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10 Things you should know about Eclipse Phase

Eclipse Phase can be pretty dense with new science fiction concepts. Here are ten things you should know:

1. Your experiences and personality are called Ego and can be backed up like a computer file. This information is
contained in an implant you have called a cortical stack. If you die, your stack can be used to return you to a
new body. If your stack is lost, you may have to be restored from an older backup you may have made
somewhere else.

2. Your body is called a "morph". There are three types of morphs, biomorphs, synthmorphs, and infomorphs.
Biomorphs are people grown in vats and are genetically enhanced to avoid many of the diseases that plague
us today. Synthmorphs are mechanical in nature and can be anything from a robotic dragonfly to a large
spider tank. An Infomorph exists just on the Mesh. Moving into a morph is called "sleeving".

3. “The Mesh” is pretty much the Internet of tomorrow. You are likely to have a "Mesh Insert" which allows you to
directly connect to it wirelessly. You can do Mesh searches at a whim and is very much tied into your day to
day life for everything from blogging to games. Like wireless of today, there may be slowness.

4. You have a personal assistant called a "Muse". This limited AI can do searches for you, make appointments on
a calendar and even order prescriptions for you when it senses a headache coming on.

5. Humanity has developed the ability to create things at a molecular level called nanofabrication. Like those
shoes? You just need to get the blueprint and print yourself a copy. The printers are called fabbers and there
are several models. Some models make food and drink, others can make starships given enough time and

6. Humanity doesn't just live on Earth anymore. We have colonies on the Moon, Mars, the skies of Venus, Jupiter
Trojans and many other places. We do not have Faster Than Light (FTL) travel though so it takes a long time to
move physically between places. In many cases you can just farcast your Ego to the new place and rent a

7. Humanity has upgraded some of the smarter animals, like ravens and octopi to human levels of intelligence.
They are called "Uplifts".

8. Humanity has built massive Artificial Intelligences (AI), called TITANs which were used to defend the Earth.
Humanity has built smaller AIs for many things called Artificial General Intelligences which are artificially
limited in ability.

9. Humanity entered a war with the TITANs, which we call “The Fall”. For almost two years we fought tooth and
nail with our own defense systems. After practically committing genocide on the human race, the TITANs just
disappeared taking untold numbers of Egos with them. The Earth was left mostly uninhabitable. Humanity
now ekes out a living just about anywhere we can. There were around a half billion humans left, but we have
been making a slow come back in the 10 years since.

10. Lastly, Eclipse Phase is Creative Commons Licensed. You can download a copy for free if you like. If you enjoy
the game and would like to reward the writers, you can purchase it from your local gaming store (which is
preferred by the authors of the game as they get more money from it and it keeps the local game store in
business), or you can purchase the PDFs online at

I hope you enjoy your game, and feel free to ask questions.

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