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Project I10

First of all, I think that third world war will have started and finished in the next fifty
years. And it will be terrible. Many cities will be destroyed, so the future could be, in
the worst case, a post-apocalyptic world. And, how can we survive in that future?
Well, I’m going to explain what will be the problems that we’re going to face.
What’s the most important to survive? Cellphones? Internet? No, the most
important is water and food. What kind of food will we find in 2070? There is a
shortage of water right now in many parts of the world, but we don’t see it. And, if
you don’t now, we use a lot of water to produce our food. In 2070, the shortage of
water will be worst, and for this time, this really will affect us. Finding food like
chicken, meat, fish or vegetables will be incredibly difficult, but no more difficult
than finding water. The price of water will have increased more than gold. But,
what will we eat then? There’s a simple food that need a little water to be produced
and it have a lot of proteins. The food of the future are the insects.
And what about the health? In 2070, there will be new treatments to different
illness. Probably humans will have discovered cancer and AIDS cures, but these
will be too expensive, and only rich people could pay it. In the poor countries,
different mortal diseases will appear and the other countries will apart to protect
their populations. Every country will have enough problems to worry about eh
others. A few people of the world will be healthy, but in many countries of Africa,
Asia and South America, there will be anemia. But the good news is that in 2070,
Covid will have disappeared in all the world.
And if we talk about the future, we have to talk about de education. The only way to
improve the future is with education. Well, some people think the students will go to
the school and a machine will introduce all the information on their heads, but
that’s too unrealistic. Probably, schools and universities will implement different
virtual courses. They are doing it right now. But I think the students will use virtual
reality to learn better. For example, if I’d study civil engineer in 2070, I could build a
house in a virtual reality software and I could see if it collapses during an
earthquake. Also, I think there will be more space robotic majors.
And at the end, about the pollution, we are really bad right now. In 2070, many
species will have disappeared, the oceans won’t have more fishes, they only will
have plastic and trash. The air in many countries will be toxic and people will be
using special mask to filter the air. If someone doesn’t use this, he will have more
possibilities to suffer from cancer. And that’s why we have to care our environment

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