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Emsize E 50S is a sizing agent especially used for cotton yarns. It is especially suitable for
cotton coarse yarns in home textile, Terry towel and denim production.

Product characteristics
Appearance: off-white granular powder
Moisture: app. 8 -14 %
PH value (10 % solution): max. 12
Desizing: with enzyms

 excellent sizing effect
 high adhesion power
 compatible with other sizing agents
 desizing with enzymes
 good biological degradability

Preparation of the solution

The required quantity of product is added to cold water.
Under stirring the slurry should be heated up till 95 °C and kept for at least 20 minutes at this
temperature.. Preparation in an autoclave has to be heated up to 110 °C and kept for at least
10 Preparation of the solution minutes at this temperature

All information and data in this brochure meet our best experiences and own research and are based on recent developments of technology and science.
Nevertheless, we cannot assume any responsibility for its utilisation, the circumstances under which the products are stored, handled and used being beyond our
control. Our technical staff and consultants of the textile department will gladly supply any further information and advices and for further particulars they are
always pleased to be at your service.

Revizyon Tarihi: 30 / 11.2020

Kemalpaşa O.S.B. Mah. İzmir-Kemalpaşa Cad. No:69/3 35170 Kemalpasa / İzmir - TURKEY

Pbx: + 90 232 877 14 15 – 877 05 65 / Fax : + 90 232 877 14 16

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