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Hi, my name Siti Qodriyatus Solikhah and people called me Ika.

Thankyou for your

information and willingness to considered me. I would like to answer your question :

1. I can start at Saturday, June 12th 2021

2. My mobile number is 085785401891 and linked to whatsapp and line
3. I want to apply for part time position
4. I potentially can do good and touching writings. I always tried my best and learn
to make works that can be useful for other people. I’d like to go along through
process with hard work, patience, perseverance, and can do works on time. On
the other hand, sometimes I make mistakes, but I always try to fix it and not
repeat it again. This is what I use in my daily life, always trying my best in doing
task and not afraid of taking chances. Recently, I’m doing
5. Yes, I can
1. I potentially can do good and touching writings. I always tried my best and
learn to make works that can be useful for other people. I’d like to go along
through process with hard work, patience, perseverance, and can do works
on time. On the other hand, sometimes I make mistakes, but I always try to
fix it and not repeat it again. This is what I use in my daily life, always trying
my best in doing task and not afraid of taking chances. Recently, I’m doing
2. I potentially can do good and touching writings. I always tried my best and
learn to make works that can be useful for other people. I’d like to go along
through process with hard work, patience, perseverance, and can do works
on time. On the other hand, sometimes I make mistakes, but I always try to
fix it and not repeat it again. This is what I use in my daily life, always trying
my best in doing task and not afraid of taking chances. Recently, I’m doing

4. I potentially can do good and touching writings. I always tried my best and
learn to make works that can be useful for other people. I’d like to go along
through process with hard work, patience, perseverance, and can do works
on time. On the other hand, sometimes I make mistakes, but I always try to
fix it and not repeat it again. This is what I use in my daily life, always trying
my best in doing task and not afraid of taking chances

Recently, I’m doing thesis and hal ini menuntut saya untuk menulis sesuatu
dengan ilmiah. Jadi, saya terbiasa dalam melakukan riset data, menulis data
dengan benar berdasarkan fakta dan bersifat mengajak. Selain itu, saya
sering menulis untuk mempromosikan suatu produk dan berharap dapat
mengajak orang untuk tertarik dalam produk tersebut. Selain itu, saya
antusias dalam dunia marketing dan digital, walaupun belum terlalu fasih tapi
saya akan mencoba belajar dalam mengikuti perkembangan.

Maka dari itu, saat saya melihat lowongan kerja menjadi penulis dalam
bidang marketing, saya tertarik mencobanya karena sangat cocok dengan
bidang yang saya ingin tekuni. Berharap saya akan mendapat ilmu dan
pengalaman baru yang dapat bermanfaat bagi perusahaan, Selain itu, saya
berharap tulisan saya dapat ikut berkontrubsi dalam memajukan kredibilitas
perusahaan dan membantu dalam meningkatkan penjualan perusahaan.

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