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Name: _____________________________________________ Class: ______ No.: _______

Date: _________________ Score: _________/ 20_  Teacher: __________________

Vocabulary [16]
Friends and Friendship

Find the opposite adjectives.

Psychological description/ Personality

Positive aspects Negative aspects
1. friendly
2. happy
3. honest/ sincere
4. interesting/ funny
5. generous
6. open-minded
7. outgoing
8. tolerant


What do we use the Internet for? Match the expressions.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1) to do research for a) with family and friends

2) to find and apply b) projects
3) to download c) new friends
4) to chat and keep in touch d) games
5) to receive, write and send e) blogs and websites
6) to meet f) videos and songs
7) to visit social g) emails
8) to make personal h) networking sites

Grammar [16]

A. Fill in the gaps with one of the following modal verbs: may, should, shouldn’t or mustn’t.

You (1) ___________________ keep your computer in a public, open room. This is so simple!
Having a computer in a bedroom with the door closed (2) __________________ not be a good

idea. You (3) _____________ give your children the Internet password! If you are already online
and they have access to the password, you (4) _____________________ maintain the

B. Circle the correct option. The verb has to be in the past simple.

1. A friend recently told / telled me that the Internet chat rooms are becoming more of a
problem with teenagers than even television, movies, videos, rock music, and such things.
2. I learned / learn of a man who has ruined his life and his family by developing a romance via
a chat room.
3. I didn’t know / didn’t knew that there was any danger associated with chat rooms.
4. Did you use / Did you used chat rooms with extreme caution?

C. Choose the correct option in order to fill the gaps with the comparative of superiority of
the adjectives given.

1. It’s ___________________ (more interesting / interestinger) to search for sports scores on

the net than to do a school research paper.
2. Nowadays, the Internet is ______________ (cheaper / more cheap) than it was some years
3. Communicating with friends and colleagues is now _____________ (easier / easyer) than
4. E-mails can get you into trouble because some of them have __________ (more unreliable /
most unreliable) content than some sites.

D. The verbs in italics aren’t correct. Correct them by using the present perfect tense.

1. I has done a summer course in Scotland this year.

2. They have stay with a host family and developed their oral skills.
3. The all-inclusive three-week program running from 6th July to 27th July has provide the best
for students.
4. It had been the experience of a lifetime!

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