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In some aspects of my magazine I have conformed to the ‘norm’ of music magazines, for example,

having a clear masthead at the top of my front cover. I decided on the name Dewy because it means
new, and my genre of music, indie, is all about new and different music, so therefore I think that the
name fits well with the magazine. I have also added cover lines which all magazines have on their
front covers to interest the reader, and persuade them into buying the magazine. My cover lines are
mainly listing the artists featured in the magazine, rather than talking about what is offered in the
magazine, such as articles and posters, because I believe my target audience would be more
interested in the artists than the articles that they will read about anyway.

However, where most magazines only have a three colour palette, mine has extra colours. All the
writing is in the same colours throughout the magazine, red, blue and black, but on the front cover I
have also included a pastel colour to make the page look a bit more ‘quirky’ as they are not colours
you’d expect to see together. I have also used another shade of red for my cartoon stars to make
them stand out more and to emphasize the idea that there is exclusive content inside about the
artists listed on the front cover as well as many more. Likewise, magazines stick to only three
different types of fonts, whereas I have four. I added the extra font after my first draft as I was told
the ‘Exclusive!’ in my star didn’t stand out as well as it should have on the front cover, so I chose a
cartoon styled font to coincide with the star which it is paired with. The font is also quite bold to
make it really ‘jump off the page’ at the consumers and once again emphasize the fact that the
magazine has exclusive access to the artists shown.

In retrospect to my main image on the front cover, I believe I developed the idea of drawing on the
cover. Most covers I had looked at that I liked had some form of art on them, but the art was usually
added to the cover after the photo had been taken, meaning that the drawings and such like were
added to the images after the photo shoot. This contrasts to my main image, as the drawing of the
moustache on the finger was drawn on the models finger for the photos as I wanted the picture to
look quite old fashioned and I didn’t think I would achieve this effect if I added the moustache on
later. Consequently, the pose itself isn’t something I have seen on any other magazine, and I think it
makes my magazine a little more different.

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