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The Gerontologist © The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America.
Vol. 51, No. 4, 425–432 All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

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Japan: Super-Aging Society Preparing
for the Future
Naoko Muramatsu, PhD,*,1,2 and Hiroko Akiyama, PhD3,4

Division of Community Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago.
Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago.
Institute of Gerontology, University of Tokyo, Japan.
Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

*Address correspondence to Naoko Muramatsu, PhD, Division of Community Health Sciences, School of Public Health (M/C 923), University of
Illinois at Chicago, 1603 W. Taylor St., Chicago, IL 60612. E-mail:

Received May 2, 2011; Accepted May 24, 2011

Decision Editor: Rachel Pruchno, PhD

Japan has the highest proportion of older adults in Tohoku district. In some of the devastated areas,
the world. Aging is not only an immediate personal one in three people was aged 65+ years. As in most
issue but also a salient factor in crucial public policies, natural disasters, the oldest people were the hardest
such as pensions, health, and long-term care. The hit. Older adults with functional disabilities had
Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear difficulties escaping the tsunami that killed more
power plant disaster of March 2011 has highlighted than 90% of the 15,000+ people who lost their
current and emerging issues of a “super-aging” society, lives in the earthquake. Surviving older adults were
especially the need for community-based support vulnerable to cold temperatures, influenza, reloca-
systems. tion, and mental and physical stress. Many strug-
Key Words:  Global aging, Long-term care, Social gled without access to medications and treatments
security policies, Disaster preparedness, Earthquake, needed to control their chronic conditions (e.g.,
Community, Social support, Labor force participation, hypertension medication, dialysis), which could
Urban, Life course/life span result in premature deaths. Persons aged 65+ years
account for more than 90% of the growing number
of such “earthquake-related deaths” (524 deaths
The Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, at 241 hospitals in Miyagi, Fukushima, and Iwate
2011, coupled with subsequent tsunami and prefectures as of May 13, 2011; NHK, 2011). Two
nuclear power plant disasters was the largest catas- months after the earthquake, the nuclear power
trophe in Japan since World War II. The magni- plant disaster is far from ending, and 9,500 people
tude 9.0 earthquake hit the dominantly rural are still missing.

Vol. 51, No. 4, 2011 425

This historic catastrophe occurred in an earth- baby boom (1971–1974) occurred but without
quake-prone super-aging society. Its profound changing the number of births per woman. As
implications go far beyond its immediate impact labor participation increased among women, they
on the most vulnerable. This earthquake revealed delayed marriages or stayed single. Even among
positive aspects of the Japanese society: older the married, fertility rates declined because of the
adults’ wisdom and resilience for survival and lack of societal support for working women to
coping, active social and labor participation at old have children as well as increased financial bur-
ages, and strengths of social relationships. How- dens of raising children. Since the late 1990s, the
ever, the disaster highlighted challenges that Japan total fertility rate has been consistently low (1.37
is facing, especially rebuilding disaster area com- in 2009), much below the replacement level for a
munities and addressing population aging in urban population. The total population of Japan in 2004
communities where Japanese traditional qualities peaked at 128 million and projects to shrink to
are fading. Understanding the societal backdrops 75% of its peak size by 2050. The results are

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helps us appreciate the meanings of the March 11 reflected in the top-heavy population pyramid.
earthquake for the aging society, older persons, Figure 1 illustrates that the 75 years and older
and gerontology. population is growing rapidly as the younger age
Thus, our goal here is to provide a broad over- population is declining between 2005 and 2030.
view of Japan’s societal and gerontological research The ratio of 65 years and older population to the
contexts. After a brief review of Japan’s demogra- working-age (15–64) population is rising rapidly:
phy of aging and gerontological research, we high- In 2030, one person aged 65+ years will be sup-
light on-going and emerging public policy issues ported by two working-age persons compared
faced by the super-aging society. Historic events, with 11.2 and 2.9 persons in 1960 and 2009,
like the recent disaster, add critical layers to socie- respectively (National Institute of Population and
tal contexts of aging individuals. We argue that Social Security Research, 2010a; Statistics Bureau,
disasters, while tragic, can provide opportunities 2003). Japan’s population is aging and declining in
to rebuild communities to prepare for the 2030 size simultaneously. Remarkably, population
Japan, a super-aged society. aging is no longer limited to rural areas that suffer
from outmigration of younger people; it is an
Demography of Aging in Japan: Unprecedented urban phenomenon. Japan precedes other countries
Population Aging in embracing population aging as an urban issue.

Japan is experiencing population aging that is

unprecedented in the world. The proportion of Research on Aging: Overview
people aged 65+ years in the total population is Recognized as a critical societal issue, aging is a
highest in the world: 23% in 2009 (Statistics major research theme in almost all academic disciplines
Bureau, 2010). By 2030, one in every three people and industries. Research topics range from biomedical
will be 65+ years and one in five people 75+ years. aspects (e.g., mechanism of aging, genomics for
Rapid declines in mortality and fertility after longevity and health, aging and lifestyle-related
World War II accelerated population aging in disease, brain function) to psychology and social
Japan. Reflecting improvements in health and lon- science–related themes (e.g., social participation and
gevity, life expectancy at birth is highest in the community health, prevention of aging and disability,
world: 86 for women and 80 for men (2009; World long-term care, and social security). Notably, geron-
Health Organization, 2011). The critical contributor technology constitutes a pillar of gerontology (Ouchi &
to population aging, however, is rapidly declining Akiyama, 2010). Engineers with expertise in fields
fertility. The relatively brief post-World War II such as robotics and information technology have
baby boom (1947–1949) ended when the govern- contributed to the development of assistive technol-
ment loosened abortion laws and encouraged family ogy and aging-friendly environments since the early
planning and birth control to prevent overpopula- stage of gerontology in Japan.
tion. The total fertility rate declined from 4.54 Aging research is conducted at various public
births per woman in 1947 rather quickly to 2.04 in and private institutions, including universities. The
1957 (National Institute of Population and Social institutes that specialize in gerontology include
Security Research, 2010b). When the first baby Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology,
boomers reached child-bearing ages, the second established in 1972 to promote interdisciplinary

426 The Gerontologist

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Figure 1. Population pyramid of Japan: 2005 and 2030. Notes: The 2005 data are based on the census. The 2030 data are based
on medium estimates. Source: National Institute of Population and Social Security Research.

aging research, and the National Center for publicly available data sets, including those useful
Geriatrics and Gerontology, founded in 2004. The for aging research (
Japan Gerontological Society, founded in 1959, index.html). The Japanese government conducts
has been a member of the International Associa- a number of surveys on persons (e.g., National
tion of Gerontology and Geriatrics since 1960 and Survey of Family Income and Expenditure, Basic
currently involves seven academic societies that Survey on People’s Life, Longitudinal Survey of
represent social gerontology, geriatrics, biomedical Middle and Elderly Persons) and organizations
gerontology, gerondotology, psychogeriatrics, care (e.g., Survey on Health Care Facilities; MHLW,
management, and gerontological nursing. 2010). Access to the micro data was strictly limited
Research funding comes from the national until recently. However, the new Statistics Act
government as well as private industries and foun- of 2007 (
dations. Although there is no national institute 2009ver/11.htm) acknowledges the importance of
that functions like the U.S. National Institute on secondary analysis to inform policies. Japan Statis-
Aging, the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare tics Bureau started providing deidentified micro
(MHLW), and the Ministry of Education, Culture, survey data for research purposes in 2009, open-
Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) provide ing up opportunities for secondary data analysis of
competitive grants-in-aid for scientific research. governmental data.

Secondary Data Sets on Aging Public Policy Issues

Longitudinal, internationally comparable data Population aging affects local and national
are critical to advance knowledge on global aging. economies as well as pension, health, and long-
Table 1 lists major longitudinal data sets on aging term care systems. The shrinking working-age pop-
that are partially comparable to data from the ulation and increasing number of older nonworking
United States and other countries and are publicly adults hamper economic expansion and challenge
available, partly supported by the U.S National the pension system. Japan achieved universal
Institute on Aging. In addition, the University of coverage in public pension and health insurance in
Tokyo Social Science Japan Data Archive distributes 1961 (National Institute of Population and Social

Vol. 51, No. 4, 2011 427

Table 1.  Publicly Available Longitudinal Survey Data of Older Adults in Japan

Title (years) Design Contents and comparability Notes

National Survey of the Longitudinal panel design Demographics, social integration, health, Micro data publicly available via
  Japanese Elderly (1987,   with refresh samples   subjective well-being and mental health   Currently, the first four waves of data are publicly
  1990, 1993, 1996,   (60+ years). Nationally   status, financial status, memory.   available. The first four waves of date are also available
  1999, 2002, 2006, 2012)   representative samples.   Partially comparable in content to the   (for a fee) on Data Archive of Social Research on Aging
  U.S. Americans’ Changing Lives, and the   Web site
  National Health Interview Survey, PIs: Liang, J., Maeda, D., Shibata, H., & Akiyama, H.
  Supplement on Aging, and the Health
Funded by the U.S. National Institute on Aging (NIA),
  and Retirement Study (HRS). Strong in
  Japan Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare
  psychosocial aspects of aging.
  (MHLW), and the Ministry of Education, Culture,
  Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

Nihon University Japanese Longitudinal panel design Health and functioning, mental health, health Micro data available for free by submitting applications to
  Longitudinal Study of   with refresh samples in   behavior, demographic and family   Nihon University. Currently, the first two waves of data
  Aging (1999, 2001,   2001 and 2003. Nationally   characteristics, income, health care and   are publicly available.
  2003, 2006, 2009)   representative samples of   long-term care service utilization, PI: Saito, Y.

  noninstitutionalized adults   intergenerational exchange, and norms
Funded by Nihon University and MEXT, supplemented by
  aged 65+ years at Wave I.   and values relevant to aging.
  the U.S. NIA for data distribution.
Comparable in content to the U.S. Longitudinal
  Study of Aging II (LSOAII) and the AHEAD
  sample of the HRS.
Strong in health, family, and inclusion of
  long-term care items.

Japanese Study of Aging Random sample of adults Economic, social, and health conditions. Micro data available for researchers who belong to
  and Retirement   aged 50–75 years in five   Comparable to HRS in the United States,   universities and/or research institutes (subject to
  (2007, 2009, 2011)   municipalities at Wave I.   the Survey of Health, Aging, and Retirement   approval by the Research Institute of Economy, Trade
  Expanded to include   in Europe in continental Europe, and the   and Industry). Currently, the first wave of data are
  seven municipalities   English Longitudinal Study of Aging in the   publicly available.
  in 2009.   United Kingdom. Strong in economic and PIs: Ichimura, H., Hashimoto, H., & Shimizutani, S.
  social security policy–related items and
Funded by RIETI, MEXT, and MHLW.
  linkages with municipal official records of
  medical and long-term care.

The Gerontologist
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Security Research, 2011). Long-term care for older renewal of political, social, economic, and educa-
adults has been a priority issue for the past two tional systems under the U.S. occupation remain
decades. The proportion of 65 years and older pop- vivid memories among those who are currently
ulation living alone or living with spouse only is aged 75+ years (born in 1936 or earlier). Among
increasing dramatically (increased from 4% to those seniors, men worked long hours to drive the
16% and from 7% to 37% in the 65 years and rapid economic growth of 1955–1972. When
older population, respectively, between 1960 and young, many moved from rural to metropolitan
2006), whereas the proportion of those living with areas and bought homes there. Most married and
a child or other relatives is decreasing (decreased had children. Women typically stayed home to
from 87% to 48%; National Institute of Population raise family. Geographic mobility has been low
and Social Security Research, 2010b). Tradition- among the Japanese, and thus, those men and
ally, eldest sons’ wives have been primary care- women, who constitute the core of the current
givers for older parents, but such caregiving norms oldest old, are now aging in urban communities.

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are rapidly changing. Anticipating rising long-term Social isolation is a salient issue in modern highly
care needs, the Japanese government developed a urbanized Japan. A five-country survey revealed
vision in 1989 (Tsutsui & Muramatsu, 2007) and that Japanese older adults are more socially iso-
expanded long-term care services within the tax- lated than their counterparts in France, Germany,
based social security system. In 2000, Japan imple- Korea, and the Unites States: Japan ranked last in
mented a universal social long-term care insurance the frequencies of contacts with noncoresiding
system, under the slogan, “from care by family to children and second from the bottom for contacts
care by society” (Campbell & Ikegami, 2000; with their neighbors (above the United States;
Tsutsui & Muramatsu, 2005). This historic policy Cabinet Office, 2005). It is critical to develop and
has made a variety of home, community-based, strengthen community-based support systems,
and institutional services, a universal entitlement especially for those with limited physical and
for every Japanese person aged 65+ years based cognitive function.
strictly on physical and mental status, regardless of Future older adults will differ drastically from
family availability and economic status. today’s seniors who know sheer poverty and value
The rapidly growing oldest old population that frugality. Baby boomers grew up during the rapid
is often cognitively impaired drives increasing economic growth, entered the workforce before
long-term care costs and work force shortages. the bubble economy (1986–1991), and have just
Health promotion, disability prevention, and care for started retiring. The majority of women have par-
the cognitively impaired are important policy and ticipated in the labor force and have fewer children
research agenda. Immigration of foreign workers than their predecessors. These baby boomers, who
will be a controversial but important issue in long- will constitute the core of the older old in 2030,
term care industries as well as in other industries. are less likely than their predecessors to save money
So far, in contrast to European countries, Japan for future generations and depend on their adult
has not actively recruited foreign workers to health children. Their children, on the other hand, grew
and long-term care fields (Tsukada, 2010). Pension, up and entered the workforce mostly during the
health, and long-term care systems are continu- recession. These young adults are more likely to be
ously being reformed to adjust to ongoing demo- worse off, stay single, and have even fewer chil-
graphic, economic, and social changes. dren than their parents. Japan simply cannot afford
having older adults not working. In 2030, they
Emerging Issues will constitute one third of the total population
and can expect limited support from the working-
Community rebuilding and old age labor par- age population. Labor participation among older
ticipation have emerged as pressing issues, espe- adults is essential for sustaining the Japanese society.
cially in urban communities. The significance of
these issues lies in the historical and social contexts
in which current and future older adults have lived Disasters, Preparedness, and Community-Based
their lives. Support in Aging Societies
The end of World War II in 1945 is the largest The 2011 earthquake reminded Japan of its
historical event in Japan’s modern history. The traditional societal strengths, exemplified by the
total devastation of the country and the complete predominantly rural Tohoku district. Older adults’

Vol. 51, No. 4, 2011 429

wisdom saved numerous lives. Teachings handed areas throughout the country (and beyond) by
down from parents and ancestors prompted people multiple links of cell phones, social network sites,
to run to higher grounds immediately after the and Web sites. The Internet allowed geographi-
massive earthquake to escape a series of antici- cally distant people to contribute their unique
pated tsunamis. In the earthquakes that hit the resources and collaborate with people unknown to
same area in 1896 and 1933, many people were them. For example, the identified need for reading
killed by the second or third tsunami that was glasses among older evacuees activated a geo-
larger than the first one. Lessons from previous graphically distant network of eyeglass manufac-
disasters have remained effective in Tohoku, where turers to provide glasses. The social networking
teachings from old days are still valued. A mayor’s service utilization rates are lower among those
insistence on building a 15.5-m high levee ended up who are older (36% for 60+, 45% for 40–59, and
saving the whole village decades later. High costs 65% for 15–39 years), and Internet use remains
and political opposition did not sway his decision low in the oldest cohorts who are unfamiliar with

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based on lessons that he and his ancestors had typewriting or computer keyboards (58% for 65–
learned from previous tsunamis that had killed 69, 33% for 70+, and 19% for 80+ years; Ministry
hundreds of villagers. The resilience of older adults, of Internal Affairs and Communications, 2010).
who have endured prior natural disasters and However, future elders, who are current care-
World War II, impressed and inspired people givers of their older parents, will age with their
throughout Japan and the world. The media circu- Internet skills. The role of social media in emer-
lated images of older adults who remain active in gency preparedness for older adults will continue
farming and fishing, formerly Japan’s main indus- to grow.
tries. Partly reflecting its tradition that values work- On the other hand, the earthquake highlighted
ing, Japan has high labor participation rates among Japan’s emerging challenges. Total destruction of
older adults, especially the self-employed. Overall, many waterfront communities necessitates rebuild-
the rates for men were 50% for age 65–69 years ing. Whether to replicate old communities that are
and 23% for age 70+ years in 2007. The corre- familiar to their residents or to build completely
sponding figures for women were 24% and 9.4%. new ones is controversial. However, the disaster,
Many older adults want to work: 40% of workers although certainly tragic, provides opportunities
aged 60+ years wished to continue working “for as to rebuild communities in innovative ways that
many years as they can” (Cabinet Office, 2010). accommodate the “super-aging” society and pro-
The earthquake also revealed strengths of tradi- tect against the natural disasters that hit Japan
tional social relationships rooted in close family periodically. Building such communities will
and neighborhood networks. Social networks that require close collaboration among local govern-
encompass multiple generations within families ments, industries, health care providers, academic
and communities are sources of instrumental support communities, and residents.
as well as happiness and stress in Japan (Akiyama, The disaster was a wake-up call for urban
Antonucci, & Campbell, 1997). Elaborate emer- communities, especially those in the Tokyo Metro-
gency preparedness plans, which had been in place politan Area. Although not comparable to the dev-
in local communities and neighborhood mutual astating damages of the Tohoku district, most
aid systems, were effectively activated to facilitate people in the Tokyo Metropolitan area experienced
evacuation and coping. Close-knit community- the strongest earthquake in their lifetime, numerous
based social networks enhanced provision and aftershocks, fears of radiation, and inconveniences
receipt of social support. To preserve social sup- (i.e., lack of transportation, electricity, fuel, and bot-
port systems in earthquake-stricken communities, tled water). Japan’s economy, industries, culture,
local governments have relocated whole commu- and politics are highly concentrated in Tokyo. If a
nities as intact as possible. Beyond the disaster magnitude 9.0 earthquake hit Tokyo, the effects
areas, relief activities activated social capital would far exceed those of the Great East Japan
throughout Japan. New information and commu- Earthquake. Realizing the likelihood of strong earth-
nication technologies (e.g., the internet, twitter) quakes in the foreseeable future and the vulnerabil-
connected people in ways that are new since previ- ity of urban communities, Japan is reviewing and
ous disasters. Although Internet connection reenforcing its emergency preparedness at multiple
became unavailable in the hard-hit areas, spoken levels. Rebuilding broken social relationships, rein-
or hand-written information travelled from disaster tegrating isolated older adults, and encouraging

430 The Gerontologist

older adults’ labor participation are major chal- kimono fabrics can make modern art or fashion
lenges in rapidly aging urban communities. innovative and attractive. The marriage of new
technology and traditional wisdoms holds prom-
ise. Third, high labor force participation among
Conclusions Japanese older adults can provide insights for
Japan is enjoying the highest life expectancy in aging societies. Anticipating a society where one of
the world with relatively low health care costs (7.9% three people is aged 65+ years, Japan is implement-
of its gross national product spent on health care ing policies to encourage older adults to engage in
compared with 16% in the United States). Under the productive activities. Research using internation-
universal Long-Term Care Insurance System, people ally comparable secondary data listed in Table 1 is
aged 65+ years are entitled to receive long-term care enhancing our understanding of the interplay
if determined to have care needs. Despite this seem- among labor force participation, family support,
ingly rosy picture, Japan faces major challenges and health (Ichimura, Shimizutani, & Hashimoto,

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stemming from simultaneous population aging and 2009; Ogawa, Retherford, & Saito, 2010; Raymo,
population decline. Japan precedes other countries Liang, Kobayashi, Sugihara, & Fukaya, 2009).
in experiencing a “super-aging” society not only in Finally, the benefit of learning from other coun-
rural but also in urban communities. tries’ experience cannot be overemphasized. Each
Japan’s experience could provide lessons from country, however, should develop systems that
which other countries might learn. First, recogniz- suit its local systems and cultures. Japan continu-
ing population aging as a critical societal issue for ously learns from other countries and incorporates
the past two decades, Japan has implemented a foreign elements that would fit Japan. Efforts have
number of policies. For example, to contain sky- already begun to encourage comparative scholar-
rocketing long-term care costs, Japan incorporated ship and international exchange. For example, the
disability prevention services into long-term care U.S. National Academy of Science recently organized
benefits in 2005 (Tsutsui & Muramatsu, 2007) conferences among five countries: China, India,
and is exploring effective ways to maintain older United States, and Indonesia, the four most popu-
adults’ functional abilities and promote indepen- lated countries in the world, and Japan, the most
dent living. Such social experiments could inform aged country (
other countries, especially the Asian countries that AgingInAsia.html). The five countries’ National
are undergoing even faster population aging than Academies have produced two conference reports
Japan (e.g., South Korea). Second, Japan’s new on preparing for the challenges of population
community-building efforts present examples for aging, one published (National Academies, 2011)
other countries that seek to strengthen social rela- and another forthcoming.
tionships. For example, proposed postearthquake The Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 high-
rebuilding plans include temporary housing for lights the importance of community-based support
evacuees that incorporates elements of “engawa,” systems and emergency preparedness. Such sys-
an inviting space for social interactions with neigh- tems should incorporate innovation (e.g., new
bors or a long veranda that is partly inside tradi- technology) and collaboration of multiple stake-
tional Japanese buildings with sliding doors holders including older residents. Building on
protecting it from rain. Emerging urban neighbor- existing societal strengths may enhance the effec-
hood rebuilding efforts include incorporation of tiveness of new systems to prepare for the future.
traditional neighborhood customs into modern Although tragic, this earthquake provides an
apartment buildings, such as “kairan-ban,” weekly opportunity to understand how such a large-scale
circulated bound copies of information on com- historic natural disaster can impact people’s life
munity events and emergency preparedness plans. course and, in turn, how individual and collective
Neighborhood members check off signature boxes lives can affect societal responses to natural disasters
to ensure that everybody views the information. and population aging.
The pendulum is swinging back after people have
experienced isolating urban lives. A national con-
sensus exists that old social relationships that tend Acknowledgments
to suppress individualism would not work any- The authors would like to thank Yasuhiko Saito, Erika Kobayashi,
Satoshi Shimizutani, Jersey Liang, Joan M. Bennett, and Marshall H.
more. Creative rebuilding efforts, however, can Chin, as well as Rachel Pruchno, and two anonymous reviewers for their
incorporate old local customs, just like traditional helpful inputs and comments.

Vol. 51, No. 4, 2011 431

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