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A Literature review is a comprehensive study and interpretation of literature

that addresses a specific topic ( Ayeyard 2010). Literature review is important

because it is a required step in a thesis proposal in Master’s or Ph.D . The

proposal will not be well-supported without a literature review. Literature

reviews are important because they help to learn important authors and ideas in

their field.

Emotional Maturity of Adolescent Students in Relation to Their Family Relationship (

Sunil Kumar 2014). The result reveals that there is a significant difference in emotional

maturity of adolescent boys and girls. The result also reveals that there is significant relation

between emotional maturity and family relationship of adolescent students. This shows that

family relationship determinates emotional maturity of adolescent students..

Emotional Maturity and General Well-Being of Adolescents (Joy, Molly & Asha

Mathew 2018). . This study aimed to find the relationship between emotional maturity and

general well-being of adolescents. Adolescence is the period of transition from childhood to

adulthood, where there are various changes in all the areas of life, which may have impact on

adolescent's life. Correlation within group design was used to study Emotional Maturity and

General Wellbeing of Adolescents". Result of this study showed that there is a significant

relationship between emotional maturity and general well-being of adolescents.

Emotional Maturity among adolescents and its importance Mridula C. Jobson

According to results, 74% of the participants were found to be extremely emotionally

Immature. Factors such as age, gender of the participants, type of family and sibling had no

association with emotional maturity of the participants. Conclusion: This study helps to

understand the level of emotional maturity among adolescents which creates awareness to

provide focus on adolescent with unstable emotional maturity.



Kumari The study was conducted on 250 Secondary School students of Muzaffarpur

District with the help of Descriptive Survey method by dividing the sample gender wise to

examine on the effect of family environment of adolescents on their emotional maturity and

the relationship between family environment and emotional maturity. Result of the study

revealed that there was no significant difference between male and female adolescents with

regard to their scores of family environment and emotional maturity. The study further

revealed that family environment effected in the development of emotional maturity and there

was positive correlation between the two.

A Study on the Self-Concept of Adolescents (Bharathi, Pettugani, Sreedevi 2013) This

Study was conducted to study the self-concept adolescents. Self-concept scale of Saraswat

(1984) was used to analyze the self-concept of 40 adolescents of twin cities of Hyderabad,

Telangana Stage. The findings of the study revealed that higher percentage of adolescents had

above average levels of self-concept in dimension of temperamental (85), intellectual (77.5),

physical (60) and social (52.5). About 47.5percent of adolescents equally had high and above

average self-concept in education. And 57.5 percent of adolescents had high moral self

concept. Adolescents overall Self-concept was found as 27.5 percent in high and 72.5 per

cent have above average. Hence, the study may help the teachers and parents to maintain the

optimum level of self-concept of adolescents.

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