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What should I do when swimming?

Warm up well – It doesn’t matter if you’re an experienced swimmer or a total novice, you
should always warm up thoroughly before entering the swimming pool. This will prevent injuries
and ensure maximum enjoyment.
Use different styles – When swimming, don’t just stick with what you know. Try to learn new
swimming styles and techniques to enrich your swimming experience, as well as work different
muscle groups while swimming.
Hydrate – Yes, you’re surrounded by all that water, but you still need to hydrate. Swimming is a
beautiful activity, but it is also physically demanding, and you should pay attention and hydrate
as often as possible.
Use proper technique – Always try to swim as correctly as possible in order to reap maximum
benefits of swimming. Try to use adequate swimming technique even when you’re just having
fun at the swimming pool.
Apply sunscreen – Never forget to apply sunscreen when swimming. Although you might think
you’re protected from the sun in the water, the truth is that the sun beams get refracted by the
water and actually hit your body at many different angles, amplifying their effects.
Notify the lifeguards – If you notice something floating on the surface of the water, or
something at the bottom of the swimming pool, notify the lifeguard immediately since any
foreign objects in the swimming pool can prove dangerous.
Breathe slowly – Finally, when swimming, try to breathe in and out as slowly as possible. This
will help you tire less while swimming in addition to being the correct way to breathe while
Use the swim lanes properly. Some folk want to fitness swim and not toss about wrestling with
each other.
Rinse off before getting in the water. You are not the almighty god/goddess of cleanliness.
Cover up wounds with secure plasters/dressing, and for the love of money, please pick up your
loose plaster should it come loose.

What should I avoid doing when swimming?

Eat a lot before swimming – Having a large meal before entering the swimming pool will make
you feel heavy in water while also seeing you tire quicker, making your swimming session last
shorter than it should.

Swim alone – You should avoid entering the pool, or going swimming anywhere else for that
matter, alone. Try to have a buddy to go swimming with, as this will make the entire experience
a lot safer.
Dive headfirst – Diving headfirst into water can prove to be a lot more dangerous than it
initially seems, as you risk sustaining neck and head injuries.

Play around in the water – When you’re swimming, be it at the swimming pool or in the open
water, you should be serious and not horseplay. Swimming can turn dangerous quickly, and you
should do what you can to prevent any problems.

Stand in the way – Make sure you don’t stand in the way of other swimmers when you’re at the
swimming pool, as it makes it harder for other swimmers to swim around you.

Cut off swimmers – When swimming, you should also try to stay within your imaginary lane
and not cut off other swimmers as they’re doing their own thing.

Overdo it – Listen to what your body’s telling you and make sure you get out of the swimming
pool when you start getting tired. Take a break, relax, and go back in. No reason to push your
body over the limit.

Don't get too frisky at the pool side, or in the pool itself. It's gross, everyone WILL see and
nearly everyone will frown and tut with a terrific magnitude.
Don't run. Please don't. More so than drowning, injuries and deaths occur most commonly from
slipping and cracking open your daft skull.
Don't drink the pool water. It's filthy.

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