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"Every child are innocent when born, they are special in many things and in
different ways.  They should be treated well and love them without condition. Not all
children are normal some are special in their own way.  In other words they are called
special child, wherein in our normal world we found them incapable of doing things
which normal child can do. “Every Child is Especial” is a movie that will teach us the
real meaning of love and acceptance, a movie that will us cry and laugh and will
enlighten our heart that every child should be value no matter who they are or what
they are. Let’s take a little recall of the story."

About the Movie

Every child is special is also known as Taare Zameen Par or Stars On Earth. It was released in 2007
and directed by Aamir Khan.

Darsheel Safary Ishaan Awasthi
Aamir Khan Ram Shankar Nikumbh
Tanay Chheda Rajan Damodaran
Sachet Engineer Yohan Awasthi
Tisca Chopra Maya Awasthi

Nandkishore Awasthi
Vipin Sharma
The movie is all about a child whom at first misjudges, misunderstood and
mistreated it was later on when someone discover his talent the treatment of people who
step on him suddenly changed into positive.  To begin, there was a nine year old boy
named Ishaan who have reading and writing disorder which is called dyslexia but no one
notice it including his family.

He is a kind of child who loved playing with animals but hate reading books. He
always gives headache to his parents as well as teachers. It seems like no one understand
his situations. During his class in English subject, he was asked by his teacher to read one
of the chapters from the book. Instead of reading, he told his teacher that the words were
dancing. The teacher was disappointed on him for not participating and studying so he sent
out. Ishaan then skip all his classes out of experiencing rage from his teacher and roam
alone on the street. In order to attend his class the following day, he asked his brother
Yohan to make an excuse letter. His math teacher permitted him to attend class but he has
no idea that they will have an exam.  Out of 20 items he only answers item one
unfortunately incorrect because his mind is busy imagining. On the same day his father
found out the fake excuse letters that lead them to know that Ishaan skipped his class. The
following day his parents met his teachers, they learned that Ishaan’s grades might fail

Out of frustration Mr. Awashti (Ishaan’s Father) decided to send Ishaan in a

boarding school. His mother and brother strongly opposed to that idea but no one make his
father’s mind change, and so his things were packed and sent him to that school.

His stay on that school makes him feel unworthy. He even experienced beaten on
his hand by his Art teacher. He was traumatized by his teachers, he was called idiot and all
hurtfully words he received it. For his teachers his nothing but an idiot they were so upset.
He was depressed and mad when their new art teacher came their previous teacher move
and teaches in different country. Mr. Ram Shankar Nikumbh is the name of the new art
teacher. Mr. Nikumbh made a playful entrance, everybody seems enjoying except Ishaan.
When he instructed the class to draw he noticed that Ishaan is not participating, that make
him concludes that Ishaan have a problem.  In other case, Family Awashti visits Ishaan
once in a blue moon because of that he didn’t care anymore. He was immune with that.

Out of curiosity, Mr. Nikumbh was interested to know some details about Ishaan. He
discovered that Ishaan have difficulties in reading and in writing. He scans that notebook of
Ishaan then he noticed that all the words are written backwards. He explains to Ishaan’s
family that the child is showing the symptoms of Dyslexia, a reading and writing disorder
wherein Mr. Nikumbh once experienced. That is the reason why Ishaan’s have trouble in
studying. His family could not accept the fact especially his father.

Mr. Nikumbh suddenly discovered something special in Ishaan’s talent. One of this
was his drawings and the other is the boat he made when the class was sent out to the
classroom. The Art teacher was surprised as well as his classmates. In this matter he asked
the school principal that he want to teach Ishaan and the principal approved his request.
He never gets tired of teaching Ishaan, he gives all his attention toward the learning of the
child and he did not failed. Ishaan learned well, he learned how to write and read.

There was an organized painting competition wherein all students and teachers are
free to join. On the day of the competition Ishaan woke up early and left. The competition
was already starting but Ishaan is not yet at the place of the event. Mr. Nikumbh feel
uneasy and searching the presence of Ishaan. When Ishaan finally arrive Mr. Nikumbh’s
face was in so much glad and they start painting. At the end of the competition it was
Ishaan’s painting declared as the winner.  Their school year book was covered by Ishaan’s
painting and Mr. Nikumbh’s painting which is the face of Ishaan. His parents as well as his
teacher whom step on him before were very proud of him. All of this is to be thanking to
Mr. Nikumbh who spent his time and help Ishaan to developed and nurture the hidden
talent of the child.


The story tell us that a child is a child whoever they are they should be accepted.
Never reject them nor make them feel that they are worthless for it brings them too much
frustration that leads to depression. They should be care and given much attention. We all
have incapability but despite of it we still have hidden talent which will reveal sooner or
later by the help of those people around us. That is why we should apply this sayings in our
life don’t judge the book by its cover, look inside and discover. Another is “no one is an
island”, we cannot live alone; we need someone by our side who will guide us, nurture us
and someone who will help us to discover things which we cannot do alone and someone
who will accept us.

Our world is surrounded by people who have a very narrow mind, judgmental and
irrational. They are those people who love discriminating others especially when they saw
something indifferent. They don’t know the real meaning of acceptance. For them to realize
that their doing something bad we need first to prove ourselves.  It’s not bad, it’s better
because it will let them regret their own words. We need to have a wide understanding and
be careful with our words. We need to respect others if want to be respected in return. 

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