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The present system is ineffective to record all the detail of donor, consumer and available of

blood in hospital. All the details are kept in traditionally way that causes error and results in slow
progressing. In emergency, people are waste their time for searching the blood in blood banks or
in hospital so the patient lost their life. Many people face these kind of problem. Therefore there
is need of automated system to store the information in digital way (like blood donation app).
[ CITATION Chi16 \l 1033 ]

The blood donation app is store the information about the donor who donating the blood and the
availability of blood in hospital. Through this application any person who is interested to
donating the blood can register itself in this site. If any consumer or patient needs the blood in
emergency, they can visit this sites to get the information of available of blood or not. With the
help of these apps consumer or patient can collect information that helps to get blood in easily.
These apps enables the individual who want to donate blood to needy. By using these app all the
people are collected information about the availability of blood. That helps they are not trouble
in emergency[ CITATION SAH14 \l 1033 ]

Hashim, S. (2014, January). online blood donation. Retrieved from Researchgate: http://researchgate.nt

Jain, C. n. (2016, sep 5). blood bank management. Retrieved from

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