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Propósito de la sesión: Intercambia experiencias para comunicar lo que ha aprendido y todo lo que queda por

Actividad 1: observa e interpreta la siguiente historieta, posteriormente responde las preguntas

1. ¿en alguna ocasión ha sufrido de acoso escolar?

2. ¿Qué es el acoso escolar para ti?

3. ¿Qué recomendarías para evitar el acoso escolar?

4. ¿Qué harías en una situación así?

Actividad 2: lee la siguiente información y relaciona las columnas según te parezca correcto.
What is bullying? • Make a vacuum or ignore someone
Every day we hear new cases that come to light, of this terrible social • Urge other children not to be friends with someone
disorder. I tell you in case you are still not clear, that bullying is aggressive • Spreading rumors about someone
behavior among children and adolescents who attend educational centers, • Ridiculing someone in public
where someone is attacked either physically, verbally or psychologically. • Exclusion from a social group
• Cyberbullying or bullying through text messages or emails,
Types of bullying posting rumors on social media, sharing embarrassing
photos or videos, and creating fake profiles.
Verbal bullying Physical bullying
It consists of verbal, gestural or written aggression. This is manifested It involves hurting a person's body or possessions. It
through: manifests with:
Teasing • Hitting, kicking or pinching
• Insults • To spit
• Inappropriate sexual comments • Push
• Threats • Stealing or breaking someone's personal belongings
Social bullying • Make rude or teasing gestures
In some countries it is also known as relational harassment, which
manifests itself through damage to someone's reputation or relationships.

Propósito: Presentar el resultado final de su proyecto, para finalmente poder compartir sus resultados.

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