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Introduction-3rd Republic

1. Third republic looked like a joke:

 French politics at the time was very chaotic, Governments were replaced
fairly regularly and there was lots of political scandal. Less progress
domestically than other countries like Britain.
 However this view should not be accepted-French politics was very different
in France from the rest of Europe-third republic was culmination of all the
vibrant politics since 1789.
2. France was divided between those in favour of the revolution and those against it:
 Left in favour of revolution-wanted liberty over property- didn’t want an
interventionist government. Also didn’t want a strong Catholic Church. Left was
strongest in Paris, not as strong in the provinces.
 Right were generally against the revolution-valued property. Saw politics as a
necessity for keeping law and order. Church and State should be linked.
 Right had been in power almost exclusively between 1815-70. However right was
divided after fall of Napoleon III-Legitimists and Orleanists.
 Left were also unstable though-attempts for left to gain power had been
unsuccessful e.g. Paris Commune and Communards.
 Meant that between 1870-1914 so many governments came and went.

Franco-Prussian War and the Paris Commune, 1870-71

1. Franco Prussian war
 Both sides were convinced they would succeed. France thought they had
more troops, Prussia believed they were better equipped.
 Prussia had a stronger military hierarchy and much better selection of
 France were tactically out manoeuvred by Bismarck- were defeated after
six weeks at Sedan-Emperor captured on September 3rd
 Republic declared in Paris the day after-however republic refused to give
up on the war, wanted to see Prussians defeated at all costs.
 Defeat at Sudan made it easy for Prussian army to March on to Paris.
2. First siege of Paris
 Even though Paris was well defended, Prussians managed to surround
Paris with help from southern German allies.
 Didn’t dare attack-Prussians wanted to starve out the city. Sent Gambetta
in a hot air balloon to organise resistance in the provinces-failed to rally
support apart from in small pockets of French countryside.
 Parisians thought that they had enough troops on the inside to defend-
government refused to organise military action. Led to distrust of the
 By Christmas Prussians started shelling Paris-was captured on 28 th Jan – peace
signed-led to Treaty of Frankfurt.
3. Treat of Frankfurt
 Very harsh on the French Prussia ( Now Germany), was in a position to
entirely dictate the terms of the treaty
 Involved a huge war indemnity that many considered beyond Frances
capabilities to pay.
 Declared that election must be held so that a legitimate government
could negotiate the peace
 Also took away large amounts of French land in Alsace and Lorraine-became
part of Germany. These regions were the home of Frances Iron resources
and where much of the textiles industry was based.
 Harshness of the treaty would become significant in years to come-treaty
of Versailles can be seen as revenge.
4. Paris Commune
 Background: results of the elections saw a conservative majority-much of
the provinces were still conservative. They were not voting ideologically-
more voting for peace and stability.
 Led to Monarchists running a republic. Monarchists were split between
Bourbons and Orleanists- thought that it was inevitable that monarchy
would return-chose Adolph Thiers, an Orleanist, to run the republic
 Thiers Chose people from all political viewpoints to be his minister, apart
from the extreme left.
 Causes: Conservative majority in the assembly saw Paris as unstable and
rife for revolution- so moved assembly to Versailles to avoid demands of
the mob.
 Assembly put a return to economic normality at the top of its agenda-
didn’t think indemnity could be paid if country was in economic turmoil.
 During the war people had struggled to survive-couldn’t get hold of good,
couldn’t pay rent and had to sell of what little they owned to survive.
Many people withheld rent and business operated by using a system of
promises and notes.
 March 1871- Assembly voted to put an end to these irregularities- led to
150,000 declarations of bankruptcy within a week. This united Paris-felt
like they were under attack from the assembly. Dismantled class system.
 18th march- gov. troops sent to take 417 cannons held by Parisian
National Guard-were surrounded by the mob. Mob captured officers and
two generals were murdered.
 Thiers order all troops to leave the city and prepare to re-enter in force-
same as the advice Thiers had given to Louie Philippe in 1848.
5. Establishment of the Commune
 During the siege of Paris a central committee of the national guard-
represented the views of fighting men. Had ulterior motives for
exercising it influence to bring out leftist social change. However only a
minority were revolutionary.
 After government forces left created a power vacuum, Central committee
filled this, held elections 8 days later and declared the commune-
independent entity, no allegiance to anyone.
 They hoped for different communes to be set up around France and they
would come together to create a single governing body.
 Placed placards up around Paris outlining their demands.
 Is considered by Marx as the first communist state.
6. Second siege of Paris
 Thiers had to negotiate with Germany in order to allow his troops to
leave-was against the terms of the treaty. Fortunately had sympathetic
officers in the Prussians army.
 Following siege was very methodical, troops were well organised and
took few risks- in contrast communards were unorganised and lacked
 Few barricades went up in working class districts. However these were
harder to defend due to the urban renewal of Barron Housman.
 Many buildings were destroyed such as the Hotel de ville.
 Death toll for the communards was v. high about 25000, only 877
government troops died. Many more were taken for questioning.
7. Effects of the commune
 Paris went back to normal surprisingly quickly- businesses opened again
debris was cleared very efficiently.
 Even though opinions were polarised in the immediate aftermath of the
commune, in the long term the commune caused a right wing reaction
against the left, people wanted preserve property over liberty.
 If compared to Germany, their socialist part grew during 1880’s while it
ceased to exist in France.
 Was also hugely influence to Karl Marx- saw it as the first attempt at a
communist government

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