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Trang 1/6


1. Find the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. leisure B. occasion C. cosy D. usual
2. A. then B. though C. those D. thought
3. A. aborigine B. recipe C. catastrophe D. secrete
4. A. tear B. teasel C. tearful D. teargland
5. A. exhibit B. exhale C. expand D. equivalent

Đáp án
1. C, 2. D, 3. D, 4.B, 5.B

2. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1. A. psychology B. environmental C. impossible D. photography
2. A. appliance B. conscientious C. independent D. confidential
3. A. mathematician B. picturesque C. refugee D. cigarette
4. A. guarantee B. volunteer C. pioneer D. committee
5. A. outflow B. outwork C. outdo D. outdoor

Đáp án
1.B, 2.A, 3.A, 4.D, 5.C


Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. Susan was sad because she wasn’t invited to any social events. She felt ________
A. left out B. turned out C. omitted out D. gone out
2. I don’t think you have been watering the plants near the gate. The soil is ________
A. as dry as rice B. as dry as a tile C. as dry as a bone D. as dry as wood
3. He always takes full ______ of the mistakes made by these competitors.
A. advantage B. benefit C. profit D. advice
4. I think it is no more delicious than ________ rice.
A. to eat B. eating C. when I eat D. eaten
5. Susan was sad because she wasn’t invited to any social events. She felt _________
A. left out B. turned out C. omitted out D. gone out
6. This dress is eye-catching, and many people________ me on it.
A. complain B. complement C. compliment D. complementary
7. Most psychologists believe that the basic structure of an individual’s personality is ______
A. well established extremely by the age of five
B. by the age of five it is extremely well established
C. by the age of five and well established extremely
D. extremely well established by the age of five
8. _______ are sought by an elementary school.
A. Mentally retarded teachers B. Teachers retarded for mental cases
C. Teachers for the mentally retarded D. Mental retarded case teachers
9. Since I came in half an hour late this morning, I have to stay until 5:30 to _______ for it.
A. make up B. save up C. keep up D. hold up
10. In most _________ developed countries, up to 50% of _________ population enters
higher education at some time in their lives.
A. Ø / Ø B. the / Ø C. Ø / the D. the / a
11. It is six years now since the people came to ________ in that country.
Trang 2/6
A. power B. force C. control D. command
12. The brochure says that the hotel has a great ________ of the sea.
A. appearance B. look C. sight D. view
13. ________, William Shakespeare is the most widely known.
A. All writers in English B. All of the writers in English
C. Of all writers in English D. With all, writers in English
14. It looks ________ the game will be cancelled ________ the rain stops.
A. like / unless B. as though / unless C. that / so long as D. as if / for fear
15. Tiredness can easily creep ________ on you while you’re driving.
A. up B. for C. in D. against
16. An artist ________will do his best to express innocence and inexperience in the child’s
A. portraying a child B. who portray a child
C. he portrays a child D. portrayed a child
17. A fire must have a readily available supply of oxygen. ________, it will stop burning.
A. Consequently B. Furthermore C. Otherwise D. However
18. Don’t ______ to any conclusions before you know the full facts
A. reach B. leap C. rush D. fly
19. I read the contract again and again __________ avoiding making spelling mistakes.
A. in view of B. in terms of C. with a view to D. by means of
20. He was new on the job, but he quickly fit himself into the ________ routine of the office.
A. establishing B. established C. establishes D. establish
21. If you have anything important to do, do it straight away. Don't put it ______.
A. on B. off C. over D. up
22. Many local authorities realize there is a need to make ________ for disabled people in
their housing programmes.
A. assistance B. conditions C. admittance D. provision
23. ______before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a success.
A. Though having never acted B. Despite he had never acted
C. As he had never acted D. In spite of his never having acted
24. All three TV channels provide extensive _________ of sporting events.
A. coverage B. vision C. broadcast D. network
25. Solar heat penetrates more deeply into water than _____.
A. it is penetrating into soil B. it does into soil
C. does it into soil D. that it does into soil
26. The bank is reported in the local newspaper ……… broad daylight yesterday.
A. to be robbed B. robbed
C. to have been robbed D. having been robbed
27. You just sit in the office. You can afford to pay someone else to do all the ________
A. donkey B. dog C. horse D. cattle
28. It was confirmed that the accident was caused by human ________
A. error B. slip C. fault D. blunter
29. She arrived with no home, no job, no qualifications and no money so she has done really
well against all ________
A. odds B. risk C. chances D. predictions
30. Although it is impossible to give a ______ age, we believe that the woman was between
25 and 30 when she died.
A. clear B. certain C. absolute D. definite

Đáp án
Trang 3/6
1. A, 2.C, 3.A, 4.D, 5.A, 6.C, 7.D, 8.C, 9.A, 10.C
11. A, 12.D, 13.A, 14.B, 15.A, 16.A, 17.C, 18.B, 19.B, 20.B
21. B, 22.D, 23.D, 24.A, 25.B, 26.C, 27.A, 28. A, 29.A, 30.D


1. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
Jazz is an improvisational form of music that originated in the southern United States
after the Civil War. Although its origins and history are somewhat vague, we know that it
began as the musical expression of black people who had formerly been slaves, combining
hymns, spirituals, and traditional work songs into something quite new. The style was a blend
of the rhythms brought to America by the Africans who were imported as slave labor and the
popular music of the era that featured the ragtime piano. The term jazz itself is of obscure and
possible nonmusical origin, but it was first used to describe this particular kind of musical
expression in about 1915. A jazz band commonly includes four to twelve musicians with a
relatively large proportion of the group in the rhythm section. Customarily, there are a
drummer, a bass player, and a pianist. Often there is also a banjo player or guitarist. In
traditional jazz, the clarinet, trumpet, and trombone carry the melody. In more modern jazz,
the saxophone, violin, and flute may also be included in the melody section. Some jazz bands
employ a blues singer. Most jazz is premised on the principle that an almost infinite number
of variations can accommodate themselves to a progression of chords that can be repeated
indefinitely to feature an improvisation by solo instruments or vocalists. For example, while
the trumpet plays the melody, the clarinet might embellish and invent compatible melodies
around the original theme. Such improvisation is a test of the jazz musician's skill and is
referred to as tone color. Jazz first became popular outside the United States in the 1920s
when jazz bands began to record, distribute, and even export their recordings to Europe. Since
jazz is improvisational, it does not exist in the form of printed scores, and recorded
performances were and still are the best way of preserving the music. A very basic library of
recorded jazz would include work by such classic artists as Jelly Roll Morton, Louis
Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, and Billie Holiday. Theirs is probably America's
most unique and most important contribution to the musical world, although there are a few
contemporary artists who are keeping the tradition alive.

1. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?

A. A definition of jazz B. Jazz musicians
C. Improvisation in jazz D. Jazz bands
2. The new music of jazz was first heard _________.
A. in Europe B. in Africa
C. in South America D. in North America
3. The word “blend” in the passage is closest in meaning to _________.
A. mixture B. rejection
C. imitation D. variety
4. The word “jazz” is considered to have come into regular use in around _____.
A. the first half of the 19th century B. the second half of the 19th century
C. the first half of the 20th century D. the second half of the 20th century
5. The word “premised” is closest in meaning to which of the followings?
A. fixed B. based C. created D. performed
6. The jazz music originally came from __________.
A. folk and holy songs B. folk, holy and labor songs
C. a variety of African sources D. nonmusical activities
7. It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A. it is free for jazz musicians to play as they wish around a theme
B. jazz musicians play prewritten music
Trang 4/6
C. jazz musicians have to improvise their music in group
D. it is necessary to test the improvisation skills before performance
8. Which of the following year was jazz popular outside the United States?
A. 1900 B. 1915 C. 1925 D. 1940
9. The best way to preserve jazz is _________.
A. written scores B. improvising it
C. recordings D. written scores and recorded
10. All of the following are characteristics of jazz EXCEPT _________?
A. a large number of percussion instruments B. a printed score for the music
C. a melody played by the trumpet D. a ragtime piano

Đáp án
1.A, 2. D, 3. A, 4. C, 5. D, 6. B, 7. A, 8. C, 9.C, 10.B

2. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
As computers have become powerful tools for the rapid and economic production of
pictures, computer graphics has emerged as one of the most rapidly growing fields in
computer science. It is used routinely in such diverse areas as business, industry, art,
government, education, research, training, and medicine.

One of the initial uses of computer graphics, and ultimately its greatest use, has been
as an aid to design, generally to refer to as computer-aided design (CAD). One of its greatest
advantages is that designers can see how an object will look after construction and make
changes freely and much more quickly than with hand drafting. For three-dimensional
rendering of machine parts, engineers now rely heavily on CAD. Automobile, spacecraft,
aerospace, and ship designers use CAD techniques to design vehicles and test their
performance. Building designs are also created with computer graphics system. Architects can
design a building layout, create a three-dimensional model, and even go for a simulated
‘walk’ through the rooms or around the outside of the building.

Business graphics is another rapidly growing area of computer graphics, where it is

used to create graphs, charts, and cost models to summarize financial, statistical,
mathematical, scientific, and economic data. As an educational aid, computer graphics can be
used to create weather maps and cartographic materials. Computer art also has creative and
commercial art applications, where it is used in advertising, publishing, and film productions,
particularly for computer animation, which is achieved by a sequential process.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Routine uses of computers
B. Computer graphics applications
C. The rapidly growing field of computer science
D. Computers as the architects of the future
2. The word ‘it’ refers to_________
A. computer graphics B. computer science
C. fields D. computers
3 The paragraph following this passage would most likely be about _________.
A. computer animation B. flight training
C. cost models D. applications of CAD in medicine
4. According to the passage, architects use CAD to _________
A. inspect buildings B. create graphs
C. make cartographic materials D. create three-dimensional models
Trang 5/6
5. The word “ initial” used in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. last B. final C. first D. major
6. According to the passage, engineers use CAD for _________
A. a simulated ‘walk’ through model rooms B. rendering machine parts
C. making cost models D. advertising
7. The word ‘applications’ means __________
A. jobs B. creativity C. uses D. layers
8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a use of computer graphics in business?
A. Charts  B. Cost models  C. Graphs  D. Hires
9. The author’s tone in this passage is__________
A. sarcastic B. neutral C. pessimistic D. doubtful
10. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _________ relies heavily on computer
A. making cartoons B. growing crops
C. producing drugs D. playing sports

Đáp án
1.B, 2.A, 3.A, 4.D, 5.C, 6.B, 7.C, 8.D, 9.B, 10.A


1. Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each gap.

Nobody knows for certain what the origin of music was. Music is certainly older than
poetry and painting but as early man had no way of (1) _________ it, we can only guess what
it sounded like. Watching a child (2) _________ on drum with his hands or a piece of wood, it
is easy to see that this is the simplest of instruments. It does not (3) _________ much effort to
produce a rhythm on it.
Wall paintings show what some of the first instrument looked like. Early civilizations
has already discovered the three basic (4) _________ of producing music: blowing into a
tube, striking an object, and scraping a string. We know that western music comes from the
(5) _________ Greeks. The musical scales we use now are (6) _________ on certain
sequences of notes which the Greeks used to create a particular (7) _________. Until the
sixteenth century, most players of instruments were performers, but as music became more (8)
_________, orchestras and musical groups began to (9) _________. This (10) _________
about the writing of music to be played by several musicians at one time. This can certainly
be called the birth of modern music.
1. A. recording B. playing C. producing D. performing
2. A. hitting B. knocking C. crashing D. banging
3. A. make B. call C. take D. do
4. A. forms B. manners C. systems D. ways
5. A. ancient B. old C. aged D. antique
6. A. raised B. based C. established D. supported
7. A. spirit B. temper C. mood D. humor
8. A. widespread B. enlarged C. expanded D. extended
9. A. turn B. appear C. spring D. be
10 A. produced B. affected C. caused D. brought

Đáp án
1.A, 2.D, 3.A, 4.D, 5.A, 6.B, 7.C, 8.A, 9.B, 10.D

2. Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each gap.
Trang 6/6
In this age of (1) _________ telephone networks and electronic mail, it seems that
fewer and even fewer people are taking time to sit down and write letters (2) _________
friends and relatives. For hundreds of years, letters were the only way to keep (3) _________
with people who were any distance away and letter-writing was seen as an important skill for
all learned people (4) _________.
Gradually, (5) _________, the importance of writing letters is decreasing to a point
that the majority of us have to (6) _________ a special effort to turn out something
worthwhile when we apply for a job or make a complaint. In the business world, the tendency
is for routine communications to become shorter. (7) _________ clients may appreciate a
detailed letter, an employee who sends out long letters is often regarded as (8) _________.
Many people prefer the telephone in all circumstances and its speed is essential in many
situations but (9) _________ have you put the telephone down, dissatisfied with what you
have managed to say? I don’t think I’ll throw my (10) _________ away yet.

1. A. progressive B. advanced C. highly-developed D. all are correct

2. A. to B. from C. for D. with
3. A. in step B. in contact C. on good terms D. up
4. A. to be mastered B. mastering C. to master D. mastered
5. A. therefore B. however C. in short D. for example
6. A. make B. take C. cause D. create
7. A. Even though B. As though C. Despite D. However
8. A. unimportant B. inefficient C. unusual D. impossible
9. A. how often B. how long C. how much D. how about
10. A. letter B. telephone C. pen D. effort

Đáp án
1. D, 2.A, 3.B, 4.C, 5.B, 6.A, 7.A, 8.B, 9.A, 10.C



Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word.
Passage 1
The songs of the humpback whale are beautiful collections of moans and sighs and it
is possible to make (1) ______of these with a microphone. With enough practice, you can
listen to a song and tell (2) _______ year it was sung in and where it came from.
The whales do most of their (3) ______in the winter season, after their annual (4)
______ south from the Arctic. It is always the young males who set off first to the tropical
breeding areas, and most of the (5) ______are given by solitary males who are looking for a
The songs all have a definite sequence of parts. This (6) _________ is never changed
and there are clear rules of (7) _________which must not be broken. There is very little (8)
_______ between the songs at the start of a season and those from the previous year.
However, over the next few months, the different parts of each song may be swapped,
shortened, and (9)______ may be made to the notes. During a breeding season, the whales all
try to sing the most up-to-date version of the song. This (10) _______ is similar to the way
human language evolves, with contributions from many members of the population.
Đáp án
1. recordings 6. arrangement
Trang 7/6
2. which 7. composition
3. singing 8. difference
4. migration 9. alterations
5. performances 10. development

Passage 2
Psychologists have (1) _______ been interested in how we judge intelligence in
strangers. Now scientists have designed tests that try to discover which cues help people to
judge IQ accurately, and which cause them to get (2) _______ wrong. High school pupils
were videotaped answering though-provoking questions and the videos were (3) _______
shown to groups of “judges” who were asked to assess the students’ physical type and
monitor a variety of behavioural cues. Next the judges were asked to rate the students’
intelligence. At the same time, each student was also required to sit a standard IQ test.
Certain cues matched the (4) _______ of the IQ tests more closely than others. (5)
_______ speaking quickly, using a lot of words or displaying ease (6) _______
understanding caused the judges to rate the students’ intelligence highly, and was reflected in
the IQ tests, (7) _______ cues seemed to give the judges an entirely false impression of
intelligence (8) _______ measured by the IQ test. Among the cues that led judges to assess
students as dull were factors (9) _______ as using halting speech or slang. Cues that led
judges to view students as bright included talking loudly and using proper English.(10)
_______ of these traits correlated with measured IQ, however.

Đáp án :
1. long 6. of
2. it 7. other
3. then 8. as
4. results 9. such
5. While 10. None


1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words
1. It was ………………..of you not to offer her a drink. (HOSPITABLE)
2. I ………………….how wide the stream was and fell in. (JUDGE)
3. My ________ is the unique thing that distinguishes me from others (MARK)
4. Marty sometimes hurts others when he criticizes their work (SPEAK)
because he is too…..
5. Heavy rain and excessive use have the soil ……………. (POVERTY)
6. The bicycle I lent Tom had been in good condition, but he (REPAIR)
returned it in ……
7. Don’t compare Jane with Peggy, the two are entirely………… (SIMILARITY)
8. He told me ……………..that he’s thinking of resigning next (CONFIDE)
9. They put too many unnecessary ……………………… in food.    (ADD)
10. He is a(n) ________ man. He does not gain any ground in his family. (WILL)

Đáp án

Trang 8/6

2. Supply the correct forms of the words in the capital letters to fit each gap.
The drugs most commonly abused are the barbiturates, which have been
used since the early 1900s to relieve (1) ________ and induce sleep. 1. ANXIOUS
They are also used (2) ________ in the treatment of 2. MEDICINE
epilepsy. Some people who abuse barbiturates ingest
Large amounts (3) ________ but never appear 3. DAY
intoxicated. Others use the drugs for binges of
(4) ________ , and still others use them to boost the 4. INTOXICANT
effects of heroin. Many people who abuse these
drugs, (5) ________ those who do so daily, 5. SPECIAL
routinely obtain the drugs from (6) ________ 6. PHYSICS
Barbiturates produce severe physical
(7) ________ , closely resembling that produced 7. DEPEND
by alcohol. Abrupt (8) ________ results in similar 8. WITHDRAW
symptoms: shaking, insomnia, nervousness. Death
can occur when use of barbiturates is suddenly
(9) ________ Toxic doses of the drugs taken 9. CONTINUE
(10) ________ are particularly lethal when 10. ACCIDENT
combined with alcohol.

Đáp án


There are ten errors in the passage. Find and correct them. The first one has done as an
An endangered species is a population of organisms who is at risk of becoming extinct
because it is both few in numbers, or threatened by changed environmental or predation
An endangered species is usually a taxonomic species, though may be another evolutionary
significant unit in The World Conservation Union (IPCN) was calculated the percentage of
endangered species at 40 percent of all organisms based on the sample of species that have
been evaluating through 2006.Many nations have laws offering protection to this species: for
example, forbidding hunting, restricting land development or creating preserves. Only a little
of the many species at risk of extinct actually make it to the lists and obtain legal protection.
Much more species become extinct, or potentially will become extinct, without gaining public

Example: who→ which

1.___________________→ ___________________
Trang 9/6
2.___________________→ ___________________
3.___________________→ ___________________
4.___________________→ ___________________
5.___________________→ ___________________
6.___________________→ ___________________
7.___________________→ ___________________
8.___________________→ ___________________
9.___________________→ ___________________
10.__________________→ ___________________

Đáp án
1. both → either
2. changed → changing
3. though → but
4. was→ has
5. at → on
6. evaluating → evaluated
7. this → these
8. little → few
9. extinct → extinction
10. Much → Many


1. Complete the sentences using the word in brackets. Do not alter the word in any

1. Returning from the battle, they had no money left. (RUB)

2. I was very lucky to escape from that crash. (COUNT)
3. Our boss is absolutely determined not to give us that pay rise. (INTENT)
4. I'd thought about it for some time and decided to try to do something. (A GO)
5. It was disgraceful that Barbara refused to help one of her oldest and closest friend. (BACK)

Đáp án

1. => Returning from the battle, they didn't have two pennies / halfpennies / beans to
rub together.
2. => I count myself very lucky to have escaped from that crash
3. => Our boss is intent on not giving (us) that pay rise
4. => I'd thought about it for some time and decided to give it a go.
5. => It was disgraceful that Barbara turned her back on one of her oldest and closest

Trang 10/6
2. Complete each sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence

1. The director's bodyguards stood behind him, watching.

=> Watchfully _______________________________________________________________
2. We must think about ways of improving the transport system.
=> Thought must _____________________________________________________________
3. I hadn't realized that full implications of what had happened until sometimes later.
=> It was ___________________________________________________________________
4. The police only warned Sally because it was her first offence.
=> Sally was let ______________________________________________________________
5. It's nobody's fault that the match was cancelled.
=> Nobody is to ______________________________________________________________

Đáp án

1. => Watchfully standing behind the director were his bodyguards.

2. => Thought must be given to ways of improving the transport system.
3. => It was not until sometimes later that I realized the full implications of what
had happened.
4. => Sally was let off with a warning because it was her first offence.
5. => Nobody is to blame for the fact that / that match cancellation.

……………………………………THE END……………………

Trang 11/6

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