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Tuesday 3 December 2019

11:59 pm... A minute away from tomorrow

Dear Diary,

Today was a long, long, long day. I’m really tired right now so I might not be able to talk to you for long
because I’m thinking about just calling it a day and going to sleep. I spent the last three hours packing
because it’s my last day in Hawaii.

It was a hard task since I bought so many souvenirs at the gift shop yesterday! I simply couldn’t squeeze
all of it into my own bag, so I had to beg my sister to share some space of her luggage with me. Hahaha…
Mom looked at me with a sort of I-don’t-know-why-you-are-so-obsessed-with-these-souvenirs” look
when I was in a shopping frenzy, but I didn’t mind at all. Well, I didn’t have any other choice! How on
earth am I supposed to ignore those cute teddy bear keyrings that were all wearing tiny grass skirts and
coconut shell bikinis? And what about those mango-scented glitter pens? What else could I have done
other than ending up buying every different color of them and spending 2 months worth of my
allowance? I just couldn’t bear the thought of leaving out any of them.

My returning flight is tomorrow and I’m actually quite reluctant to go back... I mean, Korea is a nice
country and I can see all my friends again when I go back, but I will certainly miss the food here. A lot.
Eating every meal like a king (And not just only breakfast! Hahaha) isn’t something you can do normally.
This is a secret that I will only confide in you, Diary, but I gained 10 pounds since I came here. (Shhhh..!)
Don’t blame me, I just couldn’t resist the temptation of every mouth-watering meal! All sorts of fresh
seafood, the sweet and sour mango pudding that I literally had every day, and the juicy steak that was
cheap but one of the best steaks that I have ever tasted - these are the ones to blame! Hahaha…

The relaxed atmosphere of Hawaii is another thing that I’ll miss sorely. I became oblivious to all my
concerns and worries when I was lying on the beach drinking a fresh coconut juice. My few days of
vacation in Hawaii was a truly memorable one, if not one of my best. Even though I had stayed here for
only a few days, it feels as if I have been living here for a very long time. Although it seems unlikely, if I
have the freedom to choose the country that I have to live in for the rest of my life, I won’t hesitate to
pick Hawaii. (Wait… Hawaii isn’t a country... It’s a part of the United States!! Oh my gosh! Why do I keep
forgetting this?) Then I would be able to go scuba-diving every single day for the rest of my life…Ahhh…
Sounds perfect!

Diary, I have to go now. Mom has been yelling at me and my sister to go to sleep right away for the last
5 minutes. Hahaha... I’ll write to you again tomorrow!


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