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Questions 1
a)1.Division of work :this principle is about segregating work in the workforce
amongst to get a good quality of product, Likewise, he additionally inferred that the
division of work improves the profitability, proficiency, precision and speed of the
laborers. This rule is proper for both the administrative just as a specialized work level.

2.Authority and responsibility: this the important principle in the management.

authority to make the workers work efficiently and quality, responsibly is to make
them responsible for the work done under their leadership.

3.discipline: It is the guiding principle for any undertaking or any manage. Without
discipline, nothing can achieve. Great execution and reasonable interrelation make the
administration work simple and thorough. Representatives great conduct likewise
causes them easily construct and progress in their expert professions.

4.Unity of command : this principle about every employee most have one manager
only have to follow him because if the employee have a lot of manager it will be hard
and confuse.

5.unity of direction: every participate must have one goal to achieve it in the
organization’s to be the work easy and achieve the set goal easily.

b) a. Various barriers can make the plan successful possible. The common barriers that make the
plan possible to success are as follows.

1.inability to plan or inadequate planning: no manager born with ability to plan. some managers
didn't have a education and background to plan to achieve the goal. this type of manager take a
time to plan.

2. fear: Fear can be a boundary to viable arranging. At the point when the board centers around
the dread of progress or absence of achievement instead of the potential for development, it
makes it hard to get ready for the fate of an organization . Dread of monetary indebtedness or an
absence of information about economic situations can make chief administration try not to get
ready for the future and spotlight exclusively on everyday activities.

3.inferior information: poor quality facts and out of date, insufficient quantity can be obstacles to
planning. If the organization’s set in the inferior information the organization will fail.

4. focusing on the present at the expense of the future: the reason that why the long term plan fail
because the managers emphasis on short term problems lead.

5.concentrating on controllable variables. Managers can focus on the thing that they control, such
as development a new product, but then fail in outside factors, such as poor economy.
Questions 2
a) Christopher Wong is facing motivational issues due to his work schedule and
inability to progress. He feels his work is being checked and others do not trust his
work. Vroom's expectancy theory states that an individual believes the effort done
will result in acceptable performance. Maslow's hierarchy of needs states that there
are multiple levels of satisfaction an individual can achieve.

The first motivational theories Maslow hypothesized that an individual will be inspired
when his requirements are begins from the last section

essential necessities and keeps going up as a lower level need is satisfied. If Cristopher
this theories it will give him a little of motivation to continue his business. this the five
hierarchy .

Physiological: physical survival same like food and water and shelter

Safety: get protection form and damage

Social: need a friendship and make association, affiliation

Esteem: need to respect and recognition

self-actualization—form: chance and development, creative, challenging work.

The second theory is expectancy

The expectation theory of Vroom distinguishes effort (which stems from motivation),
efficacy, and outcomes, while Maslow and Herzberg look at the connection between
internal needs and the resulting effort expended to meet them. And they've got

Expectancy: Belief that increased effort would lead to higher production

Instrumentality: It is the assumption that if you perform well, a beneficial result will be obtained.

Valence: The value that the person places on the expected outcome is the value
b) Motivation refers to the process by which a person’s efforts are energized. this has 3 key
elements: measure the power and vigor and drive.

2.direction : organizational goals

3.persistence: persist in putting forth effort

If there is no motivation, employees will not be motivated to do the work efficiently and quality,
for the organization it will lose and collapse. and for this the organization should give a
motivation to any employee to make his job efficiency and quality to achieves goals and make it

Questions 3

a. 1.The cultural obstacle between Starbucks and its partners.

2.Starbucks and its partners have a language barrier.

3. Communication with the top officials of Starbucks by the partners is not always possible.


1. Use the knowledge exchange information management information system to make the
company's information accessible to stakeholders.

2. The use of interactive technologies to connect with foreign partners.

Questions 4
A. Indeed Deepwater horizon oil spill was one of the biggest problem. But this big disasters can
be stopped from happening if leaders/managers follow the following steps.

Organizing and selecting: A leader must pick and coordinate disaster management personnel
who can recognize and avoid the cause of the disaster by actively serving in the organization.

Planning: This involves recognizing the challenges and planning for them in advance, and this
will help to predict possible outcomes that can hopefully eliminate the potential for crises.

Training and education: Leaders should provide their subordinates with training on what to do
when they see any potential for crises. For workers in the company, crisis management training
is important.
BVBA, Y. (2009-2020, . .). Vroom expectancy motivation theory. Retrieved from yourcoach:
Harcourt, H. M. (2020, . .). Identifying Barriers to Planning. Retrieved from cliffsnotes:
Henri Fayol 14 Principles Of Management. (2021, . .). Retrieved from byjus:
Knowledgehut. (2011-21). Motivation Theories. Retrieved from knowledgehut:
ROBBINS, S. P. (2012). ELEVENTH Management. One lake Street, Upper Saddle,New Jesey: Prentice

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