastest mode of
transportation by plane that stopped at the airport. One of the airports that are in
Indonesia is the Adi Sucipto airport located in Sleman, Yogyakarta. From its
inception to the present Adi Sucipto airport, the airport is not only used for
commercial flights, but also used as a homebase and runway military activities.
New development projects Yogyakarta internatinal Aiport later will only
be a commercial airport and be the largest airport in Indonesia in 2018. New
development projects Yogyakarta internatinal Aiport in the village Jangkaran,
Sindutan, Palihan, Kebonrejo, and Glagah in Temon, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta.

Figure 1.2.1 Google view the location of New Yogyakarta airport project
Internatioanl Aiport
With the airport area which spans 587.3 hectares the airport is expected to
have a hangar measuring 371 125 meter2 square planned could accommodate as
many as 28 aircraft, the construction project is expected to be able to
accommodate passengers at Adi Sucipto airport in Yogyakarta has been
predicted no longer able to accommodate the demand for passenger flights, as
well as ease of access for users transortasi air Yogyakarta and surrounding areas.

1.2 Aim

1.2.1 Project Objectives

1. Meeting the needs of the air transport sector services
2. Stimulation of the economy, local potential development, increased
employment, increased revenue (PAD).
3. Support the central government in the improvement of national
competitiveness, increase exports and economic growth.
4. The increase in revenue.

1.2.2 Objectives Students

1. Subjects completing "Job
2. Gain experience in the world of work
3. Increase the sense of responsibility of students

1.3 Funding and Duration
Air New Airport development project Yogyakarta International
Airport which is planned to have the terminal facilities of 130,000 m2 with
a capacity of 14 million pax / year, with a wide apron that has a 371 205
m2 which can accommodate 28 aircraft and the runway sepangjang 3.250
x 60 m2. Is expected to improve the mobility of air transportation than
Adisucipto airport, this development plan is planned to start in 2017 -
2020, which starts from the work of land acquisition until the aircraft can
land and fly safely, with an investment of 6.7 trillion rupiah funding
sourced from PT Angkasa Pura I (Bank Loans, Bonds and Business
Partners) is expected to airports New Yogyakarta International airport can
be realized.

1.4 Technical Data Project

1.4.1 soil Basics

To know the basic soil types in the area of construction of the
airport, do some kind of testing ground that is drilled within and SPT
(Deep Boring & Standard Penetration Test), testing the ground with sondir
method, as well as soil testing in the laboratory.
Based on the implementation of the drill, the type of soil at the test
site known to be non-cohesive soil. But at one ttik testing, from ground
level to a depth of 13 meters of soil types in the form of cohesive soils,
while at a depth of 13-40 meters of land in the form of sand soil.
Sondir of the test results, it is known that the average hard ground
at a depth of 5 meters. And based on soil samples tested in the laboratory,
it can be concluded that the type of soil at the test site is a non-cohesive
From some of the test results can be concluded that the type of soil on the
basis of the project is non-cohesive soil with a hard ground at a depth of 5

1.4.2 type Structure

On New Airport development project Yogyakarta International
Airpot, divided into 3 parts, namely: Package Aksessibilitas, landside
Package, and Package Airside. Each package by the contractor performed
by the parts division itself, Package Aksesibiliatas by the Infrastructure
division 2 PP, PP Package landside by Building 2, package Aksessibilitas
by DGH

1. Foundation
Foundation types used in this construction project is the foundation
Bore Pile. But for the mosque area, PK-PPK and PK sub-CO, the
foundation used is Spun Pile foundation.

2. Pile Cap
Pile cap is a structure used to bind the foundation before the
established fields on it. For the size and number of poles in the binding
depends on the maximum load that will be accepted by him.
3. Landing Runway Pavement
Type of decay which is used in the area of the runway is a flexible
pavement (flexible Pavement). The reason for choosing flexible
pavement is because the load through it in the form of dynamic load, in
addition to the other reason is to facilitate maintenance and repairs if
there is damage.
4. pavement apron
apronan area of the airport which is used as a parking lot air. Due to
the load received in the form of static load, the type of pavement used
in this area is a kind of rigid pavement (Rigid Pavement)
5. Pavement Other Air Facility (Holding Bay, RESA, Taxiway, Stopway)
a. Holding Bay
Is a place that is near a runway normally used aircraft to wait for
the queue. Due to the load received by a static load, the pavement in
this area in the form of rigid pavement (rigid pavement)
b. RESA (Runway End Safety Area)
It is an area that is set up to reduce the danger of damage to
aircraft skidded due out (over shooting) from the runway. In
addition, this area is also designed as a firefighter movement area if
there is an emergency.
Pavement in this area of the flattened expanse of gravel and made
free of obstacles, which stretches from the end of the runway strip
and symmetrical with respect to the extension of the runway center
c. Stopway
It is a rectangular field which is located at the end of the runway
which is provided as a safe place to stop for the aircraft that failed to

take off. Pavement in this area in the form of flexible pavement
(flexible pavement)
d. taxiway
A connecting road between the runway to the aircraft parking
area (apron), hangar, termina, or other facilities of an airport. There
are two types of taxiways, the parallel taxiway which is lying
taxiway parallel to the runway and taxiway rapid exit taxiway with
which a sharp angle, allowing the aircraft to leave the runway. Type
of pavement used in this area Circumstances flexible pavement
(flexible pavement).

1.4.3 The main ingredient

1. Cement
The project site is located in coastal areas with high ground water
level, but the water conditions do not include brackish or salty water, so
it is still possible to use one type of cement (Ordinary Portland Cement)

2. Iron
The size and type of iron used in the construction project depends
on the type of structure to be built

3. Wiremesh
In this project wiremesh used as a reinforcing material or
reinforcement casting, such as foundry workers barracks, access roads,

4. Steel
Profile of reinforcing steel used varies depending on the type of
structure to be built.

5. Water
Water used for various activities in the project are taken land
available soil water in the field.

6. Sand
Sand used for construction come from a variety of different quarry

7. soil Embankment
Soil pile used for the process of development comes from a variety
of different quarry

8. Split
Split used for the process of development comes from a variety of
different quarry

1.4.4 Supporting facilities

Support Facility is a building created as a means of support either
directly or indirectly support the construction of the main building in order
to run properly. In this development project, which includes support
facilities are:

1. Directors Keet
Directors Keet is an office building into a project that is used as a
place to set up, monitor and control operational and project
administration. The building consists of divided into several rooms
(room floor plan see annex):
a. space Engineering
b. Space Project Leader
c. Living room
d. Large Meeting Room
e. Small Meeting Room
f. Office Supervisor
g. Space Planning Consultant
h. Pavilion (VIP lounge)
i. office K3L
j. Induction Meeting room K3L
k. mosques

l. Houses Generator
m. Security guard office
2. Field office
Field offices in this project is an office that is used as a rallying
point for the field manager, field supervisors, and implementers to
coordinate related work in the field.

3. Barak Workers
Barak worker is a building used as a residence for workers of the
project. (For layout see attached)

4. access road
The access road is a road that was made in the project area to
facilitate the mobilization of heavy equipment as well as other means
of transportation that supports the implementation of the project.

5. batching Plant
batching Plantis a place that used to produce a large portion of
natural concrete mixture. Purpose built batching plant in the area of
the project is to accelerate the mobilization of concrete to the casting
area projects.
6. Los Working Wood
This facility was built for wood work. This place is a place used for
the manufacture of formwork and other wood work. The building is
typically made open off without walls (los) and given a roof covering
so that workers can work safely and comfortably.
7. Los Working Iron
This facility was built for the iron work. This place is the place for
cutting and bending rebar shop drawings in accordance with the
picture (buistat) existing
8. Warehouse

Warehouse is a place that is used to store items related to the
project in order to condition and quality can be maintained.
9. Laboratory
The lab is a structure created as a place to perform various tests /
tests of the execution of the work, such as the testing of the quality of
materials to be used.
10. Office Sub-Contractors
This office is a temporary office created by the sub-contractor to
support the implementation of the project work.
11. washing Bay
Washing bay is a place for washing vehicle wheels project to
ensure cleanliness



2.1 Definition of Management

Project management is a management method that was developed

scientifically and intense since the mid-20th century to deal with specific
activities in the form of projects. This is a business for the purpose of
activities can be achieved efficiently and effectively. Effective in this case is
where the results of the use of resources and activities in accordance with the
objectives which include quality, cost, time, and others. While efficient
means of resource use and selection of appropriate sub-activities, including
the number, type, time of use of other sources and others. Therefore, the
project management on a construction project is a matter that can not be
ignored. Because without it, construction will be difficult to walk in line with
expectations in the form of cost, time and quality.
a. Project Management Objectives:
1. manage Risk
2. Maximizing the Potential of Teams
3. Creating a Proper Planning
4. Leveraging Opportunities
5. Managing Integration
b. Stages of Project Management
1. Project Definition (Defining Project)
2. Project Initiation (Project Initiation)
3. Project Planning (Project Management)
4. Project Execution (Project Implementation)
5. Project Monitoring & Control (Monitoring and Control Project)
6. Project Closure (Closure Project)

2.2 Project organization
2.2.1 Elements Project Manager
In the implementation of the project needed a oganisasi the
implementation of which is a work order to support the success of the
project. Organization in the sense of the body can be defined as a group
of people who work together in a working group of inter-related,
responsible and work together in harmony to achieve a particular goal.
The organization is a very important component in the control and
implementation of the project. A good project organization must have the
following characteristics:
a. Harmonious relationships occur in cooperation.
b. Happened cooperation based rights, obligations and responsibilities
for each element of the project manager.
a. Project owner
The project owner is also known as the assignor, the owner is an
entity or individual, both government and private sector have, provide
jobs, and to fund a project in the development process of a building. In
the new airport infrastructure development projects in Kulon Progo,
the project owner is Angkasa Pura 1.
The duties, powers and responsibilities as the owner of the project
1. Appointing a representative (Supervisor) for the needs of
planning and implementation. Party owner can then lift the
contractors who have been selected through the auction system.
2. To ratify the decisions that affect the cost, quality and timing of
3. Resolve disputes over the project going between subordinates
with the contractor.
4. Provide and seek funding for the contractors.
5. Giving the decision to change the execution time by taking into
account advice provided by the consultant.

b. Planning consultant
Planning consultants have an obligation and a duty to draw up a
plan in the structural design, architecture, and mechanical / electrical,
with provisions desired by the project owner. In the new airport
infrastructure development projects in Kulon Progo, Consultant
Planner divided into two parties, namely from the owner and the
contractor. Consultant planner from the owner to the landside area is
PT. Virama work and to the airside area is PT. Nur Straits
Engineering. Consultant planner of the contracting party for the
landside area is PT. Penta Engineering who have a role to develop the
image Design Development (DD) becomes Detail Engineering Design
(DED) in a Design and Build contract system.
The tasks or activities of the consultant planner as follows:
1. Creating images and their DED technical justification, cost, and
schedule of construction.
2. Make rencanan work and conditions (RKS) and budget plan
3. Propose value of engineering (design changes) if necessary.
c. Supervising consultants
Supervising consultant is an organization or individual that is
multi-disciplinary working for and on behalf of the Project Owner
(owner). Supervisors should be able to cooperate with the planning
consultant in a project. In the new airport infrastructure development
projects in Kulon Progo, a supervisory consultant PMSC Consultant
(Project Management and Supervising Consultant) who has the
authority to oversee and review the design. PMSC consultant in this
project is KSO between Ciriajasa Cipta Mandiri, Blue Visions, and Tata
Guna Patria.
Consultants PMSC has authority as follows:

1. Conducting periodic monitoring and provide guidance, instructions
and explanations to the contractor and examine the results that have
been done.
2. Progress report recommends implementing job for funds to the
Project Owner (owner) to finance the execution of the next job.
3. Give a warning and a warning to the contractor or if the execution of
the work there are deviations from the specifications and technical
4. Prepare, monitor and report on the results of the project to the
Project Owner (owner).
d. Contractor
Contractor is a legal entity that is engaged in the implementation
of chartering. Individuals and legal entities in the form of both
government and private sector set from the owner of the project and has
signed a Letter of Employment Agreement (SPK). The contractor's
work by referring to the work, the work plan and the terms (RKS) that
had been developed previously. In the new airport infrastructure
development projects in Kulon Progo, the contractor is PP-KSO.
The activities of the Contractor are:
1. Implement all the agreements in employment contracts, both in
terms of scheduling, execution and maintenance period.
2. Comply with and implement all the instructions given by the Board
of Directors.
3. Before work begins, the contractor shall prepare and submit working
drawings (shop drawings) and work methods.
4. Provide labor, materials, equipment and services required in
accordance with the technical specifications and images that have
been determined by taking into account:
a. implementation cost
b. execution time
c. quality of work

d. the quantity of work and
e. job security
5. Make a daily, weekly and monthly submitted to the board of
6. Responsible for quality and quality of work.
Contractor needs to devise an organizational structure contained
therein grooves giving work orders or tasks at each position to work
with the maximum and not overlapping responsibilities. For the
smooth implementation of the work, the contractor is assisted by a
sub-contractor appointed by the contractor in the form of individuals
and legal entities.

Elements Contractor
a. Project Leader (Project Manager)
Project manageris a representative of the contractor who is
fully responsible for the course of the implementation of the
project work, appropriate project management and overall project
planning. Project manager is responsible for leading the job,
evaluating and comparing the results of the work with the
implementation of the project is then compiled in a report format
work from beginning to end of the project.
b. Field Manager (Site Manager)
site managera representative of the supreme leader of a
project that is required to be able to understand and master the
overall project work plan and detailed. In addition, the site manager
is also required to have management skills and be able to control
the whole of human resources assigned to them efficiently and
productively, meaning that it can lead and coordinate all activities
of subordinates in order to ensure that the work is carried out in
accordance with what is in the specification and also can walk to
follow the work programs are carried out within a certain time and

costs without reducing the expected profits. Therefore, the site
manager should have a comprehensive human relations, both
vertically and horizontally with related parties outside the project
and the company.
c. site Engineer
site engineeris representative of the site manager. His job is
to lead the way in the field work by utilizing and optimizing all
available resources in order to meet the requirements of quality,
time and cost has been determined. It is also responsible for the
problems that arise in the implementation of the project and the
duty to provide regular jobs report.
d. Head of the Project Administration
Project administration tasks, among others:
1. Carry out administrative work project
2. Pay the wages of workers and complete financial administration
3. Calculate and pay overtime and meal money
4. Financial reporting project
e. Logistics
That served as a procurement and supervision of
construction materials, including the scheduling of procurement
and use of materials and equipment projects.
This section is also in charge of providing the purchase of
materials and equipment that have been decided by the executive
coordinator in accordance with the procurement schedule. Logistics
and equipment also need to develop a system administrsi about
acceptance, storageAnd consumption goods.
f. Executing (Supervisor)
Executing have the authority and responsibility regarding
technical problems in the field and coordinating the works is a part.
Executor has the duty and obligation as follows:

a. Overseeing and coordinating the work of the implementers in
the field and record all work performance to be reported to the
site manager
b. Oversee the implementation of the method in the field to avoid
execution errors
c. Responsible to the site manager of the implementation of
projected job
g. Surveyor
The task of implementing the measurement is entered in the
field measurements using a theodolite and waterpass tool to
determine as-as building projects to be undertaken.

h. Drafter
Drafter duties and responsibilities are:
1. Creating shop drawing are ready for implementation with
coordinated by the executor
2. Setting up the image of a revised design and detail design
required for the implementation of activities in the field
3. Calculate the volume based on field data and report on the
administration technique
4. Keeping the images used equipment in good condition
i. Supervisory Warehouse
The task of a warehouse supervisor is:
1. Storing in warehouses and recorded the building materials come
2. Keep or maintain the durability of the material in the warehouse
3. Responsible for exit and entry of building materials requested by
boss entire stock after it was revealed by field operators
4. Calculating the correct incoming and outgoing goods
5. Responsible for logistics
j. Equipment

Part of equipment is the part that plays a role in the
preparation of equipment to be used in the construction of the
project and is responsible for the maintenance of existing
equipment so that the equipment is always ready so that does not
impede the process of the work.
k. Driver
The task of a driver are:
1. Delivers project leaders and other leaders for the benefit of the
2. Logistics usher in the purchase of goods
3. Guarantee the smooth transportation of the required project
4. Responsible for the administration of the project

2.2.2 Working Relationships Between Elements Project

Figure II.1 Working Relationships Between Elements Project

The contract system used in this project is the design and build
systems. In the method of this contract, the project owner just needs to
make a single contract for design work and implementation of the project
with a company that has the ability to design and implementation. This
method is basically the same as the general contract method, except that
the contractor has the authority to hire a consultant planner to jointly play
a role in the planning and oversee construction of the project in phases.
In the construction process, the contractor can hire a consultant planner

associated with the technical justification count, cost, and schedule of
implementation work.

a. The relationship between the contractor and other parties in terms of

In terms of design, the contractor has the authority to hire a
consultant planner to jointly play a role in the planning and oversee
construction of the project in phases. It is associated with the design
and proposal revieu technical justification, cost, and schedule. Stages
justification regarding a job done through the following steps:
1. Contractor coordination with the planning consultant chosen on the
proposed justification for a job.
2. From the results of such coordination produced a product which is
then submitted to the PMSC consultant
3. After that, the consultant PMSC informed and asked permission to
DED consultant who has been appointed by the project owner
about the proposed justifications
4. If the proposal is approved by konsutan DED, we then notify
PMSC consultant to the project owner
5. The project owner then meminnta help independent expert who has
been designated to make corrections regarding the justification of
the proposed work
6. The project owner can agree to the proposal if the independent
expert appointed by agree with the proposals.
b. The relationship between the contractor and other parties in terms of
in terms of build, Contractors have an obligation to coordinate with
all parties in the design and method of work for the construction.
Stages to be followed in the implementation of the work is as follows:
1. Owner sign DED (DED) which had previously been made by the
planning consultant who has been designated. In this case the

contractor has the authority to justify the kind of structure that
worked as well as changes to the existing design.
2. After that, the owner give the pictures to the supervising
consultants that PMSC then given to the contractor
3. The contractor then makes a work permit comprising of shop
drawings, method of implementation of the work, ITP, permit
execution of the work, and also HSE plan
4. After that the files submitted to the PMSC consultant
5. If the consultant PMSC approved work permit, then the next file is
submitted to the owner.
6. If the owner agrees, then the work can be carried out in the field


2.2.3 The Contractor Organization




Figure II.2 Organizational Structure Contractors


2.3 Auction
1. auction type
Project Kulon Progo Yogyakarta airport construction is done with
closed auction method. The project owner sends out invitations to several
potential contractors / KSO contractors to follow the auction. Bid
evaluation method of procurement / contracting services performed by the
method of evaluation value or Merit Point System. The evaluation system
value (Merit Point System) is a value assessment system based on a
comparison between a few ratings points with a certain weight. Points are
assessed on this system is the ratio between the value of the administrative
and technical document with the presentation of a beauty contest.
Contractors with the highest score based on the merit point system will
open the price bid documents.

2. The auction process

Stages of the evaluation process of the tender document system value
(Merit Point System)
a. evaluation Administration
1. Offering letter
2. Bid Security
3. Power of attorney
4. Appendix completeness Offer
b. Technical evaluation
1. methods of Implementation
2. Implementation Time Schedule
3. Technical specifications
4. Key personnel
5. Type, Capacity, Composition, danJumlah Equipment
c. Qualification evaluation
1. research Administration
2. Financial ratings


3. Technical assessment
4. Personnel
5. Equipment
6. Quality management
7. Threshold
8. The rest of the Capability Package (SKP)
d. Beauty Contest
Presentation beauty contest is the process of presentation of
strategies, methods, and steps to complete the project the best solution
that has a high degree of difficulty.
e. Bid Opening
The opening of the offer document is made to the contractor with the
highest values of the merit point system. If the value in the offer
document contractor <ceiling (the maximum contract value is
determined by the project owner), then the contractor won. If otherwise,
then the winner is delegated to the contractor who submitted the offer
document with a smaller value than the value of the ceiling.

2.4 Project control

2.4.1Quality control
The main objective of the aspects of quality control is to produce
construction products in accordance with the technical specifications that
have been established. Quality planning is done by studying the technical
specifications required and set out in the contract documents and "its
addendum". The technical specifications are documented and cleanly
structured to make it easier to verify the results of the work. Measuring
the quality of the work including the quality of materials used, methods
of testing and the results of the work. The construction methods in the
field, among others including the sequence of work processes, the use of
equipment, materials and experts / skilled, testing materials to be used,
the execution of the construction design, the precision in the application


of the size / measurements, timing / schedule, the test method of

construction results,
2.4.2time control

The main objective of the aspect of "time control" is to ensure that

the construction work can be carried out and completed in accordance
with a predetermined schedule, by systematically monitoring progress
towards the development of the project.

Implementation of the planning process and time control carried

out with the aid of software (software) construction management.
Software used to control construction management is MS Project Office
that has the ability to monitor and control projects with a method of
"Curva S" and "Critical Path Method (CPM)" and can be described as
a. Method "Curva S"
This method is prepared on the basis of a Gantt Chart schedule
for each type of job, the weight of each type of work is calculated
from the comparison between the cost of such work by the total cost
of the project (Real Cost). Average percentage value divided by the
number of execution time (in months / weeks), then gained weight (%)
jobs per unit of time (months / weeks). Cumulative value for all types
of work at a time since the beginning of the project (0%) until the job
is complete (100%), would result in "Curva S" progress of
implementation. "Curva S" may consist of two (2) lines, which are
planning early (early start) and slow planning (lastest start). Tracks
(trate) realization of the work described side by side with the "Curva
S". When you are in the middle of the quilt "Curva S" means the work
goes "well".
b. Method Critical Path Method (CPM)


1. CPM is a method / tool superior control over the implementation of

a planning and construction, the advantage compared Gantt Chart
method is:
a. Planner / Manager can analyze more thoroughly about the
relationship of the timing and quality of the logical of each
operation / activity, prior to bonding / contract regarding
funding, time, equipment, labor and materials.
b. Planners can focus on the most acute problems / critical and
indicate where need effective efforts to reduce the cost and time
savings, without wasting resources.
c. CPM is planning methods are relatively easily remedied,
particularly regarding the simulation and evaluation of the
impact of sutau change.
d. Easier to document and communicate project plans, schedules
and execution of work
2. CPM can be described with the "Arrow Diagram" or "Diagram
precedent". Very important is the determination of the time
(duration) of each activity / process "long time" should be
considered with caution, because it involves the volume of work,
methods of implementation, the availability of resources (labor,
equipment, materials, funds), productivity, constraints external, and
so on.
3. Setting activities of a network system should work in accordance
with the rational patterns that represent the needs and nature of the
project. Some possible activity settings, stand-alone or in
combination, include the following:
a. Based on the type of job suitability, expertise, supervision.
b. According to the geographical division and facilities, such as
facilities landside and airside, so that a correction in the activity
and location.


c. According to the scale of time and according to the code of the

project cost.

2.4.3Cost control
Planning and construction cost control is done with the aim that the
contract price is not exceeded and Employer Services make payments to
the Contractor in accordance with the amount of volume that can be
generated. To be able to secure the construction costs to be taken certain
measures include monitoring the volume of work with construction
changes that occur.

a. Quantity Monitoring Works

Monitoring the quantity of work needs to be done from time to
time to determine whether the quantity of work is sufficient or not to
maintain the contract price. Monitoring is done by accumulating the
volume of which has been completed and the remaining work is still
there. If there is one item that is estimated to be less, then there must
be other work items that can be reduced but may not affect the quality
and function of the building.

b. Monitoring Changes in Employment

If it turns out necessary adjustments to the quantity of work,
Consultants together with the Contractor will consult with the
Employer Services in this case represented by the CO (Committing
Officer) on the subject. Contractors Consultants will examine
proposals and provide technical advice in connection with the
Contract Change Order (CCO).

c. Monitoring Monthly Payment (Monthly Certificate)

The consultant will examine each submission of payment by the
Contractor if the volume of work requested payment, method of
calculating the volume / quality of her work is compliant with the
specifications / yet




3.1 Equipment Used

To support activities New International Airport Development Project

Yogyakarta Aiport is required various construction equipment, both heavy
equipment and other equipment. Things that need to be considered in the use of
work tools within a project, among others:

1. condition of the tool must be in good condition and well-operated, before use
be examined first engine, engine oil, water for cooling and so on,
2. endeavored not to overload the working equipment exceeds the capacity
specified by the manufacturer,
3. selected operators who truly skilled and experienced.
Equipment used in the New International Airport Development Project
Yogyakarta Aiport is as follows:

1. Work Measurement Equipment

a. Theodolith

This tool is used for the measurement of work, such as to determine the
flatness of the surface elevation position of a field and determine the
coordinates of a location will be planned.


Figure 3. Theodolite

b. signs Measure

Measuring the scale readout signs made of aluminum,

with a length of 3m and 4m. is used to measure how altitude elevation

excavation or embankment.

Figure 3.2 Signs Measure

2. Reinforcing Iron Works Equipment

a. Reinforcement bending tool (Bar Bender)

As the name implies, this tool is used to bend a steel reinforcement in

order to get a form of iron distribution in accordance with the plan. Steel
reinforcement can be bent 45 ° or 90 ° as required.


Figure 3. Reinforcing steel that has been bent

b. Reinforcement Cutting Tool (Bar Cutter)

The tools used for cutting of reinforcement, reinforcement cutting tool

used is the automatic reinforcement cutting tool to cut large diameter

Figure 3.4 Reinforcement Cutting Tool (Bar Cutter)


3. Work equipment pembetonan

a. formwork

Formwork is a concrete mold complete with supporting construction

that allows casting of the concrete to harden. Formwork must use
materials that are strong, not perforated, clean and flat surface.

Figure 3.7 Formwork pilecap

d. concrete Vibrator
This tool is used for concrete compaction process at the time of
casting. Concrete Vibrator is used for casting in progress and done so as
not to damage the steel reinforcement reference and positions. In principle
vibrator consists of:

1. The power source (diesel engine)

2.vibrating rod,
3. needle vibrator.
Vibrating rod (iron rod) with a vibrating needle on the end that is
connected to the compressor motor that can spin vibrate the concrete.
This vibrator can be driven rod curved to fit the desired direction.


Figure 3.9 Concrete Vibrator

5. Transportation equipment
a. Car Transporters (Trucks)
Transportation equipment (trucks) are very useful in supporting the
smooth work of which is to ensure the availability of building materials in
the field. This tool is also used to transport material and transporting
concrete mix soil embankment.

Figure 3.13 Truck Pengangkuta

b. service Crane

Crane Service is enabled heavy equipment to assist the process of loading

the goods and assist the work of the project, such as, seeting heavy equipment,
foundry work, service crane is operated by one operator and one piece navigator.

Figure 3. 2 Service Crane

Service Crane (Zoomlion)

Service crane (Zoomlion) is a heavy equipment such as cranes service but

rather have the power lifting Strong loading, typically used during the process of
installation of the tower crane. Operated by one operator and one navigator.
Service includes the type of mobile crane crane means service crane can move
from one point to another.

Figure 3. 5 Service Crance (Zoomlion)


Excavators are heavy equipment that can be used in all types of work
projects, from the stage of preparation, stockpiling, as well as process
development work. In the process of working pelakasaan excavator practices
serve as the means of preparatory work, such as building demolition and land
clearing, as well as in the work process heap can also function as a tool pemerata
average. The tool is operated by one operator and one navigator, but the main
function of the excavator is digging soil pekerajaan process.

Figure 3.8 Excavator

Impulse Rapid Compaction

Impulse Rapid Compaction is the heavy equipment used in the process of

soil improvement work, this tool has a 9-ton hammer striking at ground level that
will repair the land. This machine is equipped with a GPS device so that the
pulverization process of land on predetermined coordinates can be pounded by

Figure 3.8 Impulse Rapid Compaction

wheel Loader

Wheel loader is a heavy equipment functioned on roads and embankment

work. This machine has wheels made of iron, so it can tamp flat land and wheels
that can function as pemerata ground.

Figure 3.10 Wheel Loader

Pile Drilling

Pile drilling is heavy equipment that functioned on the bottom structure or

foundation work, heavy equipment working with the pile is pressed into the
ground and then rotated, so as to make a hole in accordance with the foundation
plan into borepile planned.

Figure 3.11 Pile Drilling

Tower Crane

Tower crane is a machine whose function is to memindadahkan and

loading of goods and lifting heavy items. This tool can rotate 360 degrees and can
stand free standing 71 meters tall.

Figure 3.12 Tower Crane


Dozer is a machine that functioned on the preparatory work and the heap,
it can flatten the ground overlay for embankment work process.

Figure 3.13 Dozer

3.2 Building Materials

As the components that determine the quality of the work, the

quality of building materials used must be adapted to the existing
provisions in the Work Plan and Conditions (RKS). The use of
building materials should be new material, while the use of used or old
materials must be with the consent of the assignor that there is
conformity of materials are ordered with the terms written in the RKS.

Building materials in order to remain in conditions unfit for use,

then it is stored must be considered and the responsibility of the
implementer. If during storage of the material becomes unsuitable,
then the executor must replace with qualified materials.

The materials used in the construction of the New International

Airport Yogyakarta Airport are as follows.

1. Semen used for this activity is a Type I Portland cement Due to

the large volume of concrete requirements, PP KSO as project
manager New International Aiport Yogyakarta Airport, buy
concrete products to,. Requirements to be met by RKS, namely:
a. meet the requirements of SII and NI 8,
b. cement storage should be in a dry place with raised floors, free
of the influence of water and soil, and in order of delivery,
c. cement must be stored properly,
d. cement that has been clumping / petrified or who have saved
more than 60 days may not be used,
e. cement should be stored in a way that is easy to be checked,
f. Cement should be protected as well as possible from the
effects of weather with adequate ventilation.

Figure 3. Storage Silo Cement

2. Fine Aggregate (Sand)

Before use, the sand must be sifted in advance, so that the sand
used meet the Work Plan and Conditions (RKS), namely:

a. sand materials such as natural sand, pretty strong, not brittle,

sharp grained, hard and clean,
b. gradation composition consisting of grains of diverse
magnitude and contains no more than 5% sludge. When the
sludge concentration exceeds 5%, the aggregate should be

washed. Sand as a building material should also be free of

organic materials that can damage the function on the
3. Coarse aggregate (Koral)

Coarse aggregate used in the form of rocks derived from the

breakdown of rocks. This material consists of grains of a hard and
non-porous, it does not contain grains of flattened exceed 20% of
the aggregate weight entirely. In addition, this coarse aggregate
should not contain sludge more than 1% against the weight of the
dry, and free of substances that could damage such as substances
that are reactive alkali.

4. Reinforcing steel

The physical condition of steel reinforcement must be new, is gray

and does not rust. To obtain a guarantee of the quality of steel
reinforcement requested, in addition to the certificate for each
type of the diameter of the plant, also must be requested
certificates from the laboratory sample at the time of importation
on a periodic basis at least two trial tensile (stress train).

6. wire Bendrat

Bendrat wire used to tie the steel bars from each other in order to
form the framework of the reinforcement has not changed.
Bendrat wire made of steel with a relatively small diameter.
Bendrat wire diameter used in this project is bendrat wire with a
diameter of 1 mm.

7. Water

The technical requirements of the water used in this project is a

clean water does not contain oil, acids, alkalis, salts, organic materials,
or other materials that can damage the concrete or reinforcement steel.
Preferably used potable water. If there is any doubt about water
quality, laboratory tests should be performed to Menda

Development work badnara waste their implementation consists of

work under the structure and the structure work. Work under the
structure of the stages include the following activities:

1. preparatory work
2. work measurement
3. excavation work
4. Foundation work
As for the structural work on the stages include the following

1. field work
2. beam work
3. floor plate work
4. job ladder

Implementation of the project is the main task of a project implementer

(contractor). Implementation of the project can not be implemented in an
unplanned, before starting the project implementation needsknown :

1. The aim of the project

2. Resources needed
3. Line resource coordination in the field
4. Auxiliaries control project implementation process
5. Methods of implementation on the ground which is adapted to the
conditions in the field

The main terms of the implementation of the project to be considered is the

method and the resources of the project.

Here are some of the project observed at the time of execution of work pratek
New International Aiport at the airport of Yogyakarta on the landside:

1. Preparatory work
The work of preparation is the work of clearing the land of
interference objects or other things that they interfere with the process of
implementing further project work. Such as land clearing, demolition of
buildings, etc.

Figure 3.14 Dozer who was clearing land

2. Access road construction work

Access road construction work is the development of access roads
to the mobilization of heavy equipment so that the job can be done quickly
and easily because the road is flat and smooth.

Figure 3.15 Multiple Truck and dozer is in the process of making the access road

3. Workers Barak construction work

Barak construction work Works is building activities supporting
the implementation of the project, due to a large volume of work that
requires a lot of manpower, so the planned manufacture of the workers

barracks for a place to stay while workers New International Aiport project
Yogyakarta airport.

Figure 3.16 Aerial view of the location of the construction work process workers

4. Soil improvement job

Land improvement work is the implementation of the project work

has particularly the aim to get a soil density conditions according to plan
project development, On the New International Airport Construction
Project Yogyakarta Aiport do two methods of soil improvement soil
improvement with Impulse Rapid Compaction and Dynamic Compaction.


Figure 3.16 Figure A is a picture of the ground improvement work with dynamic
compaction method, whereas the B picture is a picture of soil improvement with
rapid impulse compaction

5. Establishment job in the Terminal Tower Crane

Establishment Tower crance employment is work carried out to
establish crance tower at the project site, this implementation is usually
carried out before the main work carried out as a function of the tower
crane is helping the process of implementation of the project work.

Figure 3.17 Figure incorporation process Tower Crane

6. Work Borepile
Borepile job is a job under the structure of the building,

Figure 3.18 Process foundation work borepile


Soil improvement
In the process kosntruksi a building, problems frequently encountered is
closely related to the land. Often the original land that was in place supportive
capacity development is not in line with what we expected. Therefore, it is
necessary to improve the soil to prevent soil degradation as well as to increase
its carrying capacity.
Main Purpose Soil Improvement
a. Raise the carrying capacity and shear strength
b. Reduce susceptibility to liquefaction
c. Prevent a sudden ground (immediate settlement)
In this construction project, soil conditions on the ground are classified into
loose sand connective power between the particles are very small, so it could
potentially happen to liquefaction. Due to the land area that needs compacted
so vast, it would require an effort compaction efficiency over time and also
There are two methods of compaction in (deep compaction) is applied, the
Rapid Impulse Compaction on the land side and air side of the Dynamic
Compaction for. Soil compaction By Rapid methods Impulse Compaction (RIC)

This method may not sound familiar to our ears, this is due to the
application of this method in the field is the first time in Indonesia.
Impulse Rapid Compaction (RIC) is one method of soil improvement
to the depth of the medium by dropping a weight of 9 tons to the top steel
plate (compactor foot) with a frequency of 40-60 blows per minute.

1. Work implementation
a. Setting GNSS coordinates
Setting the tool is performed before the implementation of the
RIC with mneg job-input points to the solidification of processing
units that will automatically connect with the satellite. Processing
unit will transmit the data to the receiver so that the tool RIC can

detect the exact coordinates of the point corresponding to the point

of solidification of the plan. Setting the tool is carried out every day
before work begins.
b. Organic Surface Stripping
Stripping organic soil compaction is done so that the RIC can
be done optimally. Stripping depth depends on the depth of organic
top soil.
c. Compaction RIC at point Primary
Compaction Primary RIC at the point of the order and
compaction zone.
d. Alignment Hole Point Primary
Alignment holes on the point ptimer collision is done so that
the tool can work well when the execution of compaction on
secondary points. The alignment is performed in parallel after the
primary point implemented.
e. Flattening RIC on Secondary Point
RIC compaction on secondary points made in accordance with
the order and compaction zones.
f. Alignment Hole Point Secondary
This is done in order to facilitate the implementation of SPT
and CPT test, otherwise it will facilitate the execution of the next
job. Alignment is implemented parallel hole after some point
seknder implemented.
g. Implementation of SPT and CPT Test
SPT and CPT testing performed seteah alignment holes on a
secondary point Rapid Impulse compaction Compaction in areas
that have been proposed in the document RTT. Area SPT tests
carried out per 4,000 m2, while the area of CPT testing performed
per 1000 m2.

Figure III.3 RIC Work Flow Chart

Based on the evaluation of the RIC work in the area of the

terminal, it was found that the productivity of the RIC is of 4000
m2. Soil compaction by Method of Dynamic Compaction

Method of Dynamic Compaction is done in the air side of the work
area (Airside).
Stages of implementation of this method are:

1 2

Alignment of existing m
Dynamic Compaction
3 material (Cut & Fill) 4
using the Excavator or
Spreading filler Tested with 10 Ton
material with local CPT and SPT
materials with
bulldozers and
compacting with

3.3.1. barrow Barrow conventional method of Land Quarry
Pekerjaam workflow pile illustrated as below:

Implementation Heap Land Land with Quarry

1. Towards the Land Transportation Quarry Project Location

Transporting soil from the quarry site by using excavators in the

simultaneous loading into the dump truck. Dump truck transporting soil
from each - each quarry toward the ground penghamparan area.
2. Measurement and Soil Materials Penghamparan Dumps

In urugan location will be given the stakes - stakes to mark the

altitude according to the plan drawings. Survey team then performs
measurements based on the existing ground elevation of the peg.
Penghamparan carried details of the dump truck and performed by layer
with a thickness per lapisnya 20-30 cm (solid state).
3. Leveling and compaction with Dozer and Vibro Roller

Leveling with a bulldozer carried out in parallel and simultaneously

with penghamparan ground. Compaction is done layer by layer to
achieve a density of 95% of the dry density of the standard proctor
compaction experiment. The thickness per layer 20-30 cm will do the
field CBR test and sand cone.

1.3. Terminal Area Borepile

Borepile is one of the foundations in. The shape of the tube with a certain
diameter and depth adapted to the presence of hard ground at a location that
will be installed borepile pole. For fixing steel reinforcement and casting is
done on location (on site).

1.3.1 Work implementation

a. Drilling and installation of casing
Drilling was conducted using higga auger drilling machine and a
depth of about 2-3 m. The next step is the installation of casing with a

height of 6 m to prevent sliding on the wall of sand soil drill. Drilling

then continued to a depth of 6 m
b. Entered slurry and continued drilling
When drilling reaches depths of more than 6m, added a solution of
slurry as a mixture of drilling for groundwater issuing eksistng of the
soil and increase the strength of a wall of sand at a depth of 6m below.
the addition of this slurry circularly done by drilling to a depth plan.
c. Borepile reinforcement installation and preparation of foundry
Installation of reinforcement borepile performed using service
crane by lifting the iron circuit which has been in the fabrication
borepile heading borepile hole. Then, the tremie pipe installation in
crane service as one of the preparatory stages of casting.
d. Borepile casting and leveling of the foundation's top borepile
Borepile casting is done by using a series tremie pipe. Results
borepile casting directly flattened at the top until they reach a height
of 0.4 m from the soil surface with a length of 0.85 m distribution of
top borepile.

Job Safety Analysis

Preparatory work

Up Drilling Depth 2-3 m

Replace the casing with a length of
Drilling Depth Up Plan
not checks
OK Depth
Reinforcement Installation Bore Pile
Piping tremie and Cleaning
Casting at Pile Bore hole
not Concrete
OK Quality
Figure III.4 Flow Chart Pile Bored Piling Works


4.1 General description

In a construction project must expect the whole execution of the work runs
smoothly. But there are things that become an obstacle or a problem in a particular
construction project under the responsibility of the Court. The problems that arise
in a construction project for the Court is extremely diverse. Those problems could
be the natural conditions, technical implementation, the amount of labor,
employment and other delays, problems that arise should be addressed as soon as
possible so that the project can go according to plan. Here are beberpaa problems
and solutions that occur in development projects New International Aiport
Yogyakarta Airport

1. Administration issues
2. Total labor issues and Supervisors

4.2 Administration Issues

Administration is a non-engineering part of the process of ratification or
licensing, and case-related things work pendokumentasikan process.
Administration is one important part of the project, because the engineering
experience, but not done in parallel administrative issues of project work can not
be run with the maximum (fast enough). As things do not want to happen is the
work starts in the field, but the licensing process has not been ratified.

This can be minimized by:

1. The existence of a clear division of tasks between staff working on

engineering and non-engineering, suggested in each division has a staff of

2. Adjacent office locations, so that coordination between the employment

relationship can be run easily and quickly
3. Enactment before the implementation of the project document format
document that will be done

4.3 Problems workforce and supervisors

For a great job to be supported by the number of workers and supervisors
that much anyway, so that each job can be run and monitored carefully so that the
work that has been carried out in accordance with the project planning. As the
problem when there are 2 jobs that can run simultaneously and only supervised by
one supervisor.

Things to do, as follows:

1. Extra labor and supervisors

2. The addition of highly skilled and experienced supervisors

Special description

4.4 Issues of quality control Borepile

Quality control is a part of data collection and analysis of the results of any
work activities in the project. Quality control activities to be implemented by the
parts that have been experienced, so that the work that has been carried out in
accordance with the BOQ or RKS. In the discussion of KP's report, will discuss
the implementation of quality control borepile jobs that will be discussed in order
of discussion:

Chronology of work - carrying capacity test test results borepile through tests
PDA and PIT - conclusions.

4.4.1 Chronology of work Borepile


On the implementation in the field there are two different methods of

implementation borepile which is the implementation of the method of using a
casing bore casing 6 m and 10 m.

The following chronology of work borepile

Chronology borepile work with the casing 6 m

Controlling costs in terms of material used in the form of volume use of concrete
as follows


Plan 24.3 m3
Currents 26 3

waste Concrete 6.54 %


Chronology borepile work with

the casing 10 m VOLUME CONCRETE SAT

Controlling costs in terms of

Plan 25.4 m3
material used in the form of
volume use of concrete as Currents 28 m3
follows waste Concrete 10.24 %

From the data obtained and the transactions are carried out tests PDA can be
summarized as:

So get a conclusion
a. based on the trial implementation of the bored pile, it appears that the longer the
time lag between drilling and drilling and foundries will increase the amount of
waste that occurs due beotn hole drill results open too long and lead to sliding.
b. PDA based on test results shown that the method with 10 m casing provide
greater carrying capacity than the method with the casing 6 m.

A. Conclusion
1. Based on the trial implementation of the bored pile, it appears that the
longer the time lag between drilling and drilling and foundries will increase
the amount of waste that occurs due beotn hole drill results open too long
and lead to sliding.
2. Based on the test results shows that the method PDA with a casing 10 m
provide greater carrying capacity than the method with the casing 6 m.

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