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The term "mass media" refers to media that are meant to be accessed by huge groups of
people using modern technologies. Radio, television, movies, newspapers, and
magazines are among the many forms of communication that reach enormous audiences.
The Internet is a publicly available network of interconnected computer networks that
transmits data and services including email, chat rooms, file transmission, interlinked
websites, and other materials. We are all aware of how convenient the mass media is,
allowing us to obtain information with a single click. However, the media is becoming a
more accessible medium for individuals to learn about and experience controversial
matters like sexuality, violence, domestic abuse etc.

Sexual dialogues and displays are becoming more common and frank across all kinds of
media. The Internet has greatly expanded the accessibility of sexualized material, which
is expanding at a faster rate than any other technology. Sexual material ranging from
flirtation to sexual activity was included in more than two-thirds of television shows in the
1999–2000 season. Sexual content was displayed in one out of every 10 shows.
According to a survey of 1,276 youth-directed programs broadcast in the United States
between 2001 and 2002, 82 percent of episodes contained sexual discourse and 67
percent contained sexual activity, with 11 percent hinting and 4 percent depicting actual
intercourse. Based on the genre of music (rural, rock, rap), one-fifth to one-half of music
videos depict sensuality or eroticism (OS, 2013) R-rated films account for two-thirds of all
Hollywood films produced every year and majority of youngsters have seen these films
long before they reach the legal age of 16. Despite the fact that young girls' and women's
magazines like Seventeen and Glamour have boosted their coverage of sexual health
concerns over the last century, the overwhelming of advertisement and content material
in these publications remains centered on how girls and women should attract and retain
their partner.
Exposure to violence through television, movies, video games, mobile phones, and the
internet has been shown to raise the risk of violent conduct in viewers, just as growing up
in a violent environment does (Huesmann, 2007). The mass media's penetration of our
culture and daily life has been one of the most noticeable developments in our social
context in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Radio, television, movies, videos, video
games, mobile phones, and digital communications have all taken new roles in our
children's everyday life in this new world. The media has a huge influence on our
children's attitudes, beliefs, and habits. These globes crossing electronic communication
mediums have not actually brought new psychological risks to our children, but they have
made it much more difficult to shield kids from dangers and have revealed many more of
them to dangers that only a minority may have encountered previously. It is not the case
of kids exposed to the bad things because they are hanging out with bad friends anymore,
most teenagers now have access to a "virtual" terrible street.

Teens are active users of mass media, and there has been concern regarding the impact
of media depictions on controversial subjects and the normative expectations of these
teens at a key developmental process. Furthermore, statistical analyses have tied
sociodemographic variables (such as gender, age, and race) to teenage watching choices
as well as their comprehension and understanding of pornographic content in the media.
Greater regular viewers of both sexes are much more prone to perceive stereotypes of
gender roles on tv as accurate. Both sexes who watch and listen to a lot of media are
more likely to accept stereotypes of sex roles on television as realistic than are less
frequent viewers.

Many ideas have been proposed to explain how media influences behavior. They're all
founded on the premise that more media coverage contributes to the adopting of the
values, views, and behaviors portrayed, especially when those beliefs, attitudes, and
actions are shown to be encouraged or aren't backed by negative implications. Although
the media and the Internet offer advantages in terms of giving excess information for
youngsters on sexual health and healthy sexual relationships, several studies have
demonstrated that the media has a detrimental impact on teenagers' sexual habits.
Studies have found an average rise in the number of depictions of sex and the quantity
of conversation about sex in various media during the last two decades, as well as a
growth in the expressiveness of these representations (OS, 2013).

Today’s era is known as the information age, Information nowadays are overload caused
by the existence of multiple sources of information. There are so many platforms like
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter where everyone can publish their articles, opinions freely.
It results in an ever-changing trend and a fast-paced atmosphere in which media need
transmit information rapidly in order to fulfill public demand. Some of the media
professionals therefore ignore their moral ethics responsibilities in order to meet the
demand, and to make themselves stand out in the crowd by producing controversial
content to gain lots of attention from the audience.

365 days

(Movie intro)365 Days is a 2020 Polish erotic love drama film directed by Barbara Biaows
and Tomasz Mandes. It is based on the first novel of a trilogy by Blanka Lipiska. It soon
went widespread, and it is still one of Netflix's top ten most-watched movies in the US and
other countries. Netflix has a description that states, A domineering mafia leader
imprisons a feisty CEO in a spiritless romance and offers her one year to fall in love with
him. The main starring is Italian Sicilian Mafia boss Massimo (Morrone) kidnaps the
vacationing Polish woman Laura (Anna-Maria Sieklucka). Laura, a tough executive with a
jerkish boyfriend, is at the core of the narrative. Massimo, a Mafia leader who has been
fascinated with her for the previous five years, kidnaps her on a mini vacation to Sicily.
He and his father both were murdered after seeing her on a beach. Massimo lived to see
another morning, but his father did not. The young guy became hooked with the gorgeous
face he saw seconds before the murder and planned to take over the "family business
operation." When he eventually "discovers" Laura, he kidnaps her for a year in the hopes
of making her fall in love with him.

(Controversial issue)Predatory behavior, domestic violence, sexual assault, captivity, and

Stockholm syndrome are all glorified in the film. The film does not want us to believe that
its rape scenes are truly rape scenes. Massimo even tells Laura at the opening that he
would not assault her because he wishes her to go to him of her own free choice. They
add lines like "I'm not an object" and "I'm not a sack of potatoes you can move around" to
give the impression of lesser rape tone. Massimo then pretends as if he's offering her an
option in 365 Days to fall in love with him while also locking her in a hostage situation. He
also claims to her in the moment when she awakes, "I won't do anything without your
consent," as he tosses her down and clutches her breast. Then he replies, "don't provoke
me, I'm not accustomed to being patient, I can’t tolerate disobedience" which is highly
contradictory and doesn't give her a choice.

Also, when Laura informs her best friend that her new lover is the man who abducted her,
her best friend responds with, "How large his dick is?" People are seeing a film that
glorifies real, sexual assault, and their major assumption is, "Man, that kidnapper is
attractive." People let it continue because the guy is attractive. Massimo portrays horrific
behavior as sexually exhilarating at times, indirectly justifying his torture by implying that
Laura truly desires and merits his treatment. Here are a few scenes to pay attention to: i)
Tying Laura on a chair and slipping his hands beneath her clothing. ii) Grabbing Laura to
an aircraft, molesting her, and sexually touching her. iii)Tying Laura onto his bed frame
with strips, stripping her nude, compelling her to witness another woman give him a blow
job, and then placing his face right into her crotch and informing her he would rape her if
he wanted to. The film's portrayal of Massimo's treatment to Laura, in which he assaults
her both mentally and psychologically, and commands her around, as well as her reaction
to this treatment, has led to audiences condemning the film for praising domestic violence
and propagating rape culture.

(the issue analyse it)The gender imbalance highlighted in this film is profoundly disturbing.
The more TV series and movies that feature violent relationships, the more they become
normalized, and the more people believe it is fine to not only assault others but also to
stay in abusive situations. In addition, Stockholm Syndrome is promoted in this film.
Stockholm syndrome is a physiological response to a stressful situation. When captives
or victims of abuse form a relationship with their kidnappers or perpetrators, this happens.
Over the course of days, weeks, months, or even years of confinement or torture, a
psychological bond form. Hostages or torture victims may develop sympathy for their
kidnappers as a result of this condition (Holland, 2019). Some captives acquire favorable
sentiments toward their kidnappers over period. They can even start to feel like they have
significant similarities and reasons. The victim's sentiments against the police or
authorities may deteriorate. They may mistrust anybody who tries to assist them in
escaping their perilous circumstances. Stockholm syndrome is viewed by many
psychologists and medical experts as a coping strategy, or a means for victims to cope
with the stress of a terrible circumstance. These encounters are, by nature, there is
no mutual consent involve.

(Issue impact)Stockholm syndrome is most commonly caused by the emotionally loaded

scenario that arises during a hostage crisis or an abusive loop. Kidnapped or held captive
victims frequently feel terrified by their kidnappers, yet they are also wholly dependent on
them for survival. If the kidnapper or perpetrator treated them well, they may develop
favorable sentiments toward their kidnapper as a result of this "empathy." Natasha
Kampusch: Natascha was ten years old that time, she saw a man standing by a delivery
van while heading to school (it was the first time her mother permitted her to go to school
alone). He had a clean, conservative appearance. He snatched her and tossed her in as
she walked by. She demonstrated compassion for her kidnapper after being held hostage
for 3,096 days. The Stockholm syndrome is normalized in 365 Days, and it might happen
in real life if die-hard followers abduct and imprison their celebrity as hostage. This is a
severe problem. It is more than a film; it has the power to misrepresent a highly
controversial issue.

(solutions)Making a public announcement to remind the audience that we firmly believe

in offering our members across the world greater choice and control over their Netflix user
experience is the best answer, in my opinion. We think that we aim to serve the film
industry to cope with issues of diversity and inclusion. We aim to reach a wider audience
and provide them with the opportunity to learn about various cultures. Users can change
maturity settings for each profile if they don't want such controversial information to stay
visible on their account. Viewers are in charge of their own 'watching experience.' We feel
that the audience can tell the difference between reality and television. The audience has
free choice, with the option to do one of numerous potential behaviors or to avoid action
Happy Three Friends

(Movie intro+content)Kenn Navarro, Aubrey Ankrum, and Rhode Montijo developed

Happy Tree Friends (HTF), an Animated tv and web series. With exception of Lumpy,
Sniffles, and Buddhist Monkey, all of the characters are cartoonish animals with two front
big teeth and heart-shaped noses. In the early seasons, the majority of the characters
portrayed kids who were engaged in childlike plays. The characters are usually
encountered in usual circumstances at the start of each episode. However, these
situations often evolve into bloodshed, resulting in the deaths of characters involved
and "innocent" onlookers, most often as a result of extremely unlucky, unexpected
incidents with otherwise harmless tools. The film is presented as an older instructional
movie, similar to Disney cartoons from the 1950s. A scenario in which Lumpy the Moose's
leg is squashed by a tree and he has to use up 127-hour to get his way out with a plastic
spoon, imagine he's using the plastic spoon to poke his leg and the blood is splashing
out. In every episode, the series shows cartoonish animated forest animals who are
unexpectedly exposed to incredibly severe and terrible violent content. Each episode
centers on characters who are subjected to unintentional or intentional suffering, death,
or torture. This drama is filled with so many harsh and horrible elements that it is dreadful
in every aspect.
(issue)Whoever who likes to watch this series, they might have the tendency of sadism.
Sadism is the way of producing delight in the suffering or sorrow of others (Schwartz,
n.d.). It is the way people not only demonstrate, but actively take pleasure in doing cruel
actions. Individuals with a sadistic mentality engage in repeated acts of cruelty and
hostility. Sadism can also involve acts of emotional abuse, the deliberate use of fear to
manipulate others, and an obsession with violence. It's a "dark" characteristic that entails
getting pleasure from other people's suffering. Sadists deliberately commit damage,
driven by the delight of the aggressive act and the unpleasant consequence. Proactive
aggression is defined as assaulting harmless victims without provocation, as contrast to
aggressive behavior.

(examples of this issue)The kidnappings of Ariel Castro took place from 2002 and 2004
(Hattenstone, 2014 ). Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Georgina "Gina" DeJesus were
kidnapped and held hostage at Ariel Castro's home in the Tremont district of Cleveland,
Ohio, United States. Amanda escaped with her six-year-old daughter, to whom she had
given birth while incarcerated, and informed the cops on May 6, 2013. Within hours, police
had rescued Michelle and Georgina and caught Ariel. Consequently, he was able to have
complete sexual power over these three ladies due to their imprisonment. He got them
pregnant and then tortured and tormented them to death in order to force them to abortion.
A full-term childbirth was permitted on one occasion. He had complete power over them
by enslaving them in a dark world where they were shackled and chained.

(solutions)In a broadcaster perspective, the solution to solve this is to add content

warnings, and censorship in the beginning of the video. Happy Tree Friends is aimed at
teenagers rather than children. We might include content warnings to alert parents or the
general public that the content may generate an intense or potentially dangerous emotive
response. We are taking precautionary measures for parents to safeguard their children
from seeing inappropriate content with this approach. However, it is still the parents'
obligation to keep an eye on their children's viewing activities. The parental controls tool
on Youtube should be used by parents to authorize videos that may contain unsuitable
content identified by viewers and other signals.

Inside Deep Throat

(Movie intro)Gerald Damiano directed the pornographic film Deep Throat in 1972. For
entire men and women pornography, sex sequences from "Deep Throat," sexually explicit
discussion, as well as usage of explicit anatomical vocabulary and other obscenity, and
some drug material. "Inside Deep Throat" is classified NC-17. The plot of the film
revolved around Linda Lovelace, a sexually unsatisfied lady who had never experienced
an orgasm. Her close buddy advised her to consult a doctor after she attended a sex
party. Her clitoris is discovered in her throat by the doctor. He offers Linda Lovelace a
position at the office, and she agrees to perform oral sex to several guys until she finds
the one, she wants to marry. This documentary film explores at the film's marketing,
popularity, and backlash as a consequence of its obscene graphic visuals, which sparked
licensing arguments in the courts.
(controversial content)Because of its ludicrous conversation, songs, and illustrations of
firecrackers and bells ringing during her orgasm after giving the man oral sex, this film
was intended to be both amusing and creative. Deep Throat's censoring issue stemmed
from their belief that graphic images and activities would cause terrible, erotic, and
aggressive notions to people who were exposed to them. Before Deep Throat, expression
of sex was un-discussed, and pornography was imposed but had to be associated with
some educational background and was aimed only for mature adults. Creating a film like
Deep Throat with a premise of a woman giving multiple men fellatio seemed degrading
and very low to society. Earlier before Deep Throat, sexual expressiveness was
prohibited, and pornography was mandated, but only for mature individuals, and it had to
be linked with some academic credentials. Making a film like Deep Throat, with the idea
of a woman giving numerous men blow jobs, felt humiliating and low brow.

(issue)The first study on media impacts on sexual expression appeared in a sex

education magazine in 1981, and since then, numerous overviews have looked at
teenagers' use of media as a source of knowledge and their potential impact on sexual
conduct. Sexual messages on television are nearly always portrayed in a favorable light,
with minimal mention of the possible hazards of unprotected sexual intercourse and few
depictions of negative outcomes, according to media content analysis. Young
people's beliefs, perceptions, and actions towards sex may be influenced by their
pornographic content on television and other digital media. Researchers have found links
between teenage viewing behaviors and their sexual practices, as well as an increasing
frequency of sexual discussions and depictions of sexual conduct in broadcast media.
Although sexual material in the media may influence people of any age, teenagers are
particularly sensitive. This group may be especially vulnerable since their cognitive
abilities for analyzing media messages critically and making decisions based on likely
potential results are not completely matured. How sexual depictions in the media
are influenced into teenagers' perceptions of the dangers and benefits of sex, as well as
their willingness to act on such behavior (Grube, 2000).
(solutions) As a broadcaster, in this situation, I will inform the audience that "Inside Deep
Throat" is, at its foundation, is a defense of freedom of expression. The objective of the
film was to encourage sexual liberation and openness. Sexual liberty stems from the
idea that human sexuality is an inherent, essential, and valuable element of life that
cannot be regulated or controlled. Sexual freedom, which is all too frequently restricted
by society norms, conventions, and inherited tradition, deserves to be acknowledged and
celebrated. When we support sexual liberty, we support human rights. Only then can we
really recognize, preserve, and appreciate each person's distinct personality. This video
assisted individuals in broadening their sexuality perspectives, emphasizing that a
woman's sexual satisfaction is just as essential as a man's.

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