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Lies and Love

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Relationship: Gojo Satoru/Iori Utahime, Gojo Satoru & Iori Utahime
Character: Gojo Satoru, Iori Utahime, Getou Suguru, Amanai Riko, Yaga
Masamichi, Nanami Kento, Ieiri Shoko, Mei Mei (Jujutsu Kaisen),
Gakuganji Yoshinobu, Kugisaki Nobara, Zenin Mai, Miwa Kasumi
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Family Drama, Romance,
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Stats: Published: 2021-04-17 Completed: 2021-05-31 Chapters: 20/20 Words:

Lies and Love

by valkyreiHIME


Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori Utahime
is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo meets 2
children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really happened 5
years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.


I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER

See the end of the work for more notes

"Two Worlds"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER

"Okay! And…CUT!" the director shouted, his voice filled with glee. "That's a wrap everyone!"

Hearing that, everyone around him cheered and erupted in conversation.

"Finally! After seven months of shooting!" one of the men holding a very large video camera said,
grinning at his colleagues.

"I can't wait to get home and see my kids," said the woman who had large headphones now settled
around her neck.

Everyone around were excited, they were finally done with filming. Now they can go home to their
families. After spending exactly seven months, two weeks, and four days on location in Paris, they
can finally go home. Of course, they all admit the place was beautiful, but it would've been a better
place for a vacation with loved ones rather than a place for shooting a movie.But there was one
person, however, who was as indifferent to the city as he was to the conclusion of the shoot.

"Oy, Gojo! Good work!" some of the crew called out after the retreating back of the star.

"Thank you everyone!" called back a woman before following the indifferent actor out of the set.

Lines of trailers were set outside on one of the large streets of the lovely city of . Many people
gathered time and again to catch glimpses of their favorite actors and actresses as they went in and
out of their own trailers each day for a while now.

The woman shut the trailer door behind her that had a large golden star on it with a name imprinted
on top, labeling: 'Gojo Satoru'. Peering through the tinted window, she saw the downcast face of a
few young ladies who had been ignored by the celebrity. "You know, you could try to be a bit
friendlier, for publicity's sake," she suggested.

"I'm not in the mood," Gojo replied flatly, as he dropped himself onto the large sofa tiredly.

She merely grinned at him as he said this. "Great job today by the way, now we can finally catch a
break to see the city!" she said ecstatically.

"Mmm…" he replied nonchalantly with his eyes closed.

Shaking her head, she let out a long sigh.

"You really sh-"

Whatever she was going to say, she was cut off by the ringing of her cell phone.

"Yes, this is Riko…Yes…At y-…Okay…Sure…We'll be right there soon."

"Who was that?" Gojo asked, an eye half opened looking at his agent.

"Yaga-san, he says he has to leave from the town in an hour, he wants to see us before he goes."

Masamichi Yaga was a producer to Gojo's current film and one of the few people he trusted,
besides his agent, Riko Amanai .

"C'mon, let's go," Riko said, pulling him to his feet. "It won't take long, I already met up with him
before. He didn't tell me much, only he said that it's good news."

Reluctantly, Gojo got up and followed her out of his trailer.


"Of course, I'm sure he'll be willing," Yaga replied into his cell. "Okay…yeah…Ja"

"What is this all about Yaga-san?" Riko asked, getting excited.

Yaga was after all, responsible for Gojo's first big break in show business and he's been a producer
to all of Gojo's movies ever since. He's also always recommending Gojo and endorsing his skills as
an actor to all his connections in the business, which in result often gives Gojo chances to film

After pocketing his cell, the older man turned to two of his favorite people, one was a highly
praised and one of the best female agents to date, and the other, one of the most popular and highly
paid actors in the business.

"It's good news for you Gojo!" he announced with a grin.

"So I heard," he said in a bored tone.

He eyed Gojo curiously as he always had. His relationship with the actor was always good, they
respected each other and at this point, he even considers him as like a younger brother to him which
goes the same for Gojo who treated him like an older brother. But regardless of the closeness of
their relationship, this is one thing that he still doesn't understand, and it's his lack of passion for
acting. He clearly remembers Gojo years back when he was a just a budding actor, his talents were
as good as they were today although not so polished. But he had passion when he acted, he actually
saw fire in his eyes and that he was clearly enjoying what he was doing.

Now, however, was a different story. He lacked passion and he could literally see a barricade in his
eyes. There was no fire, instead there was ice, and it was as cold as ever for the past five years. As
his producer, he didn't care as long as he did well where his job in acting was concerned, and he
did. As his friend and surrogate-brother, he couldn't bear seeing him like this, he can clearly tell
that he wasn't at all contented with anything he does.
"I promised a friend you'd star in his new upcoming film!"

Riko literally had stars in her eyes as he said this, a grin spreading across her lovely face. "Oh that's
wonderful Yaga-san!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Nodding in agreement, Yaga turned back to Gojo. "You have nothing important planned don't you?
Can you do this?"

All of the films he recommended for him were always good for his reputation as an actor and he
had nothing better to do with his life other than work anyway. "No," he replied to his first question,
"Yeah sure, I'll do it," he answered to his second.

"Very good! You don't have a choice anyway, I already gave my word."

Gojo raised a brow at him. "Then why bother asking me if I can do it?"

"I just wanted to know that you're actually willing to do it."

"So when does filming begin? And where do we fly out to next?" Riko interrupted, now imagining
places like the Caribbean or Greece. All of Yaga's recommended projects always ended them up at
the most wonderful of places.

"Tokyo,Japan"he answered casually.


Yaga looked at the pair as they both repeated the word as if it were a curse.

"What's with Tokyo?"

Riko looked over at Gojo who was looking at the wall, an ice cold glare spread across his face.

"Bad memories," he hissed.

Yaga saw the fire in his eyes as he said this. It wasn't the fire he was hoping he'll get back but it
was fire nonetheless. And he hadn't seen him look this emotional over anything for years now,
albeit the emotion seemed to be of pure distaste and hatred.

"A-Are you sure filming is already set for Tokyo?"Riko asked, sounding hopeful that he'd answer

"Yes, I've read the script myself. It's really good actually, and the entire thing's set in Tokyo. My
friend asked me if I knew more popular actors who were fluent in Japanese, and of course, I
recommended the first person that came to mind," he said with a glance at Gojo. "After all, I did
discover Gojo when I was in Kyoto almost six years ago."

At the mention of this, Gojo's face hardened. "I'm not doing it."

"Why not?" Yaga asked, perplexed at his sudden change of mind.

"I just won't," he said in a final tone before walking out of the room.

"I'm sorry Yaga-san," Riko said apologetically. "But Gojo won't go back to Tokyo."

"Hey there! Is your mom home?"

With that said, the door slammed to a close in front of the man's face.

Smirking, he turned to the person beside him who held exactly the same expression and face as he

"Boys! Who's at the door?" a woman's voice called out from the kitchen.

"Just a salesman mom!" the twins called back, grinning to themselves.

The doorbell rang again.

"That must be some persistent salesman," she said, peeking at the twins by the doorway.

The doorbell rang yet again.

Shaking her head, with a frown on her face, she walked towards the front door herself. "Look, we
don't want-"

"Are you sure?" said a voice from behind a bouquet of flowers.

"Oh! Saito, it's you!" she said with a grin before taking the bouquet.

"Don't look too surprised Utahime, we're going out this evening, remember?" the man said, a smile
on his face.

"Of course I remember, come in, come in," Utahime said, ushering him inside the house before
sending a knowing look to the twins who were now frowning at each other. "I just have to leave
Miko a few instructions, then we can leave."

"No problem, take your time," he said, grinning at her.

"Where are you taking mom?"

Saito looked down and smiled at the twins.

"Oh hi there! So you must be the twins Utahime keeps talking so much about. I'm Sa-"

"You didn't answer our question," said one of the twins, cutting him off.

A smile still present on his face, Saito gave them an apologetic look. "I'm sorry about that. Your
mother and I are going to the movies."

"What movie are you watching?" they inquired at the same time.

"Well, it's not exactly the sort of movie 5 year olds should know about," he answered.

With that said, the twins turned to the other.

"Ehhh…do you remember that last movie mom watched with that guy? What's his name, hmm…
Hibiki?" he asked, as if speaking only to his twin.

"Yeah, mom was so freaked out by that movie. She went crazy when she got home, I thought she'd
do to him the same thing she did to our father," the other twin replied, also sounding as if it were
only them at present.
"What did she do to your father?" Saito who can't help himself, asked, a frown now upon his

The twins turned to him simultaneously. "She murdered him."

Although he doubted if it was true, Saito still visibly paled at hearing the words come out of their

"See that photograph over there?" one of the twins said, pointing to the frame being hung on the
wall just behind Saito. "That's him, that's our father."

"And mom hangs that picture right there, because on the spot you're standing on right now, is the
place where he died," the other twin added looking solemn.

"That was such a sad day," said the other twin.

The twin to the left nodded in agreement at this. "I know, we couldn't even mourn well because the
police kept coming here day after day always asking about what really happened."

"But of course, they never found out," said the twin on the right, looking at Saito. "Because we
helped mom cover it up."

"Yes, we even hid the weapon she used to murder him…"

"…to make sure she won't get caught."

"Actually, mom still uses the weapon from time to time when the wrong guys come into this

"We even have it with us right now…"

"…here it is." One of the twins then pulled a hand gun from the back of his pants and held it up to
Saito who looked like he was about to faint.

The older man's eyes bulged as he stared at the weapon on the child's hands with dripping blood on
the handle."Please tell your m-mom I'll call her. I forgot I had an emergency…thing to go to," he
managed to say in a voice that sounded more like a squeak before he practically ran out the door.

The twins looked at each other with grins spread across their faces.

"Eh? Where's Saito?"

"He left!" they replied to their mother who had just come back, trying to hide the delight in their

"Huh? Did he say anything?" she asked, looking at her boys suspiciously.

"Yes, he says that he'll call you…"

"…because he forgot that he has an emergency thing to go to."

Utahime sighed, Saito is officially the third guy who had one-way-or-another ditched her. Only
this was the worst out of the rest of the other men she had dated, because this time, she didn't even
get to start the first date yet and already he'd run off like the rest of them.

And somehow, she had a feeling that the reason behind all these guys from suddenly disappearing
without another word to her, was because of the two twin boys who were the most mischievous
kids she knew.

"You guys want some ice cream?" she asked, getting full blown smiles from them at the mention of
the treat.

"Yes please!" they shouted before hugging her, a leg each.

But even if they were the reason why men avoided her, she wouldn't mind, they were the only men
she was genuinely interested in. Her little men, Daisuke and Ryusuke."Eh? How did this frame get
so crooked?" Utahime wondered aloud, seeing the frame so lopsided. It couldn't have been the
boys, their current height barely even reached pass her knees.

"The man was looking at it earlier…"

"…we saw him touch it because he was curious who it was."

The twins then snickered to themselves as the image of Saito hitting the wall with the photo due to
his fear of their toy gun, ran through their minds.

Utahime looked at the man on the photo who was about the age of 30 when it was taken. "I really
do miss him," she said fondly, before straightening the frame.

"We miss grandfather too!" Daisuke and Ryusuke declared.

With one look at the picture of Iori Fujiro, Utahime lead the twins into the kitchen.

"Daisuke, why do you have a large ketchup stain at the back of your pants?"
"Unexpected Meeting"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Riko looked at Satoru, a scowl was still on his face.

"What'll it take to have a smile on your face?" she asked from across him inside the limo that had
just picked them up at the airport.

"Nothing," he muttered, staring out the window. "Where are we going?"

"Straight to our hotel just here within Tokyo," she informed, trying to lighten his mood. Although if
she had to admit to herself, she wasn't in as much of a good mood as he was. Both of them weren't
at all happy to be back in Japan.

"When and where does filming start?" Satoru asked, wanting to get things over with. The sooner
they started, the sooner it'll be over. And besides, most of the films they shoot in Japan don't
usually last more than 4 to 6 months anyway. That's the only good thing he's been thinking about
since the day Yaga had forced him to come or else he'd revoke his entire contract with him. He's
never had such an argument with the man in his entire life until a few weeks ago when he
threatened to personally put an end to his acting career if he doesn't take this job in Japan. 'What
the hell was that man thinking,' he thought scathingly as he watched the familiar Tokyo scenery
pass by as the limo drove along. 'He must have a motive.'

Before thinking of any possible reason why Yaga had demanded he come back to the past he didn't
even want to remember, the limo drew to a stop and the door beside him immediately opened,
letting in screams of the large crowd that had gathered around the front of the hotel.

"Smile?" Riko said, looking at him with a pleading look.

Satoru sighed and smiled, making her grin. Of course Satoru's smile was the same as it had been
for the past five years, just that tiny curve at the end of his lips without so much as a peek of his
perfect white teeth. But that was enough for everyone. It was even more than enough for all his
fans who thought he was just being cool that way, and not knowing the exact reason why they
never saw their favorite actor smile.







Utahime looked at the round light blue orbs of her twin boys before sighing exasperatedly.

"If Miko says its okay with her," she agreed, giving in to their request, and smiled as the pair's
faces brightened up almost immediately.


"Are you finished now?" Satoru said with a scowl on his face. It's been a month since he's arrived
in Tokyo and his mood still didn't improve.

"Yeah, you can take a break now Gojo-san," the photographer said before giving his camera to his

Sighing, Satoru jumped down from the elevated set where he was having a promotional shoot for
the upcoming movie. It was ridiculous, they've been filming for only two and a half weeks and
already they intend to do so much promotion when not even 1/8 of the entire movie was filmed yet.

"Satoru, where are you going?" Riko called as she saw him heading out the studio.

"I need fresh air!" he replied without turning back but instead held up a cap and a pair of sunglasses
for her to see.


"Are you gonna keep following me all day?"

"It's what you paid me to do Gojo-san." replied the large man gruffly.

He smirked at the man before going into the large convenience store he had seen from across the
street earlier. "Good point, want anything Nanami?"

Nanami, Saturo's bodyguard, shook his head as he positioned himself by the entrance to the store.

"Take your time, I'll be waiting out here."

Satoru never minded the presence of the large man, he was after all of great use for him especially
with dealing with the paparazzi. But when he was sure he wasn't followed by cameras or fans, he'd
rather he wasn't around either.

"I'll be waiting at the cashier with the large sign on top that has the number one, okay?"

The twins looked at their nanny and nodded their heads, willing themselves not to roll their eyes.
They knew where the cashier line was and they knew they had numbers at the top and they also
knew what the number one looks like, they could even count all the way to thirty now even if they
didn't attend school officially yet.

They certainly weren't as dumb or immature as most people think due to their young age. In fact
they were the exact opposite, but only their immediate family knew that, like their mother for

"Okay," they chorused before rushing inside.

"I'll go get the candy that Orihime really likes…"

"…and I'll get the ice cream," Ryusuke finished with a nod.

Daisuke grinned at his younger twin by 6 minutes and nodded as well.

"You might take longer than I do so I'll just meet you by the ice cream freezer!" he called as he ran
down the aisles of the store.



Sighing irately, Satoru took off his dark sunglasses. Wearing it inside only made it harder for him
to see.

'Hmm…what would Riko want…' he thought, looking down into the freezer.

"Excuse me, but can you move a little?"

Satoru turned around at the unfamiliar voice, but no one was there.

"Down here!"

Looking down, he saw a small child already glaring at him while holding a small stool, and he was
left there standing stock still staring at him.

"Are you okay?" the child asked with furrowed brows.

Satoru shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts but continued staring at the small child. "Can I
help you?" he asked rather amusedly, ignoring the child's question.

"Yes, you can. Please move a little," he ordered, making Satoru move to the side by a step. "Thank

Ryusuke placed the stool he borrowed from one of the workers in the store firmly on the ground in
front of the freezer before climbing on top of it and peering inside at all the ice cream.

Satoru looked down at the contents of the freezer as well but can't help but stealing constant
glances at the child beside him. Although the glare he sent him earlier was enough to shock him,
especially coming from a such small child like this but what surprised him the most was that this
child is the spitting image of himself when he was just about his age except for the hair color. Of
course, he knew light blue eyes and black colored hair were common but this is the first time he'd
actually met someone who had the exact same facial features as he did, the child even had his
eyebrows , the shape of his nose and the messiness of his own hair. Even the glare, with the tiny
sneer on the corner of his mouth, which he aimed at him earlier, looked like one of his own.

This child was either actually born looking like him or his parents were really big fans of his
movies to actually turn their son into a spitting image of him, which, he thought was unlikely. The
kid looked like he was only four or five years old.

"How long are you gonna keep staring at me mister?"

That statement snapped him out of it. "Sorry," Satoru said with a smirk.

Ryusuke looked up at the unusual stranger and smirked back.

That did it.

"What's your name kid?" he asked, curiosity overwhelming him.

"Mom said I shouldn't talk to strangers," Ryusuke replied immediately, but he can't help but
actually want to talk to the man. He found him weird because he always stared at him but he
seemed very familiar to him.

Satoru nodded in understanding at this.

"But if you can get that ice cream for me then you won't be much of a stranger anymore," he
added, pointing to a strawberry cupped ice cream.

Taking the ice cream from the bottom of the deep freezer, he gave it to him.

'What a negotiator,' Satoru thought, even more amused.

"My name is Ryusuke," he informed, immediately holding a hand out when his other hand took
hold of the ice cream cup. "What about you?"

"Satoru," Saturo replied, frowning a little. "thats a cool name,i think my mom gave me a cool name
just like my dad," Ryusuke said casually before turning to look down at the freezer for his next

"Ryusuke! What are you doing?"

Ryusuke and Satoru turned to the new but similar voice.

'Another one?' Satoru thought incredulously as he saw another spitting image of himself stalking
towards them and a scowl was on his face.

"What are you doing?" he hissed to his twin who was standing on a stool while he kept an eye on
the stranger.

"Getting the ice cream as planned…and this man is helping me," Ryusuke replied, pointing at
Satoru. "His name is Satoru. Exactly the same cool name just like us! Though he really isn't that
'little' in my opinion."

Daisuke looked at the really tall figure beside his slightly elevated brother. He and his brother
always thought alike, if Ryusuke trusted this man, then so did he, no questions asked. "Thank you
for helping my brother, my name is Daisuke, nice to meet you," he introduced formally and
holding a hand up towards him.
Satoru knelt down to their level and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too."

"We have the same eyes," he pointed out bluntly which surprised Satoru.

"Exactly what I noticed when I first saw him," agreed his twin, which surprised Satoru even more.
They're very observant…and direct, just like him as a child, although he wasn't as talkative like
them back then.

"Tell me, how old are you two?"

"Five," they replied together.

"Hey, can you help me again please?" Ryusuke said, pointing into the freezer.

Satoru got up and gave him the two chocolate Popsicles and one vanilla ice cream cup.

"Thanks, Mr…what's your family name?"

"G-Gojon," Satoru amended immediately. They might be kids but he couldn't risk revealing his full
name, especially not to smart kids like these, they might familiarize his name from his movies.

"Thank you Gojon-san," they replied simultaneously yet again.

"It's always better to address adults by their family name…"

"…it's more respectful that way, according to mother."

He gave them both a nod before looking around them. "Did you come with your mother and

"We don't have a father," Ryusuke informed him.

"Don't feel sorry for us though, we're used to it," Daisuke added, seeing the look Satoru had.

"I don't feel sorry for you," he countered, a smirk on his face.

"Yes you do. We saw it in your eyes…"

"…you don't have to deny it."

Now Satoru can't help but chuckle. These kids were witty too. Never has he met children that
actually got much of his attention, and here he was absolutely engrossed with two.

"So where is your mother then?"


"Dai-kun! Ryu-kun!"

All three heads whirled around at the sound of the woman's voice.

Miko looked absolutely troubled as she came almost in a run towards them.

"What are you doing? You've been gone for over 30 minutes already!"

"…we got held up."

The flustered nanny looked up and only just noticed the rather tall stranger who was with the boys.

"Do I know you?" the Miko asked, trying to look into Satoru's features more clearly from under his

"I was just talking to your boys," he said, pointing to the twins. "They're quite a pair."

"Oh, they're not m-"

"He helped us get the ice cream…"

"…he's a pretty nice guy."

"Thank you then," she said with a bow of her head before turning to the boys. "We better get

The twins nodded at her and turned back to Satoru.

"Nice meeting you Gojon-san…"

"…and thanks again."

Satoru gave a final nod towards the boys and watched as they ran towards the cash register.


"What took you so long?"

"Bought ice cream, long line," Satoru lied casually, throwing a strawberry Popsicle to Riko.

Riko looked at it before offering it to one of the employees of the studio who passed by.

"Don't you like ice cream?"

"I don't like strawberry flavored ice cream," she corrected. "I thought you would've known that
after all these years."

Satoru shrugged before taking a lick out of his own vanilla and chocolate flavored one.

"You should really stop eating ice cream so much, you'll get fat," she warned.

He merely raised a brow at her, daring her to do anything about it.

"Yeah, yeah, forget it. I know when not to come in between you and your ice cream," she said with
a roll of her eyes, making him smirk.

That's one of the more odd things she knew about her client. Sure he was as serious as he looked,
even sometimes just down-right mean. But when he did his job, he really does his job, which is
why almost everyone in the business doesn't complain of his attitude, because he always delivered
his best.

His image of being a 'bad boy' however would occasionally be questioned due to him always
getting caught by the paparazzi with an ice cream cone or any iced treat in hand. And the absence
of having a girlfriend and his indifference to the female population didn't help either, which is why
she had to pretend time and again that she was his girl friend whenever gossip starts spreading
about his questionable sexuality.

"Gojo-san, do you have a girlfriend?" Riko froze as she heard the words that didn't come from
within her thoughts and looked up at Satoru whose face was hardened.

"How did you get in here?" Riko asked, looking at the girl with a frown before looking around.

"No please, I only followed him inside, I-I didn't sneak in or anything!" reasoned the young girl as
two buff guys in uniform came in and ushered her outside.

"You should really be more aware next time,"Riko reminded him with a frown. "Did you even
notice that girl come in here with you?"

Satoru still had a hard look on his features before he left towards the photography studio's set.







Utahime sighed, eyeing the twins with a raised brow. She knew were this conversation was going,
she's been led into this routine for almost two months already. It was always the same, every
Saturday afternoon.

"You know the drill."

With that said, both boys kissed her on either cheek.


"You guys are late," Satoru said, raising a brow at the three new comers, two were running
towards him.

The twins grinned at him.

"C'mon, I heard they have new kinds of ice cream that came in just yesterday."

"I'll leave them to you then," Miko said with a kind smile.

"We'll see you in half an hour," Satoru said with a nod.

Miko nodded back and watched the trio walk into the convenience with a fond smile. She didn't
know how this routine came to be but it had. Ever since their first meeting, they've been doing this
for almost two months already. Every Saturday afternoon at exactly 3:30, the twins would pester
their mother into letting them out for ice cream, and she would accompany them to the
convenience store where she would leave them with Gojon-san a complete stranger, at exactly 4:00
and pick them back up at exactly 4:30. She didn't even know what got into her for actually trusting
the mysterious man who always met up with them with a hat and often with a pair of glasses. But
she did, and so did the twins who seemed to find a liking for him.

Which was actually rare.

The twins don't trust men this easily, in fact they didn't trust any man at all unless they're like
family or actual family, like their late grandfather. And here he is, a total stranger already getting
their favor, maybe that's what convinced her to trust this man with them. It may change their
perspective for the male population.

"What are you guys in the mood for?"

The twins looked at the unusually filled freezer, eyes bugging out at all the new sorts of ice cream
they've never seen and tasted before.

"That one," they said simultaneously, and also simultaneously pointing at the exact same ice cream
cone which was wrapped in a silver wrapper.

"You guys really are something," Satoru said with a raised brow and smiling down at them.

He didn't want to admit it but Satoru's never had this much fun for a long time now, and he didn't
expect to feel like this especially when he was in Japan when this was where he lost his smile in
the first place five years ago.

But he couldn't help himself, the twins somehow changed his mood, but that is of course when the
two were around. He's been smiling a lot during their 30 minutes together every Saturday for the
past few weeks. Just thinking about it, Satoru realized he's smiled more for the past months than he
did for the past five years, excluding of course those times when he had to force a smile on his face
during filming.

"Thank you," they replied in unison, a charming grin plastered on their faces as a group of ladies
passed by and complimented how cute they looked.

Satoru looked at the passing group through his glasses and back to the boys.

"You two really are the ladies' men."

Both shrugged at this before taking their usual seats on the bar situated against the glass wall by
the entrance.

"It comes naturally…"

"…our mom says we got it from our father."

"The first time we met, you said you didn't have a father," he pointed out. He's been avoiding this
topic ever since they mentioned they didn't have a father in case the twins might find it a touchy
subject. But now, he couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, we never met him…"

"…mom says he died before we were even born."

"We don't believe her though…"

Satoru raised a brow at them.

"…we think he just left us and mom."

He watched as the twins casually talked about their missing father in between licks of their ice
cream. "Why do you believe that?"

"Gut feeling…"

"…we get that feeling often."

"Gut feeling?" Satoru asked, not understanding what they meant exactly.

"Yeah, gut feeling. Like the feeling we get with you…"

"…why do you think we trusted you this easily?"

"I see."

Sighing in content, the twins turned to each other and nodded before standing up from their seats.

"There's exactly 5 minutes until 4:30…"

"…we have to go wait outside now…"

"…or else mother might worry."

Satoru doubted the gentle woman who left the twins with him would worry. She's trusted him to
watch the boys for some time now after all.

"Hey wait!" he called out, almost forgetting. The boys turned to him. "I forgot to give you these,"
he said, giving them both tickets.

"What are they for?" Daisuke asked, trying to read the labels written on the blue ticket.

"It's a…special pass. I can't meet with you guys next Saturday. I'll be at the new theme park that's
opening not far from Tokyo, it's just in the next town over. If your mom's okay with it, you guys
should go for the grand opening."

"What're you gonna be doing there?" Ryusuke asked only understanding the words 'Tokyo', 'theme
park', 'movie', and 'pass'. The other words were written in some weird language and the other words
he hasn't exactly learned yet. And judging by the look on his twin's face, he was just as lost as he

Satoru was thoughtful at this, he couldn't exactly tell them he was there for an autograph signing
for his last film which he had shot in Paris. The movie was coming out this Wednesday and since
he was in Japan, this promotional event was strategically set up three days after the premiere,
giving the film massive publicity in Japan.

"You'll find out when you get there," he answered vaguely, earning a raised brow each from the
pair. "You'll easily find me if you're allowed to go."

The twins shrugged at this. "If you say so," they replied.

"Just present the tickets to one of the workers and they'll know where to take you."

Both nodded at this.

Seeing Miko through the window, Satoru nodded at her direction. "Time for you guys to go."

"Thanks for the tickets…"

"…and say 'Hi' to Nanami-san for us!"

He waved back at the boys until they were out of sight, before taking out his cell.

"Nanami? Where are you?"

In fact, it was only at that moment that he noticed the absence of his bodyguard.


"Wow, real slick!" Riko complimented from the doorway.

Satoru raised a brow at her through the full-length mirror in front of him while straightening his

"You don't look half bad yourself," he said, noticing the elegant red evening gown she was
wearing. It was a tight tube from her breasts down to her waist and from there flowed elegantly
towards the ground, covering her legs entirely. Her hair was up in a bun with short tendrils falling
around her face and tiny diamond studs were placed around random parts at the back of her hair.

"Thanks for the sort-of compliment," she said with a shake of her head.

"My bad, you look great!"

"Too late," she replied with a laugh before making her way towards him. "Let's knock them dead,

He nodded at this with a smile spread across his face.

"I dunno what's been going on with you, but I I'm really liking it. You really should smile more
often, you look more handsome that way."

Rolling his eyes, Satoru smirked back at her and rested an arm around her waist.


Riko leaned into him and nodded. "Let's go 'boy friend'!"


"Dai-kun! Ryu-kun!"Utahime called out as she left her keys on the plate on top a shelf beside the

"Yeah mom?" came their voices from another part of the house.

"Give us a hand please!" she called back before turning to the little girl beside her. "You have your
stuff, right?" she asked in a less loud voice.

The little girl beside her smiled brightly and nodded, holding up a package towards her.

"Orihime-chan!" Daisuke and Ryusuke shouted in unison at seeing her before turning to their
"How long is she gonna be here for?"

Utahime smiled at her boys at the question.

"Forever!" Orihime replied happily but still in her usual soft voice.

The twin boys grinned from ear to ear after hearing this.

"Is this true?"

"Is it mother?"

"Yes it is," replied a deeper voice from the outside the front door.

"Suguru!" they exclaimed, smiling at the man behind Orihime and their mother.

"Yo!" he said, grinning as he stepped inside. "How are you boys doing?"

"Just fine…"

"…we were just playing."

"Of course you were. Now, come help us with these," Utahime said, looking down at the bags she
and the older man were holding. "Suguru's staying for dinner with us tonight."


"What is?" she asked, suspicious of the excited looks the two boys had just exchanged.

"Nothing!" Daisuke and Ryusuke exclaimed in unison yet again.

Utahime's suspicion only grew even more at this.


"Gojo-san!,Gojo-san!" called out a reporter amidst the large and very loud crowd gathered outside
the theater. "Gojo-san! Over here please! Over here! Gojo-san!" she called out yet again as the
actor got closer.

"That woman's a reporter from Entertainment Today," Riko whispered inconspicuously as she
leaned into him. "Talk to her for a bit, it'll be good publicity."

Riko swore she heard him snort before he lead her towards the reporter, a hand still held firmly
around her waist. She couldn't help but giggle.

"What's so funny Amanai-san?" asked a loud female voice, getting her attention.

"O-Oh, nothing at all," she replied, caught off guard as the reporter's first question was directed
towards her. "I'm just happy about today's turn out that's all," she added with a smile.

The reporter nodded before turning to Satoru.

"Gojo-san, how do you feel about today's turn out? A lot of your fans are here to see the premiere
of your new film even if the film is in English!" she said before holding the microphone in front of

"I'm happy. I'm especially thankful for my fans for supporting me through the years considering
the diversity of the films I've starred in."

"That's good to hear! Then how about answering a more personal question for us Gojo-san?"

Satoru raised a brow at her as she said this, and stole a glance at the large video camera still aimed
at him. "Depends, what's the question?"

"What really is your relationship with the lovely Riko Amanai?" she asked with a grin directed to
him then to the woman whose waist his arm was still resting on to. "We've heard a lot of gossip
now and again for the past few years that you two are officially dating but no one has ever gotten a
confirmation from either of you. So, I ask now, is it true?"

"Well, I-"

"It's true," Riko said, cutting him off and flashing a sweet smile towards the surprised reporter and
the now even louder fans who had heard just near them. "Satoru and I have been dating for some
time now. And we both hope all of you will give us your blessing!" she announced quite cheerfully
before dragging a perplexed Satoru away from the reporter and back down the red carpet that lead
towards the theater's front doors.

"What was that about?" Satoru hissed, as they reached the safe haven of the theater building.

Riko looked at him guiltily, but a blush was present on her face.

"I'm sorry about that. I just thought that'd give you more publicity, that's all."

Frowning at her, Satoru didn't believe a word she said. How could he? When she only now looked
certainly embarrassed over the whole ordeal that had happened earlier.

"Tell the truth," he said, looking at her seriously before pulling her towards an empty corridor for
more privacy. "I've known you for years Riko, and I certainly know if and when you lie. Now for
instance, I'm quite sure of myself that you're hiding something."

Color flared up all the way to the top of Riko's face at this.

With one long exhalation of air, she looked up at him, a brave face on her features.

"I like you," she admitted flatly.

"You're supposed to like me. You are, after all, my agent. I'd be more of a pain in your ass than I
am now for the past few years if you didn't actually like me."

Sighing, Riko lifted a hand and rested it on the side of his face.

"I like you," she repeated, looking more deeply into his eyes as she did.

Noticing realization spread across his features, she let go.

"Anyway, let's go. The movie's gonna start soon," she said, changing the subject before he got to
say a word, and hastily pulled him after her.

Chapter End Notes

i want to add the charcters from jjk
i always love this story but its been years since ive read it .
also kind of want it to be gojohime sooooo credits to original/creator the dreamer for a
GREAT story..XD
"Returning Favors"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER

im just love this story and gojohime..❤

"What really is your relationship with the lovely Riko Amanai? We've heard a lot of gossip now
and again for the past few years that you two are officially dating but no one has ever gotten a
confirmation from either of you. So, I ask now, is it true?"

"Well, I-"

"It's true, Satoru and I have been dating for some time now. And we both hope all of you w-"

The image on the screen disappeared and turned black before Riko got her final words out, making
Suguru turn to Utahime.

"Hey, what's up? The news wasn't finished. And it's quite interesting knowing a ruckus is going on
not far from here," he said thoughtfully.

Utahime looked back at him guiltily before replacing the controller to the TV on the shelf beside it.

"I'm sorry Suguru, too much TV is bad for the kids. I try to limit the time they spend watching TV
as much as possible," she responded truthfully, glancing over at Orihime.

With a doubtful brow raised at her, Utahime merely smiled an innocent smile at the man.

"If you say so," he said, letting it go…for now.

Outside, just by the kitchen doorway, two little boys were arguing, which wasn't often.

"You tell her," Ryusuke said.

"No, you," Daisuke replied.

Both twins looked at the other, trying to make the other lose,

"What about…"

"…we tell her together?"

The two grinned at the other before clasping the other's hand and taking a deep breath
simultaneously before stepping through the doorway.


Utahime turned to her boys who were looking back at her with identical serious faces.


"We have business with you…"

"…about this Saturday."

Gesturing towards the two unoccupied seats of the dining table, Utahime nodded for them to take

"And what sort of 'business' is this?"

"Ryu-kun and I have plans…"

"…and we are here to ask for your consent on the matter."

Suguru watched the scene with his face resting against his palm, an elbow on the table, his features
holding one of great interest.

"What sort of plans did you two make?" Utahime asked, brows raised in pure curiosity. This was
the first time the boys ever brought up such a thing up that seemed so serious to them and it
intrigued her at what the 5 year olds could possibly have in mind.

"We want to go to the town not far from Tokyo…"

"…we heard there's a new theme park opening."

"Ah!" sad Suguru, a smile spreading across his face. "I heard of that. Jujutsu Tech. Theme Park is
having its grand opening this weekend."

"Jujutsu?" the two boys repeated, never heard of the word before.

"Is that the name of the theme park?" Daisuke asked.

Suguru nodded. "It's the name of the theme park. The theme park's located, not far from here

"Great, so mom can we go?" Ryusuke asked, grinning as much as his brother was after hearing the
place wasn't that far to go to.

"No," Utahime said dismissingly, making the boys frown as well as surprising Suguru. She was
never one to say no to her boys unless the request was particularly unreasonable, but this really
"W-Why not?" they both asked, not believing their mother had just said the word so easily.

"I have to take Orihime for a routine check-up every Saturday, and that begins this Saturday," she
replied casually and nodding towards Sugugu.

The pair turned to the observing man.

Suguru's brows raised as the boys turned on him with pleading looks on their faces. "How did I get
involved in this?"

"You're her doctor!" Utahime called from the sink.

"Can't you move the check-up…"

"…to another day? Like Sunday?"

Not at all immune to the looks on the boys' faces, he turned to Utahime instead.

"O-Oy Utahime!" he called, sounding helpless as he looked down at the pair of pleading, glassy
and round light blue eyes.

Sighing, Utahime went back to the table and looked at the twin boys pointedly in silence.

Both merely grinned back at her, but their eyes were still begging.

She wasn't immune to it either.

"Fine," she muttered regrettably, getting loud cheers from the boys. "But," the boys fell silent at
this, of course there was a 'but', there was always a 'but'. "If Miko agrees to take you. I still have to
take Orihime for the check-up, we'll go there as soon as we can."

The boys started cheering yet again after hearing this.

"Miko didn't even agree yet," Utahime reminded them but that didn't stop them from cheering.

"If you say it's okay…"

"…then we're sure she'll say it's okay too."

Apparently, the 38 year old nanny wasn't immune to their puppy-dog eyes either.


"Boys! Boys!" Miko called out, trying to keep an eye on the two very restless 5 year olds.

It was Saturday and Daisuke, Ryusuke along with their nanny, Miko were already in Jujutsu Theme
Park. They had only just arrived outside the newly opened theme park and the boys were
immediately running around as they got out of their seats from the taxi.

They ran back towards their nanny with identical grins on their faces.

"Okay, I convinced your mother that we will only be doing two rides until she gets here. So after
the two rides, you have to agree with me and stay put until she arrives with Orihime, then maybe
you can go on to more."

Nodding, the two took hold of their nanny, a hand each as they entered the park after paying the

"What ride do you want to go on first?"

"That!" they immediately said, pointing up at the largest attraction in the park.

Miko turned to the Ferris Wheel situated at the middle area of the large park. It was a safe enough
ride for their age.


Taking a deep breath, Riko opened the door that led to the make-up room.

"Ohayo!" she greeted, smiling at the three people inside.

The make-up artist and hair stylist both smiled and nodded her way. The man they were currently
prepping, however, had a frown on his face as he saw his agent walking in towards them.

Riko has been avoiding him ever since that little declaration with the press the night of the movie's
premiere, and quite frankly he's annoyed by it. How can he possibly work well enough if his own
agent is avoiding him?

"Ladies, can you please step out for a moment? I have a few questions I'd want to ask Riko
privately," he said, which sounded more like an order rather than a request.

"No, no, please, continue your job," Riko told them as they started to leave. "The press conference
will start soon and the autograph signing right after, we can't waste any more time."

"The sooner you answer my questions, the sooner we get out of here then," Satoru said flatly,
looking at her as if daring her to say any more.

Sighing, Riko nodded at the two women. "I'll call you back in a few minutes," she said before the
door swung to a close behind them.

"Riko," Satoru started, making the dark haired girl turn to him with a look of guilt. "Why have you
been avoiding me?" he asked point blank.

"I haven't. I've just been really busy that's all. Organizing this whole thing and setting up the stage
with the stage crew of the park, and then there's the p-"

"Yeah, you're so busy that for the past few days you couldn't even spare a single second to just talk
to me?" he said sarcastically with a scowl on his face. "You didn't even ride in the limo I took in
coming here."

Riko scratched her head and looked down at her feet. It was true, she was avoiding him. And he
finally caught up with her. "Look Satoru, about that night," she started, still looking down. "I'm
sorry I told that reporter that we're dating."

"Yeah, it was ridiculous, you know well enough that I don't date or even like women, I-" he
stopped as Riko's hurt filled eyes looked up at him.

"That's exactly it!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. "Do you even know how I feel?"

Satoru looked back at her, seriously slightly confused now.

"I like you, okay?" she burst out. "I really like you…and not as how an agent's supposed to like her
clients. I really like you, as more than just my client, even more than just a friend."

As she said this, Satoru merely stared at her.

"And do you know how it feels for me? For me, to work by your side day after day, day in and day
out, and only as your agent for the past 5 years, 4 months, 1 week and 6 days?" Satoru was
completely silent at this point. "It hurts Satoru" she answered, more calmly now. "It hurts that I can
only be close to you as your agent, as a friend. I know I'm being selfish, since I'm the one who
spends the most time with you as compared to anyone else in the whole world but…it's not

Tears started sliding down her flushed cheeks as she said all these and Satoru was at a total loss.
He never even knew she felt that way about him, and this strongly too. She's been helping him with
his career for so long now, ever since she was hired by Yaga-san to be his agent, she's been there
taking care of everything to make sure he was a success. And he has reached success with her help.

"I'm sorry," she said, bringing him back from his thoughts. "I-I…that was uncalled for," she said,
wiping away her tears and raising her gaze towards the ceiling to stop more from coming down.

"I'm sorry," Satoru said, making her look back at him. "I never even considered your feelings at all
for all this time."

"It's fine. I was j-"

"No its not," he interrupted, sounding sincere with the gentle words coming from his lips which
rarely happens. "I've thought about acquiring my own success to prove to…myself, that I don't
need anyone else to get to where I am today. But in fact, you've been there to help me all the way.
Thank you."

Riko smiled at him, albeit it was a weary smile.

"How can I make it up to you? You can't avoid me forever, and I surely can't go on as I am now
with a bad relationship with my own agent when we're supposed to be stuck together like second
skin through every new project we take," he reasoned, looking at her for a solution. At this point,
he was willing to do anything to keep doing what they've been doing for the past 5 years, 4 months,
1 week and 6 days…according to Riko.

And Riko knew that.

Taking the opportunity, she boldly stepped in, closed their distance and rested her palm on his

"Give us a chance," she said in a whisper, looking at him with a hopeful look in her eyes.

That startled Satoru, but he didn't show it, nor did he move away from her touch.

"I don't want to keep doing this behind a shell Satoru. And now that you know my feelings for you,
I want to give it a shot. I want to give us a shot. I've always wanted to, and this is the only thing I
want from you."

Satoru had to give it his all to stop his urge to scratch his head roughly with confusion and
agitation. She didn't ask for anything else, not his money, his properties, or anything of the material
kind. She wanted feelings, his feelings. How hard can it be? He's lived with her in almost every
city in the world when he did on-location filming, he's lived the past few years well enough
through different weather conditions, and even emotional conditions. She's the person who knew
him the best and the person he completely trusts with everything.

"Okay," he heard himself say, as he rested his hands on her shoulders. "We'll give 'us', as you put it,
a shot."


"Hey Miko-san…"

"…what's going on down there?"

Miko looked towards the twins who were standing on the seats inside the enclosed carriage of the
Ferris Wheel they shared with a man and his 9 year old daughter.

Everyone inside looked over to where the twins were pointing.

A stage not far from them had a crowd surrounding it, and they could all see little dots moving
towards the massive audience already formed around it.

"Ah…that must be the promotional event everyone's talking about," the man said, pushing his
glasses up his nose. "They say a popular, international celebrity is here to promote his latest movie
that had just come out a few days ago. He's even doing an autograph signing."

"Oh, otou-san, can we go?" his daughter said, tugging on his sleeve.

"Miko, we want to go too!" the twins told their nanny, even though they didn't understand what a
'promotional event' was.

The two grownups looked at each other before turning to the little ones.

"Sweetie, the crowd around that stage is already too large. I bet we can't even catch a glimpse of
the actor even if we went," he explained to his daughter who now held a downcast face.

"Dai-kun, Ryu-kun, we can't go there. You might get lost in that huge crowd. You might end up
worrying your mother, Orihime and I if you got lost within the many people there."


"So, how was your stay in Paris through the filming of the movie Gojo-san?" asked the reporter
before sitting back down.

"It was great," Satoru said truthfully. "The environment's good and the people there were nice too.
It was just hard to communicate with them though. My French isn't exactly something I'm proud
of," he confessed, earning a few laughs from the crowd.

"Okay everyone, that ends the press conference," the woman, who Satoru guessed was one of the
theme park's managers, said into the microphone from the podium at the end of the stage. "Again
we would like to thank you all for coming for the grand opening of Jujutsu Tech Theme Park, and
of course for Gojo Satoru-san for coming all the way here to promote his movie and the park as
well!" she said, clapping her hands as did everyone in the audience.

Satoru bowed his head at them and gave a short wave.

"If all the media would please set your video cameras to the side, we would like to start with the
autograph signing as soon as possible," she added, before large men in jackets with the label:
Security came into the scene. Some of them started gathering around the stage, leading the media
out of the front of the stage and taking the chairs, while some of them led the eager crowd to form
a line towards the side of the stage where the short steps were placed.

"Be nice," Riko said in a low voice with a smile on her face as a large table filled with stacks of his
photographs and posters from the film were set beside him.

Satoru smirked at her for the joke. He was always nice to his fans, in such occasions. Of course his
'bad boy' image would be shown from time to time but that usually happened when it involved the
paparazzi. And although he has the usual scowl or glare on his face, he was never one to be rude to
his fans.

"Show me that smile you've been having lately ever since we got here," she added before leaving
the stage as the first person from the audience was sent up towards him to the center of the stage.

As she said that, it was only then that Satoru remembered the twins. He looked towards the crowd
of people closest to him, hoping he might see the two identical faces that were similar to his.


His gaze snapped back at the rather calm woman who now stood in front of him with her hand held
towards him.

"Nice to meet you," he said with a smile and shaking her hand before signing the poster with a
large marker and handing it to her.
"Parent Trap"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER

im just love this story and gojohime..❤


"Will you make sure they come back to me at this exact spot?" Miko told the rather large, buff
man, still very unsure. She can't believe the boys actually convinced her to take them there.

"Don't worry Miko…"

"…we'll be back soon."

She turned to the boys as they said this. "You might get lost, you can't even see past this large
crowd," she said, pointing towards the swarm of people gathered around the stage.

"Don't worry ma'am, I'll take care of them," he said with smile before lifting them easily enough
with each arm.

The twins laughed as the man set them on his broad shoulders.

"H-Hold on you two!" the nanny called back as the man with the security uniform made his way
through the crowd easily.


"Miko just sent me a text message," Utahime said, a frown on her face as she pocketed her cell.

"What did she say?" Suguru asked as he circled the lot again in search for a free parking space.

"She said she took the boys over to the stage where a promotional event was going on and that they
were taken by some security guy for a closer look."

"Yeah, so?"
"Those kinds of things mean there must be hundreds of people gathered there," she pointed out,
thinking if the boys would be okay.

"Uta, chill," the man behind the wheel said, sending her an assuring look. "They'll be fine. Those
boys of yours are smarter than most kids their age, let them have a little fun. Besides, this is their
first time ever going somewhere besides the supermarket and the mall right?"

Utahime held a guilty look as he mentioned this. It was true, she never took her kids anywhere
besides the supermarket for groceries or the mall for occasional shopping of clothes. It wasn't like
they needed to go anywhere else anyway, they were only kids. And she wanted to protect them
from all sorts of influences, which is why she didn't want them watching TV or playing video
games either.

"I guess you're right," she said with a sigh.


"Hey mister…"

"…where are we going?"

The twins were being carried towards the stage but they didn't know why. They were sure however
that they were catching a lot of attention. As they passed through the throng of people of different
ages and sizes, almost all them turned and stared at them.

"Backstage," the man below them said as he continued his way towards the stage.

"Why?" they asked in unison, wondering what was special there.

"Those tickets you have are backstage passes," he told them as he nodded at the man who was in
the same uniform as he was, and letting them pass through.

Just as he let the two boys down, a woman approached them.

"What is this all about?" she asked, a frown upon her face.

Daisuke and Ryusuke looked up at the tall and slender woman whose eyes were colored a piercing
grey and her straight hair of jet black that fell just in the middle of her back.

"Amanai-san, these boys have backstage passes," he informed, pointing down at the twins.

Riko looked down at the boys, only just noticing them. When she did, she was caught off guard as
she looked into very familiar sets of eyes. And these current pairs of eyes were looking straight at
her with a glare.

"Oh my," she said in a whisper before bending down to the boys' level. "How do you do?" she
asked politely although a frown was still on her lips.


"…thank you."

They replied curtly, still looking at her with a glare. They really didn't know why, but it was their
gut feeling acting up again, telling them not to trust this woman. Maybe it was because of the sort
of look she was giving them.
"Can I please see your tickets?" Riko asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable at their scrutinizing glares.
'What's with these kids?' she asked herself.

Taking the passes, she took one last close-up look at the Satoru-lookalikes before standing back up
and inspecting the tickets. They were the real thing.

"Excuse me boys, but where did you get these from?"

"Gojon-san gave it to us…"

"…last Saturday."

"Gojon-san?" Riko repeated, making the boys nod. 'Well, they are only children,' she thought,
assuming it was the reason why they can't say Satoru's name right. "Very well then, let's go!"

As she said this, the twins looked at each other, doubt in their eyes if they should follow the
woman. But Satoru's words filled their thoughts the day he gave them the tickets. He said the
workers will know where to take them if they presented the ticket. And they did trust him.

Nodding at the other, the twins held hands before following her.


"Miko!" Utahime called out towards the woman she had only just spotted after quite some time of

Miko turned and waved them over.

"Good afternoon Miko-san," Orihime greeted the nanny softly with a smile.

"Good afternoon to you too Orihime-chan," she said, patting the child lightly on the head.

"Where's Dai-kun and Ryu-kun?" Utahime asked, looking around the older woman and seeing no
identical faces.

"Take a look for yourself," the woman replied with a laughing smile on her face, pointing towards
the stage.

Utahime turned and her breath got caught.

There they were, Daisuke and Ryusuke, entertaining laughing and cooing the press and audience
with various goofy poses on the stage. But what caught Utahime's breath wasn't the outstanding
performance her twin boys made with entertaining the crowd, it was the man whom they stood on
either side of.

"Satoru," she whispered, wanting to faint but found that her body didn't feel like fainting.

"Do you see them clearly from here Orihime?" Utahime's gaze turned to Suguru who was carrying
Orihime in his arms and pointing towards the stage with the three identical looking boys. "Well,
that man they're playing with on stage is a very popular actor," he added but Orihime's face
remained unfazed. She kept silent but stared on to where the twin boys stood on stage.


"…where is Gojon-san?"

They asked as Riko went back inside the room she left the twins in.

"I just went out to talk to him, he says he wants to see you now," she said with a now gentle but
unsure smile at the boys. She was still shocked however at Satoru's confession that he's actually
been meeting these boys for a while. "Please follow me boys."

Daisuke and Ryusuke did as they were told and followed her through the back stage where it was
full of stacked boxes and racks of weird clothing until they reached an area with a lot of curtains
hanging from a distance above them.

"There he is," she said, pointing to the unfamiliar man who was smiling and shaking the hands of
different people who came up to him.

"That's not h-"

Daisuke didn't finish his sentence as Satoru turned to them and saw the man's eyes. It is him. This
was the first time the twins actually saw him without a large hat on to cover his unruly hair which
they only just noticed, that his hair is color white with his light blue eyes.

"Come here," Satoru mouthed to the twins with a wave of his hand, completely ignoring the very
talkative teenager in front of him.

"…'cause you know, you were like, really, like, hot in that movie and…"

A wide grin spread across Satoru's features as he watched the twins walk up to him side by side.

"…my friends also thought you were, like, hot of course, and I was like, I- Oh my God!"

Satoru turned to the teenager as she exclaimed in surprise when she saw the twins walk up towards
the table from the curtains.

"They look exactly like you!" she said, watching the twins as they stopped right beside the actor.

"You lied to us…"

"…your name is Gojo…."

"…not Gojon…"

"…and you never told us…"

"…that you're a movie star either."

"Oh my God! That was too adorable!" the teenager exploded, and getting the attention of the rest of
the crowd who hadn't taken notice of the twins' presence.

"Sorry about that, I thought you two might recognize me and give me away. I can't have people
bothering us during our ice cream breaks right?" he said with an apologetic grin.

"We forgive you then…"

"…but you owe us twice as much ice cream next week."

They said, holding up two fingers each.

"Fair enough," he said, smirking at the boys. "Want to help me entertain this group?" he asked,
pointing towards the sea of people below the stage whose hands were now in the air, trying to
reach out to them and screaming how cute the three of them looked together.

Daisuke and Ryusuke grinned at each other and grinned up at Satoru who led them towards the
front of the stage with him.

"Gojo-san! Who are these kids?"

Satoru looked down and spotted that the media had somehow found their way back towards the
front of the stage again, large cameras and video cameras in hand along with their microphones.

"Meet Daisuke," he said pointing to the twin on his left. "And Ryusuke, he said, pointing to the
twin on his right.

The twins looked at each other and up at the man in between them with the same thoughts in mind.
'How can he tell us apart?'

"Hey kids!" their attention turned to the man who was holding a camera. "Do some poses for us
will you!"

That said, they started doing all sorts of cool poses for them, and Satoru joined in on the fun,
earning laughs from the crowd as he did.

Bright flashes blocked their sight from the crowd in front of them and the sounds of cameras
clicking only increased as the trio laughed and posed even more for the audience's entertainment
until their poses ended up wacky and until it turned out to be just plain silly.

"Okay, okay, let's get back to the autograph signing everyone!"

The twins immediately turned to the woman who appeared behind them, a glare on their faces.
Satoru looked down at them bemused before turning to Riko himself.

"There's still a long line, and a lot of posters and photographs left, you have to finish all that," she
whispered into his ear and pointing to the still full table behind them.

Satoru nodded at this with a concealed sigh.

"C'mon boys, let's go back to th-"

"Riko, leave the boys here," Satoru said, suddenly getting an idea. "And bring up two more chairs,
and a few pillows too."


"What are they doing?" Miko asked incredulously as chairs were set up, one on either side of

As the twins got up and sat on the chairs with pillows to add to their height so to reach the table,
Suguru laughed as the boys joined in the autograph signing. They were greeting and shaking hands
with Satoru's fans as he signed the photos and posters for them to take when they leave.

"Utahime, those boys of yours really are something!" he said without looking at her.

Utahime merely watched on in silence as the boys sat there and helped the actor in doing his job.
Worry was clearly written all over her face as she deliberated within herself a way out of this mess
if worse comes to worse.


After giving away the last of the signed posters and photographs, Satoru sighed in relief and
watched as the security personnel started to turn the crowd, making them leave the stage area.

"Gojo-san, I'll take the boys back now."

The twins looked up at the large buff man that had carried them earlier and jumped off their seats.

"No, I'll take them," he said with a wave of his hand. "I have to go thank their mother for letting
them come."

The man nodded at him before rumpling the twins' hair and messing it up, making them complain.

"Hey! It's hard enough to fix our hair…"

"…for you to just ruin it."

The man and Satoru laughed as the little boys attempted to fix their already unruly hair to begin

"I don't know about you Gojo-san, but seeing these two reminds me a whole lot of you. It's like
they're your sons or something," he joked before leaving the stage.

Satoru laughed, can't help agreeing with him. If he had sons, which he didn't, he'd imagine them to
be like these boys too.

"Okay, c'mon. Do you know where your mother is?" he said, standing up from his seat.

The boys looked over towards the dispersing audience and spotted Utahime already there.

"There she is!" they both said excitedly.

Satoru looked over to where they pointed, but they were pointing in the direction of a woman
whose back was turned, a man who was carrying and talking to a little girl.

"Wh- Ah, there," he said, spotting Miko standing just by their group and waving in their direction.
"Let's go out back. We need disguises."


"Well, you two are really popular now. You saw all those people taking pictures of you, now you
need a disguise so they won't bother you when we go out there."


"Here they come," Miko said joyously, spotting Satoru with the twins walking towards them, their
similar white baseball caps.

Utahime was officially panicking now. 'Calm down Utahime, it'll be fine. Breathe,' she told
herself, while making sure Suguru was covering her from sight.

As the twin boys spotted their family, they started tugging on Satoru's legs to make him go faster.
"There they are!"

As they reached them, Satoru bowed his head at Miko who gave the twins a kiss on the cheek each
for the wonderful job they did on stage.

"Thank you for letting them go up there," he said with a smile. "And I'm sorry I never told you
guys I'm actually an actor," he added with a guilty grin.

"Yes, it would've been a lot easier on my nerves if I actually knew who you really were from the
start rather than assuming you were some nice stranger, but its fine," the nanny replied with a
smile. "And you should thank the boys' mother, if she hadn't consented, I would've dragged those
boys right off the stage!" she said with a laugh in her voice.

This confused Satoru. "Excuse me? Their mother? Aren't you their mother?"

"Heavens no, I'm their nanny!" she corrected.

Frowning, it was only then that Satoru saw that the twins were missing from her side.

"Gojo-san!" Suguru greeted, surprising Satoru as he suddenly appeared beside Miko. "I'm a real
fan of your films!" he said, excitedly shaking Satoru's hand with his free one. "Aren't I Orihime-
chan?" he asked, looking at the child in his arms.

Satoru could literally feel his whole world stop.


He repeated the name in a very faint voice, as he stared at the little girl the man was carrying. Her
hair was the color of black that ended just above her shoulders and her eyes were round and
innocent, in the color of amber. She looked exactly like…

"Utahime!" Suguru called behind him. "Come and meet Gojo-san!"

Nothing else would've snapped Satoru's attention from the very familiar little girl in front of him
except for that.

"She isn't normally this shy, I mean, the boys got their personality from her after all," Suguru told
him with a grin before turning to look behind him again where the boys were pulling their mother
towards them.

'Crap,' Utahime squeaked in thought as her eyes fell on Satoru who was now openly staring at her.

"Mommy! …"

"…meet Gojo Satoru!"

The boys said, grinning from ear to ear as they stood on either side of her in front of Satoru.


"…meet our Mommy!"

Satoru and Utahime stared at each other, not uttering a single word.
"Several Conclusions"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER

im just love this story and gojohime..❤


Daisuke and Ryusuke looked at each other before reaching up and pulling on both of Utahime's


Utahime snapped out of it.

"A-A pleasure to meet you Gojo-san," she replied as calmly as she could with a hand held towards

Satoru could literally feel his blood boil within him. Realization after realization hit him like cold
sea water crashing down on him wave after wave.

"What the hell is t-"

"My name is Iori Utahime, I believe this is the first time I've met with such a famous actor before,"
she added in an innocent tone, cutting him off.

Satoru's brow furrowed at hearing her say this, then he felt something tug on his pant leg.

"Don't be rude to mommy," Ryusuke whispered, pointing up at her held out hand.

Reluctantly and silently, Satoru took her hand and shook it, unable to say anything.

Utahime smiled at him before turning to Suguru. "How about we grab something to eat? I believe
the boys haven't had anything to eat yet due to their little detour," she said with a brow raised at the
twin boys who were grinning.
"Of course! There's a restaurant not far from here, I think it'll be better to eat there than eat the
unhealthy ones served here in the park," he said before turning to Satoru. "How about it Gojo-san?
Would you care to join us? That is if you don't mind joining this average family," he added with a

"Yes, you may join us if you want Gojo-san," Utahime said with a sweet smile.

Satoru, a frown still on his features, was still confused with the whole situation, he still couldn't say
a word.

"He'll come!" Ryusuke answered for him.

"Won't you?" Daisuke added, looking at him.


"What?" Riko said into her cell, a frown on her face. "Well, if you're sure… okay, ja."

Frowning, she looked at the screen of her cell until Satoru's name disappeared as the call ended.



"Where do we put all these?" the man asked, pointing to a few boxes.

"Just put them in the truck please," she said with a smile before a frown appeared on her features
again. 'Why is he so attached to those kids?' she thought. It was the first time Satoru had any
emotional connection to anyone or anything for the past few years. Now it's happened again and in
the same country no less.

"Don't worry…I'm just gonna grab a bite to eat with the twins and their family as thanks for
helping me with the signing earlier. I'll meet you back in Tokyo."


"Excuse me, I have to use the ladies' room," Utahime said, getting up from her seat.

Watching her leave, Suguru turned back to Satoru whom he had noticed had been frowning ever
since they left the park.

"Are you alright?"

Satoru looked at him, a frown still on his face. "Yeah, I'm…just a bit tired from earlier," he lied,
trying to put a smile on his face.

"Yeah, there were a lot of people…"

"…but it was really fun!"

That said, the twin boys started goofing off and doing all sorts of poses on their seats.

"Now boys, don't make too much of a scene, we're trying to hide ourselves, remember?" Suguru
reminded, nodding at the people around the restaurant. They were seated on the large round table
at the corner and positioning themselves so no one can properly see Satoru.
"Sorry!" they replied in unison but with grins on their faces before turning to their sister.

"Orihime-chan, you haven't met Satoru-san yet…"

"…he's very nice!"

The Utahime lookalike kept silent on her booster seat that was positioned in between Utahime and

"Sorry about Orihime," Suguru told him. "She's not really much of a talker compared to the boys."

Satoru looked at the child with a blank face, not sure what to make of her. Just looking at her made
him as angry as when he first saw Utahime. She was just an innocent child but he looked too much
like her mother, in fact she looked like her own mother's twin.

From the trip they made in Satoru's limo to the restaurant, and the time they spent waiting for a
table and through the course of their meal, Satoru's come up with several conclusions about the
entire family.

One, Daisuke and Ryusuke were his sons.

Two, Utahime married Suguru to give the kids a father.

Three, she gave birth to Orihime, making her Suguru's and her daughter.

Four, somehow, she's lost her memory about the past he and Utahime shared.


Five, she's developed some acting skills of her own through the years and is pretending she's
forgotten all about him.

Satoru's fourth and fifth conclusions didn't really matter to him, neither did his second and third
conclusions if only they didn't somehow involve his first conclusion.

But his first conclusion, he was damn sure it was true. He knew it within his heart and mind that
Daisuke and Ryusuke really were his and Utahime's flesh and blood. There was no question about
it. The kids told him before that they were 5 years old, and his relationship with Utahime ended
five years ago, but that didn't mean she couldn't have been pregnant when they broke up. And the
chances of Utahime getting pregnant at that time weren't an impossibility at all.

Knowing all that only made his hatred for Utahime double, and also made him hate Suguru and
their child Orihime.

"Sorry I took so long."

"Are you alright?"

Everyone at the table, Satoru included, looked up at Utahime whose eyes were slightly red and

"I'm fine. I was washing my face, I just got soap in my eyes," she reasoned with a wave of her hand.
"Anyway, shall we go? I mean, we can't keep Gojo-san with us all day."

"Can we ride with Satoru-san again?"

"We wanna ride in that fancy black car!"

Utahime looked at her boys with a stern look. "You can't have Gojo-san do everything you want for
you boys."

"I don't mind," Satoru interrupted. "I can drop off Dai and Ryu on my way back to Tokyo."

An unsure look crossed Utahime's features at Satoru's statement, and the kind of look he was
currently giving her, made her look to Suguru for help."That's fine," he agreed, making Utahime
sigh. That wasn't the line she was expecting him to say. "But Orihime should ride with us though,"
he added, looking at the little girl with a gentle smile, making her nod in silence.

"Perfect," Satoru said, trying not to sound so harsh.


"Who would've thought, eh?" Suguru started conversationally as they followed Satoru's limo out of
the parking lot of the restaurant. "Your boys really are something Uta, I mean, Gojo's obviously in
close terms with them if he knows their nicknames."

Utahime thought about that too, just how much do they know of each other? Satoru's close enough
to them to actually know and call them by the boys' unofficial nicknames 'Dai' and 'Ryu'.
Personally she didn't approve of such nicknames before because it sounded off from the real names
she had given them, but the boys insisted, and it stuck.

But the problem was, Satoru actually calls them by their nicknames with the boys' approval. The
boys never allowed anyone to call them that aside from herself, Orihime, Miko and Suguru. And
she can't believe how close they were either. Daisuke and Ryusuke have lived their five years
disapproving of any male from coming close to their whole family. Of course they don't hate all
men, they were only particularly naughty towards the men who seemed interested in Utahime.
Whilst the rest of the male population, they treated with respect but never taken a close liking to
them like how they are with Satoru, well, except with Suguru of course, but he was an exception.

"Is something wrong Utahime?" Miko asked from the back seat where she sat beside Orihime.

"I-I'm fine, why?"

"You seem out of it today," she pointed out.

"No, it's nothing. I'm just worried that's all. We didn't get to finish Orihime's check-up today," she
said which is actually half true. They were supposed to be at the hospital for the entire day but had
to cut it short to go to the park for the boys.

"It's okay," Suguru said reassuringly. "We can always finish it tomorrow. Right Hime-chan?" he
asked, looking at the little girl through the rear-view mirror.

"Yeah. We can go back tomorrow mommy," Orihime responded with a smile.


"Boys," Satoru said, getting their attention from all their button-pushing.

Ever since they got back inside the limo, the twins have been touching things non-stop, pressing
buttons that raised the mini-fridge from one of the seats, opening the roof, opening the small
window that revealed the driver, and more.
It wasn't entirely annoying for Satoru, in fact, he was more entertained than annoyed. But he
wanted to talk to them while he can.

"What is it?" they asked, only just noticing the serious look on the older man's face.

"About Orihime-"

"Our sister, yes what about her?" they finished for him.

"Yes, your sister," he said through gritted teeth at the word.

"Are you okay?"

"You look a bit…mad," Ryusuke said bluntly.

"It's nothing," he said unconvincingly, making the twins lift a brow each at him. "Anyway, yes,
about her, are you close with her?"

"Yes, of course…"

"…she's our sister after all."

"What about the guy?"

"Suguru?" they asked, making Satoru nod, willing himself not to punch the window nearest him at
the sound of the man's name. No offense to him, he seemed like a nice guy, but the thought of him
actually having a child with Utahime is enough for him to hate the man with every fiber of his

Not trusting himself to respond without the hint of anger in his voice, Satoru merely nodded.

"He's a nice guy…"

"…we trust him…"

"…we don't really trust other guys, like how we trust him…"

"…except for you of course, your different."

'Of course I am, I'm your father,' he thought in approval, although not the part when they said they
trust that other man as much as they did with him. "So about your father…"

"Our dead father?" they cut off again, and yet again, Satoru willed himself not to go on a rampage
inside the limo as they said this. He was really going to kill Utahime for all the shit she's been
feeding into the boys' brains.

"Yes, about him. What do you know about him?"

The boys looked at each other with furrowed brows, looking like they were deep in each others'

"We're only telling you this…"

"…because we like you…"

"…and because we trust you, so…"

"…don't say anything to our mom."

Brows raised at this statement, Satoru got curious. He nodded at them, indicating he swore not to
tell her.

"Remember what we told you? She told us our father is dead…"

"…and that we don't believe her and that we think our father just left us."

Satoru nodded again, remembering when they had mentioned this to him in the convenience store
just last month.

"Well, it's true we never believed our father was dead, we really did know it by our gut feeling…"

"…but we only found out that our father left us because of mother. You see, she talks in her

"…we don't think she knows it though…"

"…but we hear sounds coming from her room sometimes…"

"…and we easily wake up from our sleep…"

"…so we always go to see her in her room if she's okay…"

"…but we always find her crying in her sleep…"

"…and saying things like 'I'm sorry'…"

"…and 'I can't believe you left'."

The twins fell silent after the confession, and looked over to Satoru who had a hard look on his

'She's sorry? Huh…yeah right,' he hissed in thought. 'And what the bloody hell is she thinking? She
can't believe I left her? She's the one who left me first! Not the damned other way around!'

He was getting more furious at Utahime now even if she didn't intentionally say those words in her
sleep, because she still did. And now his own sons think he's the bad guy when it was their own
mother who had run off without a word, not him.

"What're you gonna do if your real dad appears?" he asked before stopping himself.

This earned him concerned looks from the twins.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing," he muttered before the window revealing the driver slid down to an open by half.

"We're almost there Gojo-san!" he called out before sliding it close again.

Satoru looked out at the scenery outside. The address Utahime gave them led them to a suburban
area. Where they really in Tokyo?

"Where are we?"

Daisuke and Ryusuke scooted over to the window as well, looking out at the dark scene outside
due to the overly tinted windows of the limo.

"This is the neighborhood we live in…"

"…we've lived here ever since we were born."

"Haven't you guys ever lived in Kyoto?" he asked casually.

"No, why do you ask?"

'I guess she never went back,' Satoru thought, figuring Utahime must have never gone back to
where both of them grew up. Now he can't help but wonder if Utahime ever hesitated from letting
the boys go to the theme park in the first place. The day he found out about the event being held in
Kyoto, he was 100% against it and outright refused to go. But he's been in such a good mood lately
from the great times he spent with the boys, and his thoughts were all on that outburst Riko made
to the press for the last few days, he forgot all about his hesitations on going in the first place.
"Nothing, just wondering."

"We're here!" the twins exclaimed before scrambling to their feet and heading towards the door.

"Take care you two," he said with a smile and a nod.

"Aren't you coming in?"

"No, I have things to take care of at my own place."

"Oh," they said with a small frown.

"How about we spend the day together tomorrow?" Satoru suggested with a grin.

"Where are we going?"

Thinking about some good places to go to for 5 year olds, Satoru deliberated. "How about the zoo?
Or the park?"

Grinning at each other the twins then nodded in his direction.

"We've never gone to the zoo…"

"…or to a park."

"Never?" Satoru asked with a frown.

"No, mother's always busy…"

"…with work and with Orihime."

Satoru knew that if he heard another word about Utahime's obvious favor for her other brat over
the boys, he'd really lose it.

"To the park and to the zoo then!" he said, trying to plaster a big smile on his face.

"We have to ask mother though…"

"…it'll take some time to convince her."

"I'll talk to her," Satoru offered as he saw Suguru's car pull up to a stop behind them.
"Great!" they said excitedly before running out the door.

An irritated scowl spread across Satoru's features as he punched hard on the seat beside him,
releasing all his pent up anger for the past few hours.

"We're here," Suguru announced in relief as he stopped in front of a neighbor's house since the limo
stopped right in front of the house. "Do you want a piggy back ride Orihime-chan?" he asked with a

Getting out of the car, Utahime was still deep within her own thoughts. She was at an utter loss of
what to do now.

"Mom! Mom!"

She turned to her boys who were running towards her, and now hugging a leg each.

"Calm down boys," she said with laugh at their overexcited faces.

"Satoru has something to tell you!" they said, pointing to the man who had just gotten out of the
car in front of theirs.

Utahime watched as Satoru made his way towards them in a few, long strides.

"Tell her! Tell her!"

Satoru smiled down at the boys. "Don't worry, I will. You guys go in first. It looks like it's about to

Everyone looked up at this and indeed the clouds overhead were growing thick and dark.

"Go on boys, I'll see you inside."

"See you later Satoru!" the boys said with a wink at him before following Miko and Suguru who
was giving a giggling Orihime a piggy back ride into the house.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" Utahime asked in a calm voice and a gentle smile, even though
her insides were already doing front flips, back flips and all sorts of flips from just looking at the
handsome man in front of her.

"I want to take the boys out tomorrow," he said rather rudely, making it sound more like a
statement of truth rather than a question of her approval.

"Excuse me?" she asked, perplexed at the tone he was using on her.

"You heard me," he barked, glaring down at her small form. Which was true enough for him,
Utahime barely reached the height of his broad shoulders.

"I did Gojo-san there's no need to say it in such a tone that's all," Utahime interrupted.

Satoru eyed her suspiciously, and Utahime knew all too well what that look entailed.

"Do you rememb-" he stopped as soon as she raised an open palm facing the sky.

"It's about to rain. I better get inside," she said abruptly. "If you wish to take the boys out
tomorrow, please come by at 10 o'clock in the morning. Good day Gojo-san and thank you for
your willingness to take my children back home."
Satoru frowned and watched her make her way into the small gate that held a small path beyond it,
leading towards the front door of the average 2-story house. Holding his palm up, he tried to feel
for any droplets and felt none.

'She's avoiding me,' he assumed before making his way back inside his limo.

Just as he shut the door to a close, heavy rain suddenly poured outside.

'Or not,' Satoru muttered, scratching the back of his head forcefully in annoyance.

Seconds ago he assumed his fifth conclusion, of Utahime only acting like she has no recollection of
him, was true. But now, he was back to considering his fourth conclusion yet again.

'Could she really have forgotten everything that had happened to us five years ago?' he asked
himself, getting angry and more annoyed. He hated the feeling of not knowing something that he's
supposed to. 'What the hell happened five years ago?.
"The Lullaby"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER

im just love this story and gojohime..❤


Utahime slammed the door shut and leaned her back on it, breathing heavily with a hand over her
racing heart. She could feel tears starting to well up in her eyes, tears she's been trying so hard to
hold in from the first time in five years her eyes laid on Satoru in the theme park. She couldn't hold
it in anymore when they were in the restaurant, and it feels like she couldn't hold it in again
anymore now.


Her eyes snapped back down from her gaze on the ceiling.

"Yeah?" she asked, thankful her tears didn't escape her lids.

"Are you okay?" Suguru asked with knitted brows in worry for the woman who looked like she
was about to break down.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she reassured, trying to calm herself. "I just ran back in so I wouldn't get caught in
the rain that's all," she lied, which perfectly explains her short and shallow breathing.

Suguru looked at her, not convinced, he knew this woman for five years now after all, but decided
to let it go.

"Anyway, I better get going. I have to go back to the hospital. The family of one of my patients has
been asking for me since noon."

Utahime smiled at the man and bowed her head lightly at him. "I'm sorry for taking you from your
work for the whole afternoon."

"Are you kidding? I haven't had this much fun for a while now. I mean, I would never have met
Gojo-san if I had been stuck in the hospital all day," he said with a grin.

With a small smile, Utahime kept silent, not knowing what to make of his statement.

"Utahime, are you really okay?"

She nodded with a sure look on her face. "Yeah, I am. I'll see you again tomorrow for Orihime?"

Frowning slightly at her change of subject, he sighed and nodded. "Yeah. Like I said earlier in the
car, be there by 8 o'clock, or 9 o'clock at most. I've already just contacted my other colleagues."

"Alright, thank you again Suguru. And here," Utahamie pulled out one of the large umbrellas from
the rack just beside the front door. "It's raining cats and dogs out there."

"Thanks. See you girls tomorrow!"

Lightly closing the door behind him, Utahime sighed yet again, feeling uneasy and slightly guilty.

She really didn't want to let the boys spend more time with Satoru, it would ruin everything, but she
can't deny him or the boys' time with each other either.

Utahime knows Satoru isn't stupid. He must've already figured out that Daisuke and Ryusuke really
were indeed his and Utahime's children from the minute he saw her earlier. But she still held on to
that tiny hope that he would just go along his way without bothering her or the boys ever again.
And personally, she didn't at all want to face him ever again if she could help it, which is why she
specifically told him to pick the boys up tomorrow when she was sure she was out of the house

Scratching her head lightly, Utahime couldn't believe this sudden turn of events. She's been living
quite peacefully over the last five years. Well, she's not living in luxury like he was, but she's
getting by with her children at a normal pace and she was already contented with that. So, why is
this all happening now?

"Oh Kami-sama, help me," she whispered, resting her forehead on the front door.



At the sound of his name, Satoru snapped out of the trance of his own thoughts, only to be met by a
lot of worried looks directed at him.

"Yeah?" he said, still a bit absentminded.

Riko looked at him, concerned before turning to everyone inside the room. "Can we reschedule
this?" she asked the group with an apologetic smile.

The two women and three men nodded at her and proceeded to pack their equipment. They'd rather
do the interview on another day than do it now when their main subject seemed out of it.

"I'm so sorry," Riko told them with a bow as they made their way towards the door of the hotel

Sighing, she went back to the lounge where Satoru sat, his look deep in thought yet again for that

"Huh?" he said, sounding lost. "Where is everyone?" he asked, slightly shocked that the reporter
and camera man and their assistants were gone.

"They already left, I'm rescheduling the interview," she replied, her brows knitted together in
worry. "Are you alright?"

Exhaling a long breath, he stood up and stretched his long arms up in the air. "I'm fine. Why do
you ask?" he said casually.

"You've had this very thoughtful and preoccupied look on your face ever since you got back here.
Why? Did something happen when you went out?"

Satoru shook his head and flashed a reassuring smile. "Nothing. I'm just a little tired from
everything that happened today, that's all. I'm going to bed."

Without another word, and not waiting for her to say another word, Satoru quickly made his way
towards the large master bedroom on to one side of the lounge.

Riko sighed, watching his retreating form until the door closed behind him. "Something's wrong,"
she concluded surely.


"Hey mom! Mom!"

Utahime looked back as her boys ran through the kitchen door with big smiles on their faces. They
were clearly excited for the day's activities.

"What do you think?" they asked in unison as they posed about in their matching outfits of white
sneakers, light denim blue jeans and striped polo shirts. Their hair was even combed down. At
least, as combed down as they could manage to make it.

"Both of you look positively handsome," she said with a grin before pulling them into hugs. "You
two are too cute!"

"Mommm…" they both complained, trying to push her away.

"We don't want 'cute'…"

"…we're trying to look cool!"

Utahime merely laughed at them and nodded. "Yes, yes, you look cool too," she said, earning a
grin from the boys. "Now, come on, eat your breakfast. Orihime and I have to leave in a while."

Orihime, who was sitting silently on her seat at the dining table, smiled as her mother looked over
towards her before turning to her brothers. "Have fun today, Dai-kun,Ryu-kun" she said in gentle

The twin boys looked at her with identical grins, which slowly started to fade.

"I wish you could come with us…"

"…yeah, we haven't spent time together lately."

"Don't worry, we can play together tonight!" she assured them with a big smile upon her face.

"I hope so, but what if you fall asleep early again?"

"Just like last night?"

Orihime shook her head. "I'll stay up with you tonight for sure!"

Daisuke and Ryusuke grinned at each other before winking at their little sister, making her blush a
little and giggle.

"Now, what were you three talking about?" Utahime asked, seeing the smiles on all her children.

"Nothing!" all three of them replied when their mother started placing their meals in front of them.

"With you three? It's never nothing," she pointed out.

The children remained in silence at this, instead closed their eyes in individual prayers before
digging in their breakfast.

Utahime watched them, a smile never leaving her face. This is her family, and she liked it just the
way it was. Just watching her kids eating their meals, playing with them during her free time,
reading them stories and singing to them songs at night. This has been her life for the past five
years, and she never complained. Even if it was a burden, she still enjoyed it and she loved every
minute of it nonetheless. She can't even imagine if anything were to change from this life of hers.

Thinking about change only made her smile slowly fade. She knew it was inevitable, especially
now that she's met with Satoru again. But she had already decided to herself yesterday that she
won't let him change anything, which was why she played dumb yesterday as if she had only met
him for the first time. If he believed her little act, she was hoping he'd just leave them alone as soon
as he was done with whatever he was doing here in Japan. She didn't go through all the trouble of
not letting the kids watch TV or video games or restricting them from certain places all these years
for nothing after all. She did all that so if in case Satoru's pictures or posters would get posted
somewhere, they wouldn't see it and would never question their resemblance.


Utahime shook her head and was met with three pairs of eyes, two pairs of familiar light blue and a
pair of just as familiar amber.


"Are you okay?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"You're not eating…"

"…and you look kind of…"

"…lost," Orihime finished for her brothers, making the male pair nod.

"I was just thinking that's all," she assured before putting a bright smile on her face. "Shall we go
Hime-chan? The sooner we go, the sooner we finish, and the sooner we get back, the sooner you
can play with your brothers."
Orihime smiled at this and nodded enthusiastically.


Looking up from her morning paper, Riko looked over at Satoru as he headed out of the door to his

"Are you going somewhere?" she asked, noting his attire.

Satoru nodded in her direction before turning to the decorative mirror in the lounge and positioning
his gray Fedora hat on his hopelessly messy hair. Clad in a white wife beater underneath a short-
sleeved gray button-down shirt that he left open and unbuttoned, dark denim jeans and gray leather
shoes, he was ready to go on his first official father-son outing with his boys.

"Where are you going?" Riko pressed, seeing as she didn't get a verbal answer to her last question.

"Out," he replied vaguely, before positioning a pair of dark aviators on his nose, totally blocking
his light blue eyes.

Sighing somewhat irately, Riko folded her paper and set it on the breakfast table and walked over
to him. "You're not seeing some girl are you?" she asked, a hint of jealousy in her voice. He had
just agreed yesterday that he would give their relationship a chance and now, he was out and about
looking very handsome and she didn't know where he was going and with who.

Satoru raised a brow at her. "Of course not," he answered truthfully. "You know I don't have any
interest in the female population," he reminded her.

"Good! Because you already agreed about us."

Totally forgetting such a conversation, Satoru mentally cursed. "Err…you don't mind that I go out
do you?" he asked, unsure if he even had to ask her in the first place. He's always been used to
doing whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted.

Seeing his effort, Riko can't help but grin. "No," she said, shaking her head. "As long as you don't
go out with some girl."


"Yeah?" he answered into his cell. "No, he told me he wanted some privacy today…Huh? But…
Hmm…well, if you're sure…yeah, okay."

Nanami slowly got up from his seat with a sigh.

The three men around him looked up at him as he started to leave.

"Hey, where are you going? We're far from finished. We only just started!" one of the men still
situated at the poker table called.

"I'll be back, I just have to check something out!" he called back from the doorway to the hotel
room. "And don't touch my chips! I already counted them!"


"He's here!" the twin boys exclaimed when the door bell rang.

Jumping off the couch, they dashed straight to the front door.
"Don't run too fast! You might trip!" Miko called out although they were out of her sight.

Whistling to himself, Satoru was in a jolly mood. He waited outside his sons' home, playing with
the identical and smaller white Fedora hats with his hands.

"Hey!" he greeted with a grin matching the twins'. "Here."

Holding up their small hands, they took the hats from him and placed it securely on their heads.

"Thanks!" they exclaimed before making their way down the stone path towards the small front
gate. "Let's go!"

Satoru watched them but stayed in his place. "What about your mother? Isn't she sending you off or
something? No goodbye kisses?"

"No, she already left hours ago…"

"…she's out with Orihime."

Blood started to boil within him yet again, but Satoru held a cool expression on his face. "She left
you two alone in the house by yourselves?" he asked, trying to restrain himself from throwing the
large rock on the ground through one of the house's windows.

"Miko is inside…"

"…but she's not coming."

Knowing this, he willed himself to relax. And he did…with much effort.

"Alright, c'mon you two," he said, walking pass them and opening the gate.

Now he's even more determined to show the boys a really good time. He's going to make them
wish they lived with Satoru instead of Utahime and he's going to make sure that brat of hers and
that man from yesterday, will be so jealous of the boys, she's going to whine and complain to her
mother and her father about life being so unfair that she doesn't have the stuff he'll shower the boys
in before the day is even out.

"Where's the limo?"

Satoru smiled at the twins before pointing towards a silver convertible Mercedes Benz across the
street that already had its top down.

"Is that yours?" they asked, getting excited.

"I thought it would be better and…less obvious if we rode that instead of a limo. We wouldn't want
attention now would we?"


"How are you feeling?" Utahime asked lovingly, as she took her daughter's hand and played with
her tiny fingers.

Orihime smiled up at her mother. "I'm fine. How are you feeling?"

Utahime can't help but laugh, and Orihime giggled as she did.
"Utahime? hime-chan?"

The two girls turned to the door as Suguru stepped inside the white room they were currently
waiting in with Orihime resting on the table in the middle and Utahime on a stool beside her.

With a smile on his face, Suguru set the chart aside and sat on the chair on the other side of
Utahime, opposite Utahime.

"How is it?" Utahime asked, can't help but have a smile on her face as well after seeing the man's
positive features.

"It all looks alright. In our perspective anyway," he said, pointing to the mirror behind him.

The two girls looked over at the mirror and waved, knowing there would be a group of other
doctors and specialists on the other side that were watching them.

"So she won't…" trailing off, Utahime glanced at Orihimd before turning back to Suguru, "…you

Suguru shook his head. "We think not, just make sure she doesn't get a lot of negative emotional

Utahime nodded at this in understanding. She was confident that her daughter won't get any
negative strain at all. In fact, she was quite sure she would get more positive emotional strain from
her brothers. They always did have fun together

Taking a lollipop out of the front pocket of his white lab gown, Suguru handed it to Orihime with
an apologetic smile on his face. "Sorry for stealing another day from you Hime-chan."

Orihime shook her head and took the lollipop from the doctor with a shy smile. "It's okay,
especially if you keep giving me candy," she said with a little giggle before unwrapping it and
popping it inside her mouth.


"Hello? Yeah, it's me. I don't know what you're getting worried about. He's just gotten out of the
zoo with those twin boys from before…yeah…no, it's just the three of them…sure…no, I'm
heading back to the hotel. Don't worry too much…alright," shaking his head, Nanami pocketed his
cell on the front pocket of his shirt.

Starting the engine to his car, he took one last glance at Satoru and the two little boys before
making his way out the zoo parking lot and onto the main road.

'I don't get why Riko's being paranoid and crazy jealous over two boys,' he thought, exasperated at
the hassle the woman just brought upon him. When she called him earlier, she made him think like
Satoru's going to be in trouble, when clearly he's just enjoying the nice day out with two kids.


Looking at the rear-view mirror of the car, he checked the grinning faces of the twins.

"You two alright back there?" he asked in an amused tone.

"Yeah!" they exclaimed with laughter in their voice.

Satoru turned to them and can't help but laugh at the scene as well. The back passenger seats of the
car was full of stuffed animals from the ground up, just ending enough to show the twins' heads
amongst the heads of the animals.

"How are we going to fit all of this in our room?" Ryusuke asked his brother.

Daisuke merely laughed before poking his brother with the protruding tongue of a stuffed anteater.

The two laughed as they began playfully hitting each other with the stuffed animals Satoru bought
them, which was one of everything they had found in the zoo. If the zoo had stuffed versions of
every animal they had, they were sure they wouldn't have much space left in the car.

"To the park?" Satoru asked from the front before backing up his car from the space they parked
earlier that morning. They already had their lunch inside the zoo and it was already nearing 2
o'clock in the afternoon.



Utahime looked away from the ring of keys on her hands and down to her daughter.

"Yes, hon?"

"I think the ice cream's melted," Orihime pointed out after surveying the contents of the plastic bag
in her hands.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's not that melted. We'll put them in the freezer before we eat them,"
Utahime replied with a smile before putting in the right key into the keyhole of the front door.
"Dai-kun! Ryu-kun!" Setting her shoes to the side, Utahime peeked down the hallway before
helping Orihime out of her shoes and coat. "Your brothers aren't here yet."

"It's still early anyways. I'll play with my dolls until they get here. And I can always eat the ice
cream later. It's okay."

Utahime smiled at her sweet daughter before rumpling her hair which was identical in color to
hers, only Orihime's was shorter.

"Okay, c'mon. Let's go to the kitchen and put these away first. I'm pretty sure Miko went home
right after your brothers left."

"How are we going to get all this stuff inside the house?"

Satoru looked back at the twins, grinning. He didn't have a clue. He went slightly overboard with
buying Daisuke and Ryusuke almost everything he could get his hands on that would befit a five
year olds, he didn't even consider the amount of space they have inside that small house they live
in with Utahime.

"Just take as much as you can and we'll make a couple of trips until we get all the stuff in your
room. How's that sound?"

With identical grins, the two boys nodded before opening the car doors, sending a few of the
stuffed animals to the ground. Grabbing two stuffed animals each, the twins trotted into the gate
and up to the front door of their house, then looked at each other.

"I can't knock."

"Neither can I."

The two looked back to find Satoru almost covered from the waist up with a large load of stuffed
animals and they laughed.

"What are you two laughing at?"

"You look funny!" they replied, pointing with their lips towards the stuffed giraffe whose head was
hanging between his legs, the stuffed snake twisted around his neck and all the other eight or so
stuffed animals he was able to carry.

"Yeah, yeah, brats!" he said with a smile before knocking the door with the end of his leather
shoes. "Let's hope your mother's already home," he added, sounding a bit annoyed. If Utahime
wasn't home, he was sure he'll really throw a rock through the window.

A minute later, no one had still answered the door and a frown was slowly setting into Satoru's
features. He rammed the end of his shoe to the foot of the door again and a little more loudly.

"Utahime!" he called out. "Open up!"

Still nothing.

"Utahime! Are you in there? UTA-!"

Before he can finish calling out her name, the front door swung open.

"What the devil is going o-" the disheveled looking woman in front of him looked up at him then
down to her boys, the frown on her face giving way to a small smile. "About time you boys came
home," she said, directing to the twins.

"Sorry mom!"

"We got held up…"

"…we stopped by the mall…"

"…after we visited the zoo and the park!"

Utahime nodded and let the boys through, then looked up at the much taller man still standing

"Are you letting me in or what?" Satoru said, trying not to sound so rude.

"O-Of course," Utahime said, leading him to the living room. "Uhm…what's with all the animals?"
she asked, picking up what looked to be a stuffed porcupine.

"A gift, for the boys," he said, clearly emphasizing that all of it were solely for the boys. He didn't
know if Utahime got it, but if she did, she didn't show it.

"You didn't have to buy them anything. But, thank you," she said with a bow. "And thank you for
taking them out today, especially since I've already had plans with Orihime."

Utahime clearly saw his jaw tighten at the mention of her daughter, although she didn't know why.
Satoru merely nodded stiffly at her, without saying a word.

"Mom! Mom! Mom!"

The two adults turned to the twins running down the hallway towards them.

"We still have a lot of stuff in the car…"

"…can you help us bring them in?"

Utahime whipped her head back to Satoru with an inquiring look on her face. The man merely
smirked at her and shrugged his shoulders.

By the time they were finished with unloading all the new toys form Satoru's car, almost an hour
had already passed. The boys were excited to use everything single thing Satoru bought them,
Utahime was dead tired from all the lifting she did, and Satoru was simply happy just watching the
boys' happy faces.

"This is really too much," Utahime said, looking at the load of things scattered on the floor. Satoru
didn't only shower them with stuffed animals, he also bought story books, toy cars and robots,
video games, new clothes and new shoes.

"There's no such thing as too much for my boys," Satoru replied from the couch opposite where she
sat in the living room.

Utahime looked at him. 'He really does know,' she thought, slightly panicking now. "I-"


Thanking God for the timely interruption, Utahime turned to Daisuke.

"What is it Dai-kun?"

"Orihime-chan says she wants to sleep," he said, sounding slightly miserable. "She says she's
already tired, even if Ryu-kun told her that we still wanted to play with her with all our new toys."

Utahime smiled gently at him and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Your sister's had a pretty tiring
day with me. She doesn't have as much energy like you and your brother. Don't worry, she'll play
with you tomorrow, okay?"

Daisuke nodded at this, putting a small smile on his face. "Ryu-kun is in her room, trying to sing to
her. But Hime-chan says she wants to hear you sing like you usually do."

"Alright, now, you and your brother entertain Gojo-san while I go to your sister."

With that said, Utahime left the living room without so much as a word or even a glance to Satoru.
And somehow it annoyed him.

"Are you okay?"

Satoru nodded at Daisuke with a forced smile before Ryusuke came running inside the living

"I think Mom's gonna sing Orihime our song," he informed.

"But she only sings that song if she needs to cheer us up," Daisuke pointed out with a slight frown.
"Is oriHime-chan okay?"

"Before mom came, she told me she's not feeling too well and wants to sleep early, she sounded
kind of sad to me."
Satoru glanced at the clock, it was only 7 o'clock in the evening. He guessed Orihime was about
four years old, judging from how much smaller she was from the boys. He didn't really know what
time kids go to sleep but he was fairly sure sleeping at 7 o'clock was too early.

"Hey Satoru?"


"Do you want to hear mother sing?"

"She's a really great singer you know!" Ryusuke said proudly.

'Of course she is,' he thought before standing up from his seat and nodding towards them.

"Are you okay my little Hime?" Utahume asked, smiling down at her daughter who was lying
down on her bed in her own room that was decorated mostly in pink with a few stuffed animals and

Orihime nodded at her with closed eyes. "I'm just tired, that's all."

"Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

Utahime sat down beside her on the bed and stroked her hair off her forehead, and again, and
again, and again. Doing this always soothed her children and it easily sends them to sleep.

"Who is that man in the living room mommy?" she asked instead, not answering her question.

"Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. I'm just wondering why my brothers like him so much. And he seems to really like them
too. I saw some of the toys he had given them."

"You can all share with your brothers' new toys, a-" Utahime stopped when Orihime shook her
head and opened her eyes, and looked at her.

"Those toys aren't mine. It's okay, I'm still happy with the dolls you gave me," she said with a
reassuring smile, after noting her mother's smile falter a little. "The toys you give me are enough
for me."

Utahime smiled a little sadly before pressing a kiss on her forehead. "Don't worry about the toys
Hime-chan. We can always discuss this in the morning. You had a really tiring day. What song do
you want me to sing to you?"

"The Princess's Lullaby," she replied before closing her eyes yet again.

Taking an unsure glance at the open door, Utahime hoped her voice wouldn't reach the living
room. In fact, she hoped her boys would entertain their guest as loudly as they could.

Taking a deep breath, she started humming the start of the slow tune she had made 5 years ago.

Soaring through the heavens, the skies

Swimming through the oceans, the seas

No matter how far or near,

There will always be a 'you and me'.

Utahime closed her eyes, and hummed.

My beautiful flower, my love, my life,

You are my princess, I'm your prince.

She could feel her eyes start to water before the lyrics left her lips again in a sweet tune.

The skies and the seas are vast,

I don't know how long we'll last.

But no matter how far we may be,

There will always be a 'you and me'.

You are my beautiful flower,

We'll be together forever.

My princess, my love, my life,

Your prince will always stay beside you,

Like a loyal husband with his darling wife.

The highest sky, of blue and light,

The deepest sea, in day and night,

My beautiful flower you will always be mine,

My princess, you are truly divine.

This prince will always care for you,

Forever in my heart, I will be true.

I'm the prince, who will always love you,

Forever in my heart,

"…I-I will be true…"

Tears finally slipped from Utahime's eyes and down her cheeks as she faltered with the last line.
She pressed one last kiss onto the forehead of her sleeping daughter before turning on the lamp on
her night stand.

"Good night, my beautiful princess," she whispered before turning off the main light of the room.
Slowly and silently shutting the door to a close, Utahime then headed down the hall and towards
her bedroom.


Satoru leaned onto the wall beside the open doorway and glared at the floor. He could clearly hear
the twins doing something in the kitchen, but his ears were focused to the musical sounds that were
coming from the open room beside him.

My princess, my love, my life,

Your prince will always stay beside you,

Like a loyal husband with his darling wife.

Listening to the lyrics of the 'lullaby', Satoru could literally feel his heart being wrenched out of his
chest…if he had a heart.

Now he was only too sure Utahime had been faking it. She really does remember him, except she's
been acting as if she doesn't.

The highest sky, of blue and light,

The deepest sea, in day and night,

My beautiful flower you will always be mine,

My princess, you are truly divine.

But now, after hearing this song, no doubt about it, she really is aware of the whole situation and
she really had knowingly hidden it from him for the past five years.

This prince will always care for you,

Forever in my heart, I will be true.

After hearing the final lines coming out in beautiful song from her lips, he knew it was drawing to a
close. How can he not? This was the poem he had personally written for her five years ago, before
she disappeared from his life without a trace.

Pushing himself from the wall, he glared one last time at the doorway before making his way back
towards the living room, only just missing Utahime falter into a broken tone.
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER

im just love this story and gojohime..❤


"Boys? What are you doing?"

Grinning at her, Daisuke and Ryusuke revealed the chocolate that was covering both their sets of

"And where did you get that?" Utahime asked with a raised brow.

"Satoru bought a bar of chocolate each for us…"

"…it really is tasty, do you want some mom?"

Shaking her head, she smiled hopelessly at them, trying not to giggle at the state they were in. Both
boys had so much chocolate on their faces, it was a wonder they even got to eat any of it.

"Now, now, you can finish that tomorrow. You two clean up and brush your teeth. No more sweets
for today," she said in a firm tone although still smiling.

The twin boys saluted before jumping off the chairs from the dining table and dashing to the

Utahime looked around and found their guest not in the kitchen with them. Walking back into the
living room, she found him. And her breath was caught.

She never took notice of him the other day due to her mental turmoil and neither did she notice him
earlier due to the large packages they had to haul and the exhaustion that came after it, but it was
only now that she actually looked at him.

He really looked nothing like he did five years ago. He's grown taller, she would probably stand at
the height of his now broad shoulders. His complexion was always been pale, his entire build has
certainly been developed over the past years and it can be proven with his muscular arms and-
although he was sitting down –flat stomach.

Snapping out of it, Utahime shook her head and spoke from the doorway.

"I'm sorry about the interruption earlier," she said unsurely.

Satoru also shook his head from his thoughts before turning towards her. He has decided. He wants
answers, and he wants them today. Now.

"I'm happy to hear you're still fond of singing," he pointed out bluntly.

As soon as the words left his lips, Utahime looked down, her face already red from embarrassment
and guilt. He heard her. And the song.

Eyeing her carefully, Satoru walked over to her and stopped right in front of her.

"We have a lot to talk about Utahime," he said in a serious tone.

Utahime breathed in and out a couple of times before finally raising her gaze towards him. "W-
What about?"

Just as she said this, Utahime found herself pinned to the wall behind her.

"Don't play dumb with me Utahime," Satoru hissed, his face close to hers. "I heard you sing to that
brat of yours. That was the poem I wrote for you five years ago," he said almost achingly but still
sounding very bitter. "At first I assumed you got amnesia or something when you acted like we
only just met for the first time at the theme park. But that's an impossibility now in this case. Now

After a short pause, Utahime nodded. "I-I remember everything."

"Then why the hell did you pretend like you didn't know me?"

"I…I don't know," she confessed honestly, her eyes starting to water for the second time that night.

Cursing, Satoru glared at her. "Then tell me this," he said in a deadly whisper. "Are Daisuke and
Ryusuke my sons?"

Utahime nodded yet again, this time, without saying another word.

His first conclusion was right.

"Is Orihime your youngest child?" he asked, trying to keep his cool.

Utahime nodded yet again.

"Did you r-" Satoru stopped when a loud ringing came from his pants pocket.

Cursing loudly with a scowl on his handsome face, he took out his cell.

"What is it?" he barked, making Utahime jump. "Sorry, no…yeah…I'll be back in a while…yeah,
don't worry…sure, bye." Pocketing his cell he turned back to Utahime. "Now what was I s-"

Taking the opportunity, Utahime side stepped away from Satoru and walked towards the doorway,
poking her head through, just as the boys came running in.

"We're done cleaning up!" they both exclaimed, grinning up at her, showing them their now
perfectly white teeth.

Utahime bent down to their level and rumpled their unruly hair. "Well done. Now, how about you
boys get ready for bed? It's almost 8:30 in the evening already. Get changed into your pajamas and
say your prayers. I'll be right in to sing you guys a song if you like."

The two nodded before turning to Satoru.

"Thanks for today Satoru…"

"…we really had a lot of fun!"

Satoru bent to their level and hugged the two boys with a smile.

"I had fun too. I'll see you boys again next week alright? I'm sure your mother wouldn't mind. If
your father were around, I'm sure he wouldn't have minded either," he said, now with an
inconspicuous glare aimed at Utahime who saw it and now looked as guilty as ever.

"Can we really mom?" they asked when they let go of Satoru.

Utahime glanced at Satoru who was looking at her pointedly, daring her to say otherwise.

"O-Of course. Why not?" she replied, rumpling their hairs again and shooing them out of the living

After hearing their room door shut to a close, Satoru began again.

"What happened to you five years ago?" he asked immediately, now already forgotten to ask if she
had actually married that man from yesterday or not, like he intended to before they were
interrupted by Riko's phone call.

Utahime saw her stiffen the moment the question left his lips.

"What happened five years ago?" he asked yet again, seeing as she didn't look like she would
answer any time soon.

"You know what happened five years ago," she said softly. "W-We both went our separate ways.
That's pretty much it. Y-You just didn't know I was pregnant at the time that's all."

Still glaring hard at her, Satoru could feel his patience snap, but he didn't show it. "Perhaps you
didn't clearly understand my question," he said in unnerving calm. "I know what happened five
years ago Utahime. I know you left without a word. And now I know you left without telling me
that you were pregnant with my children. My main point here is, why?"

"I-I didn't know I was pregnant when I left you."

"Cut the bullshit Utahime!" he barked, now holding on to the sides of her arms in a firm grasp.

"Y-You're hurting me!" Utahime said, wincing at his touch, trying to get him to let go.

"If you answer me any sooner and any clearer, I'll make it less painful for you then!" he shouted,
now getting even angrier.
"Mom? Satoru?"

The two adults whipped their heads to the side at the new voices.

Daisuke and Ryusuke watched them with a frowns on their faces, already dressed in their identical

"What are you two doing?" Daisuke asked, eyeing Satoru unsurely.

"Are you two okay?" Ryusuke asked, looking at their mother.

Satoru slowly let go of his hold on Utahime and took a deep breath in and out. He couldn't believe
he actually lost his temper, and in front of his own sons too.

"Nothing, your mommy and I were just…playing," Satoru finished lamely.

Thankfully enough, Utahime nodded with a smile on her face.

"Did we scare you?" she asked.

The boys shook their heads.

"We were just waiting for you…"

"…but then we heard loud voices. What were you talking about?"

"Nothing at all. Like what Satoru said, we were just playing around. Sorry to worry you." Utahime
turned to Satoru, her face pleasant but he could see the hurt she felt in her glassy amber eyes. "I
think you better go. If you still plan to take the boys out next week, you can come at the same time
next Saturday or Sunday," she said before walking out of the living room.

Smiling at the boys one last time and rumpling their hair, Satoru followed her.

"Please don't ever act like that in front of the kids again," Utahime said in barely a whisper as she
held on to the front door. She didn't know the kids were even their until they spoke, she didn't care
if they were caught arguing, so long as they didn't hear what they were arguing about.

Satoru looked at her and sighed irately. "I'm sorry about that," he said, really regretting that the
boys saw their mother being held in that position by him. "But we still need to talk," he added in a
more serious tone.

Utahime nodded. "I-I know."

With one final nod, Satoru walked out the front door and out the gate.

Seeing his car drive past the gate, Utahime closed the door and latched it close. "I'm so sorry
Satoru…" she whispered brokenly, her forehead on the door and tears now falling freely from her


"CUT!" the director shouted exasperatedly before rubbing his temples.

"Again!" Satoru demanded, slightly panting.

Everyone looked at the director before turning to Satoru with worried expressions on their faces.
They've been at this scene all day. The fight scene for this movie was one of the most crucial and it
had to be shot to perfection, but unfortunately Satoru wasn't at the top of his game like he usually

In fact, this wasn't the first time. It's already Friday, and ever since they started shooting for the
week on Monday, he's been out of it. Screwing up scenes and delaying their plans due to reshoots
they had to constantly do.

"Are you sure you don't want a break Satoru? We can take this again this afternoon," suggested the
director, in a disappointed tone that he didn't bother covering up.

"No, let's do it again. Now!" Satoru ordered, trying to keep his temper down.

He knew why he was acting like this. It was Utahime. Every day since he had that 'talk' with her,
he hadn't felt right at all. The thought of her hiding the fact that they had children, two children!
Two twin children! It infuriated him.

But it wasn't just that. Not by a long shot. Although he would never admit it, just remembering that
little girl who looked the spitting image of her mother also pissed him off greatly. He knew he
couldn't blame the child, but the thought of how she came to be was what made him hate the kid

Satoru growled, just thinking of Utahime and that Suguru guy having the time of their life banging
away at each other and ending up having a daughter made his blood boil. He swore he would
explode if he pondered on that thought. But he can't help it. Knowing she's been having her fun for
the past five years and getting herself pregnant with another man while he's been working his ass
off in movies and TV shows and locking his heart away ever since they broke up made him just
want to punch something or someone, whatever was in closest range.


"Hey squirts!" Suguru greeted with a grin when two identical faces opened the front door for him.

"Hey Suguru! Come in!" Daisuke and Ryusuke said before dashing back into the house and
towards the living room.

Whistling to himself, Suguru followed them and stopped by the doorway of where the kids were
apparently playing with a mountain of new stuff.

"Wow!" he said, clearly surprised. "Did Utahime hit the jackpot or something?" he asked jokingly.

"I wish," Utahime replied from behind him, carrying a tray filled with snacks.

Suguru grinned back at her as she placed the tray on the coffee table beside the kids. Daisuke and
Ryusuke were playing a video game, with Orihime holding on to a stuffed elephant cheering for

"You lost!" Daisuke exclaimed with a proud grin at his brother. "Your turn Orihime-chan!"

Ryusuke grumbled before handing the controller to his sister. "Make sure you beat him," he told
her with a grin and wiggling his brows at her. Orihime giggled and nodded.

Suguru watched them with a smile on his face before following Utahime out the living room and
into the kitchen.
"So, mind explaining how you managed to get all the new stuff?" he asked casually before sitting
down at the dining table.

Sighing, Utahime ran her hand through her hair. "It was a gift."

"Mind elaborating on that?"

"It's a gift for Dai-kun and Ryu-kun…from their dad," she said in a very regretful tone.

"The bastard who left you is back?" Suguru asked with furrowed brows.

"H-He's not a bastard!" Utahime defended, making the man scowl slightly.

"Fine, the legitimate asshole who left you," he corrected indifferently.

Utahime can't help but smile at this but she shook her head regardless. "I told you before, it's not
his fault. It was mine."

"Yeah but he still left," he pointed out. "It's still partly his fault."

"And I can't blame him."

Suguru looked at the tired look on her face before waving her over to sit down beside him, which
she did.

"Tell me what's wrong Utahime," he told her with a worried look on his face. He held her hand and
looked at her straight in the eye, only when he did this did he notice how pale she looks. "You
know you can trust me right?"

She smiled back a little smile at him and nodded.

"I know I can trust you, I've trusted you for the past five years haven't I? Heck, you're one of the
few people I completely trust as much as I trust my own kids," she confessed. "But, well…this is
something I have to deal with by myself. I got myself into this and I'd rather solve it by myself too.
You get it right?"

Nodding, Suguru smiled at her, albeit it was a small and unsure one. "Okay, but if you do need
anything, anything at all, tell me alright?"

" of course," she said, managing to grin back at him but Suguru knew all too well it was fake.



Satoru looked away from the mirror of his dressing room at the main studio and turned to the door
where Riko poked her head through.


"You don't mind me coming in right?"

"Of course not," he said, waving her over.

Riko walked over towards him and leaned her hip onto the side of the vanity's desk in front of him.
"Okay, tell me what's up?"

"The ceiling," he replied curtly with a serious look on his face albeit his joking remark.

Riko rolled her eyes at this and tipped his chin up to face her.

"Seriously, what's up? You haven't been yourself all week."

"I just have a lot on my mind that's all," he answered truthfully, which earned him a nod from her,
urging him to go on. "It's a problem I'd rather face myself Riko."

She was disappointed at this and Satoru saw it.

"Look, how about we have dinner tonight?" he suggested with a small smile, immediately
brightening up her mood. "I did tell you I'd give us a chance after all," he added with a smirk.

The look on his face only made her grin. This was the Satoru she knew and loved. Although his
smirk was something that annoyed the hell out of her at times, it was still him and its one of the
things that attracted her to him too.

"I'm glad you remembered," she replied with a wink.

'If Utahime's been having her own fun, there's no way I'm depriving myself anymore,' he thought
with a vengeance. He's been thinking of what he'll do since he left Utahime's house last Sunday,
and came to this conclusion. Utahime's been having the time of her life with that guy, so it's only
right for him to do the same. He has his needs too. Although he's had sex with several- in fact, even
more than he can count or even remember –women for the past few years since he and Utahime
went their separate ways, he's never got emotionally attached with anyone. All he did was satisfy
his sexual appetite like every other human male but his emotions he's locked up deep within
himself making sex something more of a temporary enjoyment rather than a pleasure for him. He
had either ignored women completely or used them like toys in bed and got rid of them soon after,
but not anymore.

"How about we catch a movie too?" Satoru suggested before looking thoughtful. "It's been a long
time since I actually watched a movie for the fun of it at theaters. And we shouldn't watch
something that I'm in either."

Riko thought she'd cry just listening to him make plans for them that she can't help herself

"Riko?" he asked, seeing the blank yet happy look on her face. "Are you o-"

Satoru could literally feel his eyes bug out when Riko flung her arms around his neck and landed
her lips on his in a tight lip-lock. She kissed him with so much passion that Satoru felt it was
somewhat foreign to him. He's kissed a lot of women before but all of which were full of eagerness,
desire, and pure lust, never like this.

Riko felt him relax under her and when he started kissing her back softly, she sighed and gave a
little moan before pulling back and straightening herself.

"I…sorry about that," she said, clearing her throat before pulling down the blazer she was wearing.

He raised a brow at her. "You're apologizing because you kissed me?" he confirmed with a cocky
smirk on his face.
A blush crept up to her cheeks at the look he was giving her and he glared back at him lightly
before sticking her nose in the air.

"I'll see you back in the set in ten minutes!" she said curtly before leaving the dressing room.

She heard him chuckle from behind her and she can't help the smile from forming on her lips as
she closed the door behind her.



Utahime bent down and hugged Daisuke and Ryusuke before taking off her coat and putting it on
the rack by the front door.

"Hey you two, what's up?"

"Where's Orihime-chan?" Daisuke asked, not seeing their sister come through with her.

Smiling sadly at the boys, Utahime shook her head. "She has to stay at the hospital for the night. I
just came by to get a few things and I'll be going back shortly."

The boys looked at the other worriedly after hearing this.

Utahime rumpled their hair.

"She'll be fine, she just gets more rest at the hospital and Suguru can watch her better from there
that's all. Where's Miko?"

"In the kitchen…"

"…she's making dinner."

"Alright, she'll be staying over with you tonight. Don't stay up too late okay?"


"Good night," Satoru said as she kissed her on the forehead, a smile on his face.

Riko smiled brightly at him before snaking her hands around his waist and hugging him tightly.
"Thanks for tonight Satoru. I had a great time."

As they pulled back, Satoru winked at her before taking his leave towards his room in their hotel


It's been three weeks since his almost-confrontation with Utahime, it's been three weeks since he's
started going out with Riko for dinner once or twice a week. It's become a sort of ritual for him,
although he didn't know how it even started. All he knew now was that this time of his 'ritual' to
make a call to his sons. He's been meeting with the twins every Saturday for ice cream and every
Sunday for their little outings and every Friday- which was today –he would call them and just talk
to them over the phone. He's attempted talking to Utahime, and asking her all his still-unanswered
questions but it was useless. Unless he can actually get her out alone, he can never have a decent
conversation with her. Every time he brings it up, it's either the twins would interrupt them, or
Miko, or Riko, or Suguru. It frustrated him but he didn't have a choice but to stop.


Satoru grinned as one of the boys said his name and knowing it was him even without him saying.

"Yep, it's me. How are you boys doing this week?"

"We're good. We've been trying to finish that game we started only last week. You know, that hard
Mario game, the latest one you bought us?"

"Didn't I tell you that wasn't supposed to be for kids your age?" Satoru asked with a raised brow,
even though they couldn't see him.

One of the boys snorted at this. "We'll show you! When you come by this Sunday, you'll see that
we already beat the 1st level!"

Somehow, Satoru felt the twins were smirking through the phone right now. He can't help but

"What're you laughing at? Don't believe us don't you? You'll see!"

"Yeah, yeah. I believe you. If a 5 year old can actually beat that game, I bet it'll be both of you."

"Thanks! So, where are we going this Sunday?"

"I dunno, where do you guys feel like going?"

"How about the water park?"

"That sounds good to me. But you have to ask your mother first," personally, Satoru would've
taken the boys with him even if Utahime said no, but it's only appropriate for her to know where
they were going. She is, after all, still their mother. "If Utahime says its fine, then we can go."

"Alright, we'll ask her when she gets back tomorrow!" the boys replied ecstatically.

Satoru frowned at this. "What do you mean when she gets back tomorrow? Where is she?"

"She won't be back until tomorrow. She's out with Orihime and Suguru."

As their words sunk into him, Satoru could swear he heard the phone crack under his tight hold. He
gritted his teeth, not saying a word, in fear he might end up shouting profanities to his own sons.


He tried breathing calmly, and after a minute or so, he spoke in deadly indifference. "Who's there
with you?"

"Miko. She's sleeping here with us tonight."

"I see. I'll be right over."


"I'm coming over…to play. I'll be there in ten minutes, okay?"

Satoru smiled slightly as he heard the boys' cheers before slamming the phone hard onto the cradle
that was on his night stand by his bed. His smile didn't last long, he was dead furious at Utahime
for leaving their children, his children at home at night with the nanny while she goes out with her
other child and her husband, completely neglecting the twins.

Utahime was neglecting the boys, just because she has a new family and that pissed him off
greatly. He's never been so pissed off in his whole life. If Utahime's not going to take care of the
boys properly, then he might as well take them from her.


'That's exactly what I'm going to do.'

"But I-"

Utahime immediately shut her mouth as the person in front of her sent her a deadly glare.

"You're bringing him down. This opportunity doesn't come to everyone Utahime!"

"I know but-"

"If you really love him, you'll let him be!"

"I do! But-"

"How can you be so selfish?"

"I'm not!" Utahime reasoned hysterically. "I-"

"You're selfish! You really are selfish."

Utahime fell to the floor in tears as the words echoed around her in different voices.



"Very selfish!"

"Utahime you're selfish!"




Utahime jerked her head up, her eyes snapping to an open in alarm.


Looking wildly around her, blinking furiously, calm started to overwhelm her and she started
breathing slowly.

"Su-Suguru. Sorry, I-I…bad dream. I c-can't believe I fell asleep!" she stuttered, mentally slapping
herself for actually dozing off in the hospital waiting room. "I'm the worst! I was just out here to
buy some coffee and I fell asleep sitting down waiting for the others to finish buying from the
vending machine and I-"

Suguru looked down at her worriedly. "Calm down Utahime, you didn't do anything wrong. I was
just checking in with Orihime she's asleep by the way –and I was just wondering where you were."

"I was supposed to be watching her and I actually fell asleep!" she cried out desperately. "I'm the
worst mother!" she added before getting up and walking down the hallway towards her daughter's
room without a backwards glance at Suguru.


She stopped as a firm hand held her by the wrist and another on her shoulder.

"Talk to me. There's something wrong. And don't lie."

That said, Utahime's shoulders started to shake. Suguru's brows furrowed in worry, and he turned
the young woman to face him.

"Talk to me," he urged her yet again, as he watched Utahime cry with her palms on her face.

"I-I-" Utahime sniffed, trying to keep her tears down and steady her voice.

Suguru pulled her in and started rubbing her back, trying to calm her down and comfort her.

After a few minutes and more tears, she finally did. She pulled back away from his hold and can't
help but laugh lightly, pointing at Suguru's soaked shirt front.

"Sorry, I got your shirt wet," she said, now wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

Grinning, Suguru merely shrugged. "It happens all the time. My patients' families have the habit of
soaking me wet," he said jokingly, making her giggle. "Now are you willing to talk?"

Sighing, Utahime inhaled deeply and nodded.


Just as promised, Satoru showed up in their front door exactly ten minutes later. This of course,
surprised Miko because she didn't even know he would be arriving but she didn't mind by the least.
In fact, she was glad someone came over to play around with the boys. They've been slightly
deflated ever since Utahime came over earlier that night to tell them that Orihime won't be back for
the night.

"Alright! You win! You win!" Satoru shouted in between howls of laughter as the boys sat on him,
poking and wiggling their fingers in the most sensitive areas, making the large man beneath them
laugh uncontrollably.

Daisuke and Ryusuke, with smug looks on their faces, got off him with their arms crossed in front
of them.

"Now you owe us three times as much ice cream!" they declared, holding up three of their little
fingers each.

Satoru sat up straight on the carpeted floor of the living room with his hands raised in defeat.

The twins high fived before setting themselves in front of the TV yet again, resuming their game.
"You know, too much TV and video games is bad for you," Satoru pointed out.

"We'll stop after this level…"


He grinned at his sons from behind. The more time he spent with them, the more fatherly he
treated them and he can't help but feel like they're treating him the same too.

"I'm getting a drink of water, I'll be back," he said before rumpling the kids' hair, earning a 'Hey!'
and identical frowns from them.

As he stepped into the kitchen, Miko, who was sitting quietly at the dining table, looked up from
her sewing and smiled at him.

"Having fun Gojo-san?"

Satoru grinned at her. "What're you doing?" he asked as he took a glass and helped himself to

Miko raised the small slightly faded blue dress up. "This is Orihime's. I'm just stitching up a hole."

A small frown immediately crossed his features before he, just as quickly, replaced it with a forced
smile. But Miko caught it.

"Is something the matter?" she asked in pure curiosity.

Satoru shook his head, earning a raised brow from the older woman.

"From the look on your face, I can tell something's on your mind."

A lot of things were in his mind. But he didn't think it was appropriate to ask of those from the
nanny. Although there were some things Satoru did want to know, that he was sure wouldn't hurt if
he did ask.

"How long have you been the kids' nanny?"

A fond smile appeared on Miko's face as he asked this. "Ever since they were born. Fujiro,
Utahime's father was a dear friend of mine, and ever since Utahime moved to Tokyo and had her
kids, he asked me to help her out. The poor dear had no one else to turn to when she first came

Satoru got the feeling this was going to be a long story, so he sat himself on the chair across from
her and listened intently.
"Problems and Solutions"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER

im just love this story and gojohime..❤


"Utahime lived with her father in Kyoto actually. But five years ago she moved out and came here.
This house was owned by a friend of mine who had also just moved and I told Fujiro and he bought
this house for Utahime to live in. She was already pregnant at the time too I bet. I live only two
houses down from here and I know all of my neighbors and none of us ever saw Utahime with any
male company at all during those times, and not even eight months since she came here, she gave
birth. I knew Utahime needed all the help she can get, seeing as her job could barely keep her up
with all her kids, and since I am a widow with no children of my own, I volunteered to help in any
way that I can. Everyone else around the neighborhood helped in every way they can too, like
giving her advice or sending over some things for the babies. It wasn't easy for Utahime believe
me, I mean, being a single mother taking care of her kids by herself? She broke down more than a
dozen times early on but of course she's doing a lot better now. I really admire the girl, not a single
complaint out of her from day one of motherhood. She's a real fighter."

Just talking about Utahime, Satoru noticed, brightened Miko's features. It was apparent at this
point, although she wasn't at the age of being a grandmother, that that was how she felt for the kids
and that she sees Utahime as somewhat like a daughter to her.

"What is Utahime's job anyway?" he asked, trying not to imagine Utahime weeping from all the
stress of taking care of the kids. He couldn't- wouldn't be guilty. She brought it upon herself after
all. She wouldn't have had such a rough time if she hadn't left in the first place.

The older woman's features brightened even more.

"She's a coach, she does voice lessons. She's one of the most popular music teachers around Tokyo

Somehow, Satoru wasn't surprised at this. But he was slightly surprised however that Utahime
settled with giving singing lessons rather than pursuing a career of being an actual singer which he
knew she wanted for as long as he knew her, or rather when he thought he knew her.

"But it isn't enough though," Miko continued, getting Satoru's attention yet again. "You can only
earn so much at being a voice coach and it's never enough for her to support her kids, not to
mention she's the only one to provide her kids necessity. So on weekends she sings at Izakaya, a
western themed restaurant for additional income."

"She can't support her own kids?" Satoru asked, trying to stop a frown from showing on his
features. This thought alone was disturbing to him. He never knew Utahime had any sort of
financial issues. When he knew her then she wasn't the richest of people but she and her father got
by well enough for an average family.Miko shook her head. "That's why she, or rather, we are all
grateful for Suguru's help."

Satoru clenched his jaw at the mention of the man. "What about Utahime's father?" he asked,
trying not to think about Suguru or Orihime. He's had a hell of a time trying to control his temper
on his way here. He drove like a maniac and it had taken him every ounce of control in him to not
purposely hit someone with his car along the streets.

The smile on her face faltered, replaced by a sad one.

"Fujiro died only just a year ago because of an illness. He had been helping Utahime in every way
he could by visiting often, spending time with the kids, offering financial aid, so when he passed
away, Utahime was left to fend for herself and take care of the children. I bet she would've broken
down to no return if Suguru wasn't around for her. Without Suguru, Orihime would probably have-
are you alright?"

Satoru snapped out of it and turned to her. Miko was looking down pointedly at his hands which
were on the arms of the chair he was sitting on. They were both pale, as white as a sheet from his
death grip on the wood.



The two adults turned to the doorway where the boys were standing, watching them with
questioning faces.

"What're you doing here?" Ryusuke asked him before glancing at their nanny.

Miko smiled at them and set down Orihime's dress. "We were just having an adult conversation
boys. Now, you two get changed into your pajamas. It's about time you two get into bed. Utahime
would have a fit if she found out you were still awake at this hour."

"We'll be back, don't leave yet okay?" Daisuke told Satoru before the two left and ran down the
hallway to their room.

Sighing with a loving smile on her face, Miko shook her head and turned to Satoru.

"The boys really are taken with you. It's like they're treating you as if you were their father."

A smile tugged the corner of Satoru's lips as she said this. 'You have no idea,' Satoru thought
exasperatedly, before a thought entered his mind. "Do you have Utahime's cell number?"

Miko nodded and cocked her head to the side in question.

"I need to ask her something," he replied simply.

With a puzzled look, Miko searched Utahime's name in her cell phone's phonebook and handed it
to him.

"Thank you," he said before leaving towards the living room for some privacy.


Suguru looked at Utahime worriedly as she started to cry yet again.

"But Utahime," he said tentatively, "Gojo is their father, there's pretty much nothing you can do.
As such, he has his rights over them and he might do something about it. And now that he knows
he's the father, what if he tries something to take them from you? You have to tell them."

Utahime looked up at him, her face frantic. "I know that," she said in barely a whisper. "It's just, I-
I'm afraid the kids might hate me if they find out."

"I understand but think about it. Would it really be better finding out from him? Their supposedly-
dead father? Or from you? Their mother whom they know and trust and have been by their side
since they were born?"

Suguru felt guilty as he saw the new tears starting to form in her eyes. He didn't know just how
long they spent sitting by the chairs along the hallway outside Orihime's room, but he has certainly
been faced with the most confusing predicament he's ever heard for some time now. He knew
Utahime didn't tell him the whole story, from everything she's said, there were a few holes in it that
got him wondering. But what she's basically told him was that she and Satoru dated since they
were teenagers, until they broke up when she was around 21 years old. She left him without
knowing she was actually pregnant with his kids and that marked their separation and Satoru's rise
to fame as an actor. And now that Satoru's back, he found out that the kids were his but the kids
didn't know he was their father.

The question that lingered in his mind and what he was itching to ask her was why did she even
leave him in the first place? The way she's been talking about him got him thinking she loved him,

"What the heck am I gonna do?" Utahime asked helplessly before letting her face fall onto her
palms yet again with another round of tears.

'Maybe I'll ask later,' Suguru thought before settling his arm around her shoulder and rubbing her
arm up and down comfortingly.



"You heard me Utahime. The boys are going to change in their rooms, I want you to talk to them
and tell them they have your permission. Early in the morning, I'll take them with me since your
busy doing God knows what with your other kid and that guy from before. I'll bring them back
Sunday evening."

Utahime could feel new tears springing to her eyes. Just how many times has she cried in the last
few hours?

"I…" she trailed off but Satoru was still silent in the other line. She didn't have a choice. "Okay,
can I talk to Miko? I'll tell her about it so she can prepare a change of clothes for the boys."

There was a short pause before the older woman's voice spoke.


"Miko, Satoru will be there tomorrow morning to pick up the boys. They'll be staying over with
him for a night. Can you please pack some overnight clothes for them?"

"Very well, what about you though? What time will you be coming back tomorrow?"

"Hold on," Utahime covered the phone and turned to Suguru. "What time will Orihime be able to

"I discussed it with the other doctors earlier. It'll depend on her test results that'll come tomorrow

Utahime nodded at him before turning back to the phone. "I'm not sure yet. It'll depend on
tomorrow's results. So I guess it really will be better for the boys to be with him for the weekend."

"Okay. I'll get right to it and- oh, the boys are back, do you want to tell them yourself?"

"Alright, put them on please."



Riko glanced at the door leading to the master bedroom before looking back down at the day's
paper and taking a sip of her usual morning coffee.

Frowning, she called out his name yet again.

Still no answer.

Exhaling a long breath, Riko folded up the paper and got up from her seat.

"Satoru?" she called out with a knock on the door. "Satoru, are you in h-"

Rika stopped and took out her ringing phone from the pocket of her bathrobe that she wore over her
night gown.

"Hello?" she answered with a hand on the door knob. "Oh, hi…yes…of course, we are…he'll be
happy to, he doesn't have anything scheduled for the day, I-"

She was cut off yet again, this time by a banging on the front door.

"Hold on a second," Rika said into her phone before dashing to the door and opening it, only to be
greeted by Satoru's grinning face with two identical bags in his arms.

"Sorry, couldn't ring the bell. Hands full," he said before turning to his side. "Make yourselves at
home boys."

Riko's frown was replaced by a bewildered look as two little twin boys dashed pass her and to the
sofa, mouths smeared with what looked like ice cream and their hands just as dirty holding on to
empty popsicles.
"I-I'll call you back," Riko muttered before pocketing her cell and closing the door behind Satoru.

"You boys get cleaned up first. You two are a mess!" he said with a laugh in his voice before
heading into his bedroom. "The bathroom's through here."

"Wow! You have a nice place…"

"…do you live here alone?"

Riko cleared her throat as the twins said this. "Hey there kids," she greeted with a smile plastered
on her face.

Daisuke and Ryusuke turned to her with blank faces as if they had only just seen her there.

"Hi," they replied curtly.

"Satoru, may I speak with you?" she asked, looking at the older man with a serious face now.

Satoru raised a brow at her at the mention of his real name before turning to the boys. "You guys
go into the bathroom while I speak with Riko," he said as he set down the twin's bags.

The boys nodded at him and went into the room he opened for them.

"Don't make a mess in there, alright?" Satoru called inside before closing the door and turning to
Riko. "What's on your mind?" he asked casually.

"What's on yours?" Riko retorted, catching him off guard at her tone.

"Are you okay?"

Riko closed her eyes and breathed in deeply before looking at him yet again but more calmly now.
"Why are those twins here?"

Satoru shrugged at this. "I just wanted them over that's all. You know, spend time with them."

"Satoru," she started, a little more seriously now, "What is your relationship with those kids?
You're getting really attached to them. I mean, I understand the Saturday afternoon ice cream
breaks, the Sunday outings, but now, you actually brought them here to spend the day with you? I
mean, what if they tell other people you're staying here in this particular suite, your fans might try

"I don't doubt that everyone knows I'm staying in this suite Riko. We've stayed here for a couple of
months now, I'm pretty sure everyone knows I stay in this hotel, and I won't be surprised if they
know I'm staying in this floor, and in this room. It won't be much news to my fans or to the
paparazzi," he pointed out, making Riko sigh and agree with him on that fact. "As for the boys'
visit, we actually planned an overnight thing."

"Overnight?" she repeated, brows now knitted together in obvious disapproval, and Satoru saw it.

"Yeah, I planned on them staying over the night here but then we wouldn't want to disturb you, so
we're gonna go check into another suite on the floor just for tonight and tomorrow."

"You don't have to do that, you can stay here, I wouldn't mind," she said halfheartedly.

"No, I think it would be better if we get another room. I'm pretty sure you can't take the racket," he
said with a laugh just as the boys came out the bedroom.
"We're clean!"

"Alright, you boys ready to go?"

"Where are we going?" Ryusuke asked.

"I thought we were staying over here?" Daisuke added.

"We wouldn't want to disturb Riko with her work. We'll stay in another room just down the
hallway," he said, earning him even bigger smiles from the kids. "But first we have to go down to
the lobby to ask for another room."

"I want to press the button this time!" they both replied in unison before raising a brow at the other.

Satoru laughed. "You two can't even reach the buttons!"


Utahime tapped a foot on the ground restlessly and shifted on her seat once again.

"Mommy?" Orihime looked at her mother worriedly as she jerked from her seat and turned to look
at her. "Are you okay?"

"Yes dear, why do you ask?"

"You look worried," she pointed out rather bluntly, taking Utahime off guard.

Smiling apologetically at her daughter, Utahime shook her head and visibly relaxed.

"I'm fine. Just...slightly impatient that's all," she explained with a small grin. It's almost noon and
still no one has come to tell her the results to Orihime's tests, not Suguru, one of the other doctors,
not even just a nurse.

Orihime nodded and turned to the doorway as the sound of someone knocking erupted from

"Come in!" Utahime called out, trying to keep the impatient tone in her voice from showing.

The two girls listened as conversation of several voices escaped into the room until someone
hushed them up and a nurse came inside alone, closing the door behind her gently.

"Ms. Iori , Dr. Suguru would like to have a word with you outside," she informed with a smile.

Utahime nodded at her and planted a gentle kiss on Orihime's head as she stood.

"I'll be back, alright? The nurse is here to keep you company while I'm gone."
Orihime nodded at her then smiled and waved at the familiar nurse.


Daisuke and Ryusuke rolled around on the carpeted floor in a fit of laughter.

"What are you boys laughing at?" Satoru asked with feigned wonder at the boys.

The twin boys continued laughing, clutching their sides in pain and watched the older man scratch
his head that was totally covered with pasta, nostrils covered with carrot sticks and a leaf of
cabbage sticking out from his mouth.

Satoru raised a brow at them until he fell into a state of laughter himself.

After a few more minutes of more jokes and howls of laughter, the three finally settled on the
carpeted floor in the middle of the living room of their new hotel room, their heads together and
faces toward the ceiling, trying to catch their breaths.

"I guess that means we're eating out for lunch," Satoru said after exhaling a long breath out.
"Making spaghetti and salad aren't as easy as I thought it would be."

"We see that!" they chorused with laughter in their voices.


Utahime smiled at the three other doctors who were talking to Suguru when she closed the door
behind her gently.

They stopped their conversation and all greeted her simultaneously.

"We'll see you down at the cafeteria Geto-san," one of the older doctors, with a white head of hair
and a white beard, said with a manly pat on Suguru's back. He and the other doctors nodded at
Suguru and at Utahime before starting back down the hallway and disappeared around a corner.

"So, how were the test results? Will she be fine this time?" Utahime asked, getting straight to the

Suguru nodded with a smile, albeit a sad one.

"What is it?"

Suguru sighed. "She's fine Utahime, but you do know that this can't go on like this?"

"What are you talking about?"

"This," he said, raising his hand that held a sheaf of papers that looked to be Orihime's test results
since it had her name at the top. "Before Gojo-san came around and showed himself, Orihime's
been better. She was getting better every time my team and I see her. Now, she's been in this
hospital already twice as much as she had in the whole year last year."

Tears started welling up in Utahime's eyes as he said this, she hadn't even realized their hospital
visits have gone up lately, and this piece of news terrified her. She's been so preoccupied with
work, with Satoru, with getting away from Satoru, that she hadn't even realized Orihime's condition

Now she just feels wretched.

"I'm the worst mother ever," she said in barely a whisper, her head dropping, tears now falling

Now Suguru felt awful. He hadn't meant for her to cry, he just wanted to give her the facts which he
too hadn't noticed at all until one of his colleagues pointed it out to him that very morning. His
thoughts had been just as clouded as hers since he too was caught up with the whole situation
Utahime was in because she was one of his closest friends and he loved her kids as well and he had
been concerned all this time about what's been going on with their family.
"What am I going to do?" Utahime asked, trying to calm herself down.

"Do you know why Orihime's visits had been more frequent lately?" Suguru countered in a calmer

She gulped, already knowing the answer but hoping he would say otherwise. "Satoru?"

He nodded, now looking serious. "At least that's what I think the reason is."

"What do you mean?"

"Utahime, Orihime's condition has been…unusual, since the very beginning. You already know
that none of the doctors here including myself are experts on her case. But from everything we
have gathered through these years, there are some things that we can conclude about it."

Utahime nodded for him to continue.

"Her emotions for example. At this point, all of us are quite sure that her emotions play a vital role
to her existing condition. Maybe it won't affect her as much as she grows older, or maybe it will,
we don't know. But for now, however, we are certain it does. The reason why I concluded that
Gojo-san's the main reason for her growing number of trips here lately is because Gojo-san's the
only thing that's new that came into all your lives lately and Gojo-san's presence in your family has
quite a number of effects, to Orihime, to her brothers, and even to you."

"I don't understand," Utahime said, mainly confused at what she's got to do with it all. She knew at
some point that Orihime might be feeling out of place where her brothers were concerned because
of all the things they've gotten from Satoru but that was about it.

"Think about it," Suguru said, speaking as if it were all so obvious. "Gojo-san's been seeing the
boys for the past months in growing number of times. He's been seeing them more frequently and
showering them with a lot of material things and a lot of attention and, She hasn't seen much of the
boys and haven't played with them as much as they did before Gojo-san's came into the picture."

Utahime nodded in understanding. "But what did you mean about me? How am I affecting her on
an emotional level where Satoru's concerned? I'm the one who's been with her almost every minute
of everyday unless I'm at work like I always do since before, nothing's changed in that

"True, but remember Utahime, these kids of yours are smart. That doesn't only apply to the boys
but also to Orihime's and you know it. All of them are a very perceptive lot. I won't be surprised if
all three of them know there's something different going on between you and Gojo-san. I mean,
you might be civil with him when they're around but it's quite apparent to all of us that you've been
avoiding him like the plague ever since the day you met him at the theme park ."

"Do you think they know there's something bad going on between me and him?" she asked with
sagged shoulders.

"That's too far to assume. They're too young to know that much in my opinion, but they know you
more than anyone else, so I'm sure they can tell if something's even slightly different going on
where you're concerned."

With a long sigh, Utahime shook her head, trying to clear it of all the turmoil that seems to be
afflicting her at the same time. "What do you propose I do? With Satoru I mean," she asked in a
more serious and determined tone.
"What?" Suguru asked, somewhat baffled that she's actually asking him what to do about her and
Gojo-san's relationship.

"I know this is my issue with Satoru and it's personal, but you're my friend and I trust your opinion
and judgment. And since this concerns my kids and what's best for the health of one of them, I also
want you, as Orihime's doctor, to tell me what I should do that's best for her."
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER


'Get a hold of yourself Utahime!'

Breathing another lung-full of air, Utahime shivered involuntarily yet again. She looked up at the
tall 5-star hotel where Satoru said he was staying.


Utahime's eyes snapped back down ahead of her as the elderly doorman stationed by the double
glass doors in front of her held one door open.

"Th-thank you," she said in barely a whisper, a nervous smile permanently engraved on her face.


"Hi, I tried to make a call from an extension line from my suite earlier this afternoon but there
seems to be a problem."

The young man behind the counter shook his head and a wide smile adjourned his features at the
beautiful woman in front of him.

Riko looked at him with amusement.

"Name…name please?"

"Riko Amanai, my room is in the 30th floor, the Empire Suite."

The young man flashed another smile at her before looking down at the monitor situated in front of

"I shall get to that immediately Amanai-san, expect someone to be up in your suite within 30
minutes, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. You could've made a call for the front desk from the
main line of the suite."

'I would have if Satoru hadn't locked his room where the main line was solely connected to. Ever
since those kids got his attention, I've been experiencing nothing but inconveniences,' she thought
to herself half-annoyed. "Thank you," she replied simply with a small trace of a bow of her head.

"Anytime! If you ever need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask me directly."

Riko gave one last dazzling smile at him before turning on her heel. And bumping into a woman.


"C'mon boys! Aren't you ready yet?" Satoru called out as he adjusted a plain black baseball cap on
his head. He had intended to spend some quality time with the boys the whole day and send them
back to Utahime that night but Utahime's proposal was even better.


"Gojo Satoru here," he said with a tone of laughter into the receiver which he was currently
balancing between his ear and his shoulder.

"Satoru? It's Utahime."

The smile immediately faded from his features at the mention of the caller's name.

"Hold on," he replied curtly before setting the phone on the table. "Boys!" he called out,
immediately hearing the twins making their way towards him in a run. Why these kids never run
out of energy, he didn't know, neither did he mind.

"What is it?" they asked. Daisuke was already holding a glass with three spoons in it and Ryusuke
was holding onto two stacked glasses tightly in both little hands.

"Dai, take this," Satoru said, holding out the large tub of ice cream he had been holding towards
Daisuke who had a free arm in which he balanced the tub."You two go ahead and fill up the
glasses, I have to speak to someone on the phone for a while."

The boys grinned at him, not only because they were glad Satoru trusted them to do the task
themselves and didn't treat them like babies- which they weren't -but because again he proved that
he really can tell who was who with such ease.

As they ran back towards the living room where the large TV was situated, Satoru set the plastic
bag he was holding, which held the DVDs they had just bought to watch for the night, on the sofa

"Hello?" he answered yet again into the receiver.

"Satoru," Utahime started in, Satoru noticed, a nervous tone.

"Utahime," he said in acknowledgement.

After what seemed to Satoru as a very long silence, Utahime finally spoke again. "About
tomorrow," she said unsurely. "I was thinking…would you mind if we all had dinner together? I-I
could head over there tomorrow for you and the boys, and we could all spend a…a little time
Satoru's brows shot up to his forehead as she said this.

"Satoru? Did you hear what I just said?"

"Come over tomorrow at five in the afternoon, I'll text you the details of the hotel."

**End of Flashback**

If the rest of the day will go as he planned, he'll get his answers from her before the night is out.
And if he's lucky, they can immediately settle on a solution to their current predicament which is:
Who exactly will get custody over the twins?

Satoru looked at the wall mirror by the door and took a deep breath. 'Remember Satoru, she left
you. Don't give in to her, and don't fall for her acts. If she starts to want you now, don't give in. She
didn't want you five years ago, and if she wants you now, it'll only be because of your fame and
fortune….especially your fortune. Remember that! And remember how much of a heartless bitch
she was for everything she did! Keep that in mind!'

A few minutes- and a few more reminders to himself that got him as angry as he was at Utahime
five years ago -later, there was a lot of arguing from somewhere in the suite followed by Daisuke
and Ryusuke's pounding footsteps on the floor as they came running towards him in a race.

"Ha! I win!" they both exclaimed in unison.

"You did not!" they argued simultaneously, facing each other.

"I did too!" they said, yet again, in chorus.

Satoru laughed and rumpled their hair, his anger immediately replaced by hilarity at the sight of
the boys.

"You two really are something. Nobody's mood will ever be dampened with you two around," he
said, grinning down at them from ear to ear as he handed them two black baseball caps identical to
his but in a much smaller size.

The boys fitted them on top of their messy hair and faced each other. After adjusting the other's cap
in place, they nodded and looked back up at Satoru, winked at him and wiggled their brows at the
same time with identical mischievous grins on their faces.

Yet again, Satoru was sent into another round of laughter.


"Oh, I'm terribly sorry," Riko said to the woman with an apologetic smile.

The woman who looked to be about middle-aged dressed in a white ruffled top, black slacks and a
matching sapphire jewelry set, gave a curt nod at Riko, not at all falling for her kind words and
smile for she didn't seem to care enough to make a move to help in picking up her fallen, and
expensive-looking, purse and her newspaper.

"Not a problem," she replied with a bite in her tone. "You-"

But she stopped, as she felt something, or rather someone, tugging on her pant leg from beside her.
Sliding her sunglasses up her head, resting it on her short, black hair, she looked down at the child
who had picked up her belongings without her even noticing.
The little girl had said nothing, instead, held up her things up towards her.

"Why thank you little one," she said with a smile and patted the little girls head. "That was a very
nice gesture," she added, looking pointedly at Riko and yet with another bite in her tone as she did.

Riko's brows furrowed and a frown was on her face at how the woman, whom she didn't even
know, could speak to her in such a way. She would've helped if she thought she needed it, but she
seemed capable enough of picking up her own things. She watched as the woman thanked the child
again before giving her one last disapproving look and taking her turn at the front desk.

"E-Excuse me please."

Her attention was taken by the little voice below her. Riko looked down to see the child standing in
front of her and looking up at her from just around the length of her knees. It was obvious the child
was trying to tell her to step aside so she can resume standing in line behind the rude middle-aged
woman earlier but Riko made no sign of moving aside.

"Honestly, where has your manners gone to young lady?"

Riko jumped slightly at the voice that barked behind her. She turned around to see the middle-aged
woman looking at her with an even more critical look on her face.

"Well? Do you plan to just stand there? Or will you make way for the little girl?"

"Yes, goodbye," she muttered before taking her leave.

"Honestly!" Riko heard the middle-aged woman shout after her and into another chain of
disapproving remarks which she couldn't clearly make out anymore. The only words she heard
were "rude", and "not apologizing".

"Sorry," she muttered without looking up as she bumped into yet another person. She hadn't looked
or spoken to anyone until she came into one of the elevators in the lobby and gained solitude inside
as it made its way up the many floors.

Holding her hand up to her heart, Riko took in a deep breath. What was the deal with that woman?
She had never met anyone so rude to her and so openly too! There were a lot of people in that
lobby and she had openly humiliated her.

But what got to Riko more was how she reacted through the whole ordeal. She was usually calm
and composed, and people tended to adore her. It was obviously not applicable to what happened
earlier mainly because seeing that child threw her off completely.

That little girl had black hair and the most familiar pair of amber eyes.


Utatahime looked back at the young woman who had bumped her, wondering if she was alright.
She didn't have to see her face to know she wasn't feeling alright, the stoop of her stature itself
showed her she was somewhat troubled.

"I hope she's okay," Utahime whispered mostly to herself as she watched the elevator doors close.

Freshening up in the ladies room did Utahime a lot of good indeed, at least now she didn't look as
nervous as she felt.
"Good afternoon," Utahime greeted the middle-aged woman who was speaking to Orihime.

She looked up and peered at Utahime through her glasses which had a long chain of pearls that ran
around her neck.

"Ah, you must be this child's mother?" she asked in a far more pleasant tone than what she had
used when she spoke to the previous lady.

Utahime smiled at her before reaching to hold one of Orihime's hands. "Yes I am. Did anything
happen? I had to use the ladies room you see."

"You really shouldn't leave a child so young by herself, Miss-?"

"Iori, my name is Iori Utahime," Utahime supplied with an apologetic look on her face. "I'm so
sorry, I had left her on the sofa over there so the doorman could watch her but apparently she
wandered over here," she explained, pointing to the nearby waiting area.

At this time, Orihime tugged onto Utahime's white dress at the hem by her knees.

She bent down to her level and looked at her in question. "Yes Orihime-chan?"

"I'm sorry mommy. I thought I can ask directions for you," she said with a guilty smile.

Utahime smiled sweetly at her and gave her a hug and carrying her in her arms. "That's okay hon.
C'mon, why don't we ask the nice man behind the counter for directions together?"

Orihime smiled brightly at Utahime and nodded before turning to the middle-aged woman who had
been watching their exchange.

"Nice to meet you," she told woman in a tiny voice before throwing her arms around Utahime's
neck to cover her face.

"Orihime-chan's very shy," Utahime explained with a little laugh.

"She's a very sweet girl, and so are you. My name is Yaga Yuu by the way, and I apologize for my
sternness earlier. A young woman just about your age really got me going before you arrived," the
middle-aged woman confessed in apology.

"I'm Utahime. It's a pleasure to meet you Yaga-san, I-" Utahime stopped and smiled awkwardly as
the woman started giggling and slapping Utahime playfully in the arm. Never had Utahime seen a
woman as old and who looked as strict as this one giggle like a giddy teenager.

"Oh dear, you jest!, Yaga-san it's to formal please, call me Yuu," Yaga-san explained still with a
girlish giggle to her tone and holding her hand towards Utahime. At this point, Utahime was sure
Yuu-san was very pleased at being referred to as 'Yaga-san', probably taking it to be compliment of

Using her free arm, Utahime held her hand forward and shook Yuu-san hand while balancing
Orihime with her other arm.

"A pleasure to meet you Yuu-san," Utahime amended with a smile.

"So, what brings you here to this hotel?" she asked conversationally.

"Well, the rest of my kids are with their fa- friend in one of the suites upstairs. We're heading there
to pick them up but we don't know where it is exactly," Utahime explained, tipping her head to the
area where half a dozen of elevators were situated, each with a designated wing labeled beside

"Oh you have more than just little Orihime here?" she asked fondly, stroking the little girl's hair.

"Yes, I have two boys too."

"Oh, how lovely!"


"We'll get it!" Daisuke and Ryusuke exclaimed in unison as they immediately dashed for the door.

"I'll go get your bags from the bedroom," Satoru announced, checking his watch before walking
off. 'Utahime's right on time.'

Spotting the twin's bags beside the door in the bedroom, Satoru took them in both hands and
swiftly left the room and back to the living room. "Boys, are all your things in- What are you doing

Riko's brows rose as she looked at Satoru look up and down before doing the same to the twins
who were openly glaring at her. Obviously they weren't pleased at her arrival.

"You guys going somewhere?" she asked, returning her gaze back to Satoru. "Cute outfits by the
way," she added with a smile, nodding towards Satoru and the twins' matching get-up of black
caps, white polo shirts beneath black jackets along with black jeans and white sneakers.

Satoru smiled at this, although it was a hesitant smile. He noticed a hint of sarcasm in Riko's tone
but he couldn't understand why so he decided he must've been imagining it. The woman was
smiling after all.

"We're heading out, is there any reason why you wanted to see me for?"

"The interview," she replied simply.

"What interview?" he asked with furrowed brows.

"That interview I had to reschedule because you were so out of it the last time," she said, slightly
impatient at his lack of concern and sending an accusing glance towards the twins who were the
main reason he got so distracted the last time.

Daisuke and Ryusuke didn't need an explanation to what they were talking about, they knew Riko
was somewhat blaming them for something, so they glared even harder back at her.

"I can't," Satoru said curtly, breaking the tension between the three and the twins expressions
immediately softened then widened into smug grins.

Riki on the other hand…

"What do you mean you can't? We've already rescheduled the first interview," she explained, now
showing Satoru how disapproving she was with the look on her face.

"I can't," he repeated. "I already made plans, and I can't cancel it in the last minute. Sorry," he said
with an indifferent shrug at her.

"But you-"
Riko stopped as the doorbell rang again.

"That must be her," Satoru said, checking his watch. "About time she got here," he muttered.

"We'll get it!" the twins shouted and dashed towards the door yet again.

"Careful!" Satoru shouted towards their retreating backs. "Seriously, one day those two are gonna
end up hurt if they keep moving like that," he added to Riko in an amused tone.

"One can only wish," she muttered resentfully.

Satoru frowned at her.

"Oh Satoru, you know I was only joking," she added with a smile.



"How are you feeling?" Utahime asked Orihime who was running a finger along the swirling
designs on the white wooden door.

Orihime looked up at Utahime and grinned before stepping back. "Here they come mommy!" she
exclaimed with a giggle.

"Yes indeed," she nodded and giggled lightly as well.

Indeed, they could hear pairs of little feet hitting the floor getting louder as they neared the door.

Within the next few seconds, the door flew open and two identical faces beamed up at her.

"Mom!" Daisuke and Ryusuke exclaimed, grinning madly. They both took a hold of Utahime's
hands and pulled her down for them to plant a kiss each on both cheeks and letting her do the same
to them.

"Look who's here too," Utahime said, tipping her head to the side.

"Orihime-chan!" they exclaimed before hugging her sister as well.

"Are you okay now?"

"No more check-ups?"

"You missed out a lot!"

"But now we can all play together!"

Orihime grinned at her brothers and nodded vigorously at their every statement, turning from one
to the other.

"Calm down boys," Utahime said, now laughing at how energetic they are. They were even more
energetic now than how they usually were before, if that's even possible. "Now, go in and call
Satoru, Orihime and I will just wait here."

Nodding, they both left in a run.

Riko froze, looking at the woman at the front door who was talking with the twins. The woman
couldn't see her or Satoru from the front door but they had a good enough view from where they

"What's the matter?"

Her head snapped towards Satoru. "I-Is that woman the twins' mother?" she asked, trying to hide
the tightness of her voice.

Satoru tensed, and with a frown, he nodded. "Unfortunately, yes."

Riko looked at him with furrowed brows. "What do you mean 'unfortunately'?"

"It's a long story. You only met her once years ago so I won't be surprised if you've forgotten. It's
been a long time since. Now she's just…an old friend," Satoru spat the last part out and his tone
was full of unconcealed resentment.

"But then those kids are-" Satoru gave Riko a very hard glare, cutting her off immediately.

"I don't want to talk about it," he hissed just as the twins ran towards them.

"Mom says she and Orihime-chan will wait outside Satoru!"

"Come on, let's go!"

Daisuke and Ryusuke took a hold of their bags which Satoru was still holding in both hands and
started pulling him towards the front door, completely ignoring Riko.

"Reschedule that interview. I'll give you a call later," he called back towards her, trying not to
laugh at the twins' poor attempts to pull him towards the door.

The frown on Riko's face deepened as she watched the three walk towards the front door. It's
amazing how Satoru's attitude can completely change for those two kids, and this wouldn't have
disturbed her as much as it did now, now that she saw Utahime.

"Iori Utahime…" she muttered under her breath as the front door shut to a close behind Satoru.

Letting herself fall onto the sofa, she took out her cell phone.



"Okay, go hurry Dai-kun" Utahime said before looking up at the floor numbers above the elevator
doors. "The elevator's gonna be here in a minute."

Daisuke nodded without saying a word before dashing back down the wide corridor and towards
the door to their suite. Slipping the card key just as Satoru instructed them before, he pulled down
the knob and stood stock still just a little into the doorway.

Someone was yelling inside, and the voice was too familiar to not recognize.

Riko glared hard at her cell phone as if the person on the other line would crumble beneath the
look she was giving it before going off yet again on another tirade.

"Look here, you might work directly for Satoru and he might be the one paying you but I'm the one
who hired you! You work for both of us!"

"Calm down Riko! Listen, he already called me okay? He told me he won't be needing me around
today and he told me I could get a day off. I figure he'll be spending time with those kids again. He
can handle not having a bodyguard around okay? Stop worrying!"

"Don't tell me what to do Nanami! Now you listen to me. You either do this or I'll make sure you
get fired the first thing tomorrow. Take your pick!"

"Fine! I'll tail him for a few minutes! After I see where he's staying with those kids or whoever he's
with, I'll call you back and tell you where he is and that's it! You happy?"

"Thank you!" she shouted sarcastically.

"Why the hell do you want to know anyway? What's it to you where he goes and who he's with?"

"Don't use that tone on me! I'm only concerned for Satoru's wellbeing! He just left the hotel with a
wretched woman and it might turn out that those twin brats are his own flesh and blood! How do
you think this will affect his reputation? After you tail them I want you to look up the name 'Iori
Utahime' in every hospital in Kyoto, if nothing comes up, then try the hospitals around Tokyo."

"Are you mad? Do you even know how large Tokyo is?"

"Then you better get a move on then!" Rikoi shouted yet again, getting more impatient. "And make
sure you don't tell anyone else about this plan! Is that clear? Don't give any sort of hint or idea to
anyone at all that I'm suspecting that Satoru ever got Iori pregnant!"

"What about Satoru then?"

There was a loud click. Riko stood up and whipped her head around to where the sound came from.


She walked towards the front door and checked the small kitchen and the guest bathroom along the
way, but there was no one there.

"Hello? Riko!"

"What?" she shouted.

"What about Satoru? Does he know you're doing all this?"

"No he doesn't. So not a word, especially not to Satoru!"

That said, Riko flipped her phone to a close, not waiting to hear another word from Nanami.Glaring
hard at the floor, Riko started pacing.

"So it wasn't an unusual coincidence at all," she muttered to herself once again, her thoughts
reeling. "That little girl downstairs must have been hers too. How can she not be? She looked
exactly like her!"

Stopping abruptly, Riko tried to calm herself.

She started breathing in and out slowly, trying to acquire total inner peace. That was until images of
Satoru and Utahime having a romantic candle-lit dinner with three smug looking kids sitting with
them popped into her mind.
"I can't believe this!" she exclaimed almost hysterically before she started pacing yet again.


"You sure took your time," Satoru pointed out, smiling.

Daisuke smiled back at him weakly before stepping into the elevator which he held open for him
with an outstretched arm.

"Where is it?"

"Huh?" Daisuke looked at his brother blankly.

"Where's the last piece of chocolate you went in to get? You said we could all share it with
Orihime," Ryusuke said with a bemused expression on his face at his brother's unusual lack of

"Oh, I…I ate it."

"Dai-kun, that isn't very nice. Is that what took you so long? You ate it all before coming back

"Sorry mom," he apologized looking somewhat distraught. More distraught than one should be just
from getting caught not sharing a piece of chocolate.

"Don't worry, we'll just go out and buy more," Satoru cut in with a frown aimed at Utahime who
immediately kept silent and looked down.

Daisuke looked at Satoru then at Utahime with a look that was a mixture of disbelief,
understanding, and even anger.

"What's the matter?" a voice whispered into his ear, making him turn around to look at his brother's
curious expression.

"A lot. I have loads to tell you," he replied in an even lower whisper before glancing up at the
adults. "Later, where mom and Satoru won't hear us…"
"Several Faults"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER


"Good evening! Table for…?"

The waitress glanced past Utahime, her eyebrows raised at the unusual group. Already noting
Utahime's demure white dress and the white ribbon that was tied like a headband on her head, she
found it quite adorable to spot the mini version of the grown woman just standing a little behind
her, and gripping onto her mother's skirt looking bashful. She too was wearing a white dress with
her short hair tied in pigtails with white ribbons.

It wasn't only this that made the whole sight unusual, but also the two identically dressed little boys
not far behind who were standing so close to each other and talking to one another in really hushed
tones. Not to mention the man whose matched that of the boys and his entire attire matched theirs
as well.

"Five," Utahime replied, taking the waitress' attention before she could get a clearer look at Satoru.
If she did, they'd be surely in trouble.

"What do you mean?" Ryusuke whispered back, brows furrowed. "Are you sure you heard her
Daisuke nodded feverishly, the look on his face as serious as it can get for a five year old. "When I
went in, the first thing I heard was that woman telling someone to 'look up the name Iori Utahime
in every hospital'. She was already shouting when I came in but that's the first thing I heard clearly.
Then she said something about Tokyo and something about not telling anyone, I can't really
remember the words but I'm sure that's what she meant. Then….then there's also that last thing I
told you," he finished unsurely.
"'Suspecting that Satoru got Iori pregnant'," he quoted, repeating what his brother had told him

Daisuke nodded yet again.

"I don't really understand it," Ryusuke admitted truthfully as they walked on into the restaurant
after their sister and mother with Satoru tailing them from behind. "Mom isn't married to Satoru.
How can she be pregnant? And mom doesn't look big enough to be pregnant," he pointed out
smartly, gesturing a hand over his stomach.

"Maybe it's really nothing. We should look for the word 'suspecting' in the dictionary first. We
don't even know what that means," Daisuke said. "And I'm more curious why she would ask
someone to check hospitals for mom's name."

"Do you think mom's sick?" Ryusuke asked looking worried now.

"Mom would have told us if she is," Daisuke said, taking off his cap and scratching his head. "Do
you think we should ask Suguru about it? He works in a hospital. Maybe he'll understand."

"Yeah, maybe he-"

"Exactly what are you talking about that's gotten you two so preoccupied?"

Daisuke and Ryusuke whipped their heads towards Utahime.

"Nothing!" they replied in unison.

Utahime raised a brow at them, not at all convinced. Actually, it wasn't at all unusual to see them
both talking like this. In fact, she was already used to seeing them huddled together like this
especially before she leaves for a date. This time, however, was different. They were both
completely blocking out all of them from their conversation, including Orihime. They always let
Orihime in on their plans but this time, they were completely ignoring her, obviously preferring to
talk amongst just the two of them.

"Boys…" Utahime said in a questioning yet warning tone.

"Really mom…"

"…it's nothing."

With one last suspicious look at them, Utahime turned to Orihime and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Why don't we place our orders?" Satoru spoke up.


"Riko," Nanami said into his phone, trying to conceal the exasperation in his tone. "Satoru just
went into a restaurant with the twins. There's also a woman and a little girl with them, but I never
saw them before."

"Okay, you can leave there and make the calls to the hospitals. Call me back once you get
something on Iori."

"Fine," he replied curtly before the connection broke off, indicating Riko ended the call. "What the
hell has gotten into her," he muttered with a frown etched on his face. With one last look at the
restaurant, Nanami drove off.

Riko tossed her cell onto the bed and walked towards the large glass windows of her room in the
suite she and Satoru were staying.

"Why did we have to come back to Tokyo?" she asked herself, irritated. "This is all your fault
Yaga-san," she muttered to herself, sighing deeply. If he hadn't threatened Satoru to take this job,
they wouldn't be back in Japan at all.


"Do you guys want dessert?" Utahime asked, though already knowing the answer to her question.

"Ice cream," the group chorused, Satoru included.

Utahime sent him an amused look before waving a passing waiter over.

"Yes miss? What can I get you?" he replied, bending close to Utahime and flashing her a dazzling

Satoru had a sudden urge to punch his face.

"Uhm, yes," Utahime said, inching slightly away from him. "What flavors of ice cream do you
serve here?"

"We have all the basic flavors, Chocolate, Vanilla, Mocha, Strawberry, Cookies and Cream and
Rocky Road. If you're more interested in something a little different, we also have Butter Pecan,
Green Tea, Coconut, L-"

"Great!" Utahime cut in. "Well, we'll have two scoops a cone each please; two Chocolates, one
Vanilla, one with a scoop of Chocolate and a scoop of Vanilla, and one Strawberry."

With one deep bow, the waiter left. But not before flashing another dazzling smile at Utahime.

Satoru glared after him.

"Mom," the boys said.

"How did you know that Satoru's favorite…"

"…is Chocolate and Vanilla ice cream?"

This caught Satoru's attention. He hadn't even thought about that until the boys mentioned it. He
glanced up at Utahime whom, he noticed, visibly tensed up.

"I..." Utahime cleared her throat at this. "I didn't. I ordered two flavors just in case," she told the
boys before turning to Satoru. "Lucky guess, huh?"

With an eyebrow raised, Satoru shrugged. "Lucky guess," he agreed, although halfheartedly.

The boys looked at Satoru, then at Utahime before looking at each other.


"Wipe your hands first," Utahime handling Daisuke,Ryusuke and Orihime a wet tissue each before
replacing the packet in her bag.

The three hastily wiped their hands and held them up for her to inspect.

With an approving nod from her, the three held each other's hands and ran off to the mini
playground set up in the mall they were currently in.
"Be careful! And boys, watch over your sister!" Utahime called out before she and Satoru headed
towards an empty bench close by.

"What are you guys looking at?" Orihime asked, trying to look over her brothers' shoulders. They
were slightly taller than her, and with both of them in front of her, she couldn't see a thing.

The boys broke their gaze from their mother and Satoru who were now sitting on a bench alone
together and turned to Orihime.

"Nothing," they replied in unison, making her frown slightly.


"Where are they?" Utahime asked, mostly to herself. So when Satoru replied, it was quite a shock
to her.

"They went over to the slide I think. Don't worry so much. Those boys are smarter than you think."

Utahime blushed and looked down, ceasing her attempts to look past the other kids to find her
own. "I'm not saying they aren't smart," she said, slightly defensive. "I know they're smarter than
kids their own age. They prove that to me time and again. Daisuke's only older by a few minutes,
but he acts like the big brother to Ryusuke and Orihime. Ryusuke's the more outspoken one; some
might describe him as the ruder one, and Orihi-"

"Who described them as being rude?" he interrupted with a frown, looking straight at Utahime.

This made her uncomfortable. She couldn't very well tell Satoru that the previous guys she had
dated, or rather attempted to date, found the boys rude. Who wouldn't? After all, they did always
try to scare them away from her.

"Some of my friends at work," she half lied. Some of her dates were her colleagues after all.

Satoru didn't look into her reply. "Well, they probably don't know them very well. Not as much as I
do I'm sure."

"Probably," Utahime echoed, now fidgeting on her seat.

Looking straight ahead, Satoru sat quite still. "Utahime," he began. He's been itching to ask her a
lot of questions and now's a good a time as any. "I-"

"I want to thank you," Utahime cut in, talking rapidly, making Satoru look at her in bewilderment.
Seeing the look on his face, Utahime breathed in a few times before speaking again. "I-I want to
thank you Satoru….for agreeing to come out today with us. You must have a busy schedule but yet
you still agreed to come. So, thank you. My boys have really taken to you."

"Our boys," Satoru corrected.

"Excuse me?"

"Our boys Utahime," he repeated almost harshly, giving more emphasis that they belonged to him
as much as they did to her.


"What are you guys talking about?" Orihime asked, jumping up from behind Daisuke and Ryusuke.
"Orihime!" they chorused in surprise at the arrival of their sister.

"Where are Miwa and the others?" Daisuke asked, looking past her shoulder to the new friends
they had made in the playground.

Orihime pointed towards the swings where a little girl slightly older than them was swinging with
herself with a few kids nearby jumping around and laughing.

"Why did you leave her?"

"What are you guys talking about? You've been talking like that since we left the hotel," she
pointed out, ignoring Ryusuke's question.

The boys looked at each other before smiling back at her.

"It's nothing important…"

"…it's just about Satoru."

Orihime frowned. "What about him? Why can't you tell me?"

"It's about mom and Satoru…"

"…we're not really sure either…"

"…so we can't say anything for now…"

"…but we promise to tell you later, okay?" Daisuke assured her with a smile.

Orihime nodded but didn't say anything.


"Y-Yes, our boys," Utahime agreed, looking away. 'I shouldn't have listened to Suguru!' Sakura
screamed in her mind. She couldn't believe she actually agreed to Suguru's plan of befriending
Satoru. But then, 'I'm doing this for my kids. The kids Utahime! Remember that,' she reminded
herself. Breathing one last deep breath, she forced a natural smile on her face, or at least as natural
a smile as she can manage in this situation. "So…" she said, still sounding slightly awkward.
"What did you and the boys do since you picked them up?"

Satoru raised a brow at her but said nothing.

Another lapse of silence ensued.


"We watched a few movies back in the hotel," he supplied, looking away from her. "We had a lot
of dessert and we went out to eat. We weren't very good at cooking."

Utahime smiled at this. Satoru hasn't changed as much as she thought after all. "Maybe next time I
can pack food for you guys instead. It's never healthy to always eat out. Home cooked meals are
always healthier."

"I agree," he replied. "They really take up a lot from me don't they?" he added, nodding slightly to
the side.
Following his gaze, Utahime spotted the three now back on the swings nearby.

"They do," she agreed. "I really do see you a lot in them, even in Orihime."

Satoru looked at her incredulously. "How's she like me?"

Utahime was taken aback by his tone. By the derision in his voice as he said 'she', he might as well
have referred to Orihime as a brat or something else equivalent to a brat. "Well," she started
somewhat hesitantly. "She's far more silent than the boys, which is not unlike you when we were

He snorted as she said this, making her brows furrow.

"She's really quite serious too," she added, earning her a glare from Satoru.

"Don't assume she's anything like me just because she's too silent or too serious for her age," he
said, trying to contain his anger. "For all you know, she got all that from Geto," he added, and as he
did, Suguru's smiling face popped into his head, making him sourer.

Utahime frowned at him. "What's Suguru got to do with this?"

"Well that brat seems to spend loads of time with Geto, she might have gotten her personality from
him," he said, looking away from her yet again. "She's just an attention seeking brat who-"

"How dare you!" Utahime interrupted, her voice a notch louder as she stood up. "H-How dare you
call Orihime a brat! And an attention seeker?"

"I can call her whatever I please," he replied coolly, trying to keep from losing his temper as she
obviously now did.

"No you can't. Not when she hasn't even done a thing to you or to anybody else to deserve to be
called such names!" she retorted, now shouting openly.

Satoru noticed a few people glancing their way as they passed and this only irked him more. He
was trying his best to keep a low profile to avoid people from recognizing him and yet here
Utahime was, creating a scene and gathering unwanted attention.

He glared at her. "If you know what's good for you, then shut up," he hissed, trying to pull her back
down to her seat on the bench.

"I will do no such thing!" she screamed, slapping his phands away from her and drawing back a
step away from him.

"What the hell is your problem!" he growled, now standing to his full height, making Utahime have
to look up at him.


"You are!" she said with the most contemptuous glare she can muster. "You have no right at all to
insult Orihime. She hasn't done anything to you at all and yet you treat her like she's nothing! Ever
since you came along, you've ignored her and I didn't mind. But now you even go as far as insult
her when she hasn't even done anything to you?"


"And whose fault do you think is that?" he barked, immediately forgetting his intention of being
low key.

The instant his voice raised, Utahime jumped back a couple of steps in surprise. With a glare to
match the one she was still aiming at him, Satoru strode closer to her.

"You're the one spending all your time with her and not with the boys! You've been ignoring them
most of the times and just leave them with Miko!" Satoru's glare hardened even more as a look of
surprise crossed Utahime's features. "Oh yes, I know all about that Utahime, the boys told me
themselves! Why do you think I insisted to take them away yesterday? So don't even try to deny

Utahime's shoulders sagged. She didn't know the boys felt left out whenever she went to bring
Orihime to get check-ups at the hospital. What more she couldn't believe Satoru's nerve to tell her
in such a way. If he did know that whenever she and Orihime are together that they were always in
the hospital, then why is he being so heartless about it when it concerns Orihime's health?

"Y-You really a heartless monster Satoru," she stammered in barely a whisper.

"What?" Satoru barked, not at all hearing her.

Standing more upright, Utahime looked at Satoru straight in the eyes. "I said, you really are a
heartless monster GOJO SATORU!" she screamed into his face.

Neither of them said a thing after Utahime's loudest outburst yet. Nor did they get the chance. The
people who have apparently stopped to watch their exchange without them noticing, were now
whispering to one another but they were able to catch a few of what they were saying.

"Gojo? Gojo Satoru? That actor?" a middle-aged woman asked her husband who was now
squinting his eyes in Satoru's direction.

"Oh my God, it is him. It's Gojo Satoru, you can clearly see his hair even with a cap on. It's the
same color and length!" said an excited teenager to her friends who were nodding and staring even
harder now, trying to make sure before they made any attempt to approach.

Satoru looked around him before glaring back at Utahime.

"Now look what you did!" he hissed at her fiercely as he gripped his cap and pulled it further over
his face.

"You deserve it!" she shouted back before turning on her heel and towards the playground, leaving
him with a crowd which was slowly closing in on him.

Satoru bent his head down and placed his hands in his jacket pockets and followed after her.

"Excuse me?"

Stopping dead in his tracks, Satoru turned to the person who was tugging at his jacket sleeve.

"Is it really you Gojo-san? Can I have an autograph?"

The moment the words left the young boy's lips, shrieks erupted.

"Satoru! Satoru!"

"Oy, Gojo-sama! Look here!"

"Satoru-sama! Please sign this!"

Ignoring all of their requests, Satoru walked on towards the playground.

"Gojo-sama, I'm your number one fan!"

"Oh Satoru!"

"Satoru-sama! Your last movie was the best!"

"Oh my God, it's really Gojo Satoru!"

"Orihime! Boys, what happened?"

"Mom! Orihime! Orihime, please wake up!"

"Mom, what's happening to Orihime? Orihime!"

Regardless of all the voices of people unknown to him shouting from every direction, Satoru
couldn't miss those voices even from a mile away, especially not now when they're all coated with
deep concern and anguish.

"Excuse me please, this is an emergency," Satoru said, making his way through the crowd to the
direction of the playground. "Please understand, I need to get through! It's an emergency!"

Thankful that his fans understood his request, Satoru easily made it past the crowd towards the
playground, its plastic fence still erect and the employees standing by the gates keeping the now
large crowd away from the area completely since as there were still kids inside.

"Orihime!" Ryusuke shouted. "Please wake up!"

"Mom! Don't leave! Please!" Daisuke shouted back to Utahime's retreating form.

Satoru looked at Utahime as she went into the small office to the side and talking to the person in
charge of the playground, throwing her arms in the air, obviously getting hysterical.

"Please get a taxi outside for us! This is an emergency! My daughter just collapsed!" Utahime
shouted, loud enough for even Satoru to hear despite the distance and the loud chattering of people
beyond the fence.

"Satoru!" the boys cried out, getting his attention. "Help, please!"

Nodding, Satoru knelt down and picked up Orihime's unconscious form. "Follow me boys," he
instructed as he strode towards Utahime whom he now saw had tears streaming down her face.
"Let's go. You should've called me. You know the car's just parked outside," he bit out angrily at

Utahime glared at him in spite of all the tears still present on her face.

"And how do you expect us to get out of here with you when all your fans are crowded outside
ready to ambush you?" she pointed out sourly.

Satoru glared at her as she said this before striding along towards where he came, meeting the
large crowd.

"Please let us pass everyone! I'm sorry I can't stay, we have an emergency here! This child needs to
go to a hospital! Please understand!"

It took a few minutes before the picture taking from nearby fans ceased.

"Thank you," Satoru said gratefully with a nod. "I really appreciate it. We need to pass," he said,
repeating this to those nearby him as he wound his way through the crowd until he reached the end
of the immensely large hoard of people.

"Satoru! Orihime!" Daisuke said in a worried tone, pulling onto his jacket.

Seeing the look on both boys' faces, Satoru understood just how much their sister meant to them.

"Let's hurry," he said.


Suguru looked on through the glass window with a frown before pressing onto a button of a
speaker just beside it.

"How is she?" he said into the mouth piece, and he heard his own voice echo in the room beyond
the glass.

One of the doctors looked over towards him at the window and gestured OK with his hand.

With a relieved smile, Suguru bowed slightly. "I'll be right back," he told the other four doctors
who were observing with him in the room, all of whom having serious looks on their faces.


"Will you please sit down?" Satoru said in a calm voice.

Utahime stopped her pacing just to glare hard at him before resuming.

They've arrived in the hospital almost two hours ago and still no word from any doctor or nurse
from the special room they had brought Orihime and now Doctor after doctor have gone in and
none of them had come out. One can only wonder just how large that room inside was.

"I don't get why I have to wait here with you," Satoru said, half irritated and half confused. Miko
had arrived earlier and had taken both Daisuke and Ryusuke to the waiting area to distract them so
they don't have to linger and worry about Orihime. Suguru had insisted the boys be brought there
but that Satoru stay with Utahime while they see to Orihime in the room. This was what confused
him. Why did he have to stay here and wait with her? He'd rather go see if the boys were okay and
ensure they weren't experiencing any emotional trauma of some sort. They were really shaken up
ever since they left the mall, all the way to the hospital when Orihime was placed on a stretcher
and rushed to the E.R.

"Leave if you want then!" Utahime's shouted in a whisper.

Satoru glared back at her. "What the hell is your problem?" he hissed, starting to get angry yet
again because of Utahime's nasty attitude.

Utahime turned on him. "Well sorry if I didn't thank you for supposedly saving Orihime's life from
your fans!" she said sarcastically. "If your fans weren't around to block us in the first place, we
would've gotten Orihime here sooner!"

"Don't even go blaming me for what happened! You should be glad I even helped! If it weren't for
the boys asking me to help, I wouldn't even have bothered!" he yelled at her although personally,
even if he didn't like Orihime, he would never have ignored an emergency like that.

Expecting for Utahime to lash out at him like what she's done all night, Satoru was surprised when
nothing came from her but sobs.

"W-Why do you hate her s-so much?" she shouted at him in between tears, her voice breaking and
losing all its derision. "What has she e-ever done to you?"

Satoru didn't answer, instead he just watched Utahime fall to the ground, her back against the wall
opposite him.

"She's just a child S-Satoru, she doesn't d-deserve this kind of attitude from you!" she cried out,
more tears streaming down her face. "N-No child deserves that, especially n-not Orihuime."

Still, Satoru kept silent, face void of emotion.

"Say something! Why are you being so heartless?" she shouted, getting hysterical yet again. Her
emotions have been unstable ever since they left the mall and it looks like it still is now.

Looking at her, Satoru still hadn't uttered a word.

"She doesn't deserve this," she sobbed out brokenly in whispers, looking at the ground now. "I
know you hate me after what happened five years ago but you can't take it out on her. She's
innocent. What has she done not to deserve the sort of attention you give the boys?" Utahime
looked up at him, tears still streaming down her face but her eyes starting to blaze. "Is it because
she looks like me? Because every time you look at her, she reminds you of me?"

Satoru glared at her, hating her with every word she's saying.

"Answer me Satoru!" she screamed, starting to get angry yet again. "I want to fix this! I don't care
what I have to do to get you to like her, I'll do it!"

"She just collapsed! These things happen! What's that got to do with me liking her?" he barked at
her, unable to hold in his anger anymore.

"Why the hell is it so hard for you to like her?" Utahime shouted back, getting to her feet and
glaring harder at him than ever before. "Why the hell is it so hard for you? Can't you even at least
try? She's your daughter for heaven's sake!"

Satoru could literally feel the world crash beneath his feet.
"When Problems Arise"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER


Satoru's mind was spinning but it was still racing with about a hundred thoughts all the same. He
felt the wind knocked out of him, as if someone had just delivered a severe blow to his chest,
making him unable to breathe properly.

"What's going on here?"

Utahime whipped around and hastily wiped her tears with the back of her hand before running
towards the door to Orihime's room.

"Suguru! Orihime! How's Orihime?" she asked immediately and almost hysterically.

With one last glance in Satoru's direction- who had now collapsed onto a chair with a distant
expression on his face -he looked back down at Utahime with a reassuring smile.

"She's asleep right now. I'm sorry I couldn't come out here earlier, but we had to do some tests on
her as soon as we got her vitals stable. We have to resume the testing when she wakes up. She was
too exhausted tonight to complete it," he informed them both although unsure if Satoru was even

Utahime still wasn't convinced. "But if you didn't finish the tests…" she trailed off.

"Don't worry," Suguru assured her with a reassuring squeeze on the arm. "We immediately did the
most necessary tests first to see how she was. Everything is fine so far. Still a little weak compared
to her usual results from all those previous times, but nothing to worry about just yet. We'll
complete it tomorrow to be sure."

Nodding weakly, Utahime let out a sigh albeit still looking worried and frightened to the core.

"Can I go in and see her?" she asked.

"There are still a few doctors and specialists in there. You can as soon as they clear the room," he
said before putting his hands into the pockets of his white lab gown. "I just have to ask though, just
what did happen tonight?"

Utahime glanced back at the still blank looking and silent Satoru before looking back at Suguru
with a pleading look. "We went out for dinner, went to the mall with the kids and left them in the
playground there. Satoru and I g-got into a row, and when I left him to fetch the kids so we can
leave, I-I found Orihime had already collapsed. That's a-about it," she summarized.

Suguru nodded before gesturing for Utahime to take a seat on one of the empty lined chairs beside
where Satoru was sitting.

Taking the chair a seat away from Satoru, Utahime glanced once at him yet again before looking at

"I talked to the boys," he started, running a hand through his hair. "When I left with them to the
waiting room with Miko earlier, I asked them what happened. Their version of tonight's events is
quite different, or at least, it was more informative."

"What do you mean?" Utahime asked, getting confused.

"By what Dai-kun and Ryu-kun told me, it seems to me that you two were practically screaming
each other's heads off," he said, brows furrowed and a very disapproving look on his face. "Did
you even know how close you two were to the playground before you started fighting so loudly?"

"I-I don't understand," Utahime said. Even though he sat a little away from Satoru, she could feel
him stiffen in his seat. She looked at him and noticed that he had gotten considerably more paler.

With a regretful look at Satoru, knowing he had understood what he had meant, Suguru turned to
Utahime. "They, and I mean all three of them, heard you and Gojo-san's conversation Utahime. All
of it, or at least everything you shouted at each other. The boys told me you and Gojo-san were
shouting at each other about them. They were really hesitant in telling me and some of it doesn't
make sense by how they told me, but I can pretty much assume that you two were fighting over
Gojo-san's attitude towards Orihime. About how much he favors the boys and how much he
dislikes Orihime," he finished, and by which Utahime was looking just as pale as Satoru had been.
And Satoru on the other hand- if it were even possible –had gotten even paler than ever.

"They heard…they heard us?" Utahime asked meekly.

Suguru nodded, frowning. "They did. And the boys were shouting for you Utahime just when
Orihime collapsed but they said you two were still yelling at each other and you must've not heard
them," Utahime started sobbing as he said this. Utahime didn't hear them call for her at all! "Then
they said a large crowd gathered over both of you and they lost sight of you two," he added,
looking pointedly at Satoru whom he knew was the reason for the crowd of people forming in the
first place.

Without a word, Satoru slouched forward and let his face fall onto his palms with his elbows
resting on his knees for support.

Sighing yet again for the night, Suguru leaned back to the opposite wall in silence, waiting for the
two to collect themselves.

"I-It's our entire fault," Utahime whispered, crying harder than ever.

Reading the message she just received on her cell phone, Miko sighed in relief before pocketing it.

"Dai-kun, Ryu-kun" she called to the boys who were talking across the room by the vending

They both turned, hearing their names and walked over towards their nanny as she waved them

"What is it Miko-san?"

"Your mother just sent me a text message," she said, patting the pocket of her sweater she was
wearing, indicating her cell. "She said your sister is fine but she has to stay with Orihime for

Daisuke and Ryusuke looked at each other and visibly sighed in relief at the announcement.

"Why don't you two rest now? I'll be sure to wake you up as soon as your mother says it's okay for
you to go visit Orihime-chan" she assured as she handed them a pillow and a blanket each,
provided by a nurse by Suguru's instructions since they arrived. "Take those sofas, you'll be
comfortable enough there," she said with a nod towards the large stuffed sofas at one side of the
waiting area.


After a few more minutes of crying from Utahime and total dead silence from Satoru, the two
finally stood up and walked over towards the door Orihime was brought into, following Suguru's

They hadn't noticed anyone at all coming out of the room or passing by them but apparently the
room was now clear for them to go in.

Opening the door ajar for Utahime to go in first, Suguru nodded at her reassuringly.


Suguru turned to Satoru who now had a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from entering after

"What is it?" he asked Satoru who was still looking miserable and pale as ever.

"I need to ask you a few things," he replied simply.


Utahime looked back as the door shut to a close behind her with the men still outside. Not thinking
about that any further, she walked on towards the center of the room where a little girl was lying
down, sound asleep.

The room was large and square shaped. There were different sorts of machines around. On one side
was a counter that covered the entire wall, filled with papers, folders, several x-ray films, and
smaller instruments.

On another side was a door, with a large rectangular glass mirror beside it, but Utahime knew well
enough by now that it was a two way mirror where doctors observe the goings-on in the room. She
was used to these kinds of rooms now from all the times Utahime came for a check-up. A number
of specialists will always be on the other side of that glass, observing.

"My baby," Utahime whispered, sitting down on a chair beside the bed and stroking a hand
lovingly along Orihime's forehead, clearing her face of dark colored hair. "I'm so sorry, I really

With tears filling her eyes yet again, she bent her head just beside her daughter's and sobbed

Utahime didn't know just how long she had spent crying with her head bent over her crossed arms
on the bed. She didn't even know that she had actually dozed off until she felt something warm and
slightly heavy cover her back.

Opening her eyes slightly, she saw a tall form- who can unmistakably only be Satoru –moving
away from her and turn to the other side of the bed. She didn't know just how tired she was until
now. And so without a word, Utahime let her lids fall, and drifted back to sleep.


Satoru fell into silence yet again for that night, resting his back on the wall beside Suguru, a hand
covering his mouth, trying to conceal his own horror. Just when he thought that things wouldn't get
worst, it just did.

First he finds out that Orihime was his daughter. He actually had triplets! Though he still doesn't
quite understand how it could be possible to have two identical children with a third fraternal at the
same time. Was that even possible? For all he knew, he never thought it was. He hardly knew
anyone who was a twin, let alone triplets. And sure enough, he didn't know anyone with this sort of
condition either. That's what made Suguru's news worst. He never even knew Orihime had a
condition of any sort! He always assumed she was younger by a year or so, explaining her smaller
size as compared to the boys.

Second, he finds out that Orihime had been a really underdeveloped baby when she was born.
Again, Satoru didn't know how that was possible, but according to Suguru, neither did he and the
other doctors who had been monitoring her case from the start. As far as they had studied her case,
she wasn't supposed to be born at all. She was like a miracle baby, an unexpected plus one from a
set of twins rather than a real part of a set of triplets.

"Of course, we have handled premature births almost regularly, and we've come by the occasional
twin, triplet, or even a quadruplet. We know their sort of cases but Orihime is a fraternal triplet
from two identical ones, and she was also unusually underdeveloped at her time of birth. She was
still underdeveloped physically which explains her size even if she was only born a little after the
boys who have already matured normally during their birth. It was all very complicated and new to
us. We all ended up taking an interest in her unique case, and we have since monitored her. And
good thing too because she's been experiencing lapses of immense fatigue from time to time
according to her emotions and once she does get sick of any sort, she experiences it worst than any
other child to the point that it's almost life threatening since her poorly developed body can't take

"I can't believe this," Satoru moaned out in agony at the entire situation as he slid down to the
floor.Suguru looked down at him sadly before taking a seat on the floor beside him, back against
the wall as well.

"Look Gojo-san,"when Satoru nodded.

Suguru continued " I guess I can understand why you thought Orihime wasn't yours. I mean, she is
indeed smaller and not to mention she got Utahime's entire physical appearance. So I won't hold
anything against you for suspecting that Utahime and I are, well, more than what we are now." he
said unsurely,

but Satoru didn't move or say anything.

"Frankly, this is all between you, Utahime and both of your kids. You have to find a way to fix all
this. I've already told Utahime to try and make peace with you, which pretty much explains why
she willingly went out with you tonight I believe, for Orihime's sake. It's like I said, Orihime's
condition is affected so much by her emotions right now."

"Yeah, thanks for repeating that and making me feel worse," Satoru muttered sarcastically
although his voice held no contempt in any way for the doctor. Most of the anger he felt now was
directed to himself. Orihime had been visiting this hospital all these times with Utahime, and he
didn't know. And the reason for her increase in hospital visits was because of him and his constant
plot to make her jealous of everything he's done for the boys! He actually made his own and only
daughter suffer immensely! He really was a heartless monster. 'Utahime was right,' he thought to
himself, feeling more bitter by the second.

"I'm not saying all this to make you feel bad all over again," Suguru added hastily, seeing the
dejected look on Satoru's face. "I'm saying all this so you can come up with a solution. You might
have started the damage but you can easily turn it all around. I don't exactly know the sort of
relationship you and Utahime had or have, but you both have to try to work something out. At least
try to maintain a pleasant relationship when you're with the kids, and this time," he said, looking at
Satoru pointedly, "treat Orihime with the attention she deserves from her father."

That said, Suguru got up and helped Satoru to his feet.

"Good luck Satoru," and with a slight bow of his head, he headed down the corridor and rounded
the next corner.


If it were any more possible, Satoru felt worst yet again. Because of his hatred for Utahime, he
ended up hating two people who didn't at all deserve it, Orihime and Suguru.

With one last sigh and without further contemplation, Satoru entered the room, afraid that he might
change his mind if he lingers with his own thoughts outside the room.

A sigh of relief escaped him as soon as he saw the little figure on the bed covered with a pink
fluffy blanket. He had half expected, and dreaded, that he would find Orihime lying on a cold
looking steel bed with tubes and wires connected to her in different areas with an IV running in one
arm and an oxygen mask over her mouth. But the only thing that was connected to her was a Pulse
Oximeter that was attached to one of her little fingers with the machine beeping in a constant pace
just a little away from her head.

"Utahime?" he called out in a whisper. Hearing no response, he walked over towards her in silence.

Satoru looked down at her sleeping form. Her arms were crossed just beside Orihime's head with
her own head resting on her cheek on her arms. Taking notice of how thin Utahime's dress was and
how cold the room is, Satoru took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. He couldn't help
the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth at the sight of her getting engulfed in his large black
jacket which was in total contrast to how white her dress and her skin was. She looked quite
adorable and enchanting at the same time.

Catching himself short, he shook his head from his absurd thoughts and Satoru strode over across
the other side of the bed and took a seat by Orihime's head too.

"I'm sorry Orihime. I hope you'll forgive this heartless monster of a father you have," he whispered
soothingly into her ear before he began running his fingers through her smooth hair.


"Shhh…lower your voices boys," a deeper voice said in a low voice, immediately stopping the
chuckling of identical voices from one side of the room.

"Yes, you'll wake them up," an older woman scolded silently from not too far away.

"Well, they've been sleeping for a long time…"

"…even mom. Shouldn't we wake her up too?"

There was a lot of shuffling going on around her and Utahime couldn't ignore them any longer.
Shifting her position, it was only now that she felt her back ache rather badly.

"I expect that would hurt," the same female voice of an older woman said close to her ear. "You
should do a bit of stretching dear."

Utahime's eyes fluttered open slowly and her vision was immediately attacked with a single color
from everywhere she looked.

"Good morning mom!" voices greeted in yelled whispers.

Blinking and rubbing her eyes, Utahime yawned slightly and shook her head, trying to clear her
vision of all the pink. As she opened them again, it was only then that Utahime realized that all the
pink she was seeing can't be cleared out.

"W-Where am I?" she asked rather unsurely, looking around until her sight fell on Daisuke and
Ryusuke who were grinning madly at her before walking over to her, still trying to be as silent as

"Still in the same room where you fell asleep in last night," Miko answered from beside her.
"Although with a lot of alterations thanks to Satoru," she added, indicating all the pink items now
filling the room.

It was like waking up in a princess' playhouse. All the machines from last night were gone, instead
there were long tables covered in pink table clothes with food on top. Other tables had a lot of
stuffed animals in different sizes, in the colors of pink or white. There were also balloons of pink
and white tied to the corners of the room, and a lot of pink banners hung on the walls saying "Get
Well Soon!".

Utahime stared incredulously at the large white stuffed bear with a pink nose, belly, and paws that
was sitting in one corner of the room. She wouldn't have given this much interest except that the
bear was almost as tall as Satoru who, standing beside it, was looking fresh and nothing like how
he looked last night.

Everyone turned to the figure on the bed. Orihime was stirring from her sleep.

"Orihime? Are you awake baby?" Utahime whispered close to her ear.

With a little yawn, and a rub of her eyes, Orihime's eyes fluttered open.


"Looks like everything is okay, don't you agree?" Suguru asked, looking over to his colleagues who
were still looking through the glass at the scene unfolding before them.

"Well, with Gojo-san as a father, how can it not be?" Dr.Mei-Mei pointed out, nodding her head in
Satoru's direction. "Orihime's lucky to have such a hot and rich actor for a father," she added in a
dreamy voice, thinking about how rich Gojo Satoru.

Suguru raised a brow at her. "Remember, not a word to anyone. You heard what Satoru said
earlier," he reminded.

"What's the point?" Dr.Shoko said."The hospital's already surrounded with the press. I still don't
get how the media got word that he's here."she said before looking at the family on the side of the

"That's the media for you," Suguru said unfazed. "The point is, none of us must say a word to
anyone that Orihime is Satoru's daughter, nor should we disclose any other information about her
being a triplet and about Utahime. Remember, this is a patient's right to privacy. We don't want to
further Orihime's emotional stress. It's stressful enough to have a big-shot movie star for a father.
Not to mention she doesn't even know that he's her father."

Everyone in the small room nodded before turning their gaze back to the family beyond the glass.

Suguru watched as Orihime talked to her brothers and her mother then to Miko before her gaze
landed on Satoru who had kept away from the group up until now.

Orihime looked hesitant as Satoru approached her bed.

"I hope this goes well," Suguru said under his breath.


"Mommy?" Orihime said in a questioning voice, looking slightly frightened as Satoru made a
move closer to them.

Utahime smiled reassuringly at Orihims before giving her a kiss on the forehead. "It'll be okay
sweetie. Satoru didn't mean what he said about you yesterday," she said before turning to Satoru
and walking towards him. She could see the hurt on his features at the mention of last night's
events. "What are you planning to do?" she demanded in a whisper, her brows furrowed and a
distrusting look aimed at him.

"Trying to earn my daughter's trust and hopefully her affection," Satoru whispered back simply
though making it clear that he had that right whether or not Utahime approved.

He owed Utahime a lot more of an explanation than just that but she didn't press it on him. This
wasn't the right time or place to start having another row with him. Instead, she nodded curtly at
him and turned to Daisuke and Ryusuke.

"C'mon boys, let's go meet with Suguru. I have a few questions to ask him. " she said, holding up
her hands, which the boys immediately took hold of. "Miko?" she added to the older woman who
nodded and crossed the room as well. "Orihime, we'll be back okay? Satoru will keep you
company while we're gone."

"But mommy…" Orihime trailed off as Satoru walked over to take Utahime's seat beside her.

"I promise it'll be okay," Utahime reassured one last time before blowing her daughter a kiss and
leaving the room. Personally, Utahime didn't feel as reassured as she sounded at all but she was
praying to God that it'll be alright.

When the door clicked behind them, total silence lapsed.

"Do you like your new toy?" Satoru asked in a soft tone, nodding to the stuffed pink bunny rabbit
Orihime was holding with one arm. "I got that especially for you Orihime."

Looking down, Orihime's eyes widened at the stuffed rabbit as if she didn't even know she was
holding on to it all this time. She took it with her other hand and held it out to Satoru before
looking away.

"It's yours," Satoru said, pushing the stuffed rabbit back to her. "It's a gift. Everything in this room
is a gift from me to you. Do you like it?"

Orihime lowered her hand with the rabbit and looked down at it, not saying a word and not
showing any sort of emotion either.

What Satoru would give to have her flash him a smile like she did upon seeing her mother and
brothers, and even to her nanny. "Orihime, I'm sorry," Satoru said earnestly, "I know I said a lot of
mean things last night. You and your brothers heard your mother and I fighting at the mall." Satoru
waited for a reaction from her after saying this, but after hearing and seeing none, he continued. "I
didn't mean what I said but I know I still hurt your feelings. But I hope you will forgive me."

He said a silent prayer than she would forgive him. He had woken up very early just to prepare all
this for her when she wakes up, and it was lucky enough that she and Utahime had woken up only
a little past noon. Besides spending half of the morning to make sure all these arrived and ready in
her room, he also spent the other earlier half of the morning apologizing and explaining to the boys
about what happened yesterday. It took quite some convincing but after everything they've been
through, both had easily forgiven him- which, in his opinion, was more than he deserved. He didn't
expect the same treatment from Orihime, but he hoped she would at least show some form of
acceptance of him. That would be enough…for now.

The room still in silence except for the beeping of the Pulse Oximeter, Satoru didn't make any
attempt to talk again. Instead, settled to just watching Orihime as she looked around the room in

Satoru almost felt hopeful that she would aim a smile at him, but she didn't. After surveying the
room, she looked at Satoru, without the slightest trace of the smile she had mere seconds earlier.
"Thank you," she said in a little yet unemotional voice with a face void of a smile, before looking
down at her stuffed rabbit and stroking its long ears.

Satoru knew Orihime had only thanked him out of courtesy, undoubtedly taught to her by Utahime.
He knew it as sure as he was of his own name. But at least she had spoken to him; at least she had
recognized his presence. And that was enough. For now, that was enough.
"Family Dilemmas"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER


After spending a total of three days in the hospital, Orihime was finally discharged – after a lot of
begging and three sets of puppy dog eyes. And although Satoru had to work on the weekdays, he
now made it a point to stop by Utahime's house right after shooting. This time, he spent equal
amount of time with the boys and Orihime, though Orihime was still trying to avoid him. After a
week, even with all the gifts that had accumulated- gifts Satoru had bought for Orihime-she still
didn't fully trust him. However, she has slowly become more willing to accept the gifts than she
used to the first few days of his visits. But whenever Satoru attempted to talk to her, all she said
was the usual 'yes', 'no', and 'thank you'.

Besides not progressing with his relationship with Orihime, he hasn't gone very far with his
relationship with Utahime either. Not that he minded.


"I need to talk to you," Satoru said into Utahime's ear as they watched Daisuke and Ryusuke doing
impersonations of a character they saw on TV to entertain Orihime who was giggling from the
patient's bed.

Utahime frowned at him but nodded. After excusing themselves and leaving Miko in charge of the
kids, Utahime followed Satoru out of the room.

"What is it?" she asked, wanting to get straight to the point.

"About what I said yesterday, about Orihime," he started, in such a low voice it was a miracle
Satoru could even catch his words. "I'm sorry about what I said."

Not expecting this sort of thing from Satoru at all, Utahime's brows shot up to her forehead in
obvious surprise.
"I thought wrong and my own thoughts got the better of me," he explained, sighing and leaning
onto the wall with his arms crossed in front of him. "I had assumed that Orihime wasn't my
daughter. I never even considered the possibility that she could be my daughter. I thought you
remarried or something and had her. I also never knew you'd been to the hospital with her for her
check-ups all those times you left the boys with Miko at home. I had thought you genuinely
preferred her over the boys because I'm the boys' father and therefore disliked them as much as
you dislike me. So I ended up hating Orihime too."

"I-I understand," Utahime said, leaning onto the wall beside Satoru and following his gaze to the
blank white wall opposite them. She never expected to understand their entire situation but from
what Satoru had just said, it certainly explained a lot.

Satoru glanced down at her looking amazed and doubtful. "No you don't, how could you possibly
understand?" he blurted out in an incredulous voice without thinking.

Mentally smacking himself, he hoped Utahime wouldn't blow off again and start screaming at him.

"And I don't dislike you," Utahime added, completely ignoring his last statement, much to Satoru's
relief. It was also much to his surprise as her words registered to him. Seeing the look on his face,
Utahime smiled at him. "I haven't fought, much less screamed, at anyone like that…ever. That was
a first for me, so I think I got a bit carried away."

"A bit?" Satoru repeated with his brows raised. "If you screamed any louder and any higher, you
would've broken every piece of glass present in the area," he pointed out sounding quite sure that
could happen.

Utahime couldn't help but giggle at this statement, guessing that Satoru hadn't forgotten just how
high her voice could get when the notes call for it whenever she sings.

Can't help the grin forming on his face, Satoru gave in to his emotions and laughed with her for a
while until both calmed back down.

"I can't just blame you for what happened you know," Utahime started after their laughter
subsided. "We both know that we're both at fault," she added somewhat sadly with traces of regret
in her voice. "We were both so caught up with our own issues, the kids got affected. And Orihime…
Orihime just got the worst end of it."

Satoru said nothing to this.

"So I propose a truce," she said, pushing herself off from the wall and standing in front of Satoru
with a hand outstretched towards him. "Can we at least be at peace when the kids are around? For
their sake, and I guess for ours as well. It would be great to at least know that I won't end up
screaming my head off at you again."

With the oh-so familiar smirk crossing his features as she said this, Utahime could almost feel
herself melt down to the ground as she always did years ago.

"Truce," he agreed, taking her hand and shaking it. "But I do have one question Utahime."

Utahime had dreaded this, and was hoping he wouldn't ask what she knew he would.

"Why did you leave five years ago?" he asked. He was burning with curiosity now but he tried to
keep his tone mild.

She was smiling, albeit very sadly, at him. And Utahime was silent for a couple of minutes before
letting out a long, almost tired, sigh. "A lot happened Satoru ," she said, the sad smile still playing
on her lips. "You had a very promising career ahead of you as an actor, and I was holding you
back," she said truthfully. "I never even thought of things like that before until…well, until that
thought suddenly came to my mind. And as I thought more about it every day, as I contemplated on
that thought further, I realized that it was the truth. I was holding you back. So I…I left."

**End of Flashback**

Satoru didn't know if Utahime meant that explanation to sadden him but whether she did or didn't,
it didn't have that sort of effect on him at all. He didn't feel at all sad or touched about it. Her
reason only proved to him how easily she can dump him, despite her reason for leaving was
supposedly for his benefit.

Her explanation also didn't make much sense to Satoru either.

When she did leave him, there was no indication at all that he had a 'promising career' ahead of
him. In fact, he never got his first big break with Yaga-san until after he realized Utahime had left
him. It wasn't long after she had left that he got the call from Yaga-san and his proposal to him
regarding his acting career.

By now, it was obvious to him that Utahime was lying, unless she was actually a really good
psychic without him knowing, to predict that he'd actually become a star shortly after she left.
Utahime had probably just left him because he was such a failure as an actor. That was the only
reason Satoru could think of for her leaving him. He had starred in a few independent films when
they were together, and also a few very minor roles in much larger films, but only as an extra, and
that was pretty much it. What girl would be happy with that? That must have been the reason for
her sudden departure. And she was just merely saving him the embarrassment by not telling him

'Maybe I should thank her for not further embarrassing me," Satoru thought almost bitterly to

After their little talk, he had treated Utahime friendly enough as would two newly acquainted
friends, and nothing more. Try as he might, he didn't want anything much to do with someone who
had broken his heart, it was hard enough to maintain a properly decent relationship with her as a

"Hey Satoru! Are you staying for dinner?"

"Yeah, mom's asking if you are," added Daisuke after his brother.

Smiling at the boys, Satoru shook his head. "I can't I have an early day tomorrow. I have to get
back in a few minutes."

The two frowned but nodded before running back into the kitchen to tell Utahime.

"Is it okay if I visit and play with you again tomorrow Orihime?" Satoru asked the little girl who
was analyzing a 50 piece Jigsaw Puzzle that had the image of a butterfly and a flower.

Orihime looked up at Satoru without smiling but nodded. "Thank you for this," she said, pointing
to the puzzles which are still mostly scattered in a pile in front of her. She had already connected
one-fourth of the pieces ever since he gave the box to her earlier that afternoon.

"You're welcome," he said with a grin before she resumed looking through the unsolved puzzle
pieces with a look of concentration on her face.

"Where have you been?" Riko asked in an accusing tone the minute Satoru closed the door to the

Eyebrows raised, Satoru held up the white plastic bag he was holding which had several brown
paper bags inside. "Dinner, you want some?"

A grin spread through her features and she nodded. "I'm famished. What did you get?"

"Chinese," he responded, handing her the plastic bag as he took off his shoes, shrugged off his
jacket and took off his cap.

"So, where have you been since you left the studio?" she asked conversationally as she laid out all
the food on the kitchen counter and transferred them to plates.

"Nowhere in particular," he replied with a shrug. "Just went out to buy stuff."

Riko looked back at him, knowing full well that he didn't bring anything else besides the food as
he came in. She had gotten the vibe that Satoru had been keeping something or another from her.
Ever since he called her in the dead of the night last Sunday saying that he won't be coming to
work the next day due to 'unforeseen circumstances'.

'Unforeseen circumstances indeed,' she thought to herself as she continued on with setting up the
dinner table while stealing constant glances at Satoru.

"Something you want to talk to me about?" Satoru asked point blank, getting slightly annoyed with
all the looks Riko had been throwing at her from across the room ever since he arrived.

"Nothing important," she said hastily with a smile. "Dinner's ready," she announced after a minute
or so later.

Immediately digging into his food so he can retire for the night, Satoru was already halfway
through his plate of rice before Riko finally came to sit across him.

"By any chance do you have any more plans later?" she asked with an amused look. Satoru looked
at her questioningly, making her nod at his half finished plate. "You're in a hurry."

Gulping down half a glass of soda, he looked at her. "You've seen the stuff I had to do earlier.
Doing some of my own stunts may be fun but it takes its toll. The sooner I go to bed, the happier
I'll be and less disagreeable tomorrow."

"Where have you been running off to at the end of the day lately anyway? You must be in a lot of
stress. Maybe you should head straight back here after shooting. You don't want to strain yourself
too much," she suggested sounding hopeful that he would at least tell her.

"It's a…personal matter," he said with an apologetic look on his face. "I have to run off after
shooting. I have to buy a couple of things in several places," he added, thinking of all the things he
had bought and given to Orihime for the past few days. He has still bought several things for the
boys but he's been giving Orihime just as much things in order to compensate all those times he had
neglected getting her anything when he was out with Daisuke and Ryusuke.

"I see. Well, anyway, I talked to the director earlier," she started looking more pleased now. "He
says we've only got a month, maybe two, of filming left. Depending on how well it goes this
month. If we don't have much re-shoots to do, then the sooner we finish. Isn't that great?" she
asked brightly.

Satoru stopped eating, his chopsticks with a dumpling at the end suspended in the air, midway to
his mouth.

He replaced the dumpling onto his plate and looked thoughtful.

'I hadn't thought about that,' he told himself. Indeed he hadn't even considered what would happen
when he leaves Japan for another movie he might do. In fact, most of the movies he has done
besides the one shot here and the last one in Paris, have always been shot in the States. What would
he do when he's called for another movie away from Japan? What will happen to Daisuke,
Ryusuke, and Orihime?


He looked up at her.

"Is something the matter?"

"It's nothing," he answered curtly before resuming with his meal.


"You suppose Satoru will come tomorrow?" Ryusuke asked out of the blue, making his siblings
look at him.

Orihime didn't say a thing although gave him a curious look,

"Of course he is. He comes here every day doesn't he?" Daisuke answered with brows raised.

"You think we should ask him tomorrow then?"

This time, Orihime spoke up. "I don't think you should and I think mommy isn't pregnant. And I
also think that maybe what you heard that lady say mustn't be right."

The boys looked at her before looking at each other. They had already told Orihime the topic of
their interest since they came from the hotel, feeling guilty they hadn't done so sooner. Utahime did
tell them to never let Orihime feel so left out because of her condition. Now they blamed
themselves for what happened and so told her about it as soon as they got the chance. It was hard at
first because they had to explain a lot to her like who Riko is and all they knew about her. That was
the precise reason why they decided not to tell her in the first place, since she might not feel as
strongly about it like they do. She never met Riko and doesn't know just how mean she is like they
knew she was.

"Well, I checked the dictionary what 'suspecting' mean," piped up Daisuke although looking
defeated. "I still didn't understand what it meant. Mommy says we can read in that book if we want
to check meaning of words but their meanings are even more confusing. There are numbers and
weird letters there too."

"That's an unhelpful book," Ryusuke said with a frown. "Maybe we should ask Miko-san? Or
Suguru? We still didn't talk to him. When's your next check-up Hime-chan?"

Orihime looked thoughtful for a while. "Mommy didn't tell me. Maybe I'm not going for a check-
up anytime soon," she said.
The boys didn't think she needed one either. Ever since she got back home she's been looking better
every day. She's even talking more than she usually did, although not when Satoru was around. But
they were sure that Satoru's constant attention to her was one of the main reasons of her- almost
miraculous -change.


"It's me," Nanami said into his cell.

"What have you got? Found anything yet? It's been weeks!"

"Stop complaining, I'm no detective! Iori Utahime right? Well, I found the hospital but they
wouldn't give anything away," he said sounding annoyed. After all the trouble he's gone through,
he ended up not getting any sort of information at all. "Something about patient's rights and that
everything they have is confidential. All they could give was that Iori was there just recently.
About three weeks ago I think, but had already left. But they said it was her daughter who was just
hospitalized, not her."

"Her daughter?"

"Yes her daughter, and that's all they told me," he told her slightly irritated now. "I'm heading back
there to the studio. Tell Gojo-san I'll be there for when he leaves. I've been missing for the past
couple days, it's a miracle he hasn't fired me yet!" Nanami yelled the last part before flipping his
cell to a close.

Frowning, Riko replaced her cell into her purse before taking a seat by the snack table situated just
beside the set Satoru was currently acting in.

"So that brat was hers after all," she told herself, remembering the little girl in the lobby of the hotel
the other day.

"What are you looking so serious for?"

Riko jumped with a start at hearing the familiar voice talking into her ear from behind.

"Yaga-san!" she exclaimed before giving the man a friendly hug. "What are you doing here?"

The much older man with his thinning dark, ash black hair, slightly stout stature and typical prim
suit laughed before taking a seat on one of the free seats by Riko.

"Business, as usual. An old friend called me over for some fresh talent. Although I have a few
personal reasons as well," he said before looking over to Satoru who was now talking to the
director. "I just stopped by here to see how you and Satoru are doing with shooting. Hiro gave me a
call just a few days ago. He says that Satoru's almost done shooting all of his scenes."

Riko grinned at him and nodded. "He's been doing great! Better than usual! Hiro-san only just told
us earlier this morning that Satoru might be done in three to four weeks."

"That's my boy!" Yaga-san said with a proud look on his face.

"So, when we do wrap up filming here. Is there any other project in particular you have next in line
for Satoru?" she asked rather hopefully.

"My dear, Satoru's been working non-stop for almost two years!" he said with a hearty laugh. "He's
spent more than a year in Paris, plus all the months he's spent here. He deserves a break," he said
with a smile, making Riko's own smile falter. "Besides, between you and me," he said in a whisper,
leaning slightly towards her. "The main reason why I forced Satoru into taking the project here was
more due to personal reasons."

"Yes, you mentioned that before, that Hiro-san is a friend of yours," Riko supplied, already

"No, no, no. Well, that and also for Satoru's own good," he said in earnest before nodding in
Satoru's direction. "Just look at him! He's gotten his spunk back don't you agree?"

"Spunk?" she echoed, not getting what he meant.

"I mean his passion, you know?"

Riko looked at Satoru.Riko guess he had been far more happy lately but she knew well enough it
was because of those kids, and not just because he's back to his roots in Japan. But for whatever
reason, Yaga-san was right. Satoru has been better lately. At least his attitude has improved, and
he's been more motivated to do well in his work more than usual too which greatly pleased the

"Well, I best be going," Yaga-san announced, standing up.

"Already? But you just got here," she pointed out. She didn't want him to leave yet, especially not
when she still didn't get the chance to convince him to list Satoru in another project after this one.

"Yes, but I have to meet a few people in a while," he said, mistaking her tone for actually missing
him. "Just tell Satoru I dropped by to say hello for me!" he called back as he made his way towards
the warehouse gate.

"Well, if he won't find another job for Satoru to do, then I will," she said in a huffy voice before
taking out her cell again and scanning her list of contacts. The sooner they leave Japan, the better.


"Anybody home?" Utahime called out into the silence of her house. Just as she did, thumping of
feet on the wooden floor echoed through the hallway.

"Welcome home mom!" Daisuke and Ryusuke greeted, pulling her down for a kiss on each cheek
before dashing back towards the living room.

"Hi mommy!" Orihime said, wrapping her arms around Utahime's neck and kissing a cheek.

"hime-chan! It's almost your turn!" One of the boys called out.

"What are you guys doing?"

Orihime grinned at her. "Playing a video game! The one Satoru had gotten for us two days ago!"
she replied excitedly, making Utahime smile after her retreating form.

"You guys hungry?" Utahime asked aloud as she went inside the kitchen. "Hi Miko," she greeted
with a smile.

"Still full from lunch!" they all chorused from the opposite room.

"You're home early Utahime," she pointed out, looking at the wall clock above the doorway which
read 37 minutes past 12 o'clock. Utahime usually arrives at 2 in the afternoons.
"One of my students didn't come in today. Is there any food left from the kids' lunch?"

Miko nodded to the pot on the stove. "I left it there, Satoru-san rang me earlier, saying he'll have
lunch here too. He should be here by now, he called me over half an hour ago. He says he's off
work early today."

Utahime almost tripped as she mentioned Satoru's name but immediately recovered. She hastily
grabbed a plate and filled it with food.

The doorbell rang.

"Speak of the devil!" Miko said rather amazed. "Boys! Will you get that? Your mother's eating and
I have to get Satoru's meal ready!"

A few minutes later, Satoru's voice drifted into the house and a lot of laughter from all three of
them followed shortly.

"Satoru-san! I have your food ready here dear!" Miko called out, wiping her hands on her apron
while placing the plate directly across from Utahime.

"Thank you Miko!" Satoru called out before he spoke to the boys. "Where's your sister?"

"Playing that game you last got us. She's in the living room!"

The boys dashed back in and Satoru peeked through the doorway. "Hi Orihime!"

Orihime turned and waved at him with a small smile on her face although not saying anything. She
had really gradually learned to accept him. Although she still hadn't spoken much besides the usual
words she used to, she had learned to smile at him, which greatly pleased Satoru.

Satoru flashed her a smile, making her blush and turn back to her game.

"I swear, you really are something," Miko said, appearing beside him. "You even make little girls
blush!" she said with a laughing tone.

Satoru grinned at her and winked.

Miko raised a brow at her. "That won't work on me young man. Besides, I'm too old for you."
Satoru swore he heard a trace of dejection in her voice, making him laugh. "Come, have lunch. It
sure took you a while to get here."

"I had to stop by to buy some stuff for the kids. I left them in my car," he informed her and
followed her into the kitchen. "Ah, Utahime, you're here?" he asked, his jolly tone faltering
considerably and not at all trying to hide it though Miko was present. He only maintained a fair
attitude towards her when the kids were in the same room.

Utahime looked up at him and smiled slightly without saying a word, her eyes glassy.

"Have you been crying?" Miko asked worriedly, surprised.

Shaking her head, she smiled at the nanny reassuringly before taking a long sip of her glass of

Satoru's brow shot up, understanding the scene perfectly well. Seeing the mess surrounding her
plate and the way Utahime was clearing her throat in between sips of water, it was obvious she was
in a hurry in finishing her meal.
"Utahime had just gotten in as well," Miko told him, oblivious to the discomfited aura emitting
from both adults.

"Of course. I can see that," he replied pleasantly though openly eyeing Utahime's plate which was
already half empty.

"Satoru! Come play with us!" the boys' voices called out.

"Boys, give him time to eat!" Miko called back with a disapproving click of her tongue.

"Thank you," he told Miko before heading to the fridge to grab a drink. He has long felt at home in
Utahime's household, ever since Orihime got discharged from the hospital those many weeks ago.
And they have all treated him more like family than a guest as well. Even Utahime, even though he
still acted like a newly acquainted friend towards her, has been very friendly with him ever since
their truce.

Although sometimes quite awkward when the kids weren't around, like now.

Satoru took his time at the fridge, picking his drink. As soon as he got around to pouring himself a
glass, Utaihime was done eating and was already washing her plate and utensils at the sink.

"So what brings you here so early anyway?" Miko asked conversationally as Utahime washed.

"I got off work early," he answered with a shrug before, taking a bite off a fried chicken leg.

"What a coincidence, so did Utahime" she pointed out with a nod towards her turned back.

Satoru nodded at this. "It's quite lucky really, I need to talk to you about something important too

Utahime's back visibly tensed up as he said this.

"Oh? What about?" she asked without looking back at him.

"I'll tell you later. Nothing to worry about though," he assured her, though she didn't believe him
for a bit.


"Where's Satoru?" Riko asked a passing crew member.

"We just saw him leave," he said, pointing to the warehouse gate. "He left alone. The director said
he was done for the day," he added before making his way back towards the set with a couple of
props for the other actors working on a certain scene.

"Honestly! He didn't even tell me!" she said irately, making her way outside, stomping her feet as
she did.


"Oh that's good!" Utahime replied earnestly, earning her a glare from Satoru. "I-I mean, it's good
that you're finally done with another movie, n-not that you have to leave I mean," she amended

He was still glaring at her before closing the passenger door to his car. He had purposely left the
things he brought for the kids so he can have a private word with her outside.
"Yes, well, I'm not exactly sure when I have to leave," he continued with furrowed brows. "Maybe
as soon as I finish filming for this movie or maybe a few weeks later, I'm not really sure. I just
wanted to tell you this now so we can come up with some sort of plan."

"A plan?" she echoed, somewhat baffled. "What do you mean?"

"The kids Utahime, a plan with regards to our kids. Don't tell me you actually believed for a second
that I'd leave here so easily without settling this do you?" he said rather harshly now.

"No, of course not," she said hastily, although that was a downright lie. She had indeed believed-
or rather hoped -that he would just leave and let them live the rest of their lives as they did before
he ever came.

"Good because you shouldn't. You should even be glad I didn't sue you for trying to keep our kids
from me for all these years. Believe me, that thought came to me more than once ever since I
found out that Daisuke and Ryusuke were actually my sons."

Though Satoru talked in a casual tone, Utahime paled at what he said. She didn't even think at all
that Satoru would sue her for that. She knew he could, it had crossed her mind from the day she
first saw him again but she never dreamed that he had ever considered doing such a thing. Let
alone considered it more than once!

"I'm not going to sue you Utahime," he assured her, seeing the look on her face. "I don't want to
worry the kids, especially Orihime. Besides, they don't even know I'm their father. Yet."

"Yet?" Sakura echoed yet again, meekly.

"Well I don't plan to live the rest of my days without letting my own children know that I'm their
father," he told her with a frown. "It's hard enough I have to act like some close family friend
instead of their father."

"Of course," she agreed in a resigned tone. "What do you propose we do then?"

"How about I take them with me for a certain time?" he suggested.

"All three of them? In a single time?" she asked incredulously. "You have work, who will take care
of them? That's three of them to handle. And you can't just take one or two of them at a time, that'll
break their hearts to be apart. They're triplets after all," she pointed out.

"I can take them altogether. I could always hire a nanny for each of them. That wouldn't be a
problem. Money's not really an issue," he said with a shrug.

"But being with you is different from being with nannies," she pointed out with a frown.

"I suppose you're right," Satoru said regrettably before catching himself again. "But I bet they
wouldn't mind. I mean, they'll have loads of fun anyway. I usually film on location, I'm sure they'd
have a great time in places like China, or the States, or even somewhere in Europe. Who knows, I
might get to go back to Paris. I know they'd love it there."

"Paris!" Utahime exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air, not believing her ears. "They're just
kids! They'll be starting school soon, and I don't think they'd like the language barrier either. All
they know is Japanese, a few phrases of Chinese and little to no English, traveling internationally
would put a strain on them!"

"Well then let's hear your ideas!" he shot back at her with a glare. He understood her point
perfectly, and they were really fair points. But she's not helping at all by just shouting there about
how wrong his points were.

"W-Wouldn't it be easier if you just drop by whenever you can here in Japan?" she suggested
immediately though in a calmer tone. "I mean, it won't stress out the kids so much if they just
stayed in one place and have you visit them instead. They are starting school soon after all. I-I
couldn't afford paying for all three of them to go to kindergarten before," she admitted, covering
the blush on her cheeks by looking down. "What with all the hospital bills I had to pay and with
Orihime's health getting in the way, it made it impossible for all of them. Her health hasn't
stabilized at all from when she was born until she turned four. B-But she's gotten better since she
turned five, and all the more now, so it's also safe to send her to school. A-And I saved enough for
them to go to the school just near here, so, it'll be fine to leave them here with me…"

Utahime trailed off and Satoru looked at her without saying anything. He could tell she was deeply
embarrassed about saying all this. And he doesn't blame her. Not after he just said that money's not
really an issue for him. Now he felt like a total jerk for ever saying that.

"I'll think about it," he replied curtly and rather awkwardly before making his way back towards
the house.

Utahime sighed and followed him.

"And Utahime," he said, abruptly stopping in his tracks, causing Utahime to crash into his broad
back and lose her footing.

She gave a little yelp of surprise just as Satoru caught hold of the small of her back, holding her in
place with him leaning over her.

Utahime looked up at him, his light blue eyes boring down into her amber ones. She could literally
feel her heart, her mind, and even her lungs stop functioning all at the same time.

Satoru looked down at her, his eyes searching hers. Searching for what, even he didn't know. After
everything that's happened ever since he came to Japan, his whole world's been turned upside
down, and all of it is because of this woman. The girl he loved all those years ago.

Utahime's breathing hitched, noticing him lean even further towards her. This has been the closest
she has ever been with him for five years, and he seems to get even closer with each passing- and
agonizing –second. She was fairly sure she had been holding a bag in her hand, the things she and
Satoru had gone to get in his car, but somehow, though she can't and won't bother explaining how,
her hands were free of anything and she found one of them snaking their way up his chest and
stopping to grip his hair at the back of his head by his neck.

She felt his breathing cease.

"Satoru…" she whispered, a trace of longing and even regret evident in her tone.

Something in him snapped. As soon as his name left her mouth, he felt all his control over his body
and even his heart- which he thought had been dead over the years –leave and betray him.

Utahime watched his eyes darken considerably before the small gap between their lips swiftly
dwindled into nothing.


The sound of his brother's voice startled him, making him jump and his face color at getting
caught. Not that it made any difference. His cheeks were already a flaming red at what he just saw.


Daisuke frowned at him before standing on the chair beside his brother and looking out the
window as well.

"What are you…"

Ryusuke jumped off the chair just as Daisuke's voice trailed off, his eyes now widened and cheeks
flared up just as his brother's did.

Standing on the pathway leading to their house, just by the small gate in front, was Satoru and
Utahime holding each other close, in a tight lip lock.

Daisuke looked away quickly and ran after his brother and back into the living room.


Satoru's free hand- the bag he was carrying had been dropped unceremoniously on the ground
beside them sometime earlier –held Utahime by the back of her head, holding her in place as his
lips finally settled on hers. His other hand's hold on her back tightened just as she wrapped both
hers around his neck.

He had forgotten just how soft her lips were after all these years, and just how smooth her hair was
too. How it would part when he ran his fingers through its length.

Remembering all this now and recalling just how perfectly she felt in his arms caused him to kiss
her even more urgently.

A moan escaped Utahime's lips as she felt his kisses become fierce and she responded with just as
much yearning, and she could feel his strong muscles relaxing under her touch as she started
rubbing his neck lightly with her fingers.

Satoru knew his traitorous body wouldn't have stopped, and knew his mind would've willingly
ceased functioning for a few more hours if he hadn't felt it.

His cheeks had become soggy. Only when he realized this did he hear Utahime's tiny sobs.

So he stopped.

Pulling away slowly, he opened his eyes and looked at her just as she bent her head down and
hastily wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, the other still holding onto his shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry," she whispered, trying to calm herself down and control her breathing.

Satoru didn't let go of his hold on her back either, but placed his other hand under her chin, pulling
her gaze up to look at him.

Her eyes were glassy and tears were still trailing down her cheeks. He wiped them away lightly
with his thumb.

"So am I," he whispered, unsmilingly. He bent down, placing a kiss on both cheeks, freeing them
of tears. He trailed his thumb over her lips before giving her a final kiss on the forehead and finally
released his hold on her.
Satoru picked up the dropped items on the ground and made his way back into the house without
looking back.
"Beyond Expectations"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER


"You have got to be kidding me!" Riko exclaimed, exasperated.

Shoulders drooped, she frowned at her cell and threw it over to her bed before letting herself fall
beside it.

She's been contacting every possible person she knew in the business for the last three days,
heavily hinting and even sometimes openly asking if they have a job offer for Satoru after he
finishes his current project here in Japan.

"Honestly! How hard is it to get an acting job anyway? Hundreds of movies are made yearly and
not one outside Japan is willing to take Satoru?" she muttered to herself, still furious. So far, the
only luck she had of getting Satoru hired anytime soon is another project here in Japan, which is
exactly what she's trying to avoid. She has to find another job for him outside the country before he
gets offered another one here but most of those she had contacted are either too cheap to hire him,
or find that he deserves to at least rest up first after so much box office hits he's had lately.


"Bravo! Yes, yes, yes! What a wonderful voice!"

Utahime blushed at the compliment but beamed up at the man all the same.

"Thank you Yaga-san.-"

"Please my dear, I told you to just call me Masamichi," he reminded her with a wave of his hand.

"Didn't I tell you it was worth the trip back to Japan, Masamichi-san?" Gakuganji Yoshinobu said
as he came into the recording room Utahime was still situated in with a few people, who had
played the instruments to the song, behind her.
With a wide and an almost excited look on his face, Yaga nodded. "Indeed you did and I don't
regret it one bit!" he announced before turning back to Utahime. "My dear, a few more songs and
we'll be ready to release a whole album with your name embossed in large gold lettering in the
front! I don't know why you've kept this talent of yours under wraps for so long."

Utahime smiled a little. "I've had more important matters to attend to," she explained vaguely yet

"Understandable of course," he said with a nod and a face that looked like her response actually
explained it all.

"Now Utahime," said ,Gakuganji cutting in. "We'll just have one more take on that last song. And
we'll be taking a video of you singing as well. You wouldn't know when video footage might come
in handy in the future."

"Now, now, Gakuganji-san," Yaga said, looking over to the owner of the recording studio and his
long time friend. "Do you really think that's necessary? I mean, it's too early for that, isn't it?" he
asked, not really knowing much on the music industry himself.

"Who knows," Gakuganji replied with a shrug before giving a nod at Utahime and the band before
taking his leave with Yaga following after him.


"Thank you Hiro-san," Satoru said genuinely with a slight bow of his head.

"No, no, Gojo-san. Thank you! You've done a fabulous job lately. I'm beginning to think we're
actually underpaying you! This movie might only be open to theaters nationwide for now but I'm
sure it'll reach the sights of international viewers soon enough when they find out you're in it!" he
said in a sure tone and a jolly laugh.

Satoru grinned at him one last time before taking his leave.

"Gojo-san," a crew man greeted with a nod as he passed by.

He couldn't help the pleased look on his face as he took out his cell.

"Hello? What is it Satoru?"

"Riko! Where are you? Did you leave without me?" he asked though not at all minding if she
actually did.

"Yes, sorry. I wasn't feeling very good in the studio earlier. I'm back in the hotel. What's up? Are
you done for the day?"

"Well, I just spoke to Hiro-san. And yes, I'm done! Not just for the day but all my scenes are shot
and my character's wrapped up for the movie!"


Satoru's grin widened hearing his manager's startled voice.

"Surprised? I am too, but Hiro-san had one scene taken out due to time conflicts so I'm done!
They're still shooting now but it's just the rest of the scenes needed of the supporting cast. He's
pretty happy with the footage taken earlier and he says he's confident re-shoots aren't a possibility
at this point," he informed her as he nodded at Nanami before getting into the backseat of his car.
"I wanted us to celebrate but since you're not feeling well, you better get some rest instead."

"Oh, but I'm fine now. I mean, I've been resting up and-"

"It's okay, really. I have somewhere to go for a while anyway. So, you rest up. I'll be back later.
Just order what you want in room service for now," he said and without another word, closed his

"Where to Gojo-san?" Nanami asked, looking at him through the rear-view mirror.

Satoru considered him for awhile. No one but himself ever knew about his visits to Utahime's. But
Nanami did know about the twins already. So it wouldn't hurt to trust his bodyguard further. How
would it hurt?

"Get into the freeway Nanami, I'll give you precise directions from there," he instructed. "I have to
get a couple of things first and then I have a few people to visit while I'm still here."

As he said that, it was only then that Satoru fully understood the meaning to his words. He was
done filming in Tokyo, he was done filming in Japan. He would have to leave as soon as possible if
he gets another job offer. Of course he would have to come back for the movie premiere, but other
than that, he can't stay if he does get another job in some other part of the world.

He has to tell the kids. He's been avoiding telling them for the past weeks when he found out
filming was coming to an end. But now that it actually has finished, he has to tell them. He has to
tell them he'll be leaving soon. And he has to tell them that he's their father.

Before that though, he has to speak to Utahime, which he hasn't done for the past four days. They
have to talk it through together first before he can talk to the kids.

Satoru unconsciously touched his lips with his index finger.

"Utahime," he said under his breath.


His head snapped up to Nanami who was still looking at him.

"Nothing," he muttered before settling into his seat.


"I told you I'm perfectly fine," Orihime told her mother, grinning.

Utahime beamed at her and nodded. "You know I worry too much."

"Indeed you do," Suguru agreed as he swiveled lightly on his chair in his office. "Orihime's never
been better in my opinion, and my colleagues agree as well."

They were back in the hospital, having just letting Orihime's doctors check her. It has been months
since Orihime's last check-up that Utahime felt slightly uneasy. She was so used to having Orihime
checked so often, that not going to the hospital seemed to unnerve her. Suguru of course hadn't
minded. It's been a while since he saw the family and his colleagues were only too keen in seeing
Orihime and see for themselves that she indeed has gotten far better than she had ever been.

"Where are the boys anyway?"

"They insisted on exploring around outside. I have Miko watching them," she said, earning her an
amused look from him. "Don't worry, I told them to stay within the ground floor only. I can't risk
them meeting patients and catching something upstairs." This earned her another amused look from
Suguru. "Okay, I can't risk the patients meeting or even seeing them," she amended with a little


"Oh boys! I'm getting too old for this!" Miko said rather exasperatedly, bending herself down and
settling her hands on her knees.

Daisuke and Ryusuke stopped in their tracks a few meters in front of her, identical grins on their

"Really, Miko-san…"

"…you can just sit over there."

They both pointed to the chairs not far from where they stood.

"We'll just go to the front counter…"

"…we want to talk to the nurses again."

Miko clicked her tongue at them. "You can't disturb the staff boys. They're working."

"We won't be disturbing them, honest!"

"We just want to see them doing their job."

Both held their breaths, watching their nanny consider this.

"Oh alright then," she agreed with a sigh. "I'll be sitting right here, so I'll be able to see your every
move. Make sure not to make too much noise."


"Come in!" Suguru called out.

Utahime and Orihime followed his gaze to his office door as a nurse poked her head inside.

"Excuse me Geto-san," the nurse said, bowing her head and looking apologetic. "I was wondering
if I could have a word in private? It's rather…important."

Suguru's brows furrowed at this.

"I suppose it's time for us to leave anyway, we took too much of your time as it is Suguru,"
Utahime said, standing up from her seat.

"Oh no!" The three turned to the nurse at her exclamation. "It really won't take long."

Suguru nodded at her then turned to Utahime and Orihime. "Excuse me for a while ladies. I'll be
right back shortly."

The nurse nodded at Utahime and Orihime and waited for Suguru to join her outside.
"What is it?" he asked in a low voice, closing the door shut behind him.

"It's Iori-san's kids," she informed him quickly. "Daisuke and Ryusuke are in the Information
Counter right now. They've been asking questions."

"What do you mean?" He couldn't find anything wrong with this so the look of worry on the
nurse's face was somewhat surprising to him.

Lowering her voice even further, the nurse leaned in slightly. "They've been asking a lot of
questions about their father."

Realization dawned on Suguru at the mention of the supposedly lost parent. Besides himself and
the team working on Orihime's case, a handful of other staff members in the hospital have become
aware of the nature of Satoru's position with the family, all of whom he had personally told to keep
under wraps from anyone outside of the administration and especially from the triplets.

"I'll handle it," he said, scratching the back of his head as he made his way towards the front
entrance of the hospital.


"Ready?" Nanami asked, making Satoru nod.

"The house isn't far from here," he said as he removed his cap and sunglasses which he had worn
inside the mall. "Drive to the convenience store I went to buy ice cream by the studio those months
ago. It's in a neighboring area."


"Boys?" Suguru asked, looking at Daisuke and Ryusuke curiously as both tried to communicate
with the other through their eyes. It was clear at this point that something was occupying their

They hadn't said anything but nodded to each other after a while before looking over at Suguru.
The three were seated inside an empty office of one of the doctors just beside Suguru's which was
where Utahime and Orihime were still waiting in.

"The nurse told me you've been asking a few things to the nurses over at the Information Counter
up front," he started slowly, making them nod at this. "Any reason why you're doing so?"

"Suguru," Daisuke started, looking serious. "Do you know where our father is?"

Suguru was startled at this. He expected the boys to ask about their father but not as direct as this.

"Why do you ask?"

"We're just curious," Ryusuke answered. "We've been wondering for a while. We want to ask
someone other than our mom or Miko."

"We figured they might not tell us even if we try asking them."

"And what makes you think I would tell you?" he questioned them, amused.

The boys shrugged. "We're just hoping you would," they replied simultaneously.

"We heard someone talking," Daisuke started, before telling him everything he overheard from
Riko. After he finished, Ryusuke also told him about seeing Satoru and Utahime kissing outside
their house.

When they finished, Suguru was even more amused.

"And after all that, you decided you want to know where your father is?"

They both nodded.

Suguru considered this for a while. He didn't have the right to tell the boys anything. It was
Utahime's right to tell them, or Satoru's. They were both the parents after all. He wouldn't have
minded telling the boys himself. He knew they could handle it. Orihime on the other hand, he
wasn't so sure. Though, if she found out through the boys, maybe it would be okay. But the issue is
still that he didn't have the right to tell them the truth himself.

"Suguru?" the boys said, cutting off his mental deliberation whether to tell them or not.

"Sorry," he muttered with a sigh. "Look boys, I-"

"We know you know," Daisuke pointed out with a frown.

"Mom won't be angry with you if you told us. We want to know."

"We won't be angry with her if you're the one who tells us either."

"If you won't tell us, we'll just ask other nurses and doctors about it."

"We're sure someone would be willing to tell us."

This made it all the more harder for Suguru. Should he tell them? Or should he not?

"How about this," he finally said, coming up with a decision. "I won't tell you," he started, making
the boys frown and their shoulders sag. "But," they perked up at this. "I'll tell you something about
your father. And it's up to you to figure it out or to finally ask your mother for answers. I don't want
you going around the hospital asking the nurses for information. Okay?"

Daisuke nd Ryusuke didn't expect that but accepted with a nod.

With a deep sigh, Suguru looked at them both critically.

"Your question about where your father is, is wrong. Your question should be, who your father is."

"You know who he is then?" Daisuke asked, excitedly.

Suguru nodded.

"Who is he? What's his name?" Ryusuke asked, perking up considerably.

"I told you I won't tell you anything of the sort, you have to ask your mother," he said with a shake
of his head, earning him a frown.

"What can you tell us then?" they asked simultaneously.

"Well, I can tell you that I've met your father. He's a good man. I've met him a few times already in
the past few months."
"You have?" they asked, getting more excited at the thought that their father might still be nearby.

Suguru nodded. "Let me ask you something first though," he said, a sudden thought occurring to
him. "What would you do if you find your father?"

"Try to get him and mom together again," they answered immediately without a second thought.

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

They both shrugged at this.

"We'll think of something…"

"…but first we have to find him."

"I see. Well, your father is closer than you think."

The boys looked thoughtful as he said this.

"Tell me," Suguru interrupted yet again. "Back to what you told me about what you've heard and
seen. How do you feel about Satoru?" he asked gently. "There seems to be something going on
between him and your mother," he hinted casually.

It was a while before they answered him.

"We don't know," Ryusuke answered.

"We like him," Daisuke clarified immediately. "But…"

"But…" Ryusuke echoed.

"But no one can ever replace your father?" Suguru finished.

The boys nodded at this.

"We don't know how he feels about mom…"

"…and how mom feels about him."

"But our real father comes first," they concluded together.

"How would you feel about having him as your father?"

"We don't know," they replied in unison.

This worried Suguru That wasn't a reassuring answer. Satoru was their father after all.

"But, he's a great guy isn't he? You like him?"

"We do."

"But then, he's different."

"He's a great guy…"

"…but we always saw him like…"

"…like you."

"A part of the family…"

"…but not a real parent."

Now Suguru was positively alarmed.

"Look boys, Satoru is a great person, a good man. He could be a good father too you know."

Daisuke and Ryusuke looked at him with raised eyebrows, hearing the familiarity of the words he
had just said.


"…is Satoru our father?"


"I wonder where Suguru is," Utahime voiced out with a frown.

Orihime didn't answer; she didn't know where the doctor was either. Instead she continued playing
with the pendulum that was resting in the front of Suguru's desk.

Utahime checked her watch. It's been almost half an hour since he left. She didn't mind waiting of
course, since she didn't have anything else to do for the day. She's already left her second job ever
since Orihime's hospitalizations have decreased significantly as of late and since Satoru
contributions to the kids' needs like their clothes and then some.

Lately, all she's done is go to work as a coach, continuing with giving voice lessons. And other
than that, she's now able to sing her own songs and actually have them recorded thanks to
Gakuganji-san and Masamichi-san.

Things have been so great lately, she can't help but feel like something wrong might happen soon.
She's having no problem with money lately, she's starting to live out her dream as a real singer,
Orihime's health was coming along great for the longest time so far now, and all the kids are

Of course there was her problem with Satoru.

Orihime turned to her mother and looked at her curiously.

"Mommy?" she asked, snapping Utahime out of her own thoughts that involved herself and Satoru
in a tight embrace.

"Y-Yes? What is it?"

"Are you okay? Your face is really red," she pointed out, still staring at her.

Utahime's hand flew to her cheeks that were indeed hot under her touch.

"I-It's nothing! It's just a bit hot in here, that's all," she said with a guilty smile.

Satoru hadn't spoken to her ever since they shared that kiss four days ago. She thought it was bad
enough that he spoke to her so coolly ever since their truce, but now with him not speaking to her at
all, she felt even worse.

"W-What?" Suguru asked, even more startled than he already was.

"Is Satoru our father?" Daisuke repeated his brother's question.

"Why do you ask?" he asked, feeling uncomfortable now.

"Please just tell us the truth."


Sighing irritably, more to himself than anyone else for his own carelessness at his words, he
walked towards the boys and knelt down in front of them.

Without another word, Suguru sighed and nodded, looking down with remorse.

"We knew it!" Daisuke and Ryusuke exclaimed, jumping to their feet again, wide grins on their

Yet again, Suguru was startled. He lost count of just how many times he's been caught in surprise
ever since they entered the office.

"You knew? You knew Satoru was your father?" he asked incredulously.

Both boys nodded eagerly.

"But just now, you-"

"Acting," Daisuke informed him rather smugly.

"We were trying to fool you so you could tell us," Ryusuke added, just as smug as his brother.

Suguru still looked startled, and not as convinced, mainly due to the fact that he can't accept that
he's been fooled so completely by two 5 year olds. It seems that not only did they inherit their
father's good looks, but his talent as well.

The boys led him over to the sofa and sat on either side of him.

"We already thought Satoru might be our father when we first met him…"

"…because he looks so much like us."

"We thought that if our father was around, he might be like Satoru."

"We wanted him around, and when we got to know him more…"

"…we noticed he isn't like us that much after all."

"He's like Orihime-chan," they said in unison.

"When he's around us he's really fun…"

"…but we also watch him when he doesn't know it…"

"…and those times he's like Orihime-chan."

"He's very serious except when we're around."

If the boys weren't five year olds, Suguru would feel appalled at hearing this, but now, he just felt

"Then we noticed how Satoru is with mom…"

"…and how mom is with Satoru."

"They don't know it but we watch them when they're together too…"

"…and they look at each other differently."

"Like how those men who come and take mom away from home to go out at night with them…"

"Except mom looks at him like that too…

"…and we never saw mom look at anyone like that."

"Not even to you."

"So we thought that was also weird…"

"…since they just met."

"Then things started happening."

"Like what Riko said…"

"…when Orihime-chan got really sick again…"

"…and how Satoru's got really close to all of us lately…"

"…and then there was the time he and mom were kissing."

That said, the boys exhaled deeply and smiled even more broadly at him if it were possible. They
seem to be really happy with the whole situation and really pleased with themselves too.

"You figured it out all on your own after all that has happened?" he asked rather faintly.

"Well, no, not really," Ryusuke said, sheepishly.

"We had to ask Miko-san a lot of questions, like what 'suspecting' means," Daisuke said shrugging.

"And we had to ask the nurses at the front counter a lot of questions about mom and Orihime-chan
until we can ask about Satoru."

"The nurse who called me said she didn't tell you anything," Suguru said confidently.

"The other nice nurse there told us before you came."

"She said our father was kind enough to bring in all that stuff in for hime-chan the last time we
were here…"

"…and that she has never seen that many people crowd outside the hospital before."

"When she said that…"

"…we knew she meant Satoru."

They grinned at him yet again.

Suguru knew the boys were smart, but personally, he had never known them to be this smart. They
were five years old! Very close to turning six, yes, but nonetheless, they were still five!

"I can't believe this," he muttered, in between disbelief and being impressed by their wit.

"We wanted to believe it's Satoru from that start."

"But we wanted to hear it from someone we trust."

"We know mom won't tell us, and we don't even know if Miko knows."

"We didn't know if you knew too, so we tried to fool you now to see!"

"Then we knew you did when you said Satoru is a good man."

Placing a hand over his eyes and waving his other at the boys, Suguru didn't even bother saying a
word. He knew he slipped when he said that part, but he never even expected they would catch
him at it.

Daisuke and Ryusuke didn't say a word more after that. Instead, they waited for him to recover
first, and when he did, he sat them both, side by said with him kneeling down yet again in front of

"Boys," he started in serious tone. "Your mother and father know nothing of this. I told Utahime it
was best if she told you. As for Satoru, I don't know exactly how he plans to deal with all this. But
your parents have gone through a lot in the past. I don't know what they plan to do exactly, but it
would be nice if you don't force them into anything, okay?"

The boys didn't respond to this, instead only blinked back at him.

"I know you want your parents together, but promise me you won't try and force them back
together. Okay?"

"But why?" they asked in unison, upset at having to make such a promise to him.

"Something happened to your parents in the past, it's better if they solve their problem by
themselves. And then there's hime-chan, does she know about any of this? Did you tell her what
you know and…suspected?"

They both shook their head.

"I expect not," he replied more to himself than the boys, seeing as Orihime's health has been stable
for a while now, meaning she hasn't experienced any major changes emotionally for many weeks
now. "Promise me boys, that you won't tell her or your parents of what you have found out," he
said, more precisely.

"But what if they have to know?"

"What if they need our help?"

Suguru highly doubted both grownups needed the help of two five year old boys, but then again
these kids were not to be underestimated. Their capabilities seem to surpass his own expectations
every time.

"Very well, if you feel like they really need your help over their problem, then you may. But as
much as possible, try to let them work out their problem on their own. Okay? Promise?"

"We promise," they agreed without hesitation now.

"And what about Orihime-chan?"

"What will happen when she finds out?"

"I honestly don't know," Suguru said with a hint of worry in his tone.

This didn't reassure Daisuke or Ryusuke at all.

"La Paix dans Le Paradis"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER


Utahime eyed the boys curiously. They were back home now and still the looks on their faces
puzzled her to a high degree.

Ever since they entered into Suguru's office with Miko, they had looked very happy over
something then in the next minute, they looked almost distressed. After a couple of minutes, they
looked quite happy again. Their intermittent facial expressions worried her, more so than it amused

"Boys, is there something you want to tell me?" she asked, as she took off Orihime's jacket and
hung it up by the door while Miko did the same for the boys.

The two looked at her and shook their heads.

"Why do you ask?" they questioned in unison.

"You two look like you have a lot of things running through your mind," Utahime pointed out.

"It's nothing…"

"…we're just tired…"

"…that's all."

Utahime raised a brow at them, still doubtful and suspicious but nodded her head. "You three go
change then while Miko and I start dinner, we-" she stopped abruptly as the doorbell rang through
the house.

Looking behind her curiously and without moving a single step, Utahime reached for the door and
opened it.
If she had opened the door alone without the rest of her family beside her, she knew she would've
willingly fainted on the spot.

Right there, standing on the front porch, was Satoru looking as handsome as ever. This was
probably the only time Utahime had ever seen him up close in person looking so strikingly formal
and good-looking. He was wearing a jet black suit, with a snowy white undershirt, a thin black tie
and a red rose in his front pocket. All this would've looked normal on any man on business, but on
him, he looked almost mouth-watering. He looked absolutely gorgeous and it fitted him perfectly.

Utahime felt her mouth dry. She had to grip on the door handle even harder just to keep herself up
straight since her knees were taking the worst of his presence.

"Oh my," Miko whispered somewhere behind her.

"Wow!" the boys exclaimed with identical grins.

Orihime had merely looked up and was openly staring at him, with a much similar look as

Satoru raised a brow at Utahime's obviously surprised look and nodded at her without a word.

She immediately snapped back to her senses at this.

"C-Come in," she muttered, stepping aside.

"Thank you," he said before stepping inside and letting himself get pulled towards the living room
by the boys, with Orihime trailing after them.

Utahime looked back after them, a slight blush creeping up her cheeks before she turned to the
door. She noticed a man outside, standing by a limo that was parked just in front of their gate. The
man nodded at her and she nodded back with a smile before closing the door.

"I swear, that man is getting even more handsome by the day," Miko commented casually as she
took of her coat and hung it beside Utahime's. "Sometimes I forget that he's a hot-shot actor
whenever he's here with us."

Smiling back at Miko, Utahime followed her into the living room where the kids were openly
admiring his suit. Indeed, Satoru has been with them for months now, but has always blended with
them so easily that they somehow forget his actual status. But now, looking and dressed like this,
reminded her of just how different they were now from before. This man isn't her old, simple
boyfriend; this man is a famous, sought-after, and wealthy actor.

"So, what brings you here Satoru?" Ryusuke asked, still grinning at him.

"Yeah, you said you can't come over for a while since you'll be busy finishing your movie,"
Daisuke pointed out.

Satoru laughed at their eagerness. "Well, I decided to surprise you all by coming over. I'm done
filming all my scenes for the movie." As he said this, he turned to Utahime who immediately
covered her mouth and faked a cough. Though he knew better, he caught her gasp at his statement.

"Then that means you'll be coming over more now!" Ryusuke said excitedly, grinning like his

"Yes, well, about that," Satoru started hesitantly. "We'll have more time to talk about that later. For
now, you guys go get changed."

"Changed for what?"

This time, it was Orihime who asked. Satoru smiled broadly at her as she spoke out.

"I'll be taking all of you out tonight. It's a Friday, I figured your mother won't have any objections
since she won't have to work tomorrow. And since it's still early, today's perfect."

The triplets beamed at him as he said this before turning to their mother.

Utahime looked at Satoru then at her kids before giving a weak smile. This plan, she wasn't so sure
of. She didn't mind going out with Satoru again, she was pretty sure that what happened on their
first night out when Orihime got hospitalized in the end, won't happen again. What unnerved her
was Satoru himself. He was dressed so fine that she was sure she didn't have anything for the kids
to wear that would match him. Even she didn't have anything to wear that could match him. With
him dressed like that, Utahime could only imagine where he was planning to take all of them, and
she was downright sure she didn't fit there, nor did her kids.

'Or rather, our kids,' she amended thoughtfully, now feeling anxious.


This snapped Utahime out of her worrying. She turned to Orihime. "Yes honey?"

"Are we going?" the triplets asked her simultaneously, with a look of excitement.

"But, Miko is-"

"She's coming with us," Satoru cut in.

"Oh no, I can't!" Miko said hastily. "I have to meet with a few friends tonight," she reasoned before
turning to Utahime. "I already told you two days ago, remember?"

"Yes," Utahime replied simply. She had completely forgotten that Miko did tell her about her
dinner out with her old friends tonight.

"Then that settles it then," Satoru said, standing up from the sofa. "Since Miko will be out anyway,
then tonight is the perfect time for us to go out. That way you won't have to watch the kids by
yourself Utahime." Utahime smiled meekly at this. "Miko, would you mind helping the kids get
changed before you go?"

"Of course," she agreed before looking thoughtful. "Now, what to wear? I suppose the boys could
wear that black dress shirt you bought them those months ago Satoru."

Satoru shook his head at her. "Here," he said, picking up the two large paper bags from the sofa
and handing it to her. "I picked these up before I came here."

Mona peeked at its contents and beamed at Satoru before bustling out of the room.

"Come on kids!" she called out from the hallway.

The triplets jumped from their seats and bounded out after her.

"I…I'll go and help Miko then," Utahime said rather awkwardly before leaving the room without
waiting for another word from Satoru.

Riko frowned at her cell.

"Why aren't you answering?" she asked out loud. She had called Satoru five times already and still
no answer. She even sent him a text message, and still nothing.


"Mom? Are you okay?" Daisuke asked, looking at Utahime curiously.

"Just fine, why do you ask?" she asked, as she fixed Ryusuke's tie. Satoru had brought the boys
two- though much smaller –identical suits as his. From the thin black tie to the shiny black shoes,
it's similar to Satoru's in every way, except instead of a bloomed red rose, inside their front pockets
were a pink rose bud each that was only half-way in bloom.

"You look sad," Daisuke pointed out.

"Not sad, just tired," she assured them. She lingered more than she should in the boys' room, fixing
their outfits and trying to tame their hair, though without much success there, since she decided that
she won't be going out with them for the night.

"Aren't you going to get ready too?"

It was as if the boys read her mind. This happens quite a lot that it didn't shock Utahime at all. And
as if on cue, Miko knocked on the door and poked her head inside.

"Utahime, you better change already. You wouldn't want to keep Satoru waiting even longer.
Orihime's done changing. I just need you to do her hair. I still can't do that braid you once did on
her. I think it'll fit perfectly with the dress Satoru had brought for her. While you do her hair, I'll be
doing yours. I have the dress Satoru brought for you hung up and ready in your room."

She would be lying if Utahime said she wasn't utterly surprised at hearing this.




"Nanami? Where are you? Are you with Satoru? He isn't answering at all!"

Nanami made a face at his cell before replying almost begrudgingly. "Yes, I'm with Gojo-san. He
asked me to drive him somewhere tonight."

"What? Where?"

"He didn't tell me yet, he'll be giving me instructions as we leave later."

"Where are you?"

"I'm not really sure. He gave me instructions to drive him here. I'm just outside, waiting for him to
come out."
"Who is he with then?"

"I don't know! Like I said, I'm outside waiting for him. He's in the house right now," he said,
getting irritated at all her questions.

"Well, take note of the address for me, and whoever he's with. I'll be giving you a call later. And
don't tell Satoru I called you!"

"I-" Nanami glared at his cell when the line cut off. He knew Riko tended to worry a lot but this
was getting ridiculous. She almost sounded paranoid.


Utahime's face was still flushed crimson by the time she finished putting on her shoes.

Not only did Satoru bring a dress for her, but he had also included a pair of blood red, four-inch
heels with it as well.

"Oh my Lord," Miko said, looking very proud. "You look absolutely stunning!" she exclaimed,
gripping a blush brush and a curling iron to her chest.

Utahime blushed even more at the compliment before walking over towards the full-body mirror
behind her room door. Miko had indeed done well with styling her hair. Since they didn't have
time to do anything special with her hair, she had just curled large pieces of it with a curling iron.
She didn't know how she did it though because whenever Utahime used the curling iron herself, her
hair always looked like a mess, like a bird's nest. Now though, it looked bouncy and almost natural.

Miko had also done Utahime's make-up, though only after a lot of debating. Utahime was never
into wearing make-up besides the usual lip gloss and maybe a little powder. But now Miko
managed to put powder, a little blush, lipstick and lip gloss on her and also even a little eye
shadow- much to Utahime's dislike.

After all the arguing, begging and convincing though, she was finally ready. Her hair and make-up
looked as natural as it can be but it enhanced her beauty significantly.

"I-I can't wear this Miko," she argued faintly as she looked at herself in the mirror.

She did look stunning, her hair and make-up saw to that but in her opinion, the dress and the heels
Satoru had brought for her was the real reason behind her overall appearance right now.

It was a sleeveless cocktail dress in an almost fiery red with a demure neckline. It hugged her every
curve, from the curves of her breasts to her narrow waist, her rounded hips and ended a few inches
above her knees. The dress may look reserved in the front but it was the back that concerned
Utahime . Her back was totally bare and exposed down to the area above her waist where a sash
was tied like a ribbon and flowed to the hem line. Beads were sewn into the fabric in several areas,
making unique patterns and the fabric itself was light and slightly loose to move around in from the
waist down. In short, the dress was comfortable enough for her.

'Well, comfortable enough for a backless dress,' she thought, as she turned and eyed her bare back
again through the mirror.

And although the length of the dress was, thankfully, to her liking, the shoes made it look shorter
than it really was. She wasn't new to wearing such high heels since she sometimes wore high heels
to work due to her constant consciousness of her height, but the four-inch heels seemed to give her
more than a boost in height. It actually made her legs look a mile long.

It really has been too long since Utahime felt this good about herself.

"That's more like it," Miko said approvingly, noting the smile creeping up the corners of Utahime's
lips. "Smile Utahime , you look beautiful!"

"Thank you Miko," she said earnestly. "It's just…I haven't dressed up like this for the longest time.
It just feels surreal."

"You deserve to have fun once in awhile too my dear," Miko said, placing a hand on Utahime's
cheek. "You of all people deserve to have fun."

Utahime smiled at her and took her purse from the bed.


"You two look really cool," Satoru said truthfully though with a laugh to his tone as Daisuke and
Ryusuke sauntered inside the living room with their hands inside their pant pockets, wiggling their
brows at him as they did.

The two grinned up at him.

"Mom, tried to flatten our hair with hair wax…"

"…but it won't stay."

Satoru chuckled at this. That's exactly what he did to his hair but it didn't stay either and now all
three of them had similar hair, messy but cool.

"Are we gonna wear any hats tonight?"

Satoru shook his head. "We won't need any hats at the place where we're going."

"Where's that?"

"That's a secret," he answered with a grin.

The boys raised a brow at him, making him laugh. They really did look too much like him.

"What's so funny?" the boys asked simultaneously.

Satoru bent down and eyed them both. "Nothing, you two just remind me a lot of myself when I
was your age. That's all."

Daisuke and Ryusuke beamed at this statement. Satoru even noticed that they actually looked
proud to be told that they were like him. He looked at them curiously.

"What is it?" Ryusuke asked.

Satoru shook his head and stood back up. "Where's your mom and sister?"

"She- there!" Daisuke said, nodding to the living room doorway.

Orihime peeked in the room before slowly walking towards her brothers, a natural blush on her

"Nice dress Hime-chan!" Ryusuke complimented.

"Yeah, you look great!" Daisuke agreed.

Orihime giggled and twirled once then smiled at her brothers. She was wearing a sleeveless pink
dress that had a ruffled skirt that ended at her knees with a large bow around her waist that tied to
the back. Although her hair was short, it was done in a complicated braid with thin pink ribbons.
She even had gloves that ended by her wrists on which matched her dress.

"You look very pretty Orihime ," Satoru complimented, looking down at her and reminding him of
Utahime when they were just kids.

"Thank you," she said, smiling up at him. "I like the dress and I really like the shoes too!" she
added, raising one foot up and looking at her shoes that were the same pink as her dress, with a
short heel and ribbons that were tied around her ankles like ballet shoes.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. I thought you would look really cute wearing it, and I was

Orihime blushed even more before walking towards him and standing beside him, holding onto his
pant leg. "Mommy's coming," she informed shyly.

This was the first ever time she showed any sort of acceptance of Satoru and it made him so happy.
He would've willingly taken her in his arms and twirled her around the room in a dance!

He had also seriously considered doing just that too if it weren't for the arrival of probably the most
beautiful creature he had ever set his eyes upon.

"Orihime, don't forget your coat. It might be …" Utahime trailed off at the look Satoru was giving

"Mommy?" Orihime asked, not moving from her spot beside Satoru.

"…chilly outside," she finished almost lamely. She blushed even more before tearing her gaze
away from the man in front of her and down to her daughter. "Here," she said, bending down
slightly and holding the white furry coat up for Orihime to put her arms through.

"Wow mom! You look really great!"

"Yeah, very pretty!"

"Right Satoru?" the boys finished, looking up at him with a knowing grin. They promised Suguru
not to help, and now, they weren't really helping. They were really just asking a question.

Satoru snapped out of his thoughts immediately. He looked down at the boys then back to

"Yes, you look great Utahime," he said with a slight cough.

The boys frowned slightly at this.

"Is this new mommy?" Orihime asked, feeling the fur on her coat. "It's really soft!"

"Thank you," Utahime said, still blushing like mad before turning to Orihime. "Yes, Satoru got that
for you along with your dress and shoes."

Orihime turned to thank Satoru again before she was led towards the door by her brothers.

"Where's Miko?" Satoru asked as he picked up the last and smaller package on the sofa before
following Utahime towards the door.

"She's still fixing up things in the boys' room. She'll do the locking up when she leaves," she
informed him just as the kids ran out the door. "Children! Don't go running off on the street!"

"We know mom!" they all shouted back from outside.

Utahime can't help but smile before her teeth ended up chattering instead. She had only stepped out
to the porch when a strong gust of wind chose that moment to pass them. She withdrew her foot
back into the house instead.

"I think I have to bring my own coat as-" she stopped as she felt the smooth fur come in contact
with the bare skin on her back. She turned to the side slightly and saw Satoru hold the white fur
coat, somewhat similar to Orihime 's, slightly above her shoulder.

Without a word, she slipped her arms through and Satoru dropped his hands on her shoulders,
making her stiffen at his touch although the coat was between his hands and her skin.

She felt her knees start to fail on her yet again as she felt Satoru's breathing on her neck by her ear.

"You caught me off guard earlier," he said into her ear, making her shiver even if the coat did a lot
to warm her up. "You look absolutely stunning tonight, Utahime."

Her breathing hitched again as she slowly turned to face him. He was still slightly bent down
towards her, his face was only inches away. She didn't know if it was the dress, or her make-up, or
maybe it was everything new about herself tonight that gave her the courage to do what she did

"So do you, Satoru ," she admitted in a whisper, placing a hand on his cheek and placing a short
and chaste kiss on his lips. "And thank you," she added, smiling at him after pulling back.

Satoru said nothing, instead stood back straight and followed Utahime outside the house.



"What is it now?"

"Don't speak to me like that!" Riko hissed, getting angrier by the minute. "I gave you much time
already. Where's Satoru now?"

"I can speak however I want Riko. It's getting late and I'm tired from driving. It was a long drive to
get here. I just dropped Satoru off."

"Dropped him off where exactly?" she asked, getting up from her seat.

"At the docks. He asked me to drop them all off at the Tokyo port."

"Them? Who was he with then?"

"The twins from before."

"Anyone else?" she persisted, getting annoyed at the man's vagueness.

"Why does it matter to you so much who he's with?"

"Just answer my damned question!" she shrieked.

"Riko, I know those kids and the rest of them will do nothing to harm Gojo-san. Okay? I can vouch
for them. So calm the hell down. Gojo-san didn't give me instructions whether or not to tell anyone
or not, and I know he trusts you too, but if he didn't tell you, then he must have his reasons. If you
want to know so badly then ask him, not me. Good night, Riko."

Before she could even get another word out, she was met by silence as Nanami cut the line. She
made a loud sound of frustration before slamming her cell shut and gripping it so tightly, it was a
wonder it didn't crumble under her fingers.


The triplets were in awe. And much to Satoru's amusement, so was Utahime . All four of them
were openly gaping at the view.

"Satoru, where are we?" Utahime said, her voice in obvious admiration at everything her eyes set
its sight on.

"La Paix dans Le Paradis," he replied simply, walking towards the rail and settling his arms on it.

"Peace in Paradise," she translated, smiling.

The name fitted the yacht perfectly.

Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.
CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER


The view was even more breathtaking at the topmost deck of the yacht as Utahime soon
discovered. Satoru had given them a tour of the yacht which, to her surprise, compromised of
several floors. The bottom most part of the cruiser was the engine room, the floor above that were
filled with rooms for the staff along with the kitchens. The floor above that, which was the ground
floor upon entrance, were the lounge area and the dining area. The floor above that was a game
room and in the rear area was a large Jacuzzi. The floor above that were a few extravagantly
decorated rooms. Finally, the last floor, which was where they were now, was the top deck.

Utahime knew that area must have been usually bare or maybe filled with umbrellas and a few
folding beach beds, but tonight, there was instead in the center, a large round table covered in a
white table cloth, the wind making the hem flow lightly. On top was a dinner setting for five,
complete with a beautiful floral center piece with candles in between.

"Satoru, it's beautiful, you didn't have to do all this. We could've just had dinner somewhere in the
city," she said, caught between amazement and guilt.

Satoru, who was standing beside her, watched as the kids ran to the table and argued about who
was sitting where. "I know," he replied without looking at her. "But seeing as the last time we all
went out in public didn't turn out too good. I believe this is a much better and safer choice."

Utahime blushed lightly and didn't say another word in the matter.

"Come," Satoru said holding an arm out to her. "I think it's better if we at least act normally around
the kids. I want this night to be special for them."

Taking his arm, she allowed Satoru to lead her towards the table slowly. "What do you mean? Why
do you want this night to be special for them?"
"I plan to tell them the truth, Utahime." Utahime's grip on his arm tightened as he said this. Satoru
turned to look at her. "What is it?"

"I…H-How do you plan on telling them?" she whispered, looking at him worriedly.

"Slowly," he replied vaguely. "I want to show them a good time first. That's also why I decided
going out to sea would be best."

"Going out to sea?" Utahime repeated, lost. "How long do you plan to keep us here anyway?"

"For the entire weekend. Did I forget to mention that to you at the house?"

"Y-You might have missed that particular detail," she said, turning pale.

"Well, now you know," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Now, let's go have dinner first. I
expect the kids must be hungry by now."

"Wait! We can't stay here on this boat with you for three days!" she yelled at him under her breath,
careful not to let the kids hear her. Satoru frowned at her. "W-We didn't bring any clothes at all. All
we have are the clothes we're wearing now. We can't possibly go-"

"It's already taken care of," he interjected with a raised hand. "Utahime," he added more seriously.
"They are my kids too. I want them to know the truth. I-"



The adults looked up towards the table. The triplets were motioning them over to join them.

"We'll be there in a moment!" Satoru called out before turning back to Utahime. "Look, I'm done
filming. So that means I'll be leaving Japan as soon as I get another job offer for another movie. I
don't know when that is exactly but before that happens, I want them to know the truth. It might
hurt them, or it might make them happy. Personally, I want them to be happy to know that I'm their
father. And though you may deserve to be hated by them if they find out that you've kept this
secret from them and from me all these years, I don't want the kids to be any more confused and
distressed about it. I just want them to know the truth and that's it."

"But what if you do leave Japan?" Utahime asked, her voice with a hint of desperation.

Satoru caught her tone. Was Utahime worried about him taking the kids with him or that he would
leave them, including her?

"We'll think of something later. For now, I just want them to know that I'm their father."

Utahime sighed, and nodded in understanding. He wasn't asking much. In fact, he's asking less
than he should and because of that, she couldn't help but feel guilty about this whole ordeal all over

Satoru held out his arm to her again, and again she took it.

"For now though," he said, a smile on his face. "Let's try to have a good time?"

Utahime smiled back at him and nodded.

As they walked towards the table, Utahime watched Satoru's every move. He really was a good
man. Sometimes, even she couldn't believe she actually broke his heart so cruelly all those years
ago. Even now, he was acting so civilly towards her, being so kind to her even if she knew full well
that he hated himself for it. Satoru was torn between his feelings for her. She knew it the moment
he kissed her outside their house a few days ago. The way he looked at her. His eyes were full of
pain and…something else. She wanted to say she saw love in his eyes, but she didn't want to think
ahead of herself. She didn't deserve Satoru. After everything she had done, she doesn't deserve him
at all.


His voice snapped her out of her thoughts. He had pulled out and was holding the back of an empty
chair for her.

"Thank you," she said, smiling at him and letting go of her hold on his arm.


"Seriously, is there nothing going on that's interesting at all?" the woman moaned in
disappointment, letting her head fall on her arms atop the table.

After a few seconds, the phone rang almost immediately.Lazily, grabbing the receiver, she held it
to her ear. "Hello?"

"I have a tip for you."

"Hello? Who is this?" she asked, sitting up straight on her seat now.

"Never mind that, I have a tip. The actor, Gojo Satoru, is on a yacht which , as of this moment, is
only just a bit off the Tokyo port. If you head out now and tail him, you might find him and his
company quite interesting. It'll certainly make a good story."

"Who was it Nobara?"

Nobara looked at the receiver curiously before replacing it back on the cradle.

"We just received a tip," she said, grinning at her crew. "Ready the equipment. And tell the boss
we need to borrow a speedboat. Be ready to leave in ten minutes!"


Daisuke burped loudly, making Ryusuke laugh and Orihime giggle.

"Dai-kun!" Utahime scolded with a disapproving look.

The little boy merely grinned back at her. "Sorry mom."

Satoru chuckled. "I expect you enjoyed dinner then?"

The triplets nodded at him.

"Thank you for the food," they said simultaneously.

"It was delicious," Utahime added.

"I hope everyone can still handle dessert."

That said, three waiters and two waitresses appeared from the stairs and walked towards them.
They refilled their drinking glasses, took away the plates and what remained of the dishes and
replaced them with smaller plates, a large chocolate cake, small cups of chocolate mousse, and
small cups of different colored gelatin.

"Dig in!" Satoru announced as the staff disappeared yet again.

"Slowly," Utahime added, seeing the starry-eyed looks the kids had, especially the boys.


"I told you to keep the flash off!" Nobara hissed, as she bent down low.

Then two men smiled apologetically at her. "Sorry Nobara."

"If Gojo notices or even just suspects us, then coming out here will be a total waste!" She peeked
out of her spot and peered through her binoculars. "It looks like he didn't notice."

Her company sighed in relief.

"Okay, try taking the shots again, and this time, no flash. The lights on his yacht are giving off
light for a clear enough shot if they get close enough. If that doesn't work, then we'll just have to
settle with Night mode."

"Hai," everyone chorused in hushed voices.


"Looks like somebody's getting tired," Satoru pointed out, smiling.

Utahime followed his gaze and turned to Orihime whose head was lowering forward and
immediately back up again. She was falling in and out of sleep.

Orihime shook her head and looked around her. She was looking at her mother and Satoru and her
brothers who were looking at her with half-lidded eyes too.

"I-I'm not sleepy yet!" she defended, before her head tipped to the side yet again.

Satoru chuckled and Utahime giggled watching her.

"Really, I'm not! Right Ryu…" her voice trailed off at this.

"Yeah, we're not sleepy yet too, honest," Ryusuke said, although he looked like he was about to fall
off his chair as well.

"We don't wanna leave yet. We can still stay up," Daisuke reasoned out, and he was already
gripping hard on his chair, fighting sleep as much as he can.

Utahime turned to Satoru who nodded back at her. He left his seat and went over to carry the boys
in each of his arms as Utahime did the same to Orihime.

"Follow me," he said, leading the way down the stairs slowly and towards the lower floor.

They had walked past a room with dark wooden double doors, and past another room that had
wooden double doors in pale white, and into the third set of double doors.
Satoru let Utahime pass him and turn down the white covers of the queen sized bed with her free
arm before he laid the boys down beside their sister on the other side.

"Where are their change of clothes?" Utahime whispered, and he nodded to the closet on the other
side of the rather large room.

Utahime was surprised to see that the closet was stocked full of clothes. Two-thirds of the closet
was full of clothes, shoes and other things for the boys whilst the last third was full of more
feminine things obviously meant for Orihime. She took out three sets of sleeping clothes for the
children and brought them back to the bed where she and Satoru slowly began changing them out
of their dinner clothes and into their pajamas.

As the pair was about to leave the room, a tiny voice unexpectedly called out.

"Mommy?" Orihime called out, making Utahime stop and turn to her. "Sing for me, please?" she
asked, making her mother nod at her in ascent.

Utahime sat beside her on the bed and started stroking her hair before she turned to Satoru who
was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed in front of him, waiting. She smiled
apprehensively before turning back to Orihime whose eyes were already half closed but waiting for
her to begin.

Satoru watched from his spot, unmoving and in silence. This was the third time he had heard
Utahime say the very words he had written for her. Once again tonight, once when he first heard
her sing it to Orihime those months ago, and once five years ago when she was still trying to create
a tune to the poem the day he had given it to her. He had recited the poem to her that day but she
insisted on keeping the paper he had written it on and so he had given it to her, and she had
immediately read it out loud again, humming between lines as she did.

He watched her, as she continued stroking Orihime's hair until the little girl's eyes shut to a close,
and he watched as Utahime's own amber pair closed as well. She had fallen into the song. And he
didn't notice it but he did as well. Because the next time he opened his eyes, Utahime was making
her way towards him, her eyes glassy with unshed tears.

Utahime turned the light off from the switch by the wall near Satoru before following him outside
the room and closing the door silently behind her.

"You'll be sleeping here," Satoru said, indicating the white double doors as they neared it. Noticing
Utahime slow down to a stop, Satoru immediately added, "I need to talk to you for a while."

She watched his retreating form for a while before following him outside and up towards the upper


"They're back Nobara!"

Nobara scrambled to her feet and practically ran to the edge, rocking the speedboat, making the
crew hold on to the sides for support. She looked on towards the large yacht through her binoculars
and bit her lip in anticipation.

"It's just the two of them now," said one of the men with a camera that had a lens attached to it
which was more than a foot long.

"I can see that," Nobara said, rolling her eyes. "Be ready to take multiple shots. Things might get
juicy now without those kids up there with them."


"What did you want to talk about?" Utahime asked, leaning onto the railing beside Satoru, and
pulling the fur coat closer over her shoulders. The wind was picking up and though the yacht was
sailing at a very slow pace you could barely feel the cruiser move, it still picked up much of the sea

Satoru didn't answer, instead pushed himself off the railing, retrieved a pair of champagne glasses
filled them to the brim with wine and handed her one before settling himself back beside her.

Utahime looked at the contents of the glass.

"I'm not trying to get you drunk or anything," he pointed out with a raised brow. His glass was half
empty already. "I just thought you could warm yourself a bit."

"O-Of course," she said, blushing for the nth time that night as she took a generous sip. The liquid
felt surprisingly hot down her throat before it settled in her stomach that she actually coughed a bit.

He raised a brow at her again.

She smiled back weakly before taking another, much smaller, sip.

"How do you propose I tell the kids tomorrow?" he asked, seriously wanting to consider her ideas.
She knew the kids best after all.

"Before we get to that Satoru," she said hesitantly, making him look at her. "I…I need to tell you

"What about?" he asked, before downing the rest of his drink and returning to the table and taking
the whole bottle with him back to her.

"It's about, well, everything."

"You have to be a bit more specific Utahime." he said almost jokingly.

Utahime smiled faintly before breathing in deeply. "I'm sorry I left five years ago. I'm sorry for not
telling you I was pregnant when I found out, even though I only found out after I left. I'm sorry at
what all this," she said, raising her arms in the air, "must be doing to you. You've been working
hard all this time with your movie and all the while coming over to spend time with the kids, trying
to win them over when they're supposed to like you from the beginning seeing as you're their
father. I'm sorry for how much you've spent on them for the past few months. I'm sorry for all the
emotional drama this must be causing you. And I'm sorry for…"

Satoru looked at her now, noticing her trail off on her words.

"…I…I'm sorry for kissing you earlier," she added in a low voice, looking away from him, her face

Utahime gulped down what was left of the liquid in her glass as she finished.

"You do know that some things need more than just a verbal apology to earn forgiveness?" he said
in a light tone, tipping the bottle of wine and filling her glass full again.

She smiled at this. "Of course. Right now, I even feel like I owe you at least ten years of servitude
or something."

Satoru chuckled at this in spite of himself. He had lost his grip on his mind and his body, and
unfortunately his wretched heart ever since he saw her in that damned dress which he had
personally picked out for her. And the damned heels weren't helping either. Neither was her wavy
long hair and her glow which he knew her make-up did nothing but amplify. When he had decided
on this little escapade, it was for the sole reason to win his kids' favor and to have them accept him
more easily. Utahime was supposed to be an extra, a little detail to his plan. And yet now, he finds
himself actually wanting her to play a large role in it. Ever since he kissed her four days ago, he
had purposely avoided her and the kids for a few days to forget about it. He wanted to believe that
he was annoyed, that he was angry with her, but in truth, he wasn't anymore, and that made him
angrier although more to himself than to Utahime.

Then she went along and kissed him. It was a little peck, he knew it was, but she still kissed him
willingly. She kissed him, and not the other way around.

"Shit," he hissed under his breath. His emotions were getting the better of him again. 'This is the
woman, who left you Satoru,' he reminded himself. 'But she apologized, and she did say she left
you due to your career. If she hadn't left, you wouldn't be this rich and famous now,' countered the
more rational part of him. 'Yes and now that you're rich and famous, she's trying to win you over so
she can be rich and be famous too for being with you!' the irrational part of him pressed on. 'You
know Utahime's not like that Satoru. How can she raise your kids to be as they are now if she was
like that? You know it in your heart that she's not,' the better side of him countered yet again. 'You
have no heart!'

That one final thought got to Satoru the most. Did he have a heart? Of course he still did, though he
realized this only just recently. If he didn't, then he wouldn't be feeling all this longing for Utahime
all over again.

'Longing?' he thought with a frown. How much did he want the woman beside him? He turned to
Utahime who was looking out towards the sea, a faraway expression on her face. Did he really
want her back in her life?

Satoru sighed irritably and downed another glass of his wine. As much as he didn't want to admit
it, he did. He did want Utahime back. But he can't- no, won't allow himself to. Not when things are
as they are now. He knew deep down that Utahime still had feelings for him. How else would
things turn out as they did now after all these months if she still didn't feel something for him?
What he wanted most of all before he would even allow himself to consider getting her back, is the
truth. He knew something was wrong when Utahime explained to him why she had left five years
ago. And being in this business, being an actor actually increased his flair for spotting liars.
Utahime might have told him the truth that time when he asked her, but he knew she wasn't telling
him the entire truth either.

" Utahime," he said, getting her attention. "I'll forgive you, if you answer my question honestly."

Utahime looked at him, not saying a word. She knew what he was going to ask, and already her
mind was racing on how to answer him again.

"Utahime?" Satoru repeated, noticing her composure falter.

"Yes?" she squeaked.

"Will you answer this one question honestly?" he asked again, wanting her word more than
It took her over a minute before she finally nodded her head. "If," she added quickly. "If you
promise not to hate me more than you do now when I give you my answer, and if you promise to
believe my answer to that one question."

"I promise not to hate you more than I do now when you answer me, but what do you mean I
should promise to believe you?"

Utahime almost smiled sadly at him. "If you promise to believe my answer, then I promise to
answer your one question truthfully and completely." Seeing the puzzled and almost accusatory
look on his face, she added, "I already know what you're going to ask me Satoru."

Satoru watched her every move as she sighed again and returned her gaze to the dark and open

"Enlighten me then," he said, still watching her closely.

"You haven't promised me that you would believe my every word. You have to promise me that,
no matter how unbelievable my answer may seem to you."

Just like Utahime, Satoru paused to think about her condition. She already seems to expect that he
wouldn't believe her. He knew it was not the sort of promise he should make. Promising to believe
something he didn't even know yet was already wrong in itself. What if she told him she had to
leave suddenly five years ago due to a sudden offer she got to travel to the moon? How could he
possibly believe that?

"I promise to believe whatever your answer will be," he said before taking another sip of his wine.
Whatever Utahime's reason was, he knew there would be truth behind it. Or rather, he hoped there
would be truth behind it.

"Okay, ask me your one question then."

"Why did you leave me five years ago?"

A small smile crept to her lips as he asked the very question she dreaded yet again.

"I knew you were going to ask me that again. I suppose my last answer didn't suffice?" she said
with a rather sad and halfhearted laugh.

"Not in the least," he said, watching her even more closely now for any sign of a misgiving.

"I knew it wouldn't of course. I was just hoping you wouldn't bother asking me again," she
explained before taking a deep sigh and turning to look at him straight in the eye. "I left...because I
was told to leave, Satoru."

Satoru didn't expect that. Not at all. His brows furrowed immediately. "What-"

She raised a hand for him to stop and let her continue, which he did, though still with a frown on
his face.

"Five, almost six years ago, remember that show we went to for JJKtv? We prepared for months
for that event, you with your monologue and me with my singing. Of course I ended up not going
on that show because I was too scared and too self-conscious. So I ended up not signing up the
roster by the time they accepted applicants."

Satoru nodded. Of course he remembered. How could he even forget? He certainly tried to forget
everything in the past that he had shared with Utahime but to no success.

"Well, that day…"

"Five Years Ago"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER

See the end of the chapter for more notes


"Five Years Ago"

A 21 year old Utahime bit her bottom lip nervously, her shoes tapping the floor constantly before
she resumed her pacing.

"hime, really, it's like you're the one whose going up on stage," Satoru said, a brow raised at his
girlfriend who merely smiled guiltily back at him.

"I'm sorry Satoru," she said, sighing. She took one more look at the large television screen down
the hall outside before closing the door and sitting back down beside him.

"I still don't get why they listed you to perform last for today. And why didn't they ever put a TV in
here anyway? It's the waiting room for those coming up next on stage isn't it? There should be a
TV in here!"

Satoru chuckled before taking her chin between his thumb and index finger, turning her gaze to
look at him. He looked at her, a grin on his face before kissing her.

She smiled against his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her onto his lap.

He held her in place with an arm around her waist, his other hand now cupping the side of her

Utahime moaned slightly as his tongue gained entrance into her mouth, battling a war against her
own for dominance, although she always let him win in the end. She ran a hand through his unruly
hair and sighed contentedly as he continued kissing her thoroughly, slowly becoming aware of his
hand slowly creeping up the front of her shirt.

"Gojo," she warned as he started to trail his kisses down to her neck, making her giggle as he
reached her most sensitive spot.

"Mmm…" he replied, not stopping his licking and kissing on her soft skin.

"We can't do this here," she said, taking hold of his wandering hand with her own and pulling it
back around her waist.

Satoru snickered before pulling back and grinning at her.

"You know why they don't put televisions in here?" he asked, catching her by surprise. She shook
her head. "It'll make the upcoming performers nervous, more nervous than they already are. And
do you know why they put my name up last for the day?" he asked, earning him another shake of
the head from his best friend of thirteen years and girlfriend of six years. "It's so I can do this," he
said, giving Utahime a long and passionate kiss on the lips, "without getting caught."

Utahime smiled at him and pulled him closer towards her for another kiss.

Not another minute later though, and someone had cleared their throat from behind Utahime,
causing her to jump and scramble to her feet, almost sending herself to the ground.

This obviously amused Satoru greatly because he had snorted rather loudly, trying to suppress his
laughter, earning him a glare from Utahime.

"You're up in ten minutes Gojo-san," the woman from the doorway said, looking at him and
Utahime curiously.

Satoru nodded at her before turning to Utahime and hugging her. "Wish me luck?"

Utahime sighed and tiptoed to give him one final kiss. She pulled back not long after though since
she was aware of the woman's presence still by the doorway. "Good luck anata," she whispered
into his ear, making him grin down at her.

"Thank you hime," he said, leaving a parting kiss on her forehead. "I love you."

"And I, you."

"Gojo-san?" the woman said, getting their attention once more.

"Hai, I'm coming," he said, winking at Utahime once before following the woman out the door and
down the hallway.


"You two really are something."

Satoru turned to the woman and grinned at her. "I've known her since we were kids, when I was
still 10 years old. We've been together since my last year of high school, she was one year my
junior. I lost my parents in an accident when I was 19 but we only grew even stronger together
since then. We've even attended the same college," he explained without hesitation.

Riko heard the pride in his voice from talking about his girlfriend but she was caught off guard at
how easily he was able to talk about his history. "She's aspiring to become an actress too? Why
didn't she join the show with you?" she asked, not wanting to impose on his more personal affairs.
He might be thinking that this was typical of her to do an informal interview of the contestants.

"No, I majored in acting, she majored in music," he explained as they stopped right beside the
stage where a girl who looked a few years older than him was still performing. "We agreed to join
together but she's a really shy person in front of an audience. It's a waste though; she has the most
amazing voice."

"I don't doubt that," she replied with a smile, making Satoru grin even broadly at her. "Sorry, I
didn't introduce myself, my name is Riko Amanai."

Satoru shook her hand, bowing his head slightly. "Nice to meet you. Do you work here at JJKtv?"

"Sort of," she said looking thoughtful. "I'm actually a manager but my superior who owns this
company insisted I work around the studio for awhile. He says I might find the next star here."

A loud applause then erupted from the front of the stage.

"That's your cue," she said, nodding at Satoru.

"Thanks for the chat. It really helped take my mind off things. And I wouldn't count on you finding
the next star here any time soon," he said, walking up the steps and stopping by the heavy curtains
beside the stage.

"Why is that?" she called out before she could stop herself.

Satoru was startled but smiled back at her. "You already found him!" he said with a wink and
laughed as he made his way on stage and waved to the crowd.

Riko watched the young man on stage rather interestedly. His entrance actually caught the
audience off guard, whether it was because of his undeniable good looks or because of his
seemingly fun disposition that was immediately replaced with a blank mask as he started his
performance with a total change of character.

She looked down at her clipboard and flipped it to the very last page.

"Gojo Satoru, huh," she said, reading the information on the bio-sheet and smiling to herself.


It was now officially two weeks since Satoru's performance at the JJKtv studio, and Utahime was
getting worried.

"Hime, please?"

"I can't help it Satoru, it can't take them this long to decide, can it?" she asked, biting her lower lip

"Maybe I didn't get in," he said with a shrug, biting her earlobe playfully, trying to get her to relax.
Every time she was worried about anything either serious or not, the only way he could get her to
relax is through his teasing. "There are loads of shows and events I can still join. And maybe this
time, you can come with me and actually perform too."

"But I know you've been looking forward to this one in particular. We've trained for this for months
after all," she said, frowning.

Satoru pulled back and looked at her before rolling on the bed with him on top of her.

"Utahime," he said, serious now, pushing her hair away from her face to look at her more closely.
"I'm happy right now. Here, with you, in this apartment. I don't care if I don't become filthy rich
and famous as an actor, as long as you're beside me. I don't mind just being on commercials, or
playing small parts, or just starring in independent films. I'm happy doing those as long as you're
around. Understand?"

Utahime didn't feel reassured hearing that although her heart was swelling with love for the man
on top of her right now. Even if he was pinning her arms above her head with a very firm grip. "I

"Good, now, how about I ease your worry?" he suggested with a mischievous grin before kissing
the sensitive spot on her neck, causing her to half giggle and half moan.

"Satoru," she said with a sigh not a minute later.

"What now?" he asked, not stopping as he trailed even lower.

"Something's ringing," she said in a satisfied tone as he continued kissing her.

"That's just the new tone I set for my cell," he said unconcernedly.

Utahime on the other hand felt different. Her half-lidded eyes snapped open as she
unceremoniously- and forcefully -pushed Satoru off her.

"Hime!" he said as she started to search through the mess of clothes on the floor.

"Where did you put your cell?" she asked, frantically searching through the pockets of his jacket.
Most of their clothes were scattered on the floor except for their underwear and their shirts which
were all that they were wearing at that moment.

Satoru moaned and dropped to the bed.

"Found it!" Utahime yelled triumphantly as she pulled the cell from his pant pocket. As she looked
at the screen, she froze. "S-Satoru?"

He looked over at her and noticed her face was pale.

She handed the cell to him stiffly and sat on the floor, resting her arms on the bed beside his head
as he saw the caller's ID. It was JJKtv.

"Answer it," she insisted with a nod.

Satoru rolled onto his stomach and cleared his throat before answering the call.

"Hello?" he said, his throat now dry. "Yes, this is he. Yes…no, of course not," he replied with a
laugh. Utahime watched him as he answered and laughed in between during the conversation.
"Yes, I'll make sure of it….yes, okay…thank you for taking the time to call. Good bye."

Utahime sat quite still, watching Satoru toss his cell on top of the pile of clothes on the floor.

"S-So?" she finally asked, not able to take the tension anymore and Satoru's facial reaction did
nothing to ease her curiosity. He had remained passive through the whole call.

"So?" he echoed, finally looking at her.

"Did you get in the final ten?" she urged getting irritated.

"What do you think?" he asked with a frown.

Utahime could feel her world crash for him.

"Oh, I'm sorry Satoru," she said, getting up and sitting on the bed beside him and hugged him

Not a moment later, Satoru pushed her onto the bed, with his signature smirk on his face.

"Honestly Hime, I never knew I was that good of an actor yet," he said, making the girl beneath
her look up at him with a blank look on her face. "And it hurts to think that my own girlfriend
would doubt even for a moment that I ever got in or not," he added with a grin.



"I thought you-" she cut off, realization only just surfacing into her mind. "You…you jerk!" she
shrieked, grabbing a pillow and smacking it hard on the side of his face, sending him flying off of

Satoru laughed and immediately ran out of the room.

"Come back here you despicable bastard!" she shouted after him, trying to untangle herself from
the sheets which she only just noticed, Satoru managed to wrap around her earlier.

"I'm insulted Utahime!" he shouted back in mock hurt from somewhere outside the bedroom. "I can
assure you that I am a legitimately born child!" he added with a laugh.


"Welcome to Tokyo everyone! And congratulations to you all for making it into the top ten! Each of
you represents the different cities or towns you all reside in, so you must be very proud!"

Everyone seated in the many lined chairs clapped as the host settled himself in front of a podium
off to the side of the stage.

"Now, as part of the ten finalist of the acting category in this event, this part of the show, as you all
may already now, is private for you and your loved ones," he said, eyeing one side of the audience
where the ten candidates sat and then towards the much larger group on the other side where their
families sat, or in others' like Satoru case, their girlfriend or boyfriend. "Now about this part of the
contest, it shall still be aired to the public of course but you won't have any time to prepare for
your performance."

This caused the audience to break out in hushed murmurs at this turn of events.

"Yes, that's right. Sometimes we all have to be ready for anything even without prior notice; to be
able to improvise, as the industry would like to call it. Now for more specific instructions, I'll be
picking out names randomly from this hat," he said, taking off his long, black top hat, only to
reveal that he was wearing a black bowler hat underneath it, causing the audience to laugh. "After
I call out your name, you will come up here on stage and pick out random sheets of paper from this
hat," he said, removing his bowler hat. "The papers in this second hat shall contain themes in
which you are given a minimum of five minutes to think of a short skit to perform here on stage for
a maximum of only ten minutes."

The murmuring within the audience heightened as this was announced.

"Now, shall we begin?"

Eight candidates had already gone on stage. Some of them were very good, though Utahime didn't
want to admit it, and some of them cracked under pressure at a loss of what to do and actually
ended up choking on stage.

"Gojo Satoru from Kyoto!" the host called out after reading the name on the paper.

Utahime watched as Satoru took a deep breath and stood from his seat. He turned towards her and
winked before making his way up the stage and picking a theme from the second hat.


"There he is," Yaga said, slamming a fist on the table in the meeting room.

Everyone else seated around the rectangular table turned to him before looking at the large flat
screen TV on the opposite wall.

"His name is Gojo Satoru, the finalist from the applicants of Kyoto," supplied a young woman who
was standing at the side with a few other people of average rank in the company. "23 years old,
single, and a college graduate with a degree in Fine Arts, majoring in Acting, He lives in an
apartment with his long-term girlfriend."

"Do you know him Amanai-san?" Yaga asked, looking at Riko curiously.

"Not really but I've spoken to him before. I was at Kyoto for his performance the day before the top
ten finalists were chosen from each district," she said.

"How's his personality?" he asked, looking back at the TV with a scrutinizing gaze as he walked
around the stage, looking thoughtful for the five minute time allotted for him to prepare for his

"Very first-rate," Riko said with an approving tone. "He's down to Earth, cheeky and even a bit
overconfident," she said with a smile, remembering their first and only conversation.


Everyone fell in silence as they watched Satoru start his performance, all of which, as it went on
and ended at only eight minutes, drew approving looks from everyone in the room.

"Excellent!" Yaga said, applauding from his seat. "I say! This boy is a natural!"


"Here's to your outstanding performance!" Utahime said, beaming at him and raising her glass of
apple juice.

"Why thank you madame," Satoru said, bowing at her in exaggeration before raising his own glass
of Coke as well.

Utahime giggled as they struck their glasses together before taking a sip.

"Seriously Satoru, you were so good! You were better than the rest of them," Utahime said as she
took her seat by the dining table of their apartment.

"It's known to happen," Satoru said, grinning madly before sitting opposite her.
Utahime rolled her eyes at him. "So, when do you expect they would make their calls for the

"They said they'd call just…" he stopped, and took out his vibrating cell. "About now," he finished
faintly with his eyes wide.

He showed the screen at Utahime who gasped and grinned in excitement.

"I'll kill myself if they're not calling you to tell you that you won," she said in a sure tone before he
placed the cell on the table beside the salad Utahime had made and placed the call on speaker.

"Hello, this is Gojo Satoru. " he said out loud before motioning for Utahime to sit on his lap, which
she did immediately.

"Gojo-san, this is Masamichi Yaga of JJKtv. " the man with the much deeper voice greeted in a
jolly voice.

"Good evening Yaga-san," Satoru said, holding on the Utahime's hand tightly. "Why, may I ask,
are you calling?"

"Well, I expect the answer was obvious the moment I mentioned JJKtv!" the man replied, laughing

"Are you saying-" Satoru said, stopping as he and Utahime stood from their seats. "I…"

"Yes my dear boy, amongst the final ten finalists, you have shown the most promise.

Satoru's mouth fell open as Utahime shrieked and jumped into his arms.


"Glad to meet you Gojo-san, " Riko said as she shook hands with Satoru. "Again," she added with
a grin.

"I have to say, I'm very glad to meet you again too," Satoru said sincerely. It really was a relief to
be back in JJKtv. The thought of never stepping into this building actually crossed his mind when
he thought he wasn't going to win.

"Now Satoru, may I call you Satoru?" Yaga asked, smiling at him from his desk.

"Of course," he said with a nod.

"Well, Amanai-san's one of our newest and most promising managers," he said, waving a hand at
Riko. "Not so different from you in fact. So I decided on pairing you up. Riko shall be your agent
starting from today. You do have the right to choose your own manager though, but if you have no
objections, I highly recommend you two to work together."

Satoru shook his head. "No objections here. It's not like I have a whole line-up of highly
recommended managers waiting for my approval or anything," he joked, making him laugh and
Riko giggle.

"Brilliant! I can see a very prosperous future for the both of you," he said, quite sure of himself as
he got up from his seat. "I have to end this little meeting here. I have to meet my wife for lunch
while she's in town. Nice meeting you again Satoru , I shall be seeing you around quite often
enough," he said with a wink before showing him and Riko the way out of his office.


"He's great isn't he?" Riko asked as she led the way towards the elevators.

"He's something alright," Satoru agreed. "What did he mean he'll be seeing me 'quite often

"Well, most of the actors who start off from this company usually get Yaga-san's support in their
films. He usually offers to produce or co-produce the films and sometimes he also gives personal

"That's mighty nice of him. He doesn't need to do that," he pointed out. "I mean, I don't know or
even heard of any company who does that. Are there other companies with people like him?"

"No, but you can see the benefit it has for him and the company. JJKtv has a long line of top-rated
and international films it has cooperated with thanks to Yaga-san. That's why most of Japan's
aspiring actors hope to start off here," she explained, making Satoru nod. That part, he knew of.
That was the main reason why he and Utahime were so excited to hear that JJKtv was holding
another one of its annual events.

"Have a bit of an appetite now, don't we?" Riko pointed out with raised brows, amazed at how
much he's ordering.

Satoru thanked the waiter and turned to her. "I don't need that much," he said with a laugh. "That
was for me and Utahime."

"Utahime?" Riko asked curiously.

"Oh sorry, I never told you her name. Utahime's my girlfriend. You saw her before, that day we
first met. She's coming for lunch, I hope you don't mind. She's running a bit late though," he said,
glancing at his watch. He and Riko had taken a train from Tokyo and were already back in Kyoto.
It was lucky enough for Riko that the town wasn't too far from Tokyo. She still had to constantly
report to JJKtv since Satoru's career hasn't formally taken off yet.

"Of course not," she said with a smile. "You guys really stick to each other, do you?"

He nodded, smiling fondly. "We do. We depend on each other and we do almost everything
together. Well, except for cooking and the mechanical stuff I guess. Cooking's her department
entirely and I can't let her go even a foot near anything that's broken back in our apartment."

"That's sweet," Riko said sincerely.

"She is," Satoru agreed, entirely missing her point as he was looking beyond her shoulder and
beaming. "Hime!" he called out, waving his hand in the air.


"Do you have a reservation ma'am?"

"I'm here with-"


The waiter standing by the podium and Utahime both turned at this.
"My boyfriend," Utahime finished smiling as she waved back. She turned back to the waiter and
bowed. "Thank you," she said before making her way towards Satoru who was sitting with a
woman whose back was on her.

"What kept you?" Satoru asked, as he pulled the extra chair set with the table closer towards him.

"Sorry," she said, kissing him on the cheek lightly before taking a seat. "You can't believe the
amount of traffic there is outside," she informed him before turning to the woman across the table.

"Utahime, this is Amanai Riko, my agent. Riko, this is Iori Utahime, my gorgeous girlfriend,"
Satoru said, making the introductions.

Utahime blushed at Satoru's words and swatted his arm playfully before shaking hands with Riko.

"N-Nice to meet you Amanai-san," she said, stuttering in embarrassment.

"Nice to meet you too Iori-san," Riko said in a very professional manner.

"You don't have to be so formal with her Riko," Satoru said with a raised brow.

Riko smiled at him before turning back to Utahime. "Of course, may I call you Utahime then?"

Utahime smiled back at her and nodded. "Sure."

"Very well. Now, since you're here Utahime, then we can start discussing Satoru's future," she
said, pulling out a folder from her bag and opening it before sliding it over towards the pair.

"Here's the proposed plan Satoru, that is, if you accept," she said, taking out a pen and pointing to
the parts of the print before explaining. "We already sent your tapes from day one of the event until
you were properly announced as the winner. And already, international companies want you."

"Seriously?" Satoru asked in surprise.

"Seriously," she repeated with a smile. "The industry needs fresh talent, a new face, and seeing you
looking good on screen so naturally made you all the more desirable for them. Not to mention, you
speak perfect English as you have proven during your Improv."

He shrugged at this. "They'll have to thank Utahime for that. All those days and nights, listening
and singing to American songs since we were teenagers. I suppose it benefited me too," he said,
smiling at Utahime and squeezing her waist slightly.

She giggled back at him and tapped his nose. "You owe me then."

"I suppose I do," he agreed with a grin.

"Well," Riko said, interrupting their little exchange. "Because of that, you have quite a few offers
lined up already. "Three here and two abroad. The ones shot here in Japan are two national films,
both action and the third offer is a lead role in a new romantic comedy series. As for the two offers
abroad, one is for an action film to be shot in Los Angeles, California, and the other is also still an
action film to be shot in New York City and in Connecticut."

"L.A.? New York and Connecticut?" he repeated unsurely.

"Yes," Riko said excitedly. "Yaga-san personally recommends the offer for the L.A. shoots over the
one in New York and Connecticut. It'll be a great experience and it'll give you a chance to meet
more people in the industry seeing as California's practically crawling with movie stars day and

Satoru frowned slightly. "Well, I suppose that's true," he agreed hesitantly. "But what about the
offers here?"

"What about them?" Riko asked, surprised he was even considering the offers in Japan.

"Are they any good too?"

"Well, I suppose they are. But, aren't you interested in going to the States?" she asked with open
curiosity and amazement at his lack of excitement for being wanted to work abroad.

"Don't get me wrong, of course I want to but…" Satoru trailed off and looked down at his hand
which was drawing circles behind one of Utahime's.

"Satoru, don't hesitate," Utahime finally said, looking at him and smiling in earnest.


She placed a finger on his lips to silence him. "I mean it; I don't want you to stop living your dream
just for me. This kind of chance doesn't come every day, and you know it."

"She's right Satoru," Riko agreed with a solemn look on her face. Now she understood his
hesitance. He didn't want to leave his girlfriend behind.

"See?" Utahime added before nudging him slightly, with a grin on her face. "Besides, it's not like
you're leaving Japan forever, you could always come back or visit me in between filming. And if
that's not possible, we could always call each other, or even e-mail each other until filming is
officially done."

"Well, I suppose," he replied although he wasn't convinced in the least.


Utahime sighed and watched Satoru as he checked the messages from their answering machine in
the sitting room. She took off her scarf and her coat, hanging it up on the rack before walking over
towards him and hugging him from behind.

"Satoru," she said, resting her head on his broad chest. "We need to talk."

"There's nothing more to discuss Utahime, " he said, turning to face her. "I already made my
decision and I already gave Riko my final answer. You heard it loud and clear earlier. I'm not
going to the States. I'm not stepping a foot outside Japan unless you're with me when I do."

"But it's only for a couple of months though," she pointed out although her tone wasn't convinced
in the least either.

"Couple of months? You heard what she said, filming for that movie in L.A. will most like take all
year, fourteen months at most. How could I possibly agree to something like that? That'll mean I'll
be missing your birthday for the first time since we were kids, and that'll also mean you'll miss my
birthday for the first time. And don't forget Valentine's Day, and Christmas eve, and New Year's
eve, and-"

Utahime silenced him immediately with her lips on his, kissing him fiercely.

By the time she pulled away, her eyes were glassy, tears threatening to fall. "I love you, Satoru,"
she whispered almost achingly.

"Why are you crying Hime?" he asked, wiping away a stray tear.

"I…I don't know," she said with a mirthless laugh. "I, I don't know what I'll do without you," she
added more seriously.

"I wouldn't know what to do without you either," he whispered back before pulling her closer
towards him. "And I love you too my Hime. I love you more and more each and every day."

Utahime smiled, closing her eyes before pulling his head down for another heated kiss.

"Satoru," she said in a tiny though very sure voice, after they pulled apart.

Satoru lifted his chin from the top of her head and looked at her. "What is it?"

She didn't say a word, instead pulled him towards their shared bedroom.

"Utahime?" he asked, watching her carefully as she led him towards the bed.

Utahime lay on the bed and pulled him on top of her. She smiled up at him, all the love she felt for
him reflected in her eyes.

It was only a few more minutes of kissing and embracing before Satoru finally understood her

"Are you sure about this?"

They had been dating for years now, and indeed they had lived together for almost three years
already, but they had always resisted in doing what they shouldn't. Utahime saw to it that they did.
Of course they had done other things to avoid it, but that's just it. They might have done other
things, but never actual sex itself.

She held his face in between her palms and pulled him closer, touching his forehead with her own.
"Make love to me tonight,anata" she whispered with a sweet smile.

As the words left her lips, Utahime immediately noticed the look on Satoru's expression change.
His eyes had darkened considerably and his jaw tightened just before he took her lips in his in a
searing kiss and pushed her further down the bed with his body.


"Satoru, are you sure?" Riko asked yet again.

Satoru ran his hand through his hair before looking at Riko straight in the eye. "My mind hasn't
changed. I'm sure. I told you so last week."

Riko sighed and sat back into her seat. "I was hoping you were only joking."

He raised a brow at her. "What's so bad about taking the job here in Japan anyway?" he asked,
trying to cheer his manager up. "It can't be that bad."

"It's not that bad, no. But the job offered in America is much better," she pointed out, although not
getting the desired effect she wanted from him. Doesn't he regret not taking the job at all? "The job
offer still stands until next Friday."
"They won't need to wait for my answer 'til then. You can give them my answer now," he said,
nodding at her cell that was resting beside her half-filled coffee cup.

"Can I ask you something?" she asked, looking at him curiously.

"As long as it doesn't involve me saying yes to going to America," he said jokingly before taking a
bite off the sandwich he ordered.

"Why don't you want the job in America?"

"It's not that I don't want it," he answered. "It's just that I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?" she asked with a frown.

"Wasn't it obvious last week?" he asked with raised brows. "I can't leave Utahime behind."

"Why not? It's just as she suggested that day. You could always send each other mail, or texts. Or
you could call her or visit her during breaks from shooting."

"I know, but I don't think I can live with just that," he said with a shrug. "Utahime's my everything,
Riko. I'd do anything for her, and she'll do anything for me. We're like that; we've been like that for
years," he said matter-of-factly.

"You love her that much, do you?" Riko asked, almost amused, making Satoru chuckle.

"Seems surreal from a simple twenty-three year old guy from a small town, I know. But that's the
truth. I love her that much. I'll do anything to make sure she's happy, as I know she would for me."

"Where is she anyway? It's almost unusual to find you without her beside you or anywhere

"She's visiting her father who lives in the other side of Kyoto. She doesn't get to see him often, so
she's staying there for a couple of days."


Fujiro looked up from his paper and watched Utahime curiously.

"Utahime?" he asked, looking somewhat amused.

Utahime immediately snapped out of her reverie and ceased her humming and turned to her father.


"By any chance are you daydreaming about Satoru?" he asked bluntly, making his daughter, and
only child, blush.

"W-Why do you ask?"

"You seem to have that wistful smile on your face ever since you got here, that's all."

"How would you know if I was smiling from thoughts about Satoru?" she asked with a raised brow.

Fujiro shrugged. "Just figured it must be about him," he said although with a knowing smile.

She grinned back at him before resuming her duty with the dishes. Her father was right, she was
thinking about Satoru and how excited she already was to return to him. No offense to her father,
she missed him to death as well but she can't help but long to see Satoru again. Especially after the
sweet send off he had given her at the train station before she left.

Utahime placed a hand over her pant pocket, feeling the folded piece of paper still inside. Satoru
had given her a bouquet of red roses and had also written her a poem which he recited to her as
they waited for her train to arrive, whispering the words into her ear and giving her Goosebumps
all over as he did.

It took a little convincing for him to give her the paper he had written the poem on since it was just
a piece of paper torn off a notebook and was full of scratches from his pen of words that were
unacceptable to him. Reading it made her heart swell even more. He had put his heart into the

"I miss you already Satoru, " she whispered so only she could hear and looked out the window, a
smile back on her features before she started humming again.


"Are you sure?" Yaga asked again, frowning slightly.

Riko nodded almost regretfully. "I asked him again earlier, he says he won't take any job outside

"Did he say why?"

"He won't leave his girlfriend behind," she said rather unkindly. "It's a total waste of talent on his
part!" she said with a defeated sigh.

"Well, it's his decision. Perhaps you can try convincing him again? I'll give the call to L.A. next
Friday anyway. He might change his mind within the week, you'll never know," he said, still

"I doubt it, at least, not unless his girlfriend personally forces him into a plane heading for the
States, or unless she threatens to break up with him or something," she pointed out, frowning.
"Maybe if I pray hard enough for something like that to happen within the week, it just might. For
now though, his career is hopeless, and so will mine be if he doesn't reconsider," she said

Yaga raised a brow at her. "Whatever's meant to happen will happen Amanai-san, regardless of
how it will happen. Fate is funny that way. Goals are constant but the paths in achieving it are not.
We always have the power to take a different road as we wish. So it's best not to have that sort of
mindset. Nothing good will ever come to those who think that way."


"We always have the power to take a different road as we wish," Riko repeated as she looked at the
yellow painted two story house. "Thank you for the advice Yaga-san," she said to herself as she
slipped the paper with the directions into her bag before ringing the doorbell.

It had taken her two days to get accurate and reliable directions to the Iori residence was a small
town, the task still wasn't easy.

"Hai!" a male voice called out from inside, and not a minute later, the door swung open. "Yes?"
Riko smiled up at the tall man who had a kind look on his face.

"Good morning, my name is Amanai Riko. I was wondering if I may speak to your daughter? Iori

This caught Fujiro by surprise. Hardly anyone ever calls for Utahime here anymore. Almost
everyone who knew their family knew that she had been living with Satoru in the other side of
Kyoto for the last few years.

"Yes, of course," he said before turning to look down the hallway. "Utahime!"

"Hai?" the familiar female voice called out from somewhere inside.

"You have a visitor!"

"What? Wait, I'll be right there!"

Fujiro smiled down at Riko with an apologetic smile.

"She's heading back to her apartment in the other side of town this afternoon. So, she's still
packing," he told her with a light chuckle.

Riko didn't laugh but smiled with a shake of her head. What Satoru saw in this girl, she didn't
know. She just seemed to prove herself even more irresponsible every time she saw her.

"You're lucky you caught her here in time," Fujiro added.

"Yeah, lucky me."

It was a few moments later until Utahime finally appeared.

"Oh! Riko-san! What are you doing here?" the younger girl said in apparent surprise. "I'll take it
from here dad," she added to Fujiro who nodded and with one last smile at Riko, walked back
inside the house. "Would you like to come in?" Utahime asked, making Riko shake her head.

"No thanks, I just dropped by to ask you a few things," Riko said with a smile. "Do you mind taking
a walk with me? I think I passed by a park coming here."


"So, what exactly did you come all the way here for?" Utahime finally asked as she dropped down
to sit on one of the benches near the playground. "Is Satoru doing alright?"

Riko sighed and sat down beside her. "He's not."

Utahime looked at her, brows furrowed immediately. "He's not?"

"Satoru's taking one of the job offers here in Japan," she said almost unnecessarily. She knew that
Utahime knew all this already. But it was necessary for her to point it out to the girl beside her.

"Yes," Utahime replied guiltily. "Well, he said he wanted to take a job closer to home."

Riko turned to her and frowned. "He wants to take a job closer to you," she said almost accusingly.
There was no point in delaying what she had come all this way for.

Utahime looked down, a blush creeping up to her cheeks.

"I…I know. We did talk about it. I told him to take the job in America, but he just wouldn't listen,"
she said although smiling slightly at the thought of what Satoru told her the night of the first and
only time they ever made love. "He doesn't care as long as we're together."

"Do you care?" Riko asked, taking Utahime off guard. "Do you care what happens to him?"

"Of course I do," Utahime said with a frown.

"Apparently not enough since you're actually allowing him to stop living his dreams for your
sake," she retorted casually and rudely.

Utahime stood up from her seat as Riko said this. "I am not! I told him he could-"

"You told him? Utahime, if you love him, you would do more than just tell him to go and take the
job in America," Riko said with a look of disgust at Utahime. "If you truly love him, you would do
everything in your power to ensure his happiness even if it would hurt! You know it more than I
that it has always been his dream to be an actor. He's gone this far hasn't he? Went through
college for a degree, gone through auditions, entered contests, accepted small parts, all for the
sake that those small stepping stones might lead him to his ultimate goal. And here it is, his entire
future presented to him, and yet he doesn't take it because of you."

Utahime fell silent at this. She never even considered things that way, never even thought of things
that way before. Was she really holding Satoru back?

'You are,' she told herself, crestfallen. If she weren't around, Satoru would go to America and take
that job. Not everyone's blessed to have this sort of thing happen to them. But Satoru is, and she
was actually willing to stop him.

"I can't stop Satoru from making his decisions," Utahime told her, her happy and excited mood at
the thought of going back home to Satoru, completely deteriorated now.

Riko stood up, her heels taking her a few good inches above Utahime. "You know you can. And you
know what you can do to make sure he makes the right decision. You're just not willing to out of
your self-centeredness," she spat coldly.

"But I-"

Utahime immediately shut her mouth as the person in front of her sent her a deadly glare.

"You're bringing him down. This opportunity doesn't come to everyone Utahime!"

"I know but-"

"If you really love him, you'll let him be!" Riko cut in harshly.

"I do! But-"

Riko shut her up by throwing her hands in the air in exasperation. She was done listening to all of
Utahime's pointless reasoning. She settled the straps of her bag on her shoulder before making her
way back down the path of the park.

Before she got even two meters away from Utahime however, she stopped and turned back to look
at her.

"How can you be so selfish?" she added, looking sickened.

"I'm not!" Utahime reasoned hysterically. "I-"

"You're selfish! You really are selfish," Riko interjected again, before hurrying back down the path,
ignoring not Utahime's reasoning, but ignoring her sobs.


Satoru glanced at his watch before looking back at the train that just arrived. 'Utahime should
have arrived two hours ago,' he thought, getting even more concerned now.

After a moment's deliberation, Satoru left the station and headed back to the apartment. 'Maybe
she went straight back home,' he thought, or rather, hoped.

"Utahime?" Satoru called out into the empty apartment. He frowned, wondering what happened to
her. Brows furrowed, he immediately ran to the phone.

"Hello, Iori residence, Fujiro speaking."

"Hello? Fujiro-san?"

"Yes? Is that you Satoru?"

"Yes, is Utahime still there with you?" Satoru asked quickly, hoping beyond hope that she was. He
didn't care if she was late, or if she kept him waiting, as long as he knew she was safe.

After a moment's silence, he finally spoke.

"Oh no…"

"What? Fujiro-san? What's wrong? Is Utahime there?" Satoru asked again, not liking the reply he
got from the man on the other line.

"Satoru, Utahime's not here."

"Where is she?" he demanded, not caring how rude he sounded now.

Satoru listened to him, to his explanations. Not to Utahime's explanations for leaving him, but her
father's. Utahime had told Fujiro that she was leaving Kyoto, that she was leaving Satoru. Fujiro
thought it was just a joke and so didn't take her seriously because he knew how Satoru and
Utahime felt for each other. She had left the house over an hour ago with nothing but the suitcase
she had brought with her for her five day stay with him.

"She left?" Satoru echoed brokenly, dropping the phone to the floor.

Chapter End Notes

"I know. Satoru and Utahime were so cute and all lovey-dovey before they broke up.
Goes to show just how much they've changed since then. You noticed how almost all
of their scenes together involved them kissing? Well, that's to compensate for the lack
of romance between them in the first few chapters of this story. Also, I had to make
them so much in love. After all, how could they even consider having sex which led
Utahime to have the triplets if they really didn't love each other enough to do it, right?
A few important clarifications: Utahime is 21 (nearing 22) in this chapter, and Satoru
is 23. So, that makes them 26 and 28 in the actual timeline of the story. They've known
each other since Satoru was 10 and Utahime was 8. They've dated since Satoru was
17 and Utahime was 15 (nearing 16). Their age gap isn't 2 years but I suppose 1 year
and a couple of months, which explains why Satoru said that Utahime was only one
year his junior in high school. Confusing? I hope not.

And regarding Satoru's family, yes I'm sorry I killed them off, but it had to be done. It
explains why he's been living with Utahime for years in their own apartment
considering how young they still are and how they rely so much on each other besides

Also, yes, you can go ahead and start swearing your heads off at how conceited Riko
is. Congratulations to those who had guessed and suspected from the beginning! I
suppose I did make it painfully obvious."

see you next chapter!

Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER


Utahime looked down at her empty glass of wine and sighed. She finally told him. She finally told
Satoru the truth of what happened five years ago. She turned slightly to look at him, he had a
thoughtful look on his face and his brows were furrowed slightly. What was he thinking now?
Does he believe her? She hoped within hope that he would. She knew the type of relationship he
and Riko have, and she might even sound like a lunatic now for putting the blame on his most
trusted manager but she's counting on the fact that he promised to believe every word of her story.

She bit her lip nervously as he downed another glass full of his wine.

"Sator-" she stopped as he abruptly turned to her, his gaze almost accusatory. She sighed in
resignation before turning back to watch the water below. "You don't believe me," she said rather
than asked, feeling the lump in her throat grow and the tears at the back of her eyes already
threatening to escape.

Satoru looked at her, the lights around the top deck with the moonlight above head giving her an
almost goddess-like glow. He took her empty glass and placed it on the dining table with his own
empty one and the now empty wine bottle he didn't even realize he had finished by himself.

He walked back towards her. She was still leaning over the railing, looking almost morosely at the
water below.

What he did next caught Utahime off guard. She looked down and saw Satoru's arms snake around
her tiny waist from behind. Now she could really feel her tears fall. Did he really believe her?

Satoru nestled his head beside hers, feeling her hair tickle his ear and his jaw before he started
nibbling her earlobe.

Utahime sighed in content. This…this is how they were five years ago. Always so close together
and deep in love. She turned around to face him and let him kiss her. What she was thinking those
years ago, why she even listened to that vile woman, why she let herself get talked into leaving
Satoru out of guilt, she didn't know. She really was a fool. Utahime nibbled his bottom lip playfully
before he took control over the kiss yet again as he did so many times in the past.

'I love you Satoru,' she thought almost achingly. She wanted to tell him. She wanted him to know
how she felt after all these years. "Satoru?" she started through his kisses.

Satoru ran his tongue along her bottom lip once more before pulling back to look at her.

"Satoru, I l-"

"I don't believe you Utahime," he cut in. He ran a hand along the side of Utahime's face gently but
his expression was as serious as ever as he spoke.

It was obvious that what he said didn't process in her mind as fast as it should have. But it was
obvious when she realized what he was saying when the loving smile on her face started to falter.
"You…don't…believe me," she repeated slowly. Her gaze was hazy with the tears now reforming
in large quantities in her eyes.

Satoru ran a finger along the side of her face before resting it under her chin and pulling her head
up to look at him straight in the eye. "I'm sorry. I just can't believe you," he whispered, feeling his
heart tighten as the tears in her eyes were freefalling now.

Utahime cried silently but continued to look at him. "Y-You promised to believe me," she said in a
pained whisper before she let her head fall onto his chest, gripping the front of his suit as she did.

He kissed the top of her head. "I can't. It's just too…unbelievable," he said, thinking of Riko again.
"It's impossible,Riko would never do something like that. She's been there for me through
everything since day one of becoming my manager, supporting me in every decision I made along
the way. I just can't see her acting like that and threatening you to leave," he explained gently,
hugging her close to him as her sobs became slightly more evident. Maybe Utahime held a grudge
over Riko because it was widely known that he was dating her ever since it was announced during
the premiere of his last movie months ago? Or maybe Utahime was lying to him to win his
affection over again. He didn't know.

After a few more minutes of crying, Utahime finally composed herself and pulled back slightly
from him, although still holding onto him for the hope that he might reconsider. She didn't want to
let him go. Not again. Not now when she finally told him everything.

"Satoru," she said, looking up at him. She wanted him to reason, to think of it all thoroughly.
"What other reason could you think of? Why else would I have left you so suddenly then?"

Satoru looked down at her and sighed. "I don't know. That's the very thought that's been haunting
me ever since you disappeared," he admitted with a sad smile.

He loved her. Utahime knew it. He still loved her. She saw it in his eyes and she can hear it in his
voice. And she refused to believe Satoru would just kiss any girl with such passion as he just did
now unless he was really in love.

"Satoru…" One hand was still gripping the front of his suit for support, but she let the other find its
way to the back of his neck and pulled him down slowly towards her. "I love you," she whispered,
before kissing him with everything she had and still felt for him.

Satoru's eyes widened at her statement. He looked at her worriedly for a moment before he closed
his eyes and surrendered.
'I love you too Hime,' he thought, although he didn't want to admit it. But he didn't care anymore.
Right now, he didn't care.

So what if things won't go back to the way they were?

For tonight, he wanted her in his arms again.


'What the hell was I thinking?' Satoru thought, looking over at the sleeping angel beside him who
was lying naked in his king sized bed, wrapped in nothing but the thin bed sheet.

Satoru was sitting at the edge of his bed, watching her breathe silently and peacefully. He sighed
and ran a hand through his messy hair before walking over to the window where a decanter of
whiskey sat atop a small table, looking at him invitingly. He poured himself a glass and downed
the contents entirely before heading over to the shower.


Orihime yawned sleepily. She didn't want to get up yet but her brothers' hushed voices got to her.

"I know we promised Suguru," said Daisuke. "But how much would it hurt if we help them?"

"Yeah, I agree," said Ryusuke with a hint of excitement in his voice. "I mean, if Satoru really is our
dad, we're doing this for the good of our family. Right?"

"Right!" agreed Daisuke loudly, earning him a shushing noise from Ryusuke.

"Orihime's still sleeping, keep your voice down," he whispered.

Orihime felt the bed beneath her shift slight before her brothers spoke again.

"So, do we agree?" Daisuke asked in a much lower voice.

"To help Satoru and mom get back together?" Ryusuke asked.

"To help Satoru and mom get back together," Daisuke agreed.

Orihime frowned hearing this. To help Satoru and mom get back together? Satoru? Was Satoru
really their father? Her brothers said "if Satoru really is our dad", but then they also sounded like
they were sure it was the truth.

Yawning loudly to warn her brothers that she was awake, she felt them shift on the bed again. She
waited a few moments to give them time to compose themselves before she turned to them slowly.

"Good morning Dai-kun, Ryu-kun," Orihime greeted in a sleepy voice.


When Satoru stepped out of the shower, Utahime was still asleep, in the same position, on his bed.
He wrapped a towel around his waist and placed another over his head as he dried his hair.

"Utahime" he whispered, shaking her lightly by the shoulders.

Utahime moaned a little but didn't move.

"Utahime, it's almost ten in the morning. Wake up," he said, shaking her again.

Sighing, Utahime rolled over and opened her eyes halfway. Spotting him sitting beside her, she
smiled. "Good morning Anata," she said sleepily.

Satoru watched her as her eyes shut back to a close. He ran a hand over her forehead, sweeping her
hair off her face.

It had been a long time since she called him that.

He bent low and kissed her forehead. "Wake up my Hime," he whispered, earning him another

Utahime's eyes opened slightly again and she looked at him lovingly. "Congratulations in winning
that event Satoru, you're gonna be a great actor," she said before her eyes shut to a close yet again.

Satoru stared at her. She was still half asleep!

"Utahime, our kids might be awake now. You have to get ready for breakfast," he said into her ear.

"Our kids," Utahime echoed with a lazy yawn. "Kids?" she repeated, her brows furrowed. She
slowly opened her eyes and looked at him, his light blue eyes almost playfull "Kids!" Utahime
yelled, sitting bolt right up.

Which was a big mistake seeing as the bed sheet fell right off her and it was the only thing that was
covering her from Satoru's gaze.

Utahime gave a small shriek before she pulled the sheets up all the way up to her chin.

Satoru gave a small chuckle before kissing the top of her head and heading towards his closet.
"You better take a shower and get changed quickly Utahime before the kids decide they might find
you in here with me," he said rather calmly as he dropped the towels covering him and pulled on a
clean pair of underwear.

Utahime stared at his backside and blushed furiously. She looked around her. 'What the hell was I
thinking?' she thought incredulously as she spotted the red dress she wore from last night on the
chair across the room and, to her horror, her underwear exposed on the ground beside her heels.

By the time Satoru had finished changing into a pair of khaki pants, a deep blue polo shirt and
sandals, he was surprised to find Utahime still unmoving and watching him closely.

"What is it?"

"C-Could you, possibly…uhm…get out?" she muttered, looking embarrassed.

Satoru raised a brow at her as he sprayed on a bit of cologne. He walked over towards her and gave
her one last kiss on her forehead. "I'll get the kids ready for breakfast, meet us at the top deck," he
instructed before taking his leave.


"Satoru, where are we?" Daisuke asked. He and Ryusuke were holding on to the bars of the railings
that ran around the top deck of the yacht.

"A place I like to visit," Satoru answered vaguely from the table which was now filled with toast,
eggs, bacon, jam, glasses of orange juice, and cups of coffee.
"You've been here before?" Ryusuke asked, staring at the far distance. The yacht wasn't moving at
all and if the waves were actually moving them slightly in place of where they had anchored, they
couldn't feel it from where they stood. They could see nothing but water for miles now except for
the small patch of white sand close by that ran along their side of the large cruiser.

"No," he said with a smile. "But I like visiting small islands and sandbars when there are any

Orihime looked at Satoru as she ate her toast with jam. She couldn't help but stare at him ever since
he came and helped them get changed for breakfast.

"Is something wrong Orihime?" he asked, noticing her prolonged gaze.

She shook her head. "Where's mommy?" she asked.

"Here," a new and slightly groggy voice said, making the four of them turn to the source.

Utahime smiled at Orihime and sat beside her on the breakfast table. "Boys, come here and eat

Daisuke and Ryusuke did as they were told and sat beside Satoru and Utahime since Orihime was
sitting between them. Utahime absolutely refused to sit beside the man, immediately taking her
place beside her daughter instead.

"Had a good night's sleep?" Satoru asked with a smirk without looking up from his magazine.

Utahime frowned at him and didn't answer.


"Who is this woman?" Nobara asked out loud.

No one in the room answered her, instead looked through the rest of the photos they managed to
take in the previous night. They would have willingly followed the yacht to whatever location they
were headed but unfortunately, the boat they were on made it impossible to. They didn't bring
enough fuel along with them to make a return trip and they couldn't very well camp in the
speedboat overnight either.

"Don't forget the kids," one man said, tossing the stack of photos when the kids were still in the top
deck with them back onto the table.

"Well, who are they?" Nobara asked again. "We can't publish these 'til we find out."

"She looks Japanese," a woman pointed out.

"Hey, I know these kids!"

The group turned to one of the younger men around the table.

"I was at the Jujutsu Theme Park the day Gojo was promoting his previous movie. These kids," he
said, pointing to the two identical boys by the railing, "are the twin boys who went up on stage
with him."

Nobara took a closer look at the shots. They did look identical but the shots of them and the little
girl weren't too clear. "Are you sure?"
"Positive! I mean, these kids look pretty identical to me. And those twins at the theme park were
pretty close to Gojo that day too. I didn't know they still saw a lot of each other though. I mean, no
one's got news of Gojo lately since he's been busy with shooting that new movie of his around

"Then who's the little girl?" she added, looking more closely. The pictures being taken in Night
mode didn't help at all. It was obvious that there were two identically shaped and dressed boys and
that there was a little girl, but her face could barely be recognized.

The man shrugged before looking closely at the photos again. "The woman's pretty hot though," he
added needlessly.

Nobara rolled her eyes. The woman in the photo with Satoru was indeed attractive. They were
lucky enough to get a clear enough shot of her and Satoru since they stood higher above the railing
but unfortunately, they have no clue who she was.

"This is our next big story guys," Nobara said, getting up from her seat and looking over at her
team seriously. "I want to know who this woman is as soon as possible so we can get this story
published. Call everyone we know, we might get this on the Sunday paper if we're fast enough."


Nobara nodded her dismissal at the group before taking one last closer look at the photo of Satoru
and Utahime embracing and kissing each other passionately.

"Hey Miwa," Nobara called out, catching the younger woman's attention. "Get me Gojo's manager
on the phone first. She's the closest person to Gojo we know of. I'm willing to bet she knows
something about this," she said in a suspicious voice. 'I thought she and Gojo were dating?' she
asked herself, remembering the premiere night months ago when she confessed in live television of
their supposed relationship.


The weekend was more fun than she would've expected it to be, though Utahime didn't want to
admit it. They have spent the entire Saturday swimming, fishing, and even jet skiing. She would
never have expected there to be a jet ski stored in the yacht, but then again the entire weekend was
full of surprises.

Satoru was full of surprises.

He and Utahime hadn't spoken a word about their conversation that first night at sea, and neither
did they talk about what happened within his room after their little talk either. Utahime found it
awkward at first but Satoru acted perfectly normal so it was easy enough for her to forget anything
that ever happened. For now.

"It's almost time," Satoru told her as he waved at the triplets from above. The three were lounging
around the sofas by the Jacuzzi two floors below.

Utahime smiled down at her kids and nodded before looking up. The buildings of Tokyo were
slowly becoming larger and clearer under the clear Sunday sky. It was a nice escape from reality,
but they had to go back at some point. "Do you want me to tell them?" she asked, looking at him in

Satoru stared for a moment more at his kids. "How about we tell them together?"
She nodded, liking that plan better until another thought crossed her mind. "What if they ask us if
we're getting back together?"


Utahime looked at him when he suddenly stopped. "What is it?" she asked, noticing his features
darken considerably.

"Damn it," he hissed, clenching his fists.

She looked at him worriedly before following his gaze. Utahime looked over at the docks.
Everything was normal, although there were a few flashes in the distance.

"What is that?" she asked, placing a hand over her eyes to get a clearer view.

Satoru immediately took out his cell. "Do we have enough fuel to take in the cruiser in another
port?" he asked immediately before going silent for a moment, swearing aloud, ending the call and
dialing another number. "Nanami, where are you?"

"Right where you asked me to be, Gojo-san."

"Who started that mess back there?" he hissed angrily.

"I have people looking it up already."

"Can we still get through?"

"I hope so. The police arrived only a few minutes ago to assist in crowd control."

"Good.Just try to keep the paparazzi down as much as possible. I don't want the kids handling all
that shit right now."

"I'll try."

"We'll be docking in less than twenty," he said before pocketing his cell and meeting Utahime's
worried gaze.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Somebody tipped off the media beforehand that we're docking today. The port's full of people,"
he said getting anxious. He didn't want the kids to be exposed to something like this, especially not

"What're we going to do?" she asked looking horrified. She knew just how harsh and meddling the
paparazzi could be. She didn't want her face plastered all over the newspapers with a bullocks
headline about her and Satoru's supposed affair. And God only knows what kind of publicity her
kids will be getting if they manage to take their photos too.

"We'll have to make a run for it to the limo. If we wait any longer, they're only going to get more
foolhardy," he told Utahime as the cruiser started slowing down and the actual number of people
waiting for them getting more evident now.

"What about your plan in telling the kids?"

"It can't be helped. We can't do that right now. We'll decide what to do later, as soon as things die
Utahime wasn't too sure about this. If they still put off the truth from the kids now when the media
is up in their business, who knows what sort of rumors come up and reach them first?

"Hey mom! Mom! We just stopped! And there are a lot of people outside!" Ryusuke said as he and
Daisuke ran towards Utahime and Satoru in the lounge area.

"Yeah!" Daisuke said rather excitedly. "They're all bringing cameras and microphones and

"They even took pictures of us outside!" Ryusuke said, grinning.

"Boys, here," Satoru said, putting caps on their heads. "Wear these until we get to the car okay?"

The two looked at him curiously but nodded.

"Where's Orihime?" he asked, holding a sunhat that was similar but a much smaller size from
Utahime's which she was currently trying to pull down her head tightly.

Daisuke and Ryusuke turned and only just noticed that their sister didn't follow them inside.

"Orihime!" they called out before dashing back outside.

"Boys!" Utahime called out before running after them with Satoru right behind her.


"What's your name little girl?"

Orihime didn't utter a word but stood stock still on the spot.

The yacht had stopped, docked right beside a large crowd of people holding cameras, camcorders,
microphones and tape recorders.

"C'mon little girl, what's your name?" Another reporter asked while he took shots of her nonstop
along with his competition from other companies.

"Hey, I got this spot first, move over!" A woman yelled, trying to push the man who was holding a
camcorder beside her, while trying to keep her balance.

"Where's Gojo, little girl?"

"Hey, say something kid!"

"What's your name?"

"Who's your mother?"

"How come you're with Gojo Satoru?"

Orihime was in the verge of tears, looking from one person to the other as they threw questions at
her all the while flashing their cameras in front of her face.

"Oy! That yacht belongs to Gojo-san! Go any closer and he could sue you for trespassing!" A large
man shouted from the crowd as he tried to make his way towards the yacht with a few other men.
"Get down from there!"
Orihime watched as the men and women with cameras moved away from the boat but still continue
to take her picture.


At the sound of her name, she backed away from the unknown group of people until her back hit
her brothers.

"Orihime!" Utahime said, hugging her daughter to her as Daisuke and Ryusuke edged a little
forward to the group of people.

"Hey! Leave our sister alone!"

"Yeah, you're scaring her!" added Ryusuke.

"Oh my God, it's those twins from the theme park!" shrieked a woman before more flashes went
off in front of their faces.

"Hey! Stop that!" the boys shouted in chorus.

"Dai, Ryu, come back here," Satoru said, pulling the boys back and glaring at the crowd.

"Gojo-san!" Nanami shouted as he made his way to the front of the mass of people.

"Nanami, this is getting out of hand!" Satoru shouted as flashes continued going off in his

Nanami nodded at him and whistled loudly behind him.

A large group of men and officers started clearing off the paparazzi as well as Satoru's fans to the
sides, making a small path.

"I'll get the car ready!"

"baby, are you okay?" Utahime asked her gently.

Orihime stared back at Utahime with a frightened look on her face.

"What do they want mommy?" she asked shakily.

"Nothing hon, nothing," she reassured, running a hand through her hair. "They just wanted to know
who you are, that's all."

Orihime looked at Utahime and nodded before taking deep shaky breaths.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Utahime asked again.

"Orihime? Are you okay?" Satoru asked as he entered the lounge looking livid.

Orihime looked up at him and nodded.

Satoru knelt down beside her and looked at her closely. She was shaking all over.

"She's really shaken up," Utahime told him, mirroring his worried expression. "We have to get out
of here."

"Nanami's bringing the car as close as he can. Everyone outside went crazy when they saw the four
of you but security and the police are trying to keep things under control. We'll be out of here in no
time," he assured her before going over to the boys who were peeking through the window. "Come
away from the window boys."

"It's okay, they're starting to go away. Look!" Daisuke said, pointing outside.

Satoru watched as the crowd was forced to stay behind the human barricade his security and the
police were forming.

"Let's go!"


"Here he comes!" shrieked a girl excitedly as Satoru came down first from the yacht.

The crowd of people shrieked in delight at seeing him and the paparazzi went crazy with their
cameras. But it was nothing compared to when Satoru took the kids one by one from Utahime
before he finally helped her off the cruiser too.

They all pulled their hats over their faces as they walked through the hoard of people, in the narrow
path his security team and the police were able to clear for them to pass, all the while ignoring
their questions and avoiding the cameras as much as they can.

With Satoru carrying the boys ahead first and Utahime carrying Orihime right behind them, it was
hard to navigate through the path while having to listen to all the screaming.

"Excuse me miss! Who are you?"

"What's your relationship with Gojo?"

"Are those kids yours?"

"Is it true that you're Satoru's girlfriend?"

"Are those yours and Gojo''s kids?"

"What are the kids' names?"

"What's your name?"

Utahime pulled Orihime closer to her and tried her best not to lash out at all the people who were
screaming impolitely into their ears.

"It's going to be okay Sweetheart," Utahime whispered into her ear. "Try not to listen to them," she
instructed as she felt the little girl in her arms shaking harder now.

"What's that kid's name?"

"How old are those children?"

"Please, leave us alone!" Utahime finally said out loud to anyone who could hear her. This was
getting ridiculous!

"Just answer a few questions!"

"Yeah, it wouldn't hurt!"

Utahime felt someone pull her shoulder and she almost lost her balance, tipping to the back
slightly, making Orihime scream.

"It's okay Baby," Utahime said when she steadied herself, shushing her daughter before she glared
at the people behind her.


"Come in, come in!" Yaga called out from his desk. "Ah, Riko, what brings you here?" he asked,
nodding at one of the empty chairs in front of his desk.

Riko smiled at him and took a seat. "Is this new?" she asked, indicating to the song currently
blaring from the speakers around the office.

Yaga grinned at her and nodded before lowering the volume considerably.

"Fresh talent. This is just a copy from the pre-recording. Not even the final song yet and already I
can't stop listening to it. You know Gakuganji?"

"The owner of that recording company?" Riko asked, trying to recall the name of the studio.

"Yes, CT Studios. He's a good friend of mine. He's the one who insisted I come to Japan in the first
place. He found a delightful young lady who has the voice of an angel!"

Riko raised a brow at his exaggeration.

"I tell you Riko, this girl's the next big thing in Japan. I can feel it!" he said almost excitedly.
"Now, what brings you here anyway?"

"Just came by to tell you that Satoru's filming is over," she said, making him grin. "He hasn't
filmed since Friday and I went over to meet with Hiro-san earlier today and he said Satoru's part is
officially done."

"Excellent!" Yaga said, clapping his hands together. "Now, what are you guys up to now?"

"I was going to ask you the exact same thing. We can't stay in we might be leaving for the
States soon. And maybe we'll be back for the premiere and for promotional appearances."

Yaga frowned at this. "Did Satoru decide this?"

"No, but it is the practical thing to do," Riko pointed out.

"Well, practical, yes. But I think he should stay around for a couple more weeks or maybe a month
or two. Japan's great this time of year and from the feedback Hiro's been giving me, he says
Satoru's improved significantly over the last few months. He says he looks like he's actually
enjoying what he's doing. It's been long since I've heard anyone in the industry tell me such a

Riko frowned at him but didn't say a word.

"How's Satoru's singing do you think?" he suddenly asked. "Maybe I could convince him to do a
duet with Utahime sometime," he said jokingly with a laugh before turning serious. "In fact, that
wouldn't be a bad idea! Most actors in Hollywood these days are actually singing now. Or maybe I
could get him to star in a music video with her when her album's properly released!"

"Utahime?" Riko asked, instantly suspicious of the name. "The singer you just found, her name is

"Eh?" Yaga asked, not paying attention and not noticing Riko looking suspicious. "Yes, yes. She's
a local talent, lives here in Tokyo. Her name's Iori Utahime"

Riko immediately jumped from her seat. "Iori Utahime?"

"Unveiling Truths"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER

See the end of the chapter for more notes


"What happened?" Satoru asked, taking Orihime from Utahime before she slid in after her and sat
beside him inside the limo.

"Someone tried to pull me back and I almost fell," Utahime said breathlessly. "It caught Orihime
off guard and those people won't stop shouting in our ears and taking our pictures," she explained
before pulling Orihime to lie on her lap. "Orihime? Hon, are you okay?"

Orihime's cheeks were drenched with tears. She looked up at Utahime before cuddling closer to

Utahime held her close and stroked her hair before turning to the boys. Daisuke and Ryusuke were
sitting silently, side by side on the opposite chair looking a little rattled but otherwise okay.

"I'm sorry about this," Satoru said out loud. "I didn't expect the media to find out at all. If I did, I
would've gotten my entire security team on standby. I didn't tell anyone about where we're going or
when we're coming back except for Nanami and the crew onboard the yacht."

Utahime shook her head at him. "It's not your fault. But I think it's better if we head to the

Satoru nodded before calling Nanami through the phone in the limo.


"Excuse me, are you Kugisaki Nobara?"

Nobara turned to the rather large man below her and raised a brow at him. "Who wants to know?"

"This is really important ma'am. We're part of Gojo-san's security; we need to have a word with
you regarding Gojo-san's affairs," he explained.

"Mai, take over," Nobara instructed before jumping down from the top of the van and following
the security crew along with a few other reporters she knew by face from previous events.

The crowd was starting to disperse after seeing the subject of their interest driving away.


Suguru silently closed the door to the examination room behind him before looking almost
accusingly at both Utahime and Satoru. "What happened?" he asked before leading them to a set of
empty chairs. "I have to admit, I was expecting to check Orihime the moment you turned up but I
didn't expect to do the same to the boys too. They almost look traumatized although not as much as
Orihime is."

Satoru bent his head low and rested them on his palms, covering his face. "This is entirely my

"No it's not," Utahime scolded before turning to Suguru. "Things just got out of hand earlier. We
were practically attacked by the paparazzi and Satoru's fans."

"Well, good enough you thought of coming here. I had to give Orihime and the boys a sedative to
calm them and get them to sleep," he said before relaxing into his chair. "When they wake up, I
expect they should feel better. They just need to rest for a while."

Utahime nodded and smiled at him in thanks.

Suguru looked at her and bent his head towards Satoru who was still looking morose beside her. "I
have to go see a few patients upstairs. You can go in and rest with the kids if you want. Just give
me a call if you need me," he said before taking his leave.


"Nanami, are you with Satoru?"

Nanami looked at his cell almost suspiciously. It was so unusual to hear Riko to speak in such a
calm voice nowadays he almost didn't believe his own ears.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Keep security tight in the hospital."

"How do you know we're at the hospital?" he asked, looking around.

"You're on the news. Reporters from the Tokyo port tailed you to the hospital, it'll only be a matter
of time before more of them get there. They're coming up with ludicrous gossip about Satoru right
now and they also showed footage of the kids and that woman."

"I already called in the rest of security. They should be on their way here," he said, looking around
the parking lot for any suspicious looking people that might be reporters.

"Good. I'll be right over as well. I'll handle the press."


"I'm so sorry," Satoru whispered before placing a kiss on Orihime's forehead.

He pulled back and looked at his daughter. This was the second time she was brought to the
hospital because of his carelessness. He turned to the boys who were sleeping on the large extra
bed that was brought in earlier and set beside Orihime's.

Satoru sighed and looked over to Utahime who was staring at him.

"It really isn't your fault," she told him yet again in a lowered voice.

"Yes it is," he said stubbornly as he made his way to stand beside her by the doorway.

"You can ask them yourself when they wake up. I know they don't blame you either."

"They should," he countered.

Utahime took his hand in hers and squeezed it. "Satoru, you shouldn't easily blame yourself when
things like this happen."

"I know but-" he stopped and turned to the door at the sound of the knock.

A nurse poked her head in with a harassed look on her face.

"Gojo-san," she said in a hushed voice. "A lot of reporters are gathered outside asking a lot of
questions. They won't leave unless you make a statement of some sort as to why you are here."

Satoru cursed before following her outside.

"I'll be back," he said to Utahime before closing the door silently behind him.


"Just make sure things don't get ugly and that none of the reporters get inside the hospital," Riko
instructed the security team with a nod. "We don't want any more drama than there already is. The
hospital might sue us for disrupting the peace or something," she said before walking through the
sliding doors of the front entrance to the hospital. "Satoru!" she called out with a wave as soon as
she spotted him.

Satoru looked up from his cell and sighed in relief at the sight of her.

"Riko! I was just about to call you," he said before turning back around and indicating for her to
follow him back down the hallway. "What's going on outside?" he asked when she reached him
although he was quite sure he didn't want to know.

"Reporters are demanding to know why you're here. They're already coming up with ridiculous
stories like you got stung by a jellyfish or something during your little escapade. Some even went
so far as to say that you got bitten by a shark and that you're bleeding to your death at this very
moment," she said with a roll of her eyes.

"What do you propose we do?" he asked seriously, wanting things to be over with. Utahime and
the kids can't very well leave the hospital unnoticed if they're still gathered outside, watching and
waiting for their reappearance like hawks.

"I'll be giving a casual statement in a while, just to ease them and stop new rumors from

"What're you going to tell them?" he said before taking a seat on one of the chairs he had sat on
earlier, just across the room where the kids and Utahime were in.
"You tell me," Riko said, looking straight at him. "What were you doing in that yacht anyway?
And since when did you own a yacht here in Japan?"

Satoru ran a hand through his hair and hunched back into his seat. "I bought it just a month ago. I
made a special order and had it delivered here. I went on that three-day cruise to celebrate the end
of filming," he explained truthfully although not completely.


"And what?" he asked although he knew what she meant.

"Care to explain the reappearance of your old girlfriend and the three kids? Two of whom look
exactly like you," she persisted, watching him closely.

Satoru can't help the smile creeping up the corners of his lips. "Oh, that."

"Yes, that. You seem to have missed out the very crucial detail of this problem."

"Well, you know I met the boys all those months ago. Not long after we arrived in Tokyo, I met
them by accident. Not long after I also found out that Utahime was their mother," he said, still
smiling before he turned to Riko. "I actually have kids Riko," he said almost disbelievingly. "Who
would've thought huh?"

Riko smiled a small smile at this. "You do know this will cause a slight problem for you."

"What do you mean?" he asked, frowning. In his opinion, the only problem he has now was the
effect the paparazzi had on his kids earlier and the reporters now crowding around the hospital.

"Satoru, think of what this will do to your image. You're 28 years old, known to never have a
serious relationship with women. Now you're here, apparently the father of three kids with the
reappearance of an old fling."

"Utahime wasn't just a fling to me and you know it," he said almost heatedly.

"Sorry, an old girlfriend," she amended quickly, raising her hands up in defense. "I take it you two
are getting back together?" she added, looking away from him.

Satoru looked at her and didn't answer. How could he? Riko had told him of her true feelings for
him and just when he told her that he would give their relationship a chance, Utahime had
reappeared in his life and things just went out of his control from there.

"Ah, well," Riko said in a resigned tone and standing from her seat. "I can't do much anymore at
this point. At least I'm still your manager, that's enough for me," she said, smiling down at him.

This was precisely why Satoru can't believe what Utahime had told him. Riko is a good person, she
always have been. She was always thoughtful especially where he was concerned and she always
did the right thing.

"Riko," he said, standing up and looking at her with admiration. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"I don't know. Everything I guess," he said unsurely.

Riko grinned at him and winked.

"Satoru? I think the kids are starting to…oh," Utahime stopped in her tracks, a hand still holding on
to the door knob when her sight landed on Riko.

"Utahime, " Satoru said nodding at her then towards Riko. "You remember Amanai Riko?"

"O-Of course," she said with a small bow of her head at the well-dressed woman.

"Riko, you remember Iori Utahime ," Satoru added.

"But of course. How could I forget?" she said, smiling broadly at Utahime. "Besides, Yaga-san
talks about her frequently enough," she added casually.

Satoru looked at Utahime then at Riko. "What are you talking about?"

"About Yaga-san?" Riko asked, looking at Satoru's look of confusion. "Well, he's been working
with Utahime for quite some time now. Didn't you know? He even told me just this morning that
Utahime's going to be the next big thing in Japan."

Satoru turned from her to Utahime, a look of hurt and accusation on his face. "Is this true?"

Utahime looked at Riko curiously, wondering what she was playing at before facing Satoru . "Yes,
Yaga-san and I have been working for quite some time now. But I only started recording just
recently. And personally, I think he exaggerates whenever he talks about my singing and-"

"And when were you planning on telling me?" Satoru hissed, looking furious now.

"What?" Utahime said, confused now. What was he getting so mad about?

"When were you going to tell me that you've been in contact with Yaga?" Satoru reiterated,
walking over to her in an almost threatening way.

"I…I didn't know I had to tell you I've been in contact with him," she said defiantly.

Satoru glared hard at her. So this was it. He should have suspected it from the start. There was no
way Utahime would have willingly come back to him after all these years unless she had a motive.
She had left him when she lost interest in him and she only came back to use him! He didn't know
how she managed to get in contact with Yaga nor did he care how she managed to do it. The fact
was that she did. He knew that Utahime knew of his and Yaga's relationship. After all, the first
time he had ever spoken to Yaga was when he called to congratulate him for winning JJKtv's
contest years ago, and Utahime was there, she heard him introduce himself to Satoru during the
man's phone call. She managed to get something from him after all. She has been fooling him from
the beginning with her offers of a truce and acting like she still loved him.

"You disgust me," he hissed at her before turning around and meaning to take his leave.

Utahime looked at him incredulously before placing a firm hand on his arm. "Hold on just a
minute!" she shouted, her temper rising as well. "What the hell did I do that's gotten you so
absurdly angry all of a sudden?"

Satoru turned and shrugged her hand off harshly. He glared even harder at her now, if it were
possible. "You've been fooling me from the beginning, you manipulative bitch," he said cruelly,
making Utahime step away from him, entering back into the room slightly and finally letting go of
the door knob. This was the first time he had ever called her such name and it scared her as much
as it hurt her. "I knew it. From the back of my mind, I knew you must have something to gain out
of all this. From that damned truce, from all your crying, from your pitiful story and explanations
from that time you left me, and even from your damned confessions! I knew it was all for
something," he said, walking even closer to her.

Utahime didn't say a word as he slowly leaned his head closer to hers. "Tell me Utahime, did you
actually think that I'd be that stupid not to figure things out in the end?" he asked her menacingly.
"I was right not to believe you when you told me that it was because of Riko that you had left.
And," he said with a sneer, "I'm glad I was able to take you one more time in that yacht. At least
you were good for something in the end."

A loud slap sounded, echoing slightly down the hallway and into the silent room. Satoru's head
was twisted to the side at Utahime 's hard strike to his cheek. Everything was silent for awhile
except for Utahime's sobbing and sharp intakes of breath.

"H-How dare you," she said in a hurt tone when she regained her composure. "You are the m-most
self-centered and heartless monster I have ever come to meet!"

No one spoke after Utahime's outbreak. Utahime was looking up at Satoru, her eyes swimming
with tears and her cheeks drenched with tears, whereas Satoru was looking down at her with a
merciless look on his face. Riko was still off to the side, watching them in silence.

"No," a small quaky voice spoke out from behind them.

Their eyes widened at hearing her speak.

Utahime turned around and Satoru's facial expression softened immediately at the sight of his
children, all three of them, standing a little away from them.

Orihime stood in the middle of her brothers, her cheeks wet with shed tears and yet her eyes were
still threatening to release more. Daisuke and Ryusuke had a hand each on Orihime's shoulders,
holding on to their sister, and both on the verge of crying as well.

"Why do you keep on fighting?" Daisuke asked just before a tear fell from his eye.

"We don't like it when you two fight," said Ryusuke whose voice had broken.

Utahime's hands flew to her mouth. "I'm so sorry," she whispered feeling deeply ashamed of

Orihime cried even harder now, her breathing coming out in gasps. "P-Please don't fight anymore,"
she said, her voice pleading. "Mommy," she said looking at Utahime. She struggled with her
breathing for a moment before turning to Satoru. "Daddy," she said, looking straight at him
through half-lidded eyes.

Satoru immediately went numb after hearing her.

"Please?" she begged again in a faint voice before her eyes suddenly looked unfocused and she
finally collapsed.

"Orihime!" Daisuke, Ryusuke, Utahime and Satoru shouted simultaneously as the little girl fell to
the floor, her brothers only just managing to catch her and ease her more slowly to the ground.


"Excuse me, what's-"

The doctor held up a hand at Utahime as he entered the room with two nurses trailing after him.

Utahime watched hopelessly as the door shut after them and resumed with her pacing. Satoru sat
on the chair nearby with the boys on either side of him with their heads on his lap. They had long
ago cried themselves to sleep.

"Why won't anyone tell me what's happening in there," she said in an agonized whisper before
forcing herself to finally sit down.

Satoru didn't say a thing. He didn't know what to say. Or rather, he didn't trust himself to say
anything anymore. Everything he says and does seem to end up hurting the people he loves. He
really was heartless. 'Utahime's right,' he admitted to himself resentfully.

"Utahime ," Miko said from down the hallway before she hastened to reach them. "What
happened? I'm sorry I took so long."

Utahime looked up at her, grateful for her arrival. "Miko, would you mind watching the boys for
awhile?" she asked, wiping her tears and looking more determined now.

"Of course," she said without hesitation.

"Satoru, come with me," she said in a serious and no-nonsense manner.

Miko helped Satoru by holding up the boys' head as he stood up slowly and sitting in his place.

"We'll be right back Miko," Utahime said before turning on her heel and walking down the
hallway. She smiled weakly to the familiar staff who greeted her along the way to Suguru's office.

Satoru gave her a dubious look as she held the door open for him.

"Suguru won't mind," she said, still serious, and it was the truth. She has spent so many times in
this office in the past years that she would even sometimes be mistaken as a doctor's assistant by
Suguru's patients when they catch her in there alone during the times when she had to wait for him.

Utahime nodded for him to take the other seat right in front of the desk, opposite from her.

"I'm tired of fighting with you Satoru ," she said almost immediately when he took his seat. "I'm
tired of you accusing me of something that's not even true. And most of all, I'm tired of trying to
tell you the truth when you wouldn't even believe me."

Satoru still didn't utter a single word.

"Would you believe me if I presented you with proof then?" she asked and laughed mirthlessly.
"Though we've been broken up for this long now, I always thought you would still continue to trust
my word. So I never bothered even trying to prove anything to you," she said as she pulled
Suguru's telephone and dragged it towards them to the middle of the table. "Please dial Yaga-san's
number for me."

"What are you getting at?" Satoru finally asked.

"You would never believe me unless I prove it to you. So here I am, trying to prove myself though
I'd rather do more important things with my time. But I'm proving myself to you for the sake of our
kids. I just pray that when we leave this office, you'll think better of me and stop initiating our
Satoru pulled the telephone closer to him before taking out his cell and searching for Yaga's
number and dialing it. Utahime held the receiver to her ear before pressing the speaker button.


Utahime cleared her throat and forced herself to sound like her normal self. " Yaga-san?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"It's me, Iori Utahime , I-"

"Ah,Utahime my dear! Wonderful! You called me right in the middle of listening to one of your
songs! I had actually taken a copy from your pre-recording session with me. In fact, I've been
listening to your songs all day!"

It was only then that Utahime and Satoru heard Utahime's voice, singing to a tune from the
distance in the other line.

"I…I'm glad to hear it," Utahime said though unsurely. All things considered, she still can't help
the blush that managed to color her cheeks.

"So, is there something the matter?"

"Well, you see I-"

"Yaga, Utahime . Please call me Yaga!"

"Yes, of course, Yaga-san," Utahime said, trying hard to be patient. She wanted to get back to her
kids as soon as possible. "Well, Satoru's here with me actually."

"Satoru ? My Satoru you mean?"

Satoru raised a brow at how he was being referred to. But then again, this man was the closest he
had for a father. So he let it pass.

"Yes, that Satoru. And he has a couple of things he wants to ask you, here he is now," she said and
nodded at him.

"Yaga," Satoru said before the man could speak first.

"Satoru my boy, I didn't know you were acquainted with the lovely Utahime ! This is just
absolutely perfect! I was joking around with Riko just this morning, telling her I might ask you to
do a duet with Utahime or maybe star in her music video alongside her when that time comes. But
now, I'm quite sure it could be possible!"

As Yaga ranted along his plans for the pair of them, Satoru stared at Utahime , his face blank.

"Of course," he said, at a loss of what more to say.

"Excellent! You two will be hearing from me about that plan sooner or later. I'll take it up with
Gakuganji. You don't know him yet Satoru but he's the one who discovered Utahime by chance a
few months ago as she was singing in one of the more popular restaurants here in Tokyo. His
constant insistence that I meet Utahime was also the reason why I flew here with my wife a few
months ago. I'll introduce you to him sometime."

"That would be great," Satoru said before shaking his head. "Anyway, we just called to see how
you are."

"With you working with me and now Utahime ? I can't be any better!"

"Glad to hear it. I'll be seeing you soon then."

"Bring Utahime with you when you do!"

Satoru replaced the receiver into its cradle without another reply.

"I'm sorry," he apologized immediately.

Utahime shook her head and held the receiver to her ear again. "This time, I want you to call Riko,"
she said.

"What for? You already proved my accusations earlier to be wrong."

"You'll see," she replied vaguely. "And this time, you have to remain in complete silence," she
added before motioning for him to dial Riko's number.

"She told me she had just finished giving a statement to the reporters outside before she left
earlier," Satoru said as he dialed the numbers. "She might be busy now, trying to-"

Utahime cut him off by holding up her hand before pressing the speaker button again and resting
the receiver on the table silently just as Riko's voice rang through the room.


"Hello, Amanai Riko speaking."

"Riko? This is Utahime ."

Riko stopped and looked at her cell.

"Utahime ? Iori Utahime ?" she clarified.

"The very one."

"I wasn't expecting a call from you," she said before nodding a thank you to the waiter who had
just led her to an empty seat in the restaurant across the hotel she and Satoru had been staying in.
"Seeing as we just spoke a few hours ago," she added.

"Yes, well, I have a request."

"That request being?"

"It's my kids. They're-"

"What do your kids have anything to do with me?" she asked somewhat incredulously.

Utahime gripped hard on her chair at her insensitive tone.

"Well, they are Satoru's kids too as you may very well know by now," she said, glaring at the
telephone as if it was Riko herself.

"I'm concerned with Satoru's affairs solely, Utahime . The details of his affairs, you and your kids
included, are none of my concern."
"Fine then!" Utahime said bitingly. "Then can you at least help me get in good terms with Satoru
again? It's also for his own sake. And you owe me at least that."

"I don't owe you anything."

"Yes you do. You actually led him on to believe a lie earlier when you brought up Yaga-san's
name. And that fight we had earlier, which was the result of your thoughtless remark, had a very
dire effect on our kids!"

Utahime glared even harder at the phone as Riko's laugh emanated from it.

"That wasn't my fault. It was Satoru and you who got caught in that little dramatic bubble. I was
merely in the sidelines, watching you two bicker your heads off."

"You brought it up!" Utahime shouted, getting more irritated by the minute.

"And that was all I did."

There was a pause as Utahime tried to get her breathing and her temper under control.

"Is that all then? Unlike you, I have more important things to do Utahime . I-"

"Wait," Utahime interrupted immediately. "I…Can you at least tell Satoru the truth of what really
happened the day I left?"

Riko laughed heartily now.

"What do you want me to tell him? Do you actually want me to remind him of the day you left him
and broke his heart in two?" she asked, her voice heavy with hilarity.

"You were the one who insisted I leave him!"

"Oh, I don't recall ever using the words 'leave him', Utahime, " Riko countered. "I never told you
specifically to leave him. If I were you at that time, I would never have left him as callously as you

"Then what was all that crap you told me then? You said that…that if I truly love him, I would do
everything in my power to ensure his happiness even if it would hurt me! Those were your exact

A perfectly penciled brow shot up to her forehead at this. "Wow Utahime, you actually bothered to
remember my exact words after all these years?" she pushed on, hearing the girl on the other line
trying to muffle her sobbing. "Utahime, it wasn't my fault that you and Satoru broke up. If you're
trying to find comfort in reprimanding me right now, then you're out of luck."

Wiping her tears hastily, Utahime continued to glare at the phone, forgetting Satoru was even in
the room by completely ignoring him and speaking as if it were Riko in the office with her now.

"You really are heartless. All the things you told me then, was all for your sake!"

"Oh no, I was thinking of Satoru . Look at him now; he's gone all the way to the top didn't he?
Think about it. If you weren't too guilty back then for holding him back from his dream, if you
didn't take every word I said to heart, he wouldn't be this successful now. He wouldn't be the rich
and famous actor he is now. He would still have gone on with those measly roles he got before he
ever got paired up with me."
"I…I want you to tell him the truth. I want you to admit it to him," Utahime said in a calmer voice,
her shoulders sagging. "Please Riko. If you would just tell him the truth, I'm sure things would-"

"Things would what Utahime?"

Utahime fell silent as her voice cut across her in mid-sentence.

"If I tell him the truth, things would be better? Things are already better without him knowing.
Things only get worse when you're around. Haven't you noticed?"

Utahime stared at the phone, new tears threatening to fall at what Riko had just said.

"When you disappeared years ago, Satoru became who he is today. Famous, rich, sought-after, and
his acting abilities are only getting better. I actually saved him from the fate you had already tied
him to. When you were around, he could barely get his talent shown, and when he did, he held
back because of you. Even today, you've reappeared in his life and look at the predicament you've
got him into now. The media's up to their heads, hoping against hope that there's some sort of juicy
scandal between you two and those kids of yours. Nasty rumors are flying everywhere about him
right now because of you and who has come to fix it again? Me."

"I didn't mean to cause-" she tried to explain rather weakly.

"But regardless, you did. You managed to-"

Utahime was startled back to reality. She blinked away the rest of her tears and wiped them away
furiously before looking over at the phone. Satoru was breathing somewhat heavily with his hand
on the receiver that was now back to its cradle.

"I- We weren't done talking!" Utahime said, trying to pry his hands away from the receiver, but he
wouldn't let go. "Y-You didn't hear her admit it. You didn't hear the exact words she told me that
day!" she said rather hysterically, tears falling down her cheeks again. "You have to hear her say it.
She h-has to admit it…"

Her voice trailed away and was replaced with sobbing.

Satoru let go of the phone and looked at her. He didn't need to hear Riko admit it, he was sure Riko
would never admit it but everything else she had said in that call was more than enough proof to
Satoru of the role she had played in Utahime's disappearance years ago.

"Utahime," he said almost brokenly. "I-"

Utahime shook her head vigorously, ceasing him from saying any more, and ran out of the office
without another word.

Chapter End Notes

Clarification on Utahime's personality:

Utahime's personality in this story is simply… for the lack of a better word, GOOD.
She's a motherly, caring, understanding, humble, merciful girl. So I hope you guys will
accept the decisions she'll make and the things she's done so far. If you're as good as
her, I bet you'd do exactly as she has. I suppose. I dunno, this way so just try to
understand her.LOL. Her personality will make more sense in the next chapter. Satoru
will clarify it for you!
"Forgive or Forget"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Tokyo was in a buzz. Although it wouldn't be all that surprising if the whole of Japan was in a
buzz, or even the whole world for that matter. One seemingly fine Sunday, almost all major
newspapers within the city had a common subject of interest in its front page: "Gojo Satoru's
Scandalous Life Before His Rise to Stardom."

Pictures were posted everywhere, from newspapers to magazines, and from tabloids to random
websites over the internet, of the photos that were taken during the actor's long weekend escapade
with an unknown woman and three children.

Before that piece of gossip could grow any further however, immediately the day after, another
headline graced the front pages of the Monday newspapers, and it simply read: "The Not-So-
Scandalous Life of Gojo Satoru."

This particular issue sold even more than that of the previous day due to the relevance of the one
news report broadcasted in the nightly news that very same day: "Gojo Satoru Sacks Long-Term
Manager, Amanai Riko."

The Not-So-Scandalous Life of Gojo Satoru

Written by: Kugisaki Nobara

"We all know the talented, rich and famous actor, Gojo Satoru.We also all know that rumors are
erupting everywhere regarding his relationship with one, Iori Utahime, due to the rather shocking
photos revealed almost everywhere since yesterday."

"I would personally want to extend my apologies to Gojo-san and Iori-san for being the root cause
of all the said photos taken the night they had their romantic dinner on Gojo-san's yacht along
with their three children. As much as I would want to deny ever having taken part of the
acquisition of those photos, it is crucial that I admit the truth."

" Yesterday's news may have revealed Gojo-san's relationship with Iori-san and the nature of the
three children who were seen with them on the yacht by making obvious conclusions. But Gojo-san
himself has personally sat down with me to talk about it all willingly just to clear things up to

For the detailed interview with Gojo Satoru, turn to page C7…

"Oh this is ridiculous!" Miko said exasperatedly as she flipped through the pages of the newspaper.
"Honestly, this reporter's more like a gossip columnist in a magazine than an actual journalist," she
muttered before she found the page and area of the paper she was looking for.

Nobara : So Gojo-san, who really are those kids who were seen with you on your yacht?

Gojo Satoru : The kids everyone saw me with that day are my children. You all know Dai-kun and
Ryu-kun or rather Daisuke and Ryusuke, that's their real names -from a previous event in Jujutsu
Theme park. They were on stage with me that day, although I didn't know they were my kids that
time. And the third child, the little girl, is Orihime, my daughter. The three of them are triplets.

Nobara : Oh that's adorable! And what about the woman you were caught kissing and embracing
with when the kids were out of sight later during that first night at sea?

Gojo Satoru : Her name is Iori Utahime. She was my long-term girlfriend since I was in high
school, all the way until I got my big break as an actor. I suppose you can see the pattern as to how
I didn't know about my children until just recently.

Nobara : Yes, indeed we can. So, exactly what happened since your cruiser docked? It was
reported that a lot of drama took place at the Tokyo ports as you arrived there and even after you
had left.

Gojo Satoru : I never expected the media to find out about that little trip. I planned that all out on
a whim, so you can imagine my surprise and annoyance to find a hoard of people waiting for our
arrival. The only person who knew that I had even left on that yacht with Utahime and our kids
was my bodyguard, Nanami – who, by the way, was the one who informed Riko of where I was and
who I was with, thinking she had to know since she's my manager. He apparently did not give her
full details except that I was with my boys but I suppose Riko was smart enough to know the
specifics anyway to give us away. She was already suspicious of Utahime from the start so I
suppose she already figured out she had to be on that yacht with me too. Anyway, on our way to
the car when we arrived, the kids got pretty shaken up. You know how the media can be, seeing as
you are one yourself. Questions were thrown from every direction and the ceaseless camera flashes
were too much for the kids, so we decided to head straight to the hospital. That's where my
manager, or rather, now ex-manager, turned up…

Miko scanned the next few lines, already knowing most of the parts of what happened within the
hospital since she was there as well.

"Ah, here it is…" she said aloud before slowing down and reading more properly again.

Nobara : Yes, I figured it must have been Amanai-san who had made the call to our studio. I was
suspicious of the tip at first of course but then, a tip's a tip. We were quite desperate for a worthy
enough story at the time. Tokyo's been in a drought for juicy news lately.

Gojo Satoru : And when you found out that the tip was pretty accurate…?

Nobara : I immediately thought it must be someone rather close to you. And since we don't know
anyone here in Japan whom you actually trust to share such information with, she was the
immediate suspect.

Gojo Satoru : That was very smart of you.

Nobara : Well, you've never really done any work here in Japan. It was easy to round off the
people close to you who'se currently residing here. So anyway, after your security team rounded up
a bunch of us, asking about the photos and who got the tip, the rest is history. I told them it was my
team who took the shots and as it so happens, I had already spoken to Amanai-san beforehand,
thanking her for the tip. She didn't admit she was the one who called us but I recognized her voice
easily enough through the phone.

Gojo Satoru : I really appreciate it that you cooperated with us on this and openly admitted all
that you know. Riko's done a lot of deceitful things in the past, some I would rather not reveal to
the public since it has affected my family and I personally. With you admitting all this, about her
involvement in starting this whole mess about my personal life, is already enough for the public to
know just what kind of person she is. So, again, thank you.

Nobara : Not a problem Gojo-san. Glad to be of help. Now, is there anything else you want to tell
our readers?

Gojo Satoru : Yes. I hope the media, as well as my fans, will be more compassionate the next time
I decide to go out in public like that with my family. My kids were actually frightened that time.
They aren't used to how the paparazzi act around celebrities. They mean the world to me and I
don't want them to take the wrong end of the stick to having a father who is famous. So I hope you
can all try to tone it down a bit if ever you do spot me in public with them.

Miko read the parting note of the writer before folding the paper up and throwing it on top of the
Sunday paper, covering its heading:

Gojo Satoru's Scandalous Life Before His Rise to Stardom

"I really should learn to read newspapers the day they're dated," Miko said regretfully with a sigh.

Utahime smiled at the older woman from the sink as she washed the plate and glass she had just
used. "It's not that important anyway."

"Not important?" Miko repeated incredulously. "Utahime, this is the first time the news has ever
featured someone I actually know! Not only that, they featured five people whom I know so well!
And I can't believe it, why didn't you tell me about your history with Satoru-san? I should have
suspected it the moment I noticed his increased visits over the past few months! I really can't
believe it. A famous actor is the triplet's father? Who would've thought?"

"You're not that late. So it doesn't really matter," Utahime reasoned, completely ignoring the rest of
her comment. "It's only Thursday today. You just missed the news for four days."

"Oh stop trying to make me feel better," she said with a wave of her hand and looking depressed,
making Utahime giggle.
Sighing, Miko stacked the newspapers of the previous days in a neat pile before opening the paper
for that day. "I suppose it's never too late to start keeping up with the news in time. And with you
as my witness Utahime, I promise I'll read every single detail in the paper from now on," she said
in a sigh as she started reading.

"You do that," Utahime said with a grin before glancing at her watch. "Anyway, I have to get
going. I have to get to the studio by one o'clock. Satoru might be bringing the kids over here later if
Orihime gets discharged today. So can you wait around here until I get back?"

Miko nodded, not looking up at her as Utahime shuffled around the kitchen for a while before
leaving through the front door.

After a few minutes of reading the rather boring article on the front page however, Miko found
herself already losing on her promise and was now scanning the pages of the newspaper for
anything more interesting. Then something caught her eye.

Miko's brows furrowed as she quickly read the article.

"Oh dear," she said when she finished. She held a hand over her heart as she read the short article
again, now with a wide smile and a proud look on her face.

Iori Utahime, Japan's Next Big Celebrity?

Iori Utahime, We all heard that name lately ever since pictures of her and the famous Gojo Satoru
were revealed in newspapers and magazines around the globe.

But who is Iori Utahime?

In due time, that name will be known to every citizen across the nation as Japan's next singing

JJKtv has formally made a statement late yesterday about this very woman. It is confirmed that
Masamichi Yaga, the founder and proprietor of JJKtv and Yoshinubo Gakuganji , the CEO of the
famed record company, CT Studios (both who are known to be good and long-time friends) are
currently under collaboration to ensure the successful kick-off of Iori's career.

The pair had confessed that they had originally meant to keep this under wraps until the
completion of Iori's album which is currently still undergoing its pre-recording. But due to the buzz
about her standing where Gojo Satoru is concerned, they decided to make the announcement far
earlier than they intended in case rumors begin about the coincidence of her working with Yaga-
san, who is also widely known for instigating Gojo's acting career years ago. Gakuganji has even
disclosed that he was the one who had originally discovered Iori and had immediately seen
potential in her, and soon after sought collaboration with Yaga. Iori has worked closely with
Gakuganji in recent months ever since his offer of a record deal. It was also revealed that Iori had
no idea of Yaga's working relationship with Gojo, and was actually surprised to find out the truth
of their affiliation only a few days ago.

A lot of coincidences have certainly occurred where Iori and Gojo are concerned but both JJKtv
and CT Studios have assured everyone of Iori's potential and say that Gojo's association with her
has nothing to do with all the luck that she's been getting lately where her career and impending
fame is concerned.


Satoru looked up from his newspaper and towards Orihime , a smile immediately on his face. She's
been calling him that ever since the day she collapsed five days ago and still Satoru can't help the
grin that breaks out of his face whenever she does.

He and Utahime still found it hard to believe the kids had somehow figured out that he was their
father. They truly were too smart for their age. Neither he nor Utahime were complaining of
course. They were, in fact, grateful that they didn't have to explain to them the truth in a very
uncomfortable manner. But they also know that they have to one day explain to them just how
things ended up as they are now, from when Utahime had left him to when Satoru returned to
Japan and also about Riko's involvement. They knew the kids would be smart enough to
understand it for the most part but it still wasn't something they both wanted to do so soon, so they
agreed to do the explanations when things between all of them settled down again.


"Why can't we leave yet?" Orihime said with a frown. She was sitting up on her bed with Daisuke
and Ryusuke at the edge of the bed, trying to make a tower out of a deck of cards with little success
due to all their moving around.

"We have to wait for Suguru. He has to check the results to your tests last night first," he explained
making her sigh. "We should be able to leave in the afternoon."

"It's just going to be like the last check-up. I'm really okay now," she said just as her brothers
managed to keep six cards up. She wiggled in her spot a little before doing a not-so-innocent
bounce, sending the cards falling in a heap.

"Hey!" the boys shouted simultaneously, turning to her. "You did that on purpose!"

"I did what on purpose?" she asked in an innocent tone.

"Dad!" Daisuke and Ryusuke shouted, turning to Satoru for back-up. It took a while for them to
adjust to addressing Satoru as their father but they finally caught on just two days ago after Orihime
addressed him numerous times a day as 'daddy'.

"Mmm…" Satoru replied, not paying attention as he read an article holding the name of someone
very familiar. "Don't bully your sister boys," he said absently before silently and quickly reading
the short article.

The boys looked at him, appalled, before turning back to their sister who was grinning at them

"Oh, you're so gonna get it!" Ryusuke threatened, crawling over to her side of the bed with Daisuke

"Don't come any closer!" Orihime warned, trying to shoo them away with her hands though it did
nothing to keep them away.

"Get her!" Daisuke shouted before he and his brother pounced on her and started tickling her

Orihime shrieked out loud, causing Satoru to fall from his seat in surprise.

"Oy!" he said over the noise as he scrambled back to his feet, still smiling from ear to ear from
what he had just read.
The triplets stared at him expecting to be reprimanded for the noise they were making but was
surprised to see him grinning broadly at them.

"Do you guys want to go visit your mom at the recording studio when we get out of here?"


"Two worlds apart, separated by lies,

Two worlds apart, heed my unheard cries.

You're so near now, but you're still out of reach.

Just come close? Please don't let me preach.

My love for you has always been there,

Through all the hurt and wounds we've been through,

Can you not bear it with me? Can we not share?

I just want you here with me. I love you.

Two worlds apart, separated by deceit,

Two worlds apart, I'm longing for us to meet.

But you're here now, you've come for me."

"Have you forgotten, the t-" Utahime stopped immediately, letting the band's tunes die down soon
after her.

"Utahime ?" Gakuganji said, his voice emanating through the speakers above. He was looking at
Utahime through the clear glass that separated the recording area from the control room he was
sitting in with his staff.

Utahime sent him an apologetic look before waving at someone behind him.

Gakuganji looked over his shoulder, and by the door stood Satoru and three little kids.

The triplets were grinning at Utahime and waving enthusiastically in her direction.

"Sorry Gakuganji ," Yaga said with a guilty expression as he entered after the newcomers. "These
are Utahime's children, they insisted on watching her sing."

"Oh," Gakuganji said, caught by surprise at the three kids but all the more surprised at seeing
Satoru .

"This is Gojo Satoru by the way," Yaga introduced, gesturing to him. "Satoru , this is a good friend
of mine Yoshinubo Gakuganji ."

"Nice to meet you Gakuganji-san," Satoru said and offered his hand out towards the man who was
slightly gaping at him.

"Of course, of course. Gojo Satoru !" Gakuganji said, sounding quite flustered. "I'm a big fan!" he
said, grinning widely and shaking his hand with his rather vigorously.
Satoru looked at him, amused. "Please, don't let us disturb Utahime's recording, we-" he cut off,
noticing the absence of the triplets.

"Oh, how cute!" the back-up singers cooed, pinching the kids' cheeks.

Satoru looked up and saw the three in the recording area with Utahime. The rest of the occupants
had long abandoned their instruments and were now huddled around them.

"I guess we already disturbed you all by coming here," Satoru told Gakuganji with an apologetic

"Not at all!" he said with a careless wave of his hand. "We all needed a break anyway."

"I read the article by the way, does Utahime know about it?" Satoru asked the two men who
beamed at the mention of it.

"If she does, she isn't showing any sign that she does," Gakuganji said. Utahime had indeed not
mentioned anything about the article in the day's paper.

"I need to thank you both for doing that for her," Satoru said sincerely. "That's also why I came
here, to thank you personally."

Yaga and Gakuganji chuckled at this.

"Oh Satoru, it was nothing at all!" Yaga said indifferently. "After that meeting we had in my office
late last Sunday, how can I not do this for her?"


Yaga watched the news on TV in his office, his brows furrowed. What was going on? He had been
getting nonstop calls all afternoon regarding Satoru and none of it was pleasing in the least.

"Come in!" he called out tiredly when he heard the knock. He had only just turned the TV off
before his door burst open and in strode the very subject of his concern. "Satoru!" he said in

Satoru walked towards him and sat on the chair before his desk and pointing to the empty seat
across him.

"Sit!" he barked harshly.

Riko jumped and did as he instructed. Never had she seen Satoru this furious and never has she
heard him use such a tone on her. She had only just returned to their hotel room that day, after
grabbing a small snack at the restaurant across the street, and when she entered the room, he was
there, sitting in the living room sofa, waiting for her and looking almost murderous.

Yaga watched the exchange and waited for Satoru to speak first.

"Yaga, I expect you saw the news earlier?" he asked, his voice calm albeit he looked like he wanted
nothing more than to start shouting.

He nodded. "Right after you and Utahime called me earlier this afternoon," Riko's eyes widened
with shock and understanding as he said this, making Satoru throw her a nasty look. "I started
getting calls from the press, requesting to have a word with me regarding you and Utahime. I
didn't understand it at all until I saw the news."
Satoru ran a hand through his hair before he started explaining his and Utahime's story from
years ago until he got around to talk about the events that took place that very day.

"So I want this bitch fired," Satoru ended coldly, glaring over at Riko who was now hunched down
in her seat, tears spilling from her eyes. "She's a manipulative, scheming little traitor and I don't
ever want to see her again," he added, breathing deeply now. "Not only has she emotionally
afflicted Utahime but what she's done, everything she's done, has distressed my kids as well."

"Very well," Yaga said, sighing and looking at Riko in disappointment. "Amanai-san, I can't even
find the right words to say to you right now," he said, frowning at her and shaking his head. "By
Satoru's request, your contract is officially terminated, but not only the contract between you and
Satoru but I will also have to terminate your contract with JJKtv and you will be banned from this
company, i'm sorry but even I can't have you work in my company anymore after everything you've
done. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Riko was crying even harder now but she didn't say a word.

"Satoru , do you want to file a case against her?" Yaga asked, although personally he didn't want
the problem to get any more complicated that it already was. The press will have a field day when
this gets out, he was sure of it.

Satoru immediately shook his head, making Riko look up at him with an almost thankful

He looked down at her and glared even harder. "If Utahime and my kids aren't a part of this whole
mess, believe me Riko, I would sue you for everything you earned ever since you started working
for me. You should be thankful of the very people whom you've hurt. If I could put charges against
you without having them appear in court to make any sort of statement against you, I wouldn't even
think twice about suing you!"

**End Flashback**

Gakuganji nodded at his assistant before excusing himself and leaving to adjust the equipment
situated in the other side of the room.

"I mean," Yaga continued with a glance in Utahime's direction before grinning back at Satoru .
"The way you talked about her that day, I could tell she meant a great deal to you."

"She did and she still does," Satoru said, smiling.

"I take it she's the reason for your change of personality ever since you got back to Japan?" the
older man guessed looking at Satoru with a knowing look.

"Her," he agreed before nodding thrice at the triplet's direction. "Daisuke, Ryusuke, and Orihime.
All four of them are the reason Yaga," he said with an almost wistful look on his face. "I don't even
think my personality even really did change. It just, sort of disappeared the day Utahime did those
years ago."

Yaga stared at Satoru for a while before sighing in content. "This is why I wanted you to come
back to Japan."

Satoru looked at him with raised brows, not understanding his statement.

"This is why I wanted you to come back here," he repeated with a smile and squeezing his shoulder
in approval. "This is why I was so insistent on you taking the job here. I had been concerned for
awhile. You've been so hard over the years, almost rigid and unfeeling. I knew I had to do
something to get the life in you again. I wanted to see that young man I had seen on TV during
JJKtv's contest five years ago. The lively, interesting, emotional and even cocky young man, I
wanted to see him alive again in you."

"And do you think you found him again?" Satoru asked, grinning.

"I'm pretty sure I have my dear boy," Yaga said confidently and patted Satoru's back. "I'm pretty
sure I have."


"You didn't have to bring them all the way to the studio," Utahime said as she and Satoru walked
through the park at a leisurely pace, following the kids who were running around ahead of them.
"Orihime just got out of the hospital after all."

"We all had the sudden urge to want to see you sing," Satoru said with a shrug while struggling to
take a lick off his ice cream what with his cap and glasses on. "Besides, Suguru said Orihime's
been fine since yesterday morning. He just wanted to keep her there to make sure she gets her rest
while they checked on the results of her tests."

Nanami had dropped them off at the park by the kids' request. Though the sky revealed that it was
close to dusk, and the park was close to being empty except for the occasional jogger or people
walking quickly past, probably heading home, Utahime had still insisted that they all wear hats,
though in Satoru's case, she had also forced him to wear a pair of semi-tinted glasses.

"Can't we just take these things off now? It's getting dark, it'll be hard to recognize me, and
besides, there are hardly any people around," Satoru tried to reason as the end of his cap hit his ice

Utahime had to stifle a giggle but nodded.

"Thank you," he said exaggeratedly before he took his and Utahime's caps and stuffed them into
his jacket pocket along with his glasses all too eagerly. He grinned down at her before he resumed
licking away his ice cream.

A smile lingered on Utahime's lips as she continued to lick her own ice cream while keeping a
close watch on the triplets.

Satoru made a side-along glance at her before taking a deep breath. "Utahime, can you forgive

Utahime looked at him, confused.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "Forgive you for what?"

"Everything," Satoru said with a frown and sighed. "I said a lot of cruel things to you not just
recently but ever since we saw each other again at the theme park. I know Riko's the cause, the
main reason why things happened as they did, but if I weren't so…" his brows furrowed at this, at a
loss of the right word to use to describe himself. "If I weren't so…well, me, then things wouldn't
have become this complicated and difficult between us."

Utahime took a moment to stare at him before smiling sadly. She didn't reply.

"So can you forgive me?" he asked again, not liking her silence at all.
"You already apologized and I already said I forgive you Satoru," she pointed out.

"Well, you said you forgive me that time when Orihime woke up," he countered a bit
uncomfortable. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about the moment Orihime had collapsed
until the time she had revived. Those moments, he can live without ever reliving or recalling again.
"I thought you were just saying that since you were so happy that she was okay. You forgave me
too easily."

It was too much for him. After everything they've been through, Utahime should put him through
hell, but instead she forgave him all too quickly. He didn't feel at all that he deserved it.

"That's true, but I still meant it though. I do forgive you. Forgive and forget."

"You can't just forgive and forget," Satoru countered, surprising her.

"Why not?" she asked with raised brows.

"I mean, you can forgive or forget. You can't do both."

"Yes I can," Utahime said with laughter in her voice. "I forgive you, and I'll try to forget it ever

"But it's impossible for you to forget what's happened. Not after all we went through. Not after
everything that's happened," he pointed out, making her look thoughtful. "Well, unless you start
losing your memory when you grow into an old woman or if you acquire an early onset of
Alzheimer's disease, or if you somehow get amnesia," he added smartly.

Utahime looked at him incredulously before laughing loudly, making the triplets turn to them. She
waved them off before giggling and turning back to the man beside her.

"Fine then," she said when she recovered from her fit. "I forgive you. And I suppose you have a
point, I don't think I really can forget everything's that happened. But I really do, sincerely, forgive
you Satoru."

Although still not entirely convinced, Satoru smiled a thank you at her before continuing with his
ice cream licking.

"We seem to have the habit of apologizing and asking for forgiveness from each other a lot," she
added, remembering the first night they spent on his yacht when she was apologizing for every
wrong she had done to him. And she can distinctly remember Satoru telling her that verbal
apologies are sometimes not enough. Utahime can't even remember if he actually did say that he
forgave her for her own mistakes.

For a moment, she seriously considered bringing his exact line up but then decided against it. They
have gone through enough remorse already.

It was a few more silent minutes until they saw the opposite entrance to the park and Satoru could
only just make out Nanami waiting for them with the car parked by the sidewalk, just as he had
instructed him to. By now the night chill had already come, their ice creams long gone and the
triplets were playing leap frog on the path and getting closer towards his bodyguard.

"Utahime," Satoru said, stopping her from walking with a hand on her arm.

A faint blush crept up to Utahime's cheeks due to the night breeze that had picked up considerably
since they started their walk. She looked up at him, staring at him with pure curiosity.

"Do you think," Satoru started, still trying to find his nerve to say the words he's been longing to
tell her ever since they left Suguru's office in the hospital.

"Do I think…?" she repeated, seeing as Satoru looked like he wasn't planning to finish his sentence
anytime soon.

"Do you think there's a chance we could get back together?" he said rather quickly.

This caught Utahime in surprise even more.

"You actually considered getting back together with me?" she asked.

"Yes, but it would involve you agreeing first," he pointed out in a joking tone although he was
perfectly serious.

Utahime smiled at him before starting down the path again, looking in the distance as she did. "A
lot has happened."

"I know."

"A few more weeks, then it'll be exactly six years since the day I left you," she said before starting
to walk along the path again, although more slowly now.

"For which I have already forgiven you for doing," Satoru said, making her smile at him in thanks.

"Can we really get back together after so long?"

"I certainly think so," he answered without hesitation.

"Can we really forget everything that's happened since then?"

"I thought we already agreed that we can't forget but we'll just forgive instead?" he said, making
Utahime giggle and nod.

"Well, yes, but I mean…can we really act as if nothing happened?" she asked reasonably.

"We can try. I mean, forgiving entails trying to act as if nothing ever happened."

"It does?"

"To me it does," he said, grinning at her before turning serious again. "Utahime, do you want to get
back together with me?"

Utahime stopped just as the kids entered the door to the limo that Nanami held open for them. She
turned and looked up at Satoru , looking quite torn. In all honesty, she did. She loved him, there
was no question about it, and right now it was easy enough to assume that he loved her just as

"I do," she admitted. "But…"

That single word tore at Satoru's hope even if he didn't know what her next words were yet. He
wanted her. Not just wanted, he actually felt that he needed her. Over the past few days he's been
caught in his own emotional turmoil, actually thinking of the possibilities of their relationship. He
missed her. He missed them. He missed what he had with her before Riko ever came between them
and now Riko was gone. And all that had occupied his mind- ever since he ensured Riko was out
of their lives -was of Utahime. He needed her to be with him.

"But?" he persisted.

"The kids-"

"They'll be jumping for joy if we get back together, no doubt about that," he interrupted in a sure
tone. "But Utahime, I don't want you to get back together with me- if you are seriously considering
getting back together with me –for their sake. I do care about them; in fact, I love them down to the
damnedest part of my heart. But for once, try thinking about yourself, think about what you want."

"What?" she asked, somewhat rattled. "I do think about myself," she said defensively, making
Satoru raise a brow at her.

"Then what do you want?" he asked, closing their distance and looking down at her, straight in the

He seriously wanted to know her answer. She was the most selfless person he knew. She had left
him for his sake so he could live his dream five years ago. Yes it hurt him like hell but he knew it
hurt her even more since she had to force herself to leave despite how she felt for him and actually
live out years in guilt. She had also given up her dream of being a singer for the sake of their kids.
She had bore them, raised them, took care of them, and worked hard all this time, without a single
complaint and without his help. God only knows what else she's done over the years. Not to
mention the hell he put her through ever since he came back to Japan. She had suffered a lot
without a single complaint it almost seemed maddening to believe there was such a person like her.
If he were in her place, he would have at least lashed out and launched his anger on someone a
couple of times.

Utahime looked up at him, feeling his warmth radiating from his body and actually feel it engulf

"What do I want?" she asked in a weak voice, looking back at him. His gaze was almost

Satoru cupped her cheek in his hand, and slipped his other arm around her waist, holding her in

"What do you want Hime?" he asked in a gentler voice.

"I," Utahime whispered, looking back at her reflection through his bright blue eyes. She swallowed
before her gaze fell on his lips. She lifted her hand up and ran it along the side of his face before
tracing her thumb along his lower lip. "Satoru, I…"

"Hime," he whispered, leaning down towards her slightly and very slowly. "What do you want?"

Satoru literally felt like he was on the edge of a cliff, ready to jump. He looked into her amber
eyes, trying almost desperately to read her thoughts.

"What do you want?" he whispered in an even lower voice though he could still hear the slight
unease and insistence in his voice.

"I…" she trailed off. Her hand was still resting on his cheek while her other hand was now
clutching desperately onto the front of his jacket, trying to keep herself steady with him getting
even closer over her.

"You?" Satoru pressed on and his gaze fell to her slightly parted pink lips. Her breathing had
hitched considerably.

"I want…"

There was a moment's pause in which Satoru couldn't find himself to say anything anymore.

"I want…" she whispered again.

Satoru held his breath.

"You," she finished rather breathlessly and she threw her arms around his neck just before he
caught her lips with his own in a passionate kiss.

Satoru was caught in surprise but he held her tightly against his chest all the same. Her lips were
soft against his; her hands delicate as they held the hair at the back of his head firmly; her body soft
and fitting in perfectly against his own. She was absolutely perfect. Absolutely perfect for him.

"I'm really sorry for everything," Satoru said in a broken voice after their kisses slowed down.

Utahime pulled back slightly and looked at him with a loving smile on her face. She wiped the
single tear that had escaped and had run down his cheek. "Don't cry Anata, I already forgive you
remember?" she whispered, kissing his cheek lightly where the tear fell.

"I still don't think I deserve your forgiveness after everything that's happened," he said. His voice
was still broken although tears didn't continue to fall anymore. "I don't deserve your forgiveness,
and I don't deserve the kids' forgiveness either. I really don't."

She pulled back more and looked at him closely. He really felt genuinely bad about himself and at
everything that's happened. It was heart wrenching for Utahime to see him this way. Ever since
she'd known him when they were still kids, he was always so stubborn, so strong, so confident, and
so emotional, so humorous, so lively.

"Anata," she whispered, pulling his gaze up to look at her.

He looked at her with all the guilt and remorse he felt that was tearing at him in the inside.

"I forgive you. And do you know why I'm forgiving you so easily?"

Satoru shook his head, not trusting his voice to sound anything close to normal.

"It's because," Utahime held his face gently between her palms and smiled up at him. "I love you. I
always have, I always will," she explained softly. "I never stopped loving you ever since I left. I
tried, well I didn't try all that hard but I tried. And no one can possibly take the place you have in
my heart. It's impossible."

She looked at him affectionately and Satoru knew her words were as sincere as they could possibly

"God," he said in a rather pained voice as he engulfed her in his arms again into a close embrace. "I
love you so damn much that it hurts. That's why I worked so hard to hate you and to hurt you all
this time. I couldn't take it if you moved on or forgotten about me when I couldn't."

Utahime nodded in understanding and sighed contentedly against his chest. They didn't know how
long they stayed that way but it was Satoru who finally broke the silence.

"Promise me Hime?"


"Don't ever leave me again," Satoru said huskily into her thick black hair.

"I promise," she said with a little nod of her head, making him smile as he pulled back to look
down at her.

"Good, because I'm never letting you out of my sight ever again," he said making her giggle
lightly. He ran the back of his hand against her cheek lovingly, making Utahime lean into his
touch. " Iori Utahime," he whispered, placing a kiss atop her head. "My best friend," he added
with a kiss on her forehead. "My soul mate," he kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose. "My
Love," he finished as his lips met hers again in a slow and tender kiss.

After years of separation, trials, and hardship on both their parts, fate has finally brought them
together again.

Chapter End Notes

"I know, after the last chapter, it seemed quite impossible for the two to get back
together again. This is a Satoru and Utahime story with Romance and Drama after all.
Heavy on the Drama I suppose. if you were place, would you really be willing to give
him/her up after the mishaps because of some possessive manager?

Well, personally, I'd never give up a loved one that easily. Especially not when that
certain loved one has been someone I've known since childhood and grown up with.
So it's really not to cliché for the pair to get back together so easily.

I hope you guys liked it!


There Epilogue.

That's right. This is not the end. Well, it technically is the end but…you get the idea.

This chapter might have tied the loose ends but the epilogue, it will finally ties the
loose ends even further (is that even possible?).

So I'll see you by the next (and final) update to this story!"
"Forever With You"
Chapter Summary

Gojo Satoru is a popular international actor who has lost his heart 5 years ago. Iori
Utahime is a single mother who loves the children she gave birth to 5 years ago. Gojo
meets 2 children who looks exactly like him and were born 5 years ago. So what really
happened 5 years ago? Two people know: Utahime, but not Satoru.

Chapter Notes

I don't own Jujutsu Kaisen and this plot.

CCS: "Lies and Love"The original/Creator of the story belongs to THE DREAMER

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Orihime silently crept up the stairs with Daisuke and Ryusuke silently following her.

"Orihime-chan, I really think we should just be waiting downstairs!" Ryusuke said in a whisper.

"Yeah, dad said he'd be right down," Daisuke added, looking back down the stairs worriedly.

"But Daddy also said he'd be down thirty minutes ago," Orihime countered as she continued her
way until she reached the second floor landing.

Everything was silent in the floor except for a little scuffle in one of the rooms.

"Daddy?" she called out before making her way to the only room whose door was slightly ajar.

No answer.

"Daddy? Daddy Are you there?" she called out again.

"I told you, I don't have it with me!"

The triplets stopped dead in their tracks, hearing the desperation in their father's voice.

"Just leave us alone!"


Satoru looked at the man in front of him with a stony expression. "Just leave us alone!"

"Don't lie!" the man yelled before swinging his fist to his stomach.

Satoru fell to the floor in a heap; his face in agony.

The man walked closer towards him before kicking him in the stomach, rolling him over to face

"Next time, I-"

"Leave him alone!" three voices suddenly shouted.

The man had only just turned to the door to see the newcomers before he was sent falling to the
floor with small fists hitting him in the chest and two pairs of arms holding him down by the knees.

"Leave daddy alone you bad mister!" Orihime screamed as she continuously hit the man with weak
and tiny punches.

"Yeah, what did our dad ever do to you?" Daisuke added, not letting go of his left leg.

"Yeah! What do you think you're doing mister?" Ryusuke said, holding on to his right leg.

"CUT!" someone shouted behind them.

The triplets stopped immediately and turned to look behind them. Around seven more people were
in the room, a man sitting on a high chair, another holding on to a large camera beside him, two
men holding on to large lighting equipment, another man holding another large camera in the far
corner of the room, and two women, one holding a clipboard, the other with a set of headphones
dangling around her neck. All of whom were staring at them in obvious surprise.

Everyone was still. Though the director shouted a clear cut to the filming, the cameramen were
still rolling and the rest of the crew was still in a state of shock.

"Daisuke, Ryusuke, Orihime" a voice said from above the kids who were still holding the
supposedly evil man down on the floor.

The triplets stiffened before looking up at their father who had his arms crossed in front of his
chest. They smiled awkwardly up at him.

"H-Hi Daddy!" they greeted, the guilt apparent in their voices.


"I'm sorry again Ijichi-san," Satoru said with a guilty grin.

The man laughed before slapping Satoru in the back lightly. "Not a problem Gojo-san! That did
catch me off guard though. I have to admit, it's not every day you get three kids to come and
wrestle you to the ground like that. I was practically ambushed!"

Satoru laughed along with the rest of the crew as they made their way down the wide set of stairs a
few minutes after the triplet's timely arrival.

"Your kids are so adorable Satoru-san!" the woman with the clipboard gushed from behind him.

"Adorable yes, but mischievous as hell," he countered, making all of them laugh again. "This is the
first time I brought them along on location. They've visited me on set in studios and warehouses
before but I guess being in the actual place made them think it was real."

Satoru landed on the ground floor and immediately spotted the kids by the snack table, talking to a
few of the crew men.

"Having fun?" he asked, making the three turn to him with their mouths full of various chocolates.
"Make sure your clothes don't get dirty or else your mother will kill me," he said, making them nod
and try to swallow down the food. "Actually, Miko will kill me first if she finds out too," he added,
making them grin.

"You know you're late?" Orihime said with a pout making Satoru grin at her in apology.

"Yeah, mom's gonna be mad," Ryusuke said.

Daisuke didn't say anything, instead clicked his tongue similar to that of what Miko does when she
disapproves of something.

Satoru raised a brow at them. "Well, I would've finished much sooner if three little kids didn't
interrupt with filming earlier," he pointed out casually.

The triplets looked at each other for awhile before looking up at him with determined looks on
their faces.

"We tell mom that it was the director who got us late," the three of them said simultaneously with
an arm each raised up at him.

Satoru laughed out loud before nodding and shaking each of their hands. "Deal."

The triplets grinned at him.

"Okay, okay. C'mon let's go, before we end up even more late than we already are."


Utahime turned to the door as it opened.

"It's time for you to go on Utahime-san," the man informed.


"And I was told that they've just arrived and are now seated up front," he added with a smile.

Utahime sighed in relief. "About time," she muttered under her breath. "What the hell is that man
thinking? He's cutting it a bit too close," she ranted, thinking of Satoru, before standing up and
removing her robe with shaking fingers.

"Oh, you look fantastic Utahime!" Miko gushed, making Utahime's prep team nod in approval
behind her.

"Are you sure it's not too…I dunno, over the top?" she asked.

"Over the top? Other celebrities way older that you have dressed in skimpier clothes than that!"
Utahime's hairdresser said in defense for her.

Utahime smiled at them and breathed out slowly. "Wish me luck!" she told them before leaving her
dressing room.

"Good luck Utahime-san!"

"Yeah, knock 'em dead!" added Miko excitedly.


"Yaga-san! Yuu-san!" Satoru greeted loudly, shaking the man and his wife's hands before he took
his seat with the triplets between him and Nanami at the very front row of the stadium, just below
the stage.

"Satoru! About time you got here!" Yuu Yaga , shouted back over all the noise the crowd was
already making.

"I got held up with shooting," he replied before pointing back inconspicuously at his kids.

The pair laughed and nodded in understanding before all the lights went out and the entire crowd
behind them screamed wildly.

Satoru turned to the kids to see if they were okay but to his horror and utter amusement, the three
of them were also screaming their lungs off and were bouncing on their seats.

Orihime, who hasn't gone to the hospital or had met with any doctor- with the exception of
Suguru's frequent but casual visits -since that day he and Utahime had argued after Riko's tactless
comment, was the one screaming the sharpest and loudest amongst the three, and she showed no
signs of stopping anytime soon either.

He laughed aloud before he and Naami forced them back to sit properly.

"There's my girl!" Yaga shouted unthinkingly, making Yuu nudge him in the side. "You know
what I mean dear!" he reasoned with a chuckle before clapping loudly as the underground platform
that had taken Utahime up to the middle of the stage, stopped.

Satoru gaped at her.

"How are we doing tonight TOKYO!" she shouted before slowly walking over towards the front of
the stage, waving at her audience with a bright smile.

"It's hard to believe this is her first live performance!" Yaga shouted at Satoru over the ceaseless

"You must be very proud Satoru!" Yuu shouted as well, watching Utahime with great fondness. It
was hard to imagine that this was the same sweet and simple girl she had accidentally met some
long time ago along with her just as sweet daughter in the hotel lobby.

Satoru closed his mouth and nodded mutely but continued to stare at Utahime with wide eyes.

This was the first time Satoru had ever seen Utahime dress in something like that. The fabric of her
outfit was a pale pink color, the exact color of cherry blossoms. It was a tube dress with a heart
shaped bodice that was stuck to her like second skin, defining her every curve until the waist where
the fabric turned to something much softer, was set in a few layers creating a little ruffle, and was
flowing with her every movement, ending in mid-thigh. Silver rings were fastened around her
upper arms where the fabric similar to that from her skirt was sewn on and fell wide and loose just
a little beyond her wrists. Her hair was done in large curls, falling to the middle of her back with a
large cherry blossom flower ornament stuck in the side, just above her ear.

As Utahime walked even closer to them, Satoru felt his mouth dry as he looked up at her. Her legs
looked even longer in this angle; her four-inch heeled pale pink pumps did nothing but compliment
her assets even more.

"Who chose that outfit?" Satoru demanded from Yaga who was caught by surprise.

"She did," he said with a raised brow at him. "Why?"

"It's too damn…" Satoru's voice trailed off, not knowing the right word to describe it.

"Perfect?" Yuu supplied with a laugh, making her husband chuckle as well.

"Yeah," he replied absently as Utahime waved in his general direction. Her outfit wasn't meant to
be provocative in the least and he knew it. He was even willing to bet that the people assigned to
her wardrobe would've wanted something even skimpier than what she wore now.

"Hi mom!" the triplets shouted, waving back.

Utahime blew them a kiss and they grinned, each blowing her a kiss back.

"Everyone," Utahime said in a loud voice while making silencing gestures with her hands, calming
everyone down. "I know this is a little unconventional to do before a show but before we get
started, I would like to thank you," as she said this, screams erupted again, making her laugh before
she continued, "for all the support you've given me since the release of my album. This concert is
the first stop for my Asian tour."

The audience still went wild at her every word and Utahime can't help but laugh and do a little

"Things wouldn't have turned out as they have now if it weren't for you," she said gesturing a hand
across the large stadium that was full to the brim with people. "My fans, you really mean a lot to
me," she said with a slight bow of her head. "And of course, to my family," she continued, a wide
smile on her face as she turned to look down at the first row of seats. "Daisuke, Ryusuke, Orihime.
Only you three could make me feel like the proudest and happiest mother alive. I love you three so
much," she said with a little wave at them.

The triplets waved at her wildly, shouted "We love you too!" and their faces glowed with
happiness for their mother.

"Now, this first song I'll be singing, is something all of you are familiar with," Utahime said with a
playful tone to her voice as she walked around the edges of the stage casually. "I wrote this for
someone special to me," she admitted in a serious voice. "In fact, he's that special, that he's the only
man I know who could possibly bring me so much grief and pain, and could bring me to tears so

The crowd was immediately silenced at her confession, and Utahime stopped in her tracks, right in
front of the stage, looking out at everyone before her.

"But," she continued, a fond smile now forming on her lips. "He's also the only man who brings
me happiness and contentment, and the only one who could give me a bad case of butterflies in my
stomach at every touch. He's the only one whom I have ever trusted completely, the only one
whom I've never stopped caring for dearly, the only one, I promised myself all those years ago,
that I'll ever love."

Utahime bent down slightly and held her hand out while still holding onto her microphone with her
Satoru, who had already stood from his seat, was directly below her and he reached his hand out to
hold on to hers.

"I love you Gojo Satoru…My Anata," Utahime said with an affectionate smile.

All the lights and cameras were on them, zoomed-in to the loving looks they held for each other,
and the audience was in silence, watching their exchange at the edge of their seats.

Satoru didn't say anything. Instead, he leaned closer towards her and placed a soft kiss at the back
of her hand.

"I love you Iori Utahime, My Hime," he finally replied in a voice full of pride and pleasure.

The entire stadium shook from the tireless screams of its thousands of occupants.

And with one last adoring smile for the other, they finally let go of their hold, their wedding rings
glinting under the bright lights as their hands parted.

Daisuke, Ryusuke, and Orihime grinned at each other and high-fived as Utahime made her way
back to the center of the stage and started her first song, titled: Forever With You.

The triplets clapped, shouted and sang along with everyone in the crowd for a while until they
knew the first song was coming to an end before they huddled together to look down at the CD
case they had brought along with them to be guided with the songs Utahime was going to sing that

Satoru turned to them, looking amused at their arguing about what Utahime will sing next. He
chuckled before grabbing the CD case.

"You're going to hurt each other if you argue while holding on to this," he reasoned at the frowns
he got from his kids.

The three shrugged before resuming with their argument.

Satoru smiled at them before looking down at Utahime's CD. He read through the list of songs
printed in a curved font at the back of the case:

CD 1:

1. Two Worlds

2. An Unexpected Meeting

3. Returning Favors

4. Parent Trap

5. Several Conclusions

6. The Lullaby

7. Grief

8. Problems and Solutions

9. Realizations

10. Several Faults

CD 2:

11. When Problems Arise

12. Family Dilemmas

13. Beyond Expectations

14. La Paix dans Le Paradis

15. Unconcealed

16. Five Years Ago

17. Publicity

18. Unveiling Truths

19. Forgive or Forget

20. Forever With You

He was quite impressed at the number of songs Utahime managed to complete and the amount of
fame she was able to acquire in a short period of time. Even more impressed that one of the songs
was actually in French, inspired from the name he had given to his yacht.

Most new singers in the business would usually start off with a single CD with typically twelve
songs. But she had insisted in releasing a double, and had actually recorded a total of twenty songs
in her first album which, as it turns out, was a complete hit. She had done things her way and it
worked with much favor from the public who had even demanded for her to write and sing more
regardless of the already more than usual amount of songs she had released for a first and single

They had been married for a year now, and the triplets were going to turn 7 years old soon. Time
had passed quickly and things really have changed drastically since his return to Japan almost two
years ago. Utahime's career as a singer was only getting better. His career as an actor, although
most of the projects he accepted were shot in Japan, was still as good as it had always been. He's
even gotten more publicity due to his relationship with Utahime and because of their three kids.
They had already agreed to keep the kids in Japan for as long as they can in a regular school and
will eventually have to hire private tutors when Utahime starts her tour and when Satoru decides to
take other projects outside the country again.

Just thinking of it all made him wonder how things would've turned out if Utahime hadn't forgiven
him or if he hadn't forgiven her after everything they've been through. What if they had given in to
Riko's treachery? Along with it, the hate, cruelty, pain…and all the lies that were conceived
thereafter. What if he never found out he had kids? What if Utahime had decided to not tell him the
truth? Or what would have happened if he had believed her from the start? What if…

Satoru shook his head at his needless thoughts. Utahime had forgiven him for all the wrong he has
done and subjected her to during those wretched months, and he had forgiven Utahime completely
for everything, from her unwarned leave seven years ago, to her keeping their children's existence a
secret from him for five years.

Lies have gotten through them at some point, it interfered with their relationship and affected them
greatly and dearly, but their love for each other triumphed in the end.

With a satisfied sigh, Satoru re-examined the CD case in his hands. He turned the case over and
traced the side of the front cover with his thumb, a warmhearted expression overcoming his
features as he did. Half of the front cover had a photo of Utahime, and the other half had a zoomed-
in photo of a large hand, which he knew was his, cradling three smaller hands that belonged to the
triplets, and below the photo, embossed in gold was her name with the album's name underneath:

Utahime Iori-Gojo

Lies and Love


Chapter End Notes

Thank you so much for all of you who read from the first chapter till now of "Lies and

Appreciate y'all so much, it means a lot to me that y'all take time to read, leaving
comments and giving kudos for the story.

i love y'all stay safe and stay sane^_^

till the next story of gojohime

its not goodbye, its see you again!

"LIES AND LOVE" is signing off.

End Notes

switching character names and add the charcters from jjk

i always love this story but its been years
since ive read it .
also kind of want it to be gojohime sooooo credits to original/creator the dreamer for a
GREAT story..XD

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