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All-Purpose Shortform Solitary Kemetic Rite « Per Sebek

Per Sebek

The House of Sobek Shedety

All-Purpose Shortform Solitary Kemetic Rite

An All-Purpose Shortform General Solitary Kemetic Rite

Written by Sobekemiti

Ritual Outline, if that’s all you want:

– before the rite (Senut style, or whatever else makes sense to you)
– setting up the shrine, gathering offerings, etc.
Offering Reverence
– Offering henu
– Annointing yourself with oil
– Opening prayer
– Open the shrine
The Rite itself
– Light the lamps
– Light incense
– Offer ma’at
– Litany to the God
– Offer henu
– Offering formula and presentations of offerings
– Offer henu
– Reversion of (food) offerings
– Personal Prayer/Meditation time.
– Closing prayer
– Close shrine
– Offer henu
– Remove the foot

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All-Purpose Shortform Solitary Kemetic Rite « Per Sebek

This is a shortened version of the solitary Kemetic ritual outlined here
( It isn’t that much
different, except it’s meant to be shorter, and intended more for daily use.

I have not tried this ritual format out yet, so I cannot say for certain that it fits into the 20-25 minute
timeframe I intended for it. I will modify this rite if I need to once I have had a chance to use it, just
because I hate putting untested ritual up here. But I have tried to simplify it so that it is short enough
for daily use, but still has the same basic elements as the longer rite. So it may not be entirely perfect,
but do play around with it, try it out, and modify it to suit your needs.

All the prayers are provided for this one except the hymn of praise for the God of the rite, which you
can either source from elsewhere, or write yourself. The prayers provided are modified forms of the
ones found in the long rite, or have been written entirely by me.

Again, to reiterate, this is a modern solitary Kemetic style rite, not an authentic rite I found on a
temple wall. Just so we’re clear on that.

Quick overview of henu gestures: (pick whichever feels most appropriate and suits your physical
– 1) Offering: either standing or kneeling, hold your arms out in front of you with your (cupped)
palms facing the ceiling
– 2) Praise: stand facing the shrine, hold your arms close to your body, and have your palms held up
facing the shrine at about head height
– 3) Adoration/Jubilation: kneeling on your right knee, with your left foot beside your knee, your
right fist over your heart, and your left fist raised level to your head
– 4) Deep Reverence/Submission: full prostration/’kissing the ground’. I do this from a kneeling
position, bending forward until my forehead touches the ground, keeping my hands near/beside my
head. (You do not actually have to kiss the ground.)

Either of the first two will do for most ritual needs, if you are unsure. But do try them all out because
they are all important, I think, and when I do them all in that sequence, 1-4, and move slowly, that’s a
prayer in and of itself, and it fills me with gratitude. Which I might write up as a prayer sequence in
itself as a silent devotional rite, but let me figure that out first.

Things You Will Need:

1) Salt/Natron, Water, and whatever else you might need for purifications
2) Any applicable offerings (food, artwork, song/dance/writing, gifts, etc)
3) Small figure or image of Ma’at
4) Purification oil (I used frankincense)
5) Incense and censer
6) Shrine lamps/candles/etc
7) Matches/lighter/etc
8) Whatever you need to set up your shrine (God image, offering bowls, candles, etc.)

The Rite:
Rubric: (written)
Used to state the purpose of the rite, but mainly for your own records, such as if you are copying the
ritual into your journal or ritual book and want to be able to see straight off what the ritual was for.

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All-Purpose Shortform Solitary Kemetic Rite « Per Sebek

The Rite of Purification:

A simple way to do this is to bless ten grains of natron (or salt, if you don’t have natron) with the
My natron is the natron of the Netjeru
May it purify me of all that is impure

(By ‘ten grains’ I mean ‘a small pinch’. Also, yes, I use salt and not natron because I find it more
convenient. That, and I can’t make natron, so. Salt will do.)

Say the following over a bowl of water:

My water is the water of the Netjeru.
May it purify me and wash away all illness

Mix the two together, and then use it to mix to rinse out your mouth, wash your hands, and clean all
other orifices of the body. Proceed to bathe or shower as appropriate so you are physically as well as
spiritually clean.

Once you are dressed and clean, and ready to go before shrine, state:
I have bathed in the pure waters,
I have clothed myself in white linen,
I have eaten the natron of the Netjeru,
I bathe myself in your scent,
that I may be purified.

Prepare and gather offerings, and set up the shrine, if you don’t keep a permanent one. Make sure you
have everything to hand before you begin, and go through the rite once more if you want to make
sure you know what you are doing. Spend a moment in quiet meditation to prepare your mind for
ritual, if you like.

Offering reverence:
Offer henu.

Anoint your forehead with a perfume, cologne or natural oil of your choosing:
Oh, <name>, bathe me in your scent.
I have purified myself with the eye of Heru
so I can make these rituals with you.

Opening Prayer.
Hail to you, <name>,
who comes forth from <place>.
I come before you purified,
bathed in the scent of the Netjeru,
to make ritual with you.

Open the shrine.

The Rite:
Lighting the shrine lamps:
Come in peace, <name>,
<optional epithets>

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All-Purpose Shortform Solitary Kemetic Rite « Per Sebek

and receive the light.

I am purified.

Light incense and place it in a censer:

Hail, censer of the Gods,
may the scent of <name> purify and bless me.
I am purified.

Offer Ma’at:
(ideally/optionally: present the God statue with a figure/image of Ma’at, leaving it at the foot of the
God statue.)
Hail to you, <name>,
<optional epithets>
I am Djehuty, and I bear Ma’at before you.
May She be with you in all places where you are.

Recite a litany, hymn, or prayer in praise to the God of the rite.

Offer henu.

Recite (modified) offering formula: “An offering which the King gives to <name>, <epithets etc>, so that he
may give a voice offering in bread, beer, water, ox, fowl, alabaster, linen, and everything good and pure on which
a God lives.”

Offer libations and food offerings, and any other offerings you wish to make.

Offer henu.

Revert (consume) the remaining food and drink offerings. You may say a small blessing before you do
so, but it is not required.

Personal prayer time, if you want to spend some time in the God’s presence.

Closing prayer:
Hail to you, <name>
I have come before you purified
to make these rituals with you.
I have offered praise to you, O <name>
I have offered ma’at to you,
I have offered <whatever you have offered>
bathed in your scent, O <name>
I thank you, O <name>
Who has come forth from <place> to be with me,
and I have honoured you faithfully today in your name.
May you look favourably upon me
And be at peace with me.

Close the shrine.

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All-Purpose Shortform Solitary Kemetic Rite « Per Sebek

Offer henu.

Remove the foot to end the rite.

6 comments on “All-Purpose Shortform Solitary

Kemetic Rite”

picklewalsh says:
February 5, 2013 at 11:54 pm
Im gonna give this a go tonight and let you know 🙂

Sashataakheru says:
February 5, 2013 at 11:55 pm
Thank you kindly, sir. Feel free to change the words if you don’t like ’em, and I’d love to hear
how you go with it. ❤

picklewalsh says:
February 7, 2013 at 1:36 am
Did this just now, it was awesome. Such a warm fuzzy feeling inside now and Sekhmet
loved it 🙂

Sashataakheru says:
February 7, 2013 at 8:11 pm
😀 That’s great to hear!

Happy Birthday, Sobek! :D « Per Sebek says:

July 11, 2013 at 12:56 am
[…] All-Purpose Shortform Solitary Kemetic Rite […]

James Lilly says:
July 7, 2020 at 11:31 pm
Thank you so much for this. This is a big help.


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