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Most research suggests we are not very good at detecting fake emotions, and we think

we’re much better at it than we are. Do you believe training would improve your ability
to detect emotional displays in others?


In business, school or even in our homes, with everyday efforts, we judge the intentions of
others through our actions. We make decisions to determine if the people around us are lying.

There are jobs like police officers, detectives and lawyers who need to determine if a person
is lying (Seager, 2004). The fact that even these experts sometimes do not detect tricks and
lies well is surprising. According to a survey conducted by Feeley & Young (1998), people
do not detect lies well. Therefore, sometimes it takes a considerable amount of time for us to
weigh things before we make a decision in order for us to make accurate and sound decisions.

According to a study by Ekman, Sullivan & Frank (1999), only a few experts are there to
determine who is lying and have achieved the accuracy of the decision, the higher the
accuracy, the more individual in the group. Abilities are still diverse.

The Facial Action System (FACS) is a system that classifies human facial movements based
on a system developed by the Swedish anatomical Carl Herman Hjortsjo, which was later
adopted by Paul Ekman and Wallace Friesen. Today, FACS is used by researchers,
psychologists and behavioral scientists to understand the exact movements that are classified
as facial behaviors, based on the muscles that generate themselves. FACS is the most widely
used and versatile method of measuring and explaining facial behavior. Ekman and Friesen
investigated a videotape of facial behavior to see how to best distinguish it from the specific
changes that occur in muscle contractions. Ekman and Friesen will publish a video
supplement on how to use FACS to support investigators' decisions later to determine if the
suspect is lying.

I personally think FACS really helps to improve my ability to detect lies. FACS is the
product of many years of scientific and psychological research and application to determine
human behavior through facial expressions rather than being based on the human home. With
proper training and education, individuals can improve their ability to lie and judge the truth
with the help of FACS.

Determine whether the information in this case could help you tell whether a person’s
smile is genuine.


Applying the basic principles of FACS to cleverly judge whether a person's smile is fake is
highly likely to make a correct decision. The reason FACS was developed was not to help
people determine human behavior through facial expressions. However, using FACS properly
requires extensive training to be able to apply those skills.
Is your own impression of the facial expressions of the eight business leaders consistent
with what the researcher found? If not, why do you think your views might be at odds
with his?


After searching for photos of the eight CEOs mentioned, I will judge their facial expressions
based on my own home, which has no knowledge of facial behavior and FACS. My view is a
little different from what the researchers have examined. Perhaps it was because the CEO
made a first impression based on how he was projecting himself in front of the camera. We
know that when it comes to all CEOs, you generally have to be attractive. Take, for example,
Apple CEO Steve Jobs. According to Hill's analysis, he has a positive rating of 48%, but
denies the fact that he actually has an attractive charisma and personality in front of the
masses despite being rude. Can't. Personality in front of employees. Sometimes despite his
bad attitude, people still think to patronize the innovative ideas of work.

Assuming you could become better at detecting the real emotions in facial expressions,
do you think it would help your career? Why or why not?


I think it could be useful for my career, especially assuming that I can better detect the actual
emotions of the people around me at work. This allowed me to understand the true intentions
of my colleagues and bosses. I can handle all the situations that may occur in connection with
my career.

Emotionally sensitive is a good tool to get up and running in the corporate world and in many
different areas. In the 21st century, high IQ alone is not enough. You also need to maintain a
high EQ to accommodate the various environments in the workplace.

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