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Quiz 3

Direction: Answer the following questions.

Questions: Explain the following:

1. What do you mean by relativism in ethics and religion?

Ans. By relativism in ethics in religion can ethical relativism is the theory that holds that
morality is relative to the norms of one's culture. That is, whether an action is right or
wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced. The same
action may be morally right in one society but be morally wrong in another.
2. Rousseau idealizes pre-societal human life, while Thomas Hobbes suggests that it was
harsh and unpleasant. Why do these two thinkers have such contrasting views? Who do
you agree with? And why?
Ans. The two philosophers said that because it is difference between Hobbes and
Rousseau on the question of the state of nature is that Hobbes and Rousseau have very
different conceptions of human nature. Hobbes sees the human nature evident in his
society as indicative of human nature as it must have been in the state of nature.
Therefore, in Hobbes view, if we were all taken out of civil society and thrown into the
wild, our life would most likely be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short," since there
would be no civilization to curb our base and selfish desires. I agree with Rousseau In
his contrast, Rousseau suggests that we are only selfish and evil because of the bad
influence of society. Before we were corrupted by civilization, he imagines that human
life was probably marked by peace and compassion. While Rousseau certainly seems to
be more imaginative than Hobbes, there is no real way of adjudicating between the two.
Neither have any scientific or archaeological evidence to support their claims. Rather,
they are making assertions based on conjectures that are heavily influenced by personal
Quiz 4
Direction: Answer the fallowing questions.

1. How is my life going?

Ans. I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that I’ve got nothing to lose.
The bad news is that I’ve got nothing to lose because I’ve already lost it all.
2. When I look over the past 6 months, year, what have I learned from my mistakes?
Ans. When I look over the past 6 months/year I remembered that day happen that they,
when my father died I will lost him because I am far away from him, when he died he
always said my name. He wish that I am here in her side. When his last breath in this
world he wish he could see me. When I see him burial I promised to him I will take care
of my mother. When I lived in this world, I learned not to far in my family because family
is my life.
3. What is my one conflict?
Ans. My one conflict is life vs. insecure because insecurity is/ or a tendency to lack
confidence or certainty in oneself, may be experienced by most people regarding some
aspect of their lives. For many, feelings of insecurity can be resolved before they have a
lasting, harmful impact. When one deals with generalized insecurity for a long period of
time, however, the doubt and negative feelings experienced may have a significant
effect on life.
4. Does my life reflect my values?
I’d like to say that yes, indeed, my life does reflect my values and in many ways it does.
But under careful scrutiny and examination, I find many areas and outcomes lacking.
These are considerations I have been pondering in my thought life, my prayer life, and in
my personal journaling. There are a handful of things that I’d tell you matter most in my
life, but the ways in which I choose to spend my time is to be happy.
5. Do I have integrity?
Ans. Yes I have integrity because a person with true integrity will always show up to an
obligation. When they say you can count on them for something, you know they will
keep their word. Integrity is all about being the best person you can be, and reliability is
part of that. People with true integrity will never flake on you if they can help it.
6. Has my vision of the future changed?
Ans. No, my vision is on the way and I will not change my future life.
Quiz 5
Direction: Answer the following:

Questions: Explain the following:

1. What is the purpose of your existence?

Ans. The purpose of my existence is meaningful, satisfying work. For others, their
purpose lies in their responsibilities to their family or friends. Others seek meaning
through spirituality or religious beliefs. Some people may find their purpose clearly
expressed in all these aspects of life.
2. What is mean by life for you?
Ans. For me, my life is full of blessed because

3. What is Aristotle’s argument for there will be an ultimateend?

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