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We:PERENNEBELL Co., Ltd,(hereafter called “A”) enter into a freelance contract with _@ajengfazhh_ (hereafter called “B”) as follow.

Article 1 [Purpose]
The purpose of this agreement is to regulate all rights and obligations of "B" as a freelancer in the course of selling products of "A".

Article 2 [Freelance work details]

1. “B” uses “A”'s products for 15 days and uploads review to Instagram feed .
2. “B” uploads the reviews to its instagramfeed and provides the reviews to “A”.
3. Provided reviews upload to “A”’s instagram and it can be used for marketing purposes.
4. Provided reviews can be edited and modified for marketing purposes.
5. “B” allows you to tag and advertise the account(@somebymi.official_id) requested by “A” as a business partner when
uploading a Instagram review.

Article 3 [Contract Period]

1. “B” do not delete the reviews at least 1 Years after upload.
(1 Years is valid from the time she uploaded the review.)
2. Provided reviews from “B” can be used from "A" for marketing purposes without the expiration date.

Article 4 [Cost]
$ _______1100______
Payment will be made after the product is received by influencer. Please send me a message after receiving the product.
This fare includes a the cost of purchasing a bank fee.

Date of contract :_04_ , _JUNE_ , _2020_

Address : 401, 74-1, Hancheon-ro 24-gil,
Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Company Name : PERENNEBELL Co., Ltd,
Representative : Ji Eun Lee (인)
Contact Number : 0269336908

Address :
Resident Registration Number :
Name : (인)
Contact Number :

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