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Level 10

2. Teenagers can only learn to be responsible adults by making mistakes and
learning from them.

         Teens nowadays learn to be responsible adults by making common mistakes

that most teens do and learning from them. In my opinion, not all teens learn to be
responsible by making mistakes and learning from them. 
         Some teens learn to be one by asking the adult on how to be responsible. The
reason they do this is because they probably never made the same mistakes as most
teens. Some teens also learn to be responsible by asking their parents for their
advice because their parents probably have more experience and they are always
there for their children. But some teens make mistakes that are too hard to handle.
But still, they will learn from it and will never do it again if someone will actually
help them and tell them to stop doing those things. 
          All teens' brains are still maturing so they will naturally make some mistakes
and they should get blamed too much cause their feelings will also develop. Most
teens’ brains do not develop until they are around 25 because at that age, they will
make more logical choices and will be more responsible than when they are a teen.
They should not be forced to do something or they won’t be happy.
          So in conclusion, not all teens only learn to be responsible by making
mistakes and learn from it. Some teens never make mistakes because they have
their parents to help them to be more responsible. And some teens have their
teacher to help them to go through the right path, the way to be more successful.

Teenagers take too many risk and are in danger to themselves and others

When it comes to thrill, teenagers aren’t afraid to take risks which is because
of the chemical production in their brain making them eager to do whatever they
want. For example riding a motorbike on the big street or to t places they have
never been. This can cause problems like road accidents, being kidnapped, being
lost, which can cause families to get worried or have to spend a lot of cash on
treatment. Sometimes their eagerness to get to try something new can be so serious
which can lead them to try on drugs or other illegal substances. These actions can
cause bad health problems and even cause them to have negative behavior and
paradigms towards people around them.

Teenagers can only learn to be responsible adults by making mistakes and learning
from them.
  Teenager is a person aged between 13 and 19 years. During the teenage years, the
teenager decision-making ability is developing and are likely to take more risks
than ever. But scientists believe that risk taking and other behaviors may actually
help teens to become a successful adult. For example as a teenager, you are more
likely to hang out with friends instead of doing the homework and staying at home.
At the same time you can learn from that too. When you go outside with your
friends you learn how to take care of yourself , experience many new things that
you never had, meeting new people and make your own decisions quickly. In here
we can see that making your own decision is good but sometimes the action can
have consequences on you and your family too. It’s better if you discuss it with
your parent first. As a parent when you’re letting your children explore his or her
own freedom can help them feel more powerful and self-confidence. Freedom
helps teens learn more about how to take care of themselves and interact well with
others. So during the teenage year they may make many mistakes and they can
learn from that too. Taking risk and trying new things can be challenging and
dangerous but it will help them understand the consequences of their decisions and
hopefully help them make better ones in the future.Understanding high-risk
behaviour will help them consider lower-risk alternatives. By doing this, they can
have control in every works they do and can lead to a peaceful life.In addition,
risky decisions offer valuable lessons, regardless of whether you succeed or fail.

Name : Leak Chanviphou 

Topic : Teenagers can only learn to be responsible adults by making mistakes and
learning from them.

Teenagers are those of people who are at the age around 13 years old to 19 years
old. Recent studies, however, show that during our teenage years, our brain-
especially the prefrontal cortex-is still maturing in important ways. When we’re
teenagers, our decision-making ability is developing and we’re learning to make a
good choice. I truly agree with this statement that “Teenagers can only learn to be
responsible by learning their mistakes.” Any why do I have to agree ? The only
main reason is because I faced it in my real life. By that  time my mom always
reminds me to review my lessons and complete my homework again and again.
But whenever she didn’t remind me, I absolutely failed my test. This mistake keeps
repeating on me again and again. So one day I decided to ask myself some random
questions, Why can’t I manage to study on my own ? Why do I need others to beg
me to study ? It’s my education, Why do I have to rely on my parents ? After
asking myself these questions, I changed a lot, I started to think wisely toward my
study. From that day on, I have my own responsibility towards my education that I
don’t have to rely on others for my grade. Until nowadays I developed and
changed myself a lot from an extremely bad student to one of a good student.
These are the reasons why I absolutely agree with the statement. One quote they
said “ Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that

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